Back in December, I posted 21 things that I still had not learned about YTB. Shortly thereafter, a Coach's Corner Member who hosts another blog, embarked on a mission to answer my questions on a one by one basis. What began as a legitimate effort has morphed into a daily personal attack. When one can no longer adequately debate an issue, this is typically the response. When I began this post, he was up to #13 and had provided no real answers; most are nothing more than regurgitations of previous "answers". Now it seems he has migrated to the latest "get rich from YTB in 30 days program". The blogger notes the lack of comments and then takes that as an indication of a job well done. Not so much.
Once you cut through the fluff, the answers (or lack of them) become evident Here is a sampling:
- I asked about the need for a 12 page compensation plan. He whittled it down to 4 pages and said that the compensation plans of Vicki Freed, Microsoft and BellSouth were also lengthy documents. Well, I would hope so, they are profitable companies and the average employee earns more than the $297 YTB pays their reps on an annual basis. However, he did not address that the document is carefully worded for legal compliance, yet craftily worded to create confusion to those that might fall under its guises. Smoke and mirrors.
- I asked about the $226 million in verified sales. The response was a series of snippets from YTB justifying and legitimizing the numbers. There was no real documentation provided and the closest he came was a quote from Vicki Freed saying that YTB had sold "millions" with Carnival. Sales is a very easy number to come up with for ANY organization. Well, easy for all but one.
- I asked about the de-emphasis on training at the annual convention. The response was he could have spent three days training for travel. Perhaps. But he also could have spent three weeks training on recruiting methods. The travel training classes were, by far, the minority. I did not count them, but if they amounted to more than 25%, I would be surprised.
- I asked how RTAs can collectively pay $79 million into a program and only receive $9.3 million in return on their investment. Again, there was no real answer other than to say that commissions are not realized until travel is fulfilled. Well I am glad that his three year industry veteran status is paying off. Are we to assume them that there is at least $69 million in outstanding commissions? Back calculate that number and you get $115 million owed to YTB. Translated that means YTB ought to be showing sales of $1.15 BILLION this year. More smoke and mirrors.
- I asked about the sale of stock by the executives. The answer was that executives of all companies sell stock. He even referenced some sales by Sabre and Royal Caribbean executives. The difference is that the executives of those companies did not sell the majority of their positions and they were not the founders! The stock has gone from $9.50 to under a dollar in 6 months!
- I questioned the competence of the YTB employees during the cruise sale. The answer was that there was some undisclosed information I needed to provide to unlock the travel mind at YTB. Apparently, they are not allowed to talk unless they are given an active RTA number. But there is a big discrepancy if that number is to be public knowledge or top secret information. Regardless, YTB encouraged people to call to book cruises on one day in November and when they did, they likely were not able to be helped.
- I asked why when Reps or RTAs are questioned or challenged, a standard response is, "you just don't get it"? Well, his response was essentially, "you just don't get it" followed quickly by, "it will come in time". Another top shelf answer.
- I asked about how RCCL and IATAN were "misunderstandings". This answer really baffled me. It was the story of someone locking their keys in a dark house. Then there was discussion about Bermuda, Bahamas, Guam and American Samoa followed by a comment that IATAN was unimportant as was Royal Caribbean. I think that remains to be seen.
- I asked about how airline tickets were booked. More smoke and mirrors. The answer referred back to the dubious Power List once again which showed some ARC sales, but at one point, it was explained that there was another company included on the power list under YTB that should not have been included. Must have been an errant glean. I asked a simple question--whose ARC report do the air transactions get reported on and there was no answer supplied.
There are quite a few more questions to go, but based on the responses so far, I do not hold out much hope for any real type of explanation--so little that I probably will not even bother to check back. I certainly am not entitled to any explanations either. But I do have the right to ask the questions.
Since I refute all of his "answers" as provided; I will likely keep asking questions. Smoke and Mirrors is all that seems to come from this company and their minions--I wonder if that is on the training schedule for this year's convention?
As to the other blog..well he can continue with the circuitous answers, oddball stories and the errant plug for some motivational guru. There will be no dialogue of any meaning on that blog simply because the author has exercised his right to moderate comments and delete those that do not further or agree with his his position. Have there been errors on this blog? Of course and they have been corrected. Have any comments been deleted? Yes--two! One when a RTA made 30 identical comments in succession (all were deleted except the first one) and the other was when a "director" asked me to remove the RTA number of a member of his downline. I am not afraid of the criticism (as some appear to be) and the comments will remain open and unmoderated. Freedom of speech is a good thing.
In closing, just a comment to the RTAs and Reps that are reading this. Put all of the BS aside and ask yourself why you got into this (or any) business? Is it safe to assume it is to make some money? The next question you need to ask yourself is simple: "Are you?" Look at the percentages! They don't lie.
I don't think so, and in the meantime the efforts of YTB, TraVerus, GTI and the others are doing nothing but dragging an industry down while the top pyramid squatters enjoy the fruits of your labors! Think about it!
Looks like we both agree what a pointless task this was for you and the other Traditionalists John.
ReplyDeleteInteresting how we both came to the same conclusion.
I've been trying to tell you this for awhile John. Doug is just another one of the minnions of YTB. He is no different. Has no replies. I mean once he said he had to confir with Tom on "the latest breaking news from YTB", and one unidentified person, I knew right then and there, that I was correct.
ReplyDeleteI think Doug needs to stay out of the tanning salons, the sunburn is getting to his brain.
Poor Doug got his feelings hurt! He quickly posts something and says--oh look I thought of it too.
ReplyDeleteI don't see it as pointless at all. If he is asking hard questions, and pointing out the downfalls of the MLM programs--it's all good!
Why not focus your attentions on recruiting and see if you can come out of the corner.
The difference between these two blogs (yours and Johns) is that yours is purely defensive. You have yet to take an original stand and have merely been defending the YTB model. Doesn't it get old after three years? You take one of John's original posts (inflamatory as they may be) and defend it. Or you take some words provided by YTB and use that. And when John comes up with a point you cannot defend...
RTAs paying in and not earning
Stock Performance
shall I go on....
you ignore or call names. It was funny, after several irrefutable posts beginning with the post about the lack of interest on the RTA side about Mancini's seminars--you all of a sudden turned you blog into a "John Sucks" site.
And then you have the balls to come over here and accuse John of being "classy" or whatever the term you used was?
Go Doug go. I expect that now that YTB has given you the tools, you will be a director in 15 months and might even get an invite to the birthday bash next year.
Doug buy up your stock now! 79 cents...didn't take long for it to dip below 80 now did it? Your OVERVALUED stock is sinking fast fast. Pretty soon it will be only half of the cost of a dollar menu item at McDonalds.
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't very long ago that I said it was worth the same.
Doug - (and others)
ReplyDeleteGreat post this morning and another refutation of John Freneye's obsession with YTB. I'm sure the mental giant ytbscam and and the insider who blows did not read your post. They just regurgitated their latest anti-YTB/MLM talking points.
We will happily keep doing our thing while the traditionalists and their mouthpieces whine and complain. You would think that both business models could co-exist, but those on the TTA side don't take kindly to the new kid on the block.
While ytbscam obsessed over the price of YTB stock this weekend, my YTB team grew by 9 RTAs. I was personally involved in enrolling 3 of those.
They are happy about sending their friends and families to their booking engine and tapping into home business tax deductions. One that signed up on Friday night already had a friend book at Las Vegas trip on his site for $1100 on Saturday. They are happy to pay their $449.95 and $49.95 per month. They have 5 days to decide if they made the right choice. And I bet not a one of them changes their minds this week.
Leila--such a mouth! You must resort to calling people names? I thought folks in the south were more refined and mannerly.
ReplyDeleteJohn, you did your fair share of name calling too, so quit being the pot that calls the kettle black.
Go read Doug's blog! He is absolutely right.
Proud -
ReplyDeleteYou are absolutely right. People need to read Doug's blog.
John's post today was totally "Clintonesque".
ReplyDeleteProud--I would bet that most people can see through the crap. But you all are betting on the ones that don't. I am merely pointing out the fact that (although a low wager game) this might not be the best bet for most people to take.
Leila--how is my post today any different than the many posts Doug has made in the past--other than the fact that on my blog I will allow you to say what you want and on his he denies any opposing opinions.
John -
ReplyDeleteI will give you that one. You let people post on your site. It's the only reason I come here is to respond and give the other side.
Out of curiosity . . . What's with the "Leila"?
Obviously this whole blog riles up the YTBers. Good work John.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear more koolaid was poored this weekend, but if LB gets his cut of the 30.00 commission than that justifies it. His new RTA paid 548.00 to earn what?
With YTB, as all mlms, it's not about the customer, it's not about the product, it's about what the downline can do for the upline. Travel and MLM's are a bad mix.
eddie -
ReplyDeleteDon't be so obvious with your ignorance. I had a very good weekend, thank you. You drank beer while listening to your Larry The Cable Guy CDs.
The 3 new RTAs I worked with never had a business from home prior to YTB. Starting this weekend, they will get to keep more of their hard-earned money from their traditional jobs. They get to tap into the many tax deductions that are available to home business owners.
A great business decision by all. Any time taxpayers pay less taxes, it's a good thing. Spend $50 a month to get back $300-500 per month . . . no koolaid here.
ReplyDeleteYou are failing to see the big picture. You are stating that in the earnings report, there were many REPs who didn't make money by the end of 07. You are leaving out the fact that on 07, YTB had a great influx of new REPs who have not yet been trained on how to build their business. In 07, my team was building so fast, it was making my head spin. It is truely like a snowball rolling down a mountainside. Once it starts, there's no stopping it, and as it rolls, it grows larger. Now, bonuses are being paid out over 30 a month! This means that YTB is still growing, and I could honestly say that many of those who didn't rean mch in 07 have received their first leadership bonus this year. Last week, a woman on my team called me. She was one who was struggling at first. Well, she just received her first leadership bonus. She was full of so much excitement because it came at a point where she really needed the cash. Why did she call me to tell me this? Well, I was the one who drove out of state to talk with her and her prospect (now an RTA/REP) face to face about YTB.
As far as seeing crap goes, I feel sorry for those who believe the crap you are spewing for your own personal gain. Your ego is writing checks you can't cash.
YTB continues to grow larger, and picks up new suppliers in the travel industry. YTB was #35 in world travel and #11 in leisure travel in 07. By the end of 08, YTB will most likely be #17 and #6 in these catagories. Now, the only way to be on Travel Weekly's charts is to sell travel. Here's a newsflash for you John. YTB SELLS TRAVEL!!!
Where does your company rank on Travel Weekly's list? Are you even on it?
Eddie, you are confusing us with Amway where each month a rep has to start over from square one. Each month, the downline starts new. This leaves their reps drawing for straws while the big CEOs rake in the dough.
ReplyDeleteAt YTB, the downlines don't start over. It starts and grows to infinity. Once a person s a power team leader, they are locked in. Once a person becomes a director, they are locked in. there's no going backwards... no worry about having to start over (like with Amway). I know people who were in Amway, and they hated the "reset button" mentality.
Proud, I am not on the TW list. Nor are you. YTB is on there, but you are not, so your question is idiotic at best. I also did not glean numbers and submit them.
ReplyDeleteYour response to the YTB report is becoming all too typical. Travel sales do not materialize and the answer is --wait till next year because commission is not earned till traveled. Now you are saying that 246K people will be making oodles of money in 2008. What will the excuse be in 2009? If there is a 2009? I already know the answer for the travel sales not making the numbers--"our clients book far in advance and you will not see commissions for 2007 sales till 2009."
Just put it off and deflect.
Can you please let me know what my own personal gain is in this? IF you know, please clue me in. I spend maybe an hour a week posting and then I comment as I can. Personal gain? Not that I have seen, but if you want to send a check...one that I can cash please...feel free!
"Doesn't it get old after three years?"
ReplyDeleteNo, because they are a cult and are brainwashed. MLM addicts if you will.
As to this comment above:
ReplyDelete"We will happily keep doing our thing while the traditionalists and their mouthpieces whine and complain. You would think that both business models could co-exist, but those on the TTA side don't take kindly to the new kid on the block."
The business models can't co-exist because:
1) You are not professionals. You are only in it for the perks, freebies and discounts. This was evidenced LOUDLY at cruise360. I ran into tons of YTB and NOT one of them was interested in being a professional. Several told me they were only in it to book travel for themselves. Others were in YTB and other MLM's thinking they were going to make loads of money. One lady actually had the gall to tell me she has never had a "real" job and did this on the side and collected assistance from the government.
Anyone in YTB is a piece of work and a disgrace to the industry. The suppliers are disgusted with you as are the rest of us. We will never co-exist. And, believe me we are not jealous of a bunch of pandering, sniveling, freebie snatching idiots who think they are professional travel agents without doing the work.
Thanks for confirming just who benefits at YTB Proud. You. And by the way, I'm not on the power list either but I sold more travel in 2007 than about 50,000 of your RTA's put together. And I don't have to add in website sales, etc to do it.
ReplyDeleteMaxine -
ReplyDeleteFeel better now?
You are a perfect representation of the TTA industry. Full of yourself and your wonderful "professionalism" that ranks right up there next to God himself. And you get a perfect Five Star rating on the name calling, Miss Priss.
I have 21 former TTAs on my Team. They love their YTB businesses. They would chuckle at your characterization.
Keep speaking up for the TTAs, Maxine. It's quite enlightening.
"but if you want to send a check...one that I can cash please...feel free!"
ReplyDeleteI figured you would be asking for a handout John.
John, every month we receive a new BIZ Report. Every month people are receiving their leadership bonuses. Every month, the list gets larger and larger. Every month, new names are added to that list!!!
John, I didn't ask if YOU were on the TW list. I asked if your company was, and where do they rank??? I never said I was on the list. I said that MY COMPANY was on it.
You stil have a reading and comprehension problem, don't you???
Suppliers are disgusted with us??? Who (besides RCCL and Perillo)? The suppliers I talk with on the phone always commend me on my profesionalism and knowledge of the industry. I receive e-mails personally from suppliers... not just through YTB.
The suppliers are setting up conference calls and webinars with YTB to train YTB's RTAs. Does this sound like they are disgusted? Absolutely not! If they were disgusted, they would be pulling out.
Stop with your bogus statements Maxine. You're just as bad as John and Eddie.
Eddie, I benefited? I absolutely did not. This person I helped was not part of my main team. She is a few levels down in my downline. What was my pay for helping her receive her leadership bonus? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! Well, it is another 4% residual for me.
ReplyDeleteYou just don't get it Eddie. I don't care who they are, where they are in my downline, or even if they are in my downline at all. If someone comes to me stating that they need help, I will ALWAYS help them! If they are part of my immediate team (who I signed personally), I get a 50% match. If they are further in y downline, I get 4% residual. If they are not a part of my team at all, I earn nothing. I still help them! It's not about the money for me. It's about helping people. If I get money along the way... great. If not... so what.
If anything, it was more of a business expense for me to do this. I had to pay for fuel for my car. I had to pay tolls. I had to pay for my hotel and food. At least i get to write it off at the end of the year.
"You are a perfect representation of the TTA industry. Full of yourself and your wonderful "professionalism" that ranks right up there next to God himself"
ReplyDeleteAhhh but its ok for the YTB/MLM agents to call names and spew nastiness. Because we all know that the YTB agents NEVER resort to that...and they are always so professional? Don't give the TTA crap when you all do the same thing.
BTW... just like Ibtravel, I also have a good number of ex-traditionals in my downline. I personally signed up 2 of them. They all love YTB!!!
ReplyDeleteName calling???
ReplyDelete"You are a perfect representation of the TTA industry. Full of yourself and your wonderful "professionalism" that ranks right up there next to God himself"
That's funny. I don't recall seeing any of these words in the above statemtnt:
I think that was quite a professional and polite way Ibtravel stated this. Would you rather have him say, "What makes you think you are so Damn perfect?"
(just a statement folks. I wasn't actually askingg that question)
They are not TTAs Proud/Lb, they are RTAs and probably just as good as the 90% of the other RTAs.
ReplyDeleteI have work to do. TTFN.
Lisa -
ReplyDeleteYou can be very reasonable at times. I suggest you re-read Maxine's post.
Someone full of herself - that's my "good friend from the other side of the aisle" - Maxine.
Keep putting it out there, Maxine - you will reap what you sow. That's how life works.
Eddie said...
ReplyDelete"They are not TTAs Proud/Lb, they are RTAs and probably just as good as the 90% of the other RTAs.
I have work to do. TTFN."
Eddie, The people we are referrin to used to be TTAs BEFORE joining YTB. BEFORE!!!!!! HELLO!!!! Now they are RTAs because they are in YTB.
I'd like to order a #3 with a coke Eddie. Could you supersize that for me? Thank you
Ok I understand why the YTBers are offended by some of the comments made on this blog. I don't know any of you personally so there is no reason for me to attack any of you. But let me ask you a question...
ReplyDeleteIf you are really serious about being in the travel industry why stay with YTB? The commission split is much lower than you get with a traditional agency, and if you are really good at recruiting outside agents, you could be making a heck of a lot more than you are with YTB. I don't care how big YTB is, what kind of plane the Coach bought or what kind of kool-aid he drinks. But I would think that as much as you guys claim to be business people you could see that you could make more on your own than you do with YTB.
Proud--I just figured since you were all about offering handouts because of the millions you earned with YTB you may want to share the wealth. :)
ReplyDeleteI am my own company Proud. So no I was not on the TW list. You are also your own company Proud and you are not on the list. The difference between you and me is that I am not afraid to tell you my name and company. I am not a coward.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't accusing LB of name calling, I was commenting on the fact that he/she was chastising Maxine for doing so, when in fact so many of the MLMers/YTBers do it on here daily, yet nobody says jack-shit to them. Sorry.
Basically its ok for them to do it to others, but not ok for us to do it? That was my point. I do not condone the name calling at all...but I also do not appreciate calling the TTA's out on it, and saying nothing when your own brethern do so.
anonymous -
ReplyDeleteIt is called "leverage". I get paid on the travel that I sell at a 60% commission rate. I know I could go to another host and get a bigger percentage.
I get paid on my own travel AND I get paid overrides on multiple RTAs. No - our sales averages do not come close to the travel booked by a TTA, except for our former TTAs. But the overrides add up in a big way.
I'll take the 60% and the leverage.
Lisa, if you recall, there were quite a few topics where I did comment back to a "brethren" ytber who did some name calling.
ReplyDeleteI see name calling from both sides and agree it has to stop. It's amazing how one person... wherther an RTA or a TTA exclaims how "professional" someone is when they name-call... and then either a few posts down, or on another topic entirely, the one who is complaining about the name-calling is actually the next person to be doing it.
I admit that I too was guilty of the name-calling bit. although I didn't start it until after I was attacked, I know it was still wrong.
John, no can do. You are not a charity, so you don't get any handout.
ReplyDeletelb calls TTA's names-no problem.
ReplyDeleteProud calls TTA's names-no problem.
Cruisinman and the rest call TTA's names-no problem.
You guys can dish it out, but you can't take it.
How many times have you yelled we are jealous? When you hear it a trillion times no wonder we get hot under the collar. It is not true so quit saying it.
Suppliers-They all say off the record YTB how they really feel. You guys are like the oil companies we have to fill our tanks but we don't have to like you.
As for co-existing, when YTB becomes a legitimate host and drops the down line, those who are not serious and just in it to make millions and travel for free then maybe can we co-exist. I don't see that happening in this lifetime.
"Suppliers-They all say off the record YTB how they really feel."
ReplyDeleteYep...thanks to Doug and his documenation we know that on October 22, 2007 Arnie Wiessmann described how over 8000 RTA’s flooded our Funshine Travel Training which had suppliers “gushing” about what YTB is doing concerning travel. (However, none would be willing to go “on record” for fear of the backlash they would get from Traditionalists in the market.)
But Doug's just a YTB Yahoo...
It's just spin...
You guys ARE pethetic...
I wouldn't be very proud of selling YTB memberships to anyone. It's unethical. It does however confirm that YTB is not in the business of selling travel. So some dolt spends $500 and gets a booking for $1,100 the same day. Wow! They made about $75 back from that $500 and I am also discounting the $50 per month fee.
ReplyDeleteDoug's answer was truly astonishing. I don't think I need to elaborate any further.
Maybe I did not ask the right questions...
ReplyDeleteI understand that if you are in YTB that you earn a percentage of everything that your downline makes. But I earn a percentage of everything my independent contractors make and I keep 100% of everything I make, so in the end, you can make more as a traditional agent than you can trying to be a legit agent with YTB. However if you are not interested in being in travel but only interested in selling websites than YTB makes sense. So what I don't understand is why anyone who really wants to be in the travel industry would hook up with YTB.
This blog was started to because there are so many people in travel mlms that are claiming to be travel agents that don't know crap about travel. I don't care how much money you make. I only care about how much money I make. The issue is, and has always been, that travel mlmers are ill trained to be travel agents, and therefor cheapen the industry. With over 100,000 YTBers who have generated zero income in the last year, can you really make the argument that your company is successful??
"Yep...thanks to Doug and his documenation we know that on October 22, 2007 Arnie Wiessmann described how over 8000 RTA’s flooded our Funshine Travel Training which had suppliers “gushing” about what YTB is doing concerning travel. (However, none would be willing to go “on record” for fear of the backlash they would get from Traditionalists in the market.)"
ReplyDeletePigs fly too.....
Doug is making money or is he? The average RTA is not. So, why would you work it. Doesn't make sense.
ReplyDeleteI did not look at the column to verify, but I thought it was 6000 RTAs and I don't recall the "gushing"
ReplyDeleteIf suppliers are fearful about offending the TTA's does that not say something to you all? Maybe..just maybe they are not quite sold on the scheme? Maybe they are not sure of the longevity of such a scheme? Maybe they are just using you for the time being? Maybe they hold the value of the TTA's in higher esteem?
After all, if the TTA model was dead as you like to think in your fantasies, why would the suppliers just cast off the TTAs entirely and just strictly deal with MLMs?
And people wonder why nobody goes to Dougs blog. The reason being his blog is like every other YTB zealot out there. Its the same, lines, the same promises of riches, the same BS that every other YTB blog out there has. There is no difference.
ReplyDeleteActually the truth is short and sweet and has the same lines and promises. This site is BS. If Doug site is BS then try to prove one thing he says on his site as inaccurate.
The above poster made a great comment if the TTA was dead in the water then why do the supplier still court us? Why do they bother?
ReplyDeleteBecause they want to have their cake and eat it too. Suppliers don't care where the money comes from folks. Only the TTA's do. YOU want it all and when a supplier like Vicki Freed say she supports Travel MLM's you hound her like she's a trader.
ReplyDeleteDid anybody notice she deleted all her comments on her old blog because you TTA's were so vicious?
MLM's make them a ton of money folks, and that's what none of you seem to be able “glean”.
Yes, suppliers like you, but they also like YTB.
Okay, so I was at cruise3sixty as well ... was talking to a gentleman as we were waiting for a ship inspection and he was telling me he used to be with a host but books direct now because the host was a crock of sh**, and then he tells me he used to be with YTB ... so, yes YTB might have some old TTAs signed up, but YTBers are also converting to become TTAs. They are realizing they can make MORE money without YTB. You know, making 10% of your downline's travel bookings doesn't do you a damned bit of good if they aren't actually SELLING TRAVEL.
ReplyDeleteThroughout cruise3sixty there were several YTBers that freely admitted that it was all about the freebies, not about servicing clients or growing their TRAVEL businesses. And it still amazes me to run into YTBers that don't realize (still!!) that they cannot book RCCL/Celebrity/Azamara through YTB, that they've lost their IATA number, cannot get IATAN cards, etc.
And as for the earlier remark that TTAs want "all the money" for themselves, that is assanide. What we want is for people to not call themselves travel agents (with or without "referring" or attached to their title) because they are NOT travel agents, and do not sell travel.
And this isn't only about YTB, but also GTI, and others (they just aren't publicly traded, so their info isn't a matter of public record).
just another ta said -
ReplyDelete"Throughout cruise3sixty there were several YTBers that freely admitted that it was all about the freebies, not about servicing clients or growing their TRAVEL businesses. And it still amazes me to run into YTBers that don't realize (still!!) that they cannot book RCCL/Celebrity/Azamara through YTB, that they've lost their IATA number, cannot get IATAN cards, etc."
The spin machine is out of control . . . PLEASE! I'm sure the YTB agents were just bearing their soles to you. I'm sure that "several" of them confided in you, a trusted TTA, as to their innermost thoughts. Probably gave you their social security number and the 3 digit codes on their credit cards as well. They just could not help themselves, those YTBers!
Your comments are WAY too convenient.
Maybe they aren't the brightest YTBers out there, but they were talking up the "perks" of joining YTB (my guess, they were trying to recruit, dunno). It's amazing how some will talking when you pretend that you are interested in what they have to say...
ReplyDeleteOn another note, has ANY supplier every named YTB their "agency of the year"? Just curious....
Regarding the "ton" of money. Yes, MLM does make money for the cruise lines, but I am not sure it is a "ton" as you suggest. RCCL seemed to do fine without the $13M YTB claims to have booked with them. Could they have used it? Sure. Are they desperate for it? Not at all. Just as any agency does not need particular clients, most vendors do not "need" any one agency.
ReplyDeleteSeveral years back, Carnival refused to negotiate with Carlson on their preferred commissions and Carlson dropped Carnival as a preferred supplier. Would each have liked the business? Yup! Did it hurt either in any real measurable way? Not at all, Carlson is #1 or #2 on the coveted TW list and Carnival is the Worlds Largest Cruise Line.
As for Vicki Freed's blog, yes there were comments from the TTA crowd, but you know what, there were also many from the MLM crowd as well--both equally disparaging. It was not the place for those comments as it was a "sales" blog. Not a pro TTA or Anti MLM blog like this. I also think that had Vicki responded to the questions initially, it would not have gotten so out of hand.
"Maybe they aren't the brightest YTBers out there, but they were talking up the "perks" of joining YTB (my guess, they were trying to recruit, dunno). It's amazing how some will talking when you pretend that you are interested in what they have to say..."
ReplyDeletePerhaps trying to get that $1 million bonus for reaching Level Whatever in 15 months?
How much of that "money" YTB makes for Carnival and the rest comes from booking family, friends and yourself? That should not count in the figures IMO. In order to get an IATAN card you have to book others besides yourself and your family....