I will preface this that I do not have a source. It does indeed sound right on the money, but from the Yahoo Finance Boards last week this is from a director:
While we know that most of the BIG NEWS is being saved for the National Convention in August. (Did I mention it's just 43 days away?) The Travel Weekly Power List is out and YTB is Ranked #26 overall, and tied for the LARGEST GAIN of everyone on the Power list with $414.5 Million in Travel Sales.
You know I keep up with and posts this information on my blog. In fact, I think I was the very first to post a link to the report and additional information for you to share with prospects and team members alike.
Spread the word: YTB is a REAL Travel Company!
Sounds like the JV Coach to me! Maybe someone intimately familiar with Coach's Corner?
Have you ever noticed how many people within YTB feel the need to post something that would indicate that they somehow have the inside track? The video below is a prime example. " Look at me! I'm so special! My cousin's hairdresser's best friend washes Ted's laundry" or something like that. " I'm the first to post this info". What info?? Who cares??
ReplyDeleteI find it curious that wherever you go online all it seems that YTB does is justify their existence. This comes from the toip down when Ken Sorentson said that his goal was to make YTB legitimate in the travel world.
ReplyDeleteNow all the RTAs have the inside track (you are right) and everywhere they go it is defending YTB as not a scam. Scam or not, how tiring is it to keep defending a company that so few people have any respect for?
Now with this email, there they go again justifying YTYB--hey we DO sell travel. Tell everyone that we are not a scam and we DO sell travel. Must be a tough existence.
But the problem is that YTB encourages you to recruit and talk to the people only in the program. I saw a show with Scott Toomer and he actually said that if people don't "get it" there is really no reason to continue to talk to them. I am sure he was saying about the "opportunity" but subminimally I amsure it was the "if you are not with us you are against us" mentality. YTB truies to get their own people to socialize with only their own. Go to a local show and the room will be filled with mostly people in the program.
The dollowers of Charles Manson all thought he was a great man and the rest of the worlkd thought not. Some similarities i think
LOL it MUST be Doogie! He just thinks he is so important!
ReplyDeleteWell, the quoted comment in that thread is from Doug, but the commenter on the thread is not doug.
ReplyDeleteAnd after reading it again and again....I am curious what the big deal is?????
With sites like John's blog getting a lot of attention and John himself posting ALL over the internet, we have to go on the defensive. So, referencing the travel weekly standing is very important in making that case.
Having problems letting "Dougie" go?
ReplyDeleteI thought he didn't matter any more?
Guess you guys need something to talk about...so you have to shame someone who is proud of what his company has done.
This is Travel Weekly he is talking about, but noooo...Doug's some "yahoo" in YTB so he's fair game.
Maybe you TTA's should join "OA" (Obsessors Anonymous)
It's funny how we see John spinning all over the internet, and Doug just sticks to his blog.
None of you TTA's can stand him...so afraid...so angry...so torn...so needy to talk about someone behind his back.
Look up the word "etiquette" some time kids.
Of course Doogie sticks to his website. He's on a recruiting drive, because we know he isn't selling travel.
ReplyDeleteAnd now people can't even comment on his BS.
At least Jon has the balls to put his names to his posts. Like them or not. Doug and the other YTBers like the old Anonymous trick.
ReplyDelete"It's funny how we see John spinning all over the internet, and Doug just sticks to his blog."
ReplyDeleteDougie shut down his blog. And, this is the only site John has. Get your facts straight.
As for us TTA's being obsessed we have better things to do. We are just angry that Crotch has unleased, untrained, uneducated fools who have no interest in selling travel but to use the travel business for their own tax deductions and free travel. You have whored up the industry.
I guess that Mixed does read my posts and now thinks he can fool us by not using the YTB and Travel deal any longer. No fool, we still know it's you. What I find simply amazing is how you YTB cult members can be so foolish in believing everything you hear from corporate or some idiot with a blog promoting recruiting. You never see them promoting actual travel. I guess that's because they don't sell any. Have you ever seen a blog by just some plain old RAT that isn't recruiting?
ReplyDeleteHave you looked at Dougs latest blog? He links to another RTA who's blog is all about travel.
"Have you looked at Dougs latest blog? He links to another RTA who's blog is all about travel."
ReplyDeleteWho cares? Doug knows nothing about travel and shouldn't be in the travel business. He is getting rich and his down line isn't. Makes a lot of sense to support a guy like him doesn't it.
Just because Doug says it is so is not necessarily.
ReplyDeleteLook at that blog and tell me about the travel?
He covers two LAS shows and he is in town so not so much
Then it is about home based business
YTB Health Insurance
Another vegas show
some tips on how to get to the gate on time
and 7 rerasons to join YTB
Martha, baby . . .
ReplyDeleteJust got back from a great vacation.
Had a wonderful time.
I missed you SO much.
This blog is as boring as ever.
Certainly have not missed much.
But my Team grew by 7 RTAs while I was gone.
YTB and TRAVEL: A Great Mix!
You made me go read it and waste my time again! It's mainly about recruiting and the travel portions are copied and pasted material. I did find this to be apropos: website "Designed By Bad Credit Auto Loans"
ReplyDeleteDid anyone see this week's issue of Newsweek? Nice article on John's (sorry for spelling you Jon all this time)TRAVEL business. Not a mention of recruiting people or nothing!