Monday, March 3, 2008

Your Message of the Month!

Is there anything that does not need to be purchased with YTB? Most hosts will include something for the monthly fee. Not YTB it seems. At the Funshine, they were selling brochures from the suppliers. Tickets to the New York Times Travel Show were available to be purchased in the Back Office. Training is pay as you go. And now this:

Introducing the YTB Message of the Month* with SUCCESS program! When you sign up for YTB's special 12-issue subscription to SUCCESS magazine, you will receive an incredible audio message from YTB. The first message features the Founders of YTB sharing with you the exciting highlights of 2007, how they have laid the foundation for the future growth of YTB and much more! Don't miss a single message! You can only receive the audio CD by signing up through this special package offered by YTB and SUCCESS magazine. For only $29.95, you could be well on your way to succeeding in life and YTB! Go to or call 800.570.6414 and ask for the YTB special offer. In addition to this amazing offer, YTB has purchased a limited edition of SUCCESS magazine, which includes an 8-page spread on YTB plus the YTB Message of the Month. This limited edition cannot be found on newsstands and is only offered in your Back Office. You can purchase 25 magazines for $50.00 + S/H or 100 magazines for $150.00 + S/H. Once this magazine is sold out, there won't be any more printed. Order yours today!

OK, so you can get a CD of the founder's talking about the program for a $29.95 subscription. Then you can buy the SUCCESS infomercial magazine for $50 or $150? And what's the deal about "purchasing a limited edition"? Last time I looked at the magazine, there was VERY little about travel in there.

So really, what is the bottom line when it comes to expenses for a year of being an RTA? Initial fee, monthly fee, training fees, CRTA fee, CLIA fee, magazine fee, CD fee, attendance at the Funshines, attendance at the National Meeting, paying to attend local recruiting meetings, general overhead expenses, guess is that this is not such an affordable proposition when you figure the earning are laughable for most. The management and the top of the pyramid are doing fine. To the RTAs that are not, do you at least get a Christmas card and a thank-you note?

Here's MY Message of the Month: Brochures are free from suppliers and they pay shipping, admission to the NYT Travel Show is free for professional agents, SUCCESS magazine and SUCCESS FROM HOME magazines are advertisements (not legitimate magazines) and any editorial you might read is purchased--most people realize this.


  1. John,
    Thanks so much for this posting. My check is in the mail.

  2. To funny!! Add to the amount of time some of these folks put into YTB and the little to no return, and it's probably like working a 80 hour week making pennies.

    I know the couple relatives that I know in YTB are working their butt off, and making nothing. If they put half that effort into a real job they could actually make a living.

  3. Didn't John just mention in the comments section this weekend that it's easy for us to walk away from YTB with only $500 and $50 a month?

    There "no commitment"....

    Now he's telling us that we are selling supplier brochures that ARE free, and spending an extra $29.95 a month, when it's a year?

    Make up your mind buddy...You're worse than John Kerry....

    Flip Flop - Flip Flop - Flip Flop.

  4. Now they DO need to make money because the $124 Million from the RTAs this past year was not enough. (80K new RTAs paying $500 to join and 140K RTAs paying $50 a month to maintain)

    But most hosts will charge for specialized marketing materials and so forth.

    Selling tickets to a free show is a bit much.

    I guess the RTAs will need to determine if they see value in the monthly sermon from the Mansion.

    Interesting point about the magazines being all about the business opportunity and not the travel. I know several agency consortia/franchises (Amex, AAA, Carlson)all have travel magazines they send to clients--one would think if (and that is a big "if") YTB were interested in travel, they might have something like that.

    A d I also agree---I saw the SUccess magazines and they are just a print infomercial and I have to think that most people see right through that.

    I doubt that any RTA will discliose the expenses over a year--it would be interesting to see how much they pay to really see that the prpogram does not work. But I imagine only the RTAs that earn hundreds of thousands will be on this blog posting

  5. Reading Comprehension 101: I was talking about a personal commitment to the INDUSTRY, not your financial commitment to YTB.

  6. YTB puts on a great dog and pony show and gets everyone to believe that they too can make millions selling travel.The reality is very few make any money. The people that buy into YTB are throwing their money into a wishing well. Sad. Sadder still that YTB preys on those who believe the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

  7. This is stolen from another comment on another post, but I think it bears repeating.

    As I've said before, I certainly hope Coach appreciates your loyalty.

    After spending who knows how much to attend meetings, buy brochures, buy magazines, buy whatever YTB says you have to in order to be a success for the last 2 years (in addition to the initial $500 and the $50 a month)... And having been shown that YTB's programs are NOT exclusive, NOT one of a kind and easily either matched or beaten by any other travel outlet, they still insinuate that YOU are the problem. YOU are not working the business hard enough. YOU don't have the right attitude. That it's not YTB failing you, YOU are failing YTB.

    Yes, I hope Coach, Scott and Kim appreciate your loyalty.

  8. Isn't it illegal to sell tickets to a free event? How could they sell tickets to the travel show if they were free?? Even if it's not illegal, it's certainly unethical.

  9. Unethical--hey thats their middle name!

    Tickets are free to travel professionals. They cost to the general public. I bet that Kim was not done "legitimizing" YTB yet and the NYT did not recognize them as professionals so they bough consumer tickets at a discount and are re-selling them to the RTAs. Did they mark them up--who knows.

  10. There's a sucker born every minute. And apparently this company has found a way to keep them engaged and just filtering money to them.

  11. BUT JOHN!!! All of these "expenses" are tax deductible don't ya know which is good for their business!! That's what they'll tell ya if you say you can't afford to buy the "tools".

  12. Spinmeister:

    Is this magazine a required purchase?

    I didn't think so.

    And where did you get the idea that vendors were selling brochures at Funshine? They were giving away bags to carry all the brochures they were giving away.

    Attendance at the NYT Travel Trade Show was free upon presentation of a business card, $15 otherwise. There was an additional $20 fee for trade attendees admission to Friday's conferences.

    Regular price for Success Magazine - through their website - is $34.99 for 12 issues. The "limited edition" that you are confused about is the one that has an eight page feature on YTB. These are only available through YTB, and is an excellent marketing tool. Maybe Doug will send you a copy.

  13. We're back to a forum that reminds me of the blather from the women on the View . . . people who think they know something about a subject and when they open their mouths, ignorance is on display.

    Brochures were free at the Funshine Convention. Success Magazine is very affordable to those who want it. Here's a clue to all of the anti-YTBers and experts out there: Any brochures or tools that YTB creates are very affordable. They are high quality and they certainly don't break the bank. I just bought the latest version of the YTB Leaders Bulletin. It is the equivilent of 8 pages (8 1/2 by 11) full-color and very professional. Cost? 25 for $10 or 40 cents a piece.

    Contact your local Amway IBO (Independent Business Operator, as they call them) Ask them about the $10 cassette tape of the week. Or the team conventions that cost hundreds of dollars per attendee. Or the books and tape series that their Leaders sell for highly inflated dollars. They have a dirty little secret with their operation. The big money earners in Amway make more money on their personal "tools" then they make from Amway. NOW we're talking some money for a home-based business.

  14. LB you are one shrewd consumer, let me tell you.

    40 cents for a product that costs 7 cents.

    INCOME 2006
    Training programs and marketing materials 5,766,081

    EXPENSES 2006
    Marketing and selling 3,144,211

    The mark up on their marketing materials is 83.39%.

    Again, in terms of a percentage, this is a HUGE money maker for them.

    YTB almost made as much off the RTAs selling them magazines and flyers than they did in commissions from travel. Hmmm...imagine that.

    But it was WAY below the money made from selling the websites. Just a reminder, RTAs paid in $36.8 Million in Website fees and $5.7 Million in marketing materials and received a "commission" of $4.8 million

    Good ROI

    *Taken from 2006 financials

  15. "Is there anything that does not need to be purchased with YTB?"

    So what does this have to do with MLMs and Travel: A Bad Mix? Am I missing something here?

  16. YTBSCAM said...
    "I know the couple relatives that I know in YTB are working their butt off, and making nothing. If they put half that effort into a real job they could actually make a living."

    I'm one of those peoples who has worked my butt off and not making a dime. I joined YTB with a promise I could make a fortune and it was up to me. They told me to make a list of 100 people I know and make calls to them. I told my sponsor he should make the calls as I am too busy. They wanted me to go to meetings every week and bring somebody. Problem is the meetings are on Mondays and thats when American Idle comes on. I was told I could record it but I don't have a recorder because I used the $500 to join. So far I can't get anyone to join no matter how much I try. My friends wont talk to me no more. My sponsor dont help me no more even though I work my butt off. Dont join YTB becasue it didnt work for me. Im going to get a job at a real travel agency. So hah!

  17. Anonymous---while said in jest, I suspect that is much better advice than you realize!

  18. I stand corrected . . . It is 50 Leaders Bulletins for $10 or 20 cents a piece. Very high quality color printing on a heavy, glossy stock.

    I would like to see you print these for 7 cents a piece, John. The warning light just came on. Your tank is about to run empty on your anti-YTB rhetoric.

  19. Ib,

    Thats simple to reproduce at that price. Actually A TON cheaper to reproduce.

    I think the point is, why are they charging you for this stuff when your out there recruiting for them and making more money? Oh I know, you paying more money into their pocket. If you don't think they were making money off them, they wouldn't be charging. Grats on being ripped off yet again!

  20. ytbscam . . . Life must be pretty miserable for you to sit around and complain about such important matters. I lose no sleep at night knowing that YTB charges 20 cents for an 8 page quality brochure.

    You've proven to be an shrewd stock analyst and now a printing expert. How do you find time to keep up with these issues with your important assistant manager job at Hardees?

  21. Shrewd stock analyst that is RIGHT on the mark unlike you. Hows that stock looking right now? How long before you go below 90 cents? Not much longer. Hell I gave you a chance at below 1 its sinking sinking sinking. Nothing wrong with posting the truth.

    Printing expert? Any idiot can figure out what it costs to print off some figures on stock paper.

    Once again "You don't have to be smart to be in YTB". You have just proven that point again.

  22. Keep flipping burgers, scam. I'll keep cashing my checks from YTB. Six of them a month. I love seeing those figures printed on stock paper.

  23. "They wanted me to go to meetings every week and bring somebody. Problem is the meetings are on Mondays and thats when American Idle comes on."

    And yet, this person wants us to believe they were working their butt off! I wonder how much watching American Idol paid them.

    At least it was worth a really good belly laugh!


    I don’t think there’s a problem with reading comprehension. The problem appears that you want to play both sides of the fence here. Take a look at your quotes…

    This weekend you posted…
    “With most MLMs the participants must invest in inventory. YTB has no such requirement. All you need to do is give them $500 and $50 a month and you have all you need.

    In the same comment….
    With the Noni Juice, the Baskets, Candles, Cookware, Cosmetics, etc. you are much more vested in the company and the product than anyone in YTB is--because there is NO commitment other than the buy in.”

    You also posted….
    “I have a hell of a lot more than $500 invested im my business and it costs a hell of a lot more to run than $50 a month.”

    Now you’ve turned your position a complete 180 saying that we have all these expenses, including buying brochures from the suppliers? I know you think the odd’s of becoming President are as likely as making any money in YTB, but you really should consider Politics as a profession.

    PS – Why do you not know anything about Fun & Travel Magazine which provides insider knowledge about some of the best of the world's destinations from world class vendors. Showcasing the YTBTN online travel agency, articles feature company founders, RTAs, travel tips and trends, cruise and golf vacations, and the advantages of booking with YTB Travel Network.

    And have you gotten any “recruitment pitch” as yet on the Steals and Deals you signed up for? It’s been a couple of months now and not one word about how you just knew that Scott was going to send you something to join us as an RTA.

  24. Dude--never said Scott was sending me something and no there is no recruitment pitch in the Deals and Steals but when you link to the website there is. But that is fine.

    Comprehension? Not an issue. In my comments I am talking about people being vested in other MLM programs because they have to buy inventory. You don't and hence, you can walk away at any time--it says so in the agreement.

    What this post is about is the amount of stuff they try to get you to purchase..on top of the other contributions you have made.

    As I pointed out in 2006 the RTA group gave YTB $36.8 million and in return got $5.7 million. YTB does a great job of retaining people because the carrot is always just ahead. If you just buy this CD it will tell you all you need to know to get to the next level. If you attend one more Funshine you will be an expert. If you come to a Red Carpet Day we will show you the secrets of wealth. If you recruit just 10 people you will be making big bucks. If you just give me $10 to attend the demonstration of the program you are already in, you will be well on your way to riches.

    YTes other organizations sell their marketing stuff, but it is not at the mark up of YTB. It is basically a pass through expense. I Was with a consortia that would send a monthly glossy magazine (similar to the Sunday newspaper magazines in length) to 1000 clients for $250 including bulk postage.25 cents a piece.


  26. Now that is an impressive use your debate skills. Bravo to Traversus--I bet they are so proud of you for letting everyone know how professional they are!

  27. "there is no recruitment pitch in the Deals and Steals but when you link to the website there is. But that is fine."

    Since when is there a recruitement pitch on our Booking Engine? All links for the Steals and Deals go to our Booking Engine John.

    By the way, we have over 6 Million subcribers to Steals and Deals now.

    As to your "spin" on investing on this, that, and the other...

    Now I'll feel guilty for going to a Level 2 Directors Million Dollar home tonight instead of sitting at home watching American Idol.

    Guess I need to listen to and think long and hard about where my money and energy is focused?

    Maybe I need to find another CPA too...I'm "told" these marketing materials are legitimate "business expenses".

    Who knew?

    PS - Big Ben just signed an 8 year $100 Million contract with my beloved Black and Gold!


  28. " By the way, we have over 6 Million subscribers to Steals and Deals now. "

    LOL - 2 million of them are from old hens trying to "discover" the hidden agenda of ytb . . .

    LOL - Too funny . . .

    What the lake levels like Doug?


  29. "LOL - 2 million of them are from old hens trying to "discover" the hidden agenda of ytb . . ."

    Hardly. There aren't anywhere near 2 million TTAs. Quality vs quantity, Tom, quality vs quantity...

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  31. "LOL - Too funny . . ."

    Is this the only line this dipstick ever uses?

  32. I got your dipstick . . .


  33. Well, I've seen your comments over and over and couldn't help myself. I am a YTB RTA. My comment to your message is - I don't need to buy all the extra fluff. The business is too simple and doesn't need to be complicated. A business owner chooses to purchase material and go to the events he/she chooses. You seem to scrape the bottom of the toilet sometimes to create a hype on your dislike to YTB. I actually think YTB should hire you as a slap stick comedian for their convention because your stuff is so absurd it cracks me up at times. Keep up the good work at providing the humor. You may not realize it but your input actually has a reverse effect on your intent. Reading your absurdities makes me realize the good choice I've made.

  34. SD---thanks and welcome! Please make sure you let them know I would be thrilled to speak at the convention!

  35. Bottom of the toilet! That's where the news on YTB is, Martin?
    Travel sales are only simple if the pax actually never gets out of the house. Obviously you don't sell too much of it. That's really the best for your customers in the long run.
