Since my post the other day regarding the "opposing blog" not really supplying any valid information or answers, I have received a few emails commenting about a "break up" and a "fight" between the the blogger and myself. There was no such thing. A break up is what Elliot Spitzer and his wife are going to do over Ashley Dupree.
What happened was a disagreement. There have been disagreements since October and I anticipate that there will be more going forward. What I took exception to was that the posts on the blog had turned into personal and direct attacks. For instance, when I relayed a comment made by Vicki Freed, I was called a liar. The comment was accurate and truthful as it was told. My posts take the company and the Network Marketing industry to task. The other blog was replete with pointing fingers at me--to the point that I even had my own category. But, when I do it, somehow I am at fault?
I also found that the justifications and explanations were offering nothing of consequence. Re-posting info created and distributed by YTB is suspect. It has to be by definition. That's like asking your wife who is the best in bed. Of course the answer better be "you". But is that the truth? Possibly or probably not. Same thing with YTB. When you go to YTB to ask who is the best in the travel business, are they going to say Traverus? Traditional Travel Agents? I don't think so.
So I pointed out these issues and the fact that the blog is completely moderated. This one is not, as is evidenced by the rantings and ravings on both sides. I still strongly feel that unmoderated is the way to go. Allow some anonymity and it is a good thing.
So, if Doug feels there was a "big fight" or a "break up" I guess that is his issue with which to deal. If his feelings were hurt because I brought the issues to light; maybe a thicker skin might be in order.
I just received an email and it seems that Doug has blamed traditional travel agents for not moving up in the YTB food chain. I am not sure how he can come to that conclusion as it seems like a deflection to me.
I have no problem engaging Doug in the debate. I still think there is a way to co-exist. But as I have said before, not in the current incarnation of YTB. Arnie Weissmann suggested that they might survive by dropping the MLM side and by becoming a legitimate host. I think Arnie might be onto something.
I couldn't easily find where to submit a comment on Doug's rather self promoting blog, but I did enjoy the 'we're hiring' link, which I guess means we're recruiting cause there was no mention of paying ME for signing up. I also enjoyed 'Learn to be a travel agent' when all along I thought they called themselves 'referring travel agents'. Oh well. Your bothering them John, and that is a good thing. The truth hurts for many YTBers. I feel truly blessed by my loving creator to have had His guidance and been allowed to avoid YTB and all like them. Praise Be! Just picture it Now!
ReplyDeleteI have been saying it from the beginning. Doug no different than the average YTber. Just like Proud, just like Tom, they are all blinded. When called out, they resort to name calling, deflecting, or say call YTB if you want the answers. I knew from the time I saw the recruitment drive in Dougs profile that he wasn't worth even trying to debate. His blog is even more funny. Talk about recruitment drive. Things probably aren't going as well as he would like. But a YTBer would never tell you if they were failing, because the next great news is right around the corner. Just ask Doug, Tom and their other unidentified insider. I mean nothing about PHIL, nothing about the good ole DR., still months later. Silence doesn't make these issues go away, even though they would like to think that.
Eddie, you need to lighten up.
ReplyDeleteWhen I started YTB, I immediately became a Referring Travel Agent. I now have the opportunity to "learn to become a travel agent".
That's what Doug is referring to.
See Rod, and that is one point of contention. For $500 and $50 a month you "immediately" became a referring travel agent. That is such BS. You became a person that is renting a website. You became a person hoping to make a buck off of someone that might go to your rented website. You most certainly were not a travel agent--referring or otherwise.
ReplyDeleteThe only time you'll becone a travel agent Rod is when you dump YTB and work with a legitimate host. YTb COULD be legitimate but coach chooses not to because he'll take too big of a cut in pay. Till then....as John says, you are a website renter. Rather than 'lighten up' I think you need to be more serious.
ReplyDeleteI personally become offended each time I see a spam on Craigslist for "BECOME A TRAVEL AGENT." These people can't even distinquish a penny from a dime. Problems with a booking? Let the vendor handle it. Is YTB of any help with problems? No.
ReplyDeleteI read Doug's blog for the first time yesterday. It seems he's now frustrated under pressure and cannot accept the fact that YTB isn't all it's cracked up to be. He cannot answer questions that are serious matters concerning YTB's practices. He will still recruit though. Maybe YTB will buy him a Lear jet also.
Right you are about it being a point of contention because for $500 and $50 a month I indeed "immediately" became a referring travel agent.
ReplyDeleteI didn't need any specialized training to point people to my online travel website to purchase travel. I was given a training manual called a "YTB Toolbox" which taught me the nuts and bolts of being a "Referring Travel Agent". YTBs E&O covered all my online bookings.
Being a Referring Travel Agent is nothing more than converting prospective clients from booking with the highly advertised online travel websites to mine.
Becoming a "Traditional Travel Agent" is a goal for RTAs to acquire after professional travel training is completed.
Rod, you are a failure and a moron. You have not learned anything about the travel business in two years except what those with true experience, intelligence and knowledge have taught you on three forums now. You have learned nothing from YTB and you never will. You haven't sold dick to anyone in two years. Get a life, get a real job that pays real money and quit sitting in your jammies in front of a computer keyboard all day long trying to defending a loser scam that you have been proven wrong about a hundred times on every issue and you can't even pass off a sale to your Mother for God's sake. It's embarrassing and pathetic for you already.
ReplyDeleteRod, quit the bull already! You haven't completed any training in two years and you never will. You haven't sold anything in two years and you never will. You are the perfect example of a failure, kool-aid drinking YTB idiot. If this program is so fantastic, why haven't you done a thing with it in two years and wasted loads of money for no benefits whatsoever all that time?
ReplyDeleteDoes the word "FOOL" have any meaning for you pal?
The truth is I have completed some training and I am a failure so far. The program is fantastic as long you are smart which I have not been so much of. I'm getting smart.
ReplyDeleteDon't say that I haven't done anything with it because I have. Truth is I haven't produced a profit, yet.
My performance is commensurate with the training I have completed as well as how well I put that training to work. I have completed CRTA and CLIA. You call it bull. I say I'll make a profit when I smarten up.
The sad thing is ... according to all the numbers..your not alone in making nothing. Does that not give you a big giant wake up call?.
ReplyDeleteRod, In my first two years as a travel agent I was earning a decent wage and I wasn't paying anyone to do it. If you really want to be, and be considered, a professional you must wash yourself clean of YTB. Your failure is their profit.
ReplyDeleteThat's life. Congratulations. You did well in your first two years. I didn't. You know what? I've improved in a lot areas in two years.
People are unique. I believe we are created by a divine creator given strengths, gifts and talents. We all have to face trials in life. I have my share. I'm going through a few today. My trials are different than your trials. Some trials are man-made and some are the result of other powers beyond our control. So, before you judge my success with YTB, take all that into consideration.
See Rod thats where your wrong. We are not judging your success. Thats your own cross to bear. You should, however, be looking at it as "ok this is not working, i'm losing money, its been 2 years" and moving on. If you truly want to be a travel agent, and make money, then do it the correct way. Obviously the MLM way is not working for you. If I was working for a company and putting out more then I was bringing in, it would be a cold day in hell before I would stay. WHY do you remain so faithful to something that's giving you another trial in your life, when obviously you have enough of that already? Thats what I do not get.
ReplyDeleteOkay, Rod. It seems like you WANT to fail in the travel biz and YTB is the perfect medium to help you do that. I am very sorry for you. But, be happy, cause you are far from alone. Good bye.
ReplyDeleteEddie, I don't want to fail nor do I want anyone else to fail. People fail for a variety of reasons. I'm guessing you know of some who failed in the traditional travel business as well.
ReplyDeleteI am a sponsor to three RTAs in YTB. All three of them are losing money. It's not YTBs fault. I've watched them and helped them. All three of the people I sponsored are losing money because they are not smart enough and consistent enough to make it in the business environment. One guy I sponsored just keeps paying $49.95 every month and doesn't even work at making a profit. It's the most foolish thing I have ever seen in my life. The guy is a disablee vet and sits at home all day long. He has a laptop and internet, but won't work. He's just plain lazy. Laziness and business equals failure.
The other two people I sponsored have gone through the everyday trials of life that prevent them from being consistent. They are not lazy, just inconsistent.
Rod--that is a terrible tale for sure. You know my position from here, scam and the emails we have had back and forth.
ReplyDeleteAt both of the recruiting meetings I went to it was emphasized that you don't need to be smart to do this business. Scott Tomer even was proud that he had a s hour college eduction (something along those lines), so if indeed intelligence is required to run the business, they need to market it as such.
What I suspect is that intelligence is required to make it at the top. Those at the top are counting on those at the bottom to not be savvy enough.
Boo hoo. So your job is to aid and abet failures? That doesn't sound very rewarding but sounds very YTB. I am sorry you hooked up with the 3 people on earth who have problems and therefore cannot earn a living. Maybe some of that Xango stuff will perk them up? Out of 150,000 RTAs 90% fail. See, you've got lots of company, and misery does not have to look far does it.
ReplyDeleteRod, you full of nothing but lame excuses. Why anyone in life would choose to be a failure and continue to brag about it is interesting. It says much about you on a real psychological level.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you should try some professional counseling. It's pretty obvious to everyone that you need some help and need to make some real changes in your life and move on.
Since you are not capable or willing to do that on your own, get some professional help for yourself. Pull out the yellow pages and get some therapy.
Stop being a failure; stop embarrassing and humiliating yourself on three forums and get off your ass instead of wasting your time, money and life and stop the sniveling already. Get some real help. You seriously need it.
This is so pathetic to watch anymore.
Your comments might mean something to me if you weren't annonymous. As far as I'm concerned your words mean as much to me as hot air passing into the wind.
ReplyDeleteTelling someone to stop being a failure as if I enjoy it. Oh yeah, I like this so much I think I'll continue on for 5 more years.
Humiliating and embarrasing? How does that affect you?
Get some help? The kind of help I need isn't what you recommended. I agree I could use some help.
Rod. Quit your whining about all your trials especially when you create some of them.
ReplyDeleteYou act like you are the only person on earth who has and has had issues and problems.
Here's a news flash for you:
Everyone in the world has deaths, diseases, accidents and all sorts of crap to deal and cope with in their lives and they don't use any of them for being a failure or a loser! They cope and get dressed every day and go to work and earn a real living. Something you refuse to ever do.
Quit making excuses. Grow a pair and deal with it already! Your life is in your control no matter what comes from the outside to effect it. It's how you deal with it, makes changes and grow and cope that makes you a success or a failure. Guess we know which one you have chosen.
Here's a Kleenex. Now move on already!
Yeah you will continue to be a complete failure for the rest of your life let alone the next five years pal. That's pretty obvious to everyone but you. Lmao
ReplyDeleteExcuses, excuses, excuses. Now it's the excuse of the fact that some people post anon. That doesn't even matter because what we are saying is the truth and very apparent again to everyone except you. Cripes, what's the next lame excuse Rod? lol
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