Wanna know what everyone is reading? Here are the week's top 5 blog posts:
5. It Seems Like Yesterday
4. Rhode Island Refunds
3. Travel Training MLM Style--What A Crock!
2. TICO, The New Enemy
and the number one blog post of the week........
1. Travel Weekly Asks About Trip Whores
I want to say that one of the ways to get into your power team over night is to actually have a travel party and invite people that have already been talked to about YTB. This is no secret Sue, John or anyone else that thinks this is bull S&*^!! What is so hard to believe someone can get into there PT in one day or party this happens all the time. I just read the last blog entry and you all are the ones full of crap meaning you TTA's calling people loosers and all the above, funny how several YTB people are educated more than a trade for a profession...so who is the looser/s?
ReplyDeleteTravel Lisa you are so pathetic. Whoever anonymous is, come out come out...I am Kathy Perry and I personally joined under Sue Walsh. She obviously did not really tell where we are, and I say we, because I am one of the ones who joined her group...Also FYI she signed up first before any of us did, and I must say to all of you people who see fit to be so hurtful with the tongue, YTB'ers and TTA's it is so unecessary...I actually feel very sorry for the Sue Walsh in MD, because I guarantee you it is not my gal. I also have a TP set up for next week, and I am one of the people who signed up 3 already at SUE WALSH party. I want to get into my PT within the next week, and I don't tunderstand what is so hard about understanding that. I want to wish everyone a Hoppy Easter. I think you all are really sick and you should watch who you talk about...I am going to google Sue Walsh in MD and hopefully can get in touch with her and refer her to this site and go after all of you for slander if she can. Talking about someone loosing there job for being a liar...It is so obvious you TTA's STILL after obvious months on this blog understand YTB or its comp plan. SO you all toast to the Kool Aid because I sure don't drink that crap.
ReplyDeleteWOW I think all TTA's and YTB people, school teachers, doctors, or what ever the hell any of you are, and by the way who cares, "do you" whatever rocks your boat and makes you money, and quit being so worried about what everyone is doing, how much they are making, how they are making it, where people live, what they drive, where they eat, how they shower, where they shop...all of you need to get a life.
ReplyDeleteIt seems that the first two posts were from the same person. What is the dead giveaway? TTAs (which would be unknown to a newbie), and the misspelling of "loosers." Your pants are looser, and the poster is a loser.
ReplyDeleteI just read the blog from yesterday and how strange that Sue Walsh also spells loser as "looser." I would hate to have her teaching my kids. I wonder if she has made director at YTB yet?
ReplyDeleteTo the anonymous poster who said..... Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteWOW I think all TTA's and YTB people, school teachers, doctors, or what ever the hell any of you are,
While it may seem that the TTA community is upset or jealous that someone claims to drive this or that or live here or there, that really is not the case. It is an emotional issue for many and it may seem that way.
The issue is that YTB has come on the scene and decimated the industry. We have teachers here that cannot spell and they can now be travel agents--hope they can spell a client's name right. We have people that have been convicted of running a multi million dollar gambling ring and they too can be travel agents. We someone who is proud of the fact that she drives a "cocaine white" Bentley, and she can be a travel agent. (The issue is not the car, it is the fact that the color description was hers). We have a guy on here that is claiming to be a partial inventor of the internet who is unable to figure out how to work his own blog and he too is a travel agent. Toss in the thousands more that are just looking for a free easy ride..they too can be travel agents. All for $500.
The issue is that these schemes are ruining the industry. When you finally bail from YTB or when YTB bails on you (more likely), the folks that have been here for years will be dealing with the aftermath.
We will need to convince clients that we are indeed trained. We can spell their name. We do have knowledge of the various destinations and properties. That when we go on a FAM it is not short for FAMILY VACATION, and that when they entrust us with their money for an experience, we will do our best to deliver that experience to them and stand behind it.
YTB provides none of that. It is a classic pyramid scheme that has found a way to legally operate by using travel. The suppliers are not terribly opposed because they are seeing revenue.
My guess is (judging from the amount of business done with the low end (in cost per vacation) suppliers) that most travel is from the lower income brackets, and these folks likely could not or would not have afforded that cruise UNLESS they could rebate their commission. It has been proven that YTB is heavy on the self booking.
YTB's numbers support that and they also support that VERY few people in the program make any type of money. Sure there is the promise, but reality is a completely different story. almost a quarter million people last year earned nothing. Some earned a little.
Now if your intention is to earn $97 a year and invest $1200 and deduct it as a business loss--go for it.
If you read the title of this blog it clearly says "mlms and travel. A bad mix". So I fail to understand the hostility coming from YTBer on this blog. It's an anti-mlm blog. What were you expecting??
ReplyDeleteIf you are educating yourself about travel and the travel industry, and aren't causing more embarassment for agents as many mlmers have done in the past, then we don't really care which host or mlm you are with. However if you are one of those people who thought you could just pay $495 and instantly become a travel agent, then yes we have an issue with you.
This board was meant to be a meaningful exchange of ideas between both sides. However, it has quickly become just another trashfest like Travel Weekly. YTBers, if you can site some examples of what you have done to make a positive contribution to this industry, then we love to hear about it, and you're more than welcome to be here. Otherwise, please go back over to Travel Weekly where mudslinging is the standard. What the industry doesn't need is just another trashy exchange between mlms and ttas. That won't fix anything.
For the YTBers here who have a "day job" as a teacher, doctor, accountant - how would you feel if an mlm company flew into your profession, claimed how "easy" it was (after all there are internet sites and computer programs that do what you do) and went about ineptly muddying the waters with your students, parents, patients and clients.
ReplyDeleteIt's the same with us. YOU may not recognise it - but most of us have invested years in education - both formal and informal and have traveled to the destinations extensively - not on a vacation but on days that saw 6 hotel or 3 cruise ship inspections per day. Oh and our spouses and families did NOT accompany us. When we escort a group aboard a cruise ship - we are working the entire time - we aren't relaxing by the pool or lounging in the spa.
We are upset because by thinking what we do is "easy" and able to be bought, you are trivializing all the real work we do. How would you feel if people did that regarding your real profession.
As a TTA or someone in YTB, I personally am in YTB, so I am also one of those people who takes the trainings, and I have never claimed anything is easy, or I lounge by the pool, when I have done cruise inspections in Long Beach it was a work day and I did not take my family with me, I took a church group that actually booked with me. As for Cocaine White Bently that is a for sure "California or Hollywood term" not someone in YTB!!! Actually John Travolta always talks about his Cocaine White Bently...Maybe you East Coast people don't hear that term much, although Emnem the "white rapper" also uses that term as well...
ReplyDeleteI take my hat off to all of you TTA's as well as YTB people who are doing things right...BUT there are crooks in every industry, not just YTB. I personally want eveyone to do what they enjoy and quit all of the name calling and mud slinging...that is not necessary.
ReplyDeleteyou are a dunb ass, hopefully the Sue Walsh in MD goes after all of you for slander.
ReplyDeleteThere are probably 100's if not 1000's of Sue Walsh's all accross the US. Real or fake, her story sounds like something someone made up to make a point on a blog. It all comes to YTB sells websites and at least one Sue Walsh who says she is a teacher cannot spell and has poor grammer. What a revelation.
ReplyDeleteSlander? You mean this:
ReplyDeleteslan·der [ slándər ]
noun (plural slan·ders)
1. saying of something false and damaging: the act or offense of saying something false or malicious that damages somebody's reputation
2. false and damaging statement: a false and malicious statement that damages somebody's reputation
Where is the slander anywhere above? Please explain how anyone is damaging Sue by saying she is not a teacher?
Dund ass? I guess Sue must have been your teacher!
ReplyDeleteNot slander, they said she couldn't spell..this is true...look at you!
So wait, whomever posted that is slandering the real Sue Walsh - the one who is a "para-educator" in Maryland? It is slander to imply that she's a member of YTB? Is it damaging her reputation?
ReplyDeleteIs it damaging her reputation?
ReplyDeleteGood point. I guess it might be damaging only if she tells anyone!
I certainly think less of her because of it. I mean, I WOULD, if I knew just which Sue Walsh we were talking about.
how i read it is there is really a sue walsh and she didn't tell where she really lives because of all you people on here
ReplyDeletePlease explain the slander against the "real" Sue Walsh? What was said that is untrue or damaging to her? The "real" Sue Walsh is a paraeducator - so no lie or damage to her there. The only tinkg that could possibly be damaging is implying that she is with YTB.
ReplyDeleteAs to our "poster" Sue Walsh - who now says she is not really Sue Walsh in MD .....
By saying this, she has made it clear that lied from the first sentence of her first post - so if this is true (that she is not really Sue Walsh) then everything she has said must be taken as a lie, no?
If in fact, she is backpedaling now because she really is Sue Walsh and understands that she was stupid to post that on a public forum - then she is still a liar and everything she has said is suspect, no?
Further, if she assumed the identity of Sue Walsh a teacher in MD - thenit is she who may have slandered the real Sue Walsh ....
Who's to say that Sue Walsh might be a double agent? Perhaps even a TTA? One never knows.
ReplyDeleteSue Walsh is with YTB, it is the State where she lives that is false. I joined her team, and she is also in her Power Team. Don't hate all you fools.
ReplyDeleteBook Travel Now
click on travel!!!!!
So basically, you are agreeing that she is a liar?
ReplyDeleteSince you do admit that she is liar, you would be wise to try to see what else she lied about and whether you have thrown away your money.