Step right up, sign up your friends and earn a $1.3 million dollar bonus in 15 short months! Yes folks, this program is so great, that one YTB Rep/RTA has never seen anything like it. This bonus is in ADDITION to the oodles of cash you are already earning in the YTB program. Yes folks, 15 short months to an additional $1.3 million dollars. And if you spend it on a really kick ass family vacation....it is ALL tax deductible! You can't lose on this program folks, so jump right in there and recruit your asses off!
Here are how the bonuses are paid out. When you reach the following levels (you will earn):
- Coach's Corner in 1 month ($3000)
- Level 1 Director in 3 months ($10,000)
- Level 2 Director in 5 months ($100,000)
- Level 3 Director in 10 months (200,000)
- Level 4 Director in 15 months ($1,000,000)
OK, so that's the pitch. Let's toss out a virtual slap to the face to wake everyone the hell up! This was discovered on a blog belonging to a Rep who has been working his YTB business full-time for three years. But let's take a look at this objectively.
YTB was kind enough to provide me with a disclosure (which, incidentally, has been significantly changed and is the subject of a future discussion), that shows you how likely you are to achieve these goals.
These are the actual average time it has taken Reps to reach the desired level in YTB:
- Coach's Corner 20 months
- Level 1 Director 30 months
- Level 2 Director 39 months
- Level 3 Director 40 months
- Level 4 Director 47 months
Now the die hards will say that YTB is offering the program and those that don't achieve it failed themselves. I think this is a clear demonstration of YTB offering yet another program designed to fail. Nothing new, just the same old song and dance.
How does the program work? What do you have to do to achieve those numbers?
ReplyDeleteHow many people are there in each of those positions? If there are a gazillion reps, how many of them are directors and in Coach's corner?
ReplyDeleteTravel Temptress
Promotion from Rep, to Power Team Leader, to Coach's Corner, to Directors Level 1-7, are all based on recruiting others into the program.
ReplyDeleteAttaining Coach's Corner I believe is by invite.
To become a Level 1 director you and your immediate downline need to sponsor 500 ACTIVE RTAs--these are defined as people paying the sign up fee and the $49.95 a month website hosting fee.
Level 2 2,000 ACTIVE RTAs
Level 3 5,000 ACTIVE RTAs
Level 4 10,000 ACTIVE RTAs
As of the end of 2007 there were--
ReplyDelete246,837 Reps who earned nothing
44,926 Reps who earned something
12,198 Power Team Leaders
931 Coach's Corner Members
122 Level 1 Directors
22 Level 2 Directors
8 Level 3 Directors
11 Level 4 and higher, but I suspect this is only open to those that are below the level 4 level.
To get in Coaches Corner you must get 30 active people into your power team. John I thought you knew everything?
ReplyDeleteWell, didn't Picolo manage it?
ReplyDeleteSo it has nothing to do with selling travel - the way to make money in this MLM is simply to sell the pyramid...
Wait - so if I am reading this thing right, 80.92% of YTB made zero money last year???
ReplyDeleteAndrew--not quite. 80.92% made no money on the rep side of the business. That is selling the opportunity.
ReplyDeleteI have not seen any statements on the RTA (travel) side, but they have 140,000 RTAs supposedly selling travel. But basing on percentages from their history 83% of the RTAs do not earn any money. In July 2007, there were 106,102 RTAs enrolled in the program, yet only 17,644 of them received any commission for that month.
Yes, I know commissions are paid when traveled, but the percentage earning reps/total reps is what I was really looking at.
To add to that...the same report also indicated that of the 106,102 RTAs, 32,720 of them had at least one active booking. If we use that figure, then 70% of the RTAs in YTB earn nothing
ReplyDeleteJohn -
ReplyDeleteYou conveniently leave out a couple parts pertaining to the 246,837 Reps.
1) YTB offers a free position (by law) that you can sell the travel website without owning one yourself. I don't know about you, but for most people it is difficult to sell something that you don't personally own. I believe a car salesman would have a tough time succeeding in the automobile business if he or she does not own a car. Many good intentioned people joined that way with the intent of selling the travel website, but it never happened. I have 150 on my Team. They do not count for anything, but they are on the books.
2)Over the 7 year history of YTB, they have never purged the ranks. As an example, anyone that signed up as a Rep-only back in 2002 is still on the roles. Part of it has to do with the position that they came in. If by chance they did sell a couple of websites, they could come back in at that same position years later and count the remaining RTAs under them on their Team. Also, anyone who joined as an RTA and quit paying their $49.95 is also on that list of 246,000.
The premise that 246,000 Reps did not make anything last year is technically correct. Add in the tens of thousands over 7 years that never got started because it was free, adds a bit of a different perspective to things.
BUT . . . it fits your spin about no one making any money with YTB like a glove.
Now you know . . . the rest of the story.
So what sales levels do you have to meet to become a director for each level?
ReplyDeleteA little YTB education for the day -
ReplyDeleteYTB has two publications that are sent to all RTAs. One is a BIZ REPORT that highlights accomplishments on the Marketing side of YTB. The other is the TRAVEL COMPASS that pertains to the travel sales side of YTB.
From a recent BIZ REPORT:
Erika Weimer from Tampa, FL was listed in last week's BizReport as one of the newest members of Coach's Corner . . . "I started working YTB pretty much full time in November 2007. I see more potential in YTB than I do in my other business interests at this time! I joined on the travel side, but I am now working the marketing side of YTB. It makes me feel great to show others the best way to book travel today!
YTB has already impacted my finances! Last month (February) I received four $1,000 LeaderShip Bonuses and added 23 new PowerTeam members!"
Last week's Biz Report announced 12 new members on Coach's Corner.
Relax, John. The Biz Report purposely highlights the marketing side of YTB only.
Having an additional $3000 bonus as an incentive for those who want to work exceptionally hard is great! I have 5 people on my Team right now that are going for it.
Have all the fun you want with this, John. Sorry to tell you, but there will be many RTAs cashing their $3000 checks.
OK, so this woman makes Coach;s Corner in November and it is March now. 4 months!
ReplyDeleteThe program gives her a bonus if she does it in one month. Oops, looks like she missed it.
Again, it is a false incentive, programed for failure.
John -
ReplyDeleteLet's talk in 60 days. There will be people achieving this in 30 days.
A great incentive, programmed for success.
I'm just wondering why Doug didn't stick his nose in this. Isn't that from his blog?
ReplyDeleteThe stock is at $0.805 right now.
ReplyDeleteonce again, trouble with the reading comprehension. The coach's corner member featured "became full time in November" but was listed as a new coach's corner member in the last report. So, she became full time in November and reached coach's corner in February. AT most 3 months, and without the added incentive of an extra 3k
Split hairs if you like. I just took the middle of November to the middle of March---4 months!
ReplyDeleteOK call it three months if you like, she still would have missed the boat right? This woman who is vaulted and highlighted--apparently an up and comer in YTB can't make it, so what are the chances of the newbies in the system making it?
Like I said aside from the Phil Piccolos of the world--not many will. ANd speaking of Phil...isn't his YTB short history amusing. They always say that you can't scam a scammer!
Curious, was Piccolo booted out of YTB?
ReplyDeleteBut how is this "new" program going to help someone become a lever 3 director in 10 months? How is this any different than any other program that YTB has to offer?
ReplyDeleteIs anyone from YTB willing to post the numbers in 90 days. You guys talk a good game, but is anyone willing to post the results??
lbtravel said...
ReplyDeleteJohn -
You conveniently leave out a couple parts pertaining to the 246,837 Reps.
1) YTB offers a free position (by law) that you can sell the travel website without owning one yourself. I don't know about you, but for most people it is difficult to sell something that you don't personally own. I believe a car salesman would have a tough time succeeding in the automobile business if he or she does not own a car. Many good intentioned people joined that way with the intent of selling the travel website, but it never happened. I have 150 on my Team. They do not count for anything, but they are on the books.
2)Over the 7 year history of YTB, they have never purged the ranks. As an example, anyone that signed up as a Rep-only back in 2002 is still on the roles. Part of it has to do with the position that they came in. If by chance they did sell a couple of websites, they could come back in at that same position years later and count the remaining RTAs under them on their Team. Also, anyone who joined as an RTA and quit paying their $49.95 is also on that list of 246,000.
The premise that 246,000 Reps did not make anything last year is technically correct. Add in the tens of thousands over 7 years that never got started because it was free, adds a bit of a different perspective to things.
BUT . . . it fits your spin about no one making any money with YTB like a glove.
Now you know . . . the rest of the story.
If they're not doing anything, why not just purge them from the rolls? Or are they kept there because it helps bolster the numbers when you're trying to recruit more to be able to say that you have SOOOO many people in the program. Do you tell your prospects how many are "inactive", or do you let them believe that everyone is still "working the program"? If someone is still going to be kept on the rolls, although inactive, then they get counted into the percentages. If you and the rest of your brethern don't want them counted, then get home office to cull the ranks of the deadwood. You can't have it both ways......saying "oh, we have xxxxx number of reps or rta's" and then saying that they can't be counted because they didn't recruit anyone or sell anything.
Exactly! Doug's blog has this info --
ReplyDelete"YTB Travel Network is 140,000 Agents strong. Join a winning group of Travel and Networking Professionals who share effective ways to sell more travel, market effectively, attract quality people, and how to train those people to capture a bigger piece of our $7 Trillion Dollar Industry. Just Picture It Now!"
So for advertising sake they use the masses that really are drop-outs.
dlnwrulz -
ReplyDeleteNot bolstering the ranks at all. The 140,000 plus RTAs that Doug and others are talking about are active RTAs currently paying the $49.95.
YTB is being fair to those who used to be RTAs (paid their $449)or Reps who enrolled other RTAs into the program. I mentioned it in the previous post. If someone drops out and wants to come back in, they do not have to pay $450 again and they go right back into their original spot in the geneology.
You enroll 4 RTAs into YTB's program. You, for whatever reason, drop out. Those 4 RTAs continue with YTB. Two years later you decide to come back in. You get to go right back in the same place where you were previously. And you get to count those RTAs on your Team . . . even though you dropped out for 2 years.
Try that with any other direct sales company. They would laugh at you.
John, those are average times it takes to reach each level. there are many who have reached those levels in that short time frame. It is definately possible to achieve. This doesn't mean that one person has to go out and ign all these people. It counts for everyone who joins anywhere in your team.
ReplyDeleteYou should add the disclaimer to your topic that this is an AVERAGE!!
You really should get your facts right before you post a topic.
Proud...here is what I said....These are the actual average time it has taken Reps to reach the desired level in YTB:
ReplyDeleteDo you see the word average? Or are three syllable words covered in the next class you are taking?
But as long as you are talking the extremes, let me toss them out there too.
Minimum ANYONE has achieved the status:
Coach Corner 1 month
Director 1 4 months
Director 2 15 months
Director 3 28 months
Director 4 41 months
Here is the MAXIMUM It has taken people to achieve the status:
Coach Corner 63 months
Director 1 63 months
Director 2 64 months
Director 3 60 months
Director 4 53 months
So they are giving you 15 months to become a level 4 director and the shortest time ANYONE has ever done it is 41 months. And you still say that this is an attainable goal?
Come on, even YOU are not that gullible are you?
Yes it is, because thete are more and more people joig YTB everyday. That's more people to sponsor more... who sponsor more... I went out yesterday to Silver Springs to help an RTA bring a new person nto the business. I ended up bringing 3 new people in, because other people at Bennigans (having lunch) also became interested.
ReplyDeleteToo funny lol!!!
ReplyDeleteSure you did proud, sure you did. What's the matter, no travel to sell?
Eddie, i am also selling travel. I also help out my team. If I get a call or an e-mail froma team member stating they want my help in bringing someone into the business, I will be there.
ReplyDeleteJohn, first of all, this is an extra bonus system. This is on top of the bonuses we already receive. The main bonus system has no limits. This is just an extra incentive. With all the people in YTB today, I can see it as attainable. You fail to understand that as you get people in your downline, it's not just you building your team anymore. it's those who you sign on, and they sign on, and they sign on.
You go out and sign on 3 who then each sign on 3... that's 12 in your organization. Really, it's 13, because as an RTA, you count as 1. Now you have 9 new people getting 3 each. What's 3x9 John? 27. Now those 27 new people go get 3 each... and so on and so on. Are you starting to understand now, and how it multiplies? If people get the right people into the business, and everyone works to get 3 (which qualifies you for the 50% match), it is quite achievable.
Completely not attainable. Take your example and take it out 14 times and you exceed the population if the US.
ReplyDeleteAnd you forget with everyone you recruit NOW, is one less you can recruit tomorrow.
And also it is only available to those that have not made their initial bonus yet, so it is geared to the newbies.
SO once again I am going to challenge any YTBer to come back here in 30 days and post the results of this extravaganza. Are any of you willing to commit to doing it?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, don't hold your breath. I had a column in August that asked for any proof that someone in YTB earned a reasonable semblance of a living from selling travel and not a single response. The column has been viewed just over 800,000 times and not one person took me up on it!
ReplyDeleteJohn said...
ReplyDeleteAnd also it is only available to those that have not made their initial bonus yet, so it is geared to the newbies.
Actually, it is geared for everyone... not just newbies... so yes, it is attainable. Do more homework before you go running off at the mouth John!!!
YTB continues to innovate, motivate, and originate
programs to benefit our valued Reps and RTAs.
The Fast Start Programs offer amazing opportunities
and incentives to grow your YTB Teams.
Founders Coach Lloyd Tomer and CEO Scott Tomer
announced these programs on Thursday, March 6, 2008
and the programs continue through the close of the 2008
National Convention to be held in August in St. Louis, MO.
Check Out These
Amazing Fast Start Opportunities:
Fast Start Meeting Program
Guarantee meeting attendance and Circle of Champions members will attend and
speak at your event. You may even qualify for Coach and Level 7 Director Ron Head
to attend and speak at your event. CLICK HERE FOR COMPLETE INFO!
Fast Start Bonus Program - 30/30 Club
Achieve Coach's Corner membership within the first 30 days of YTB enrollment
and receive a $3,000 cash bonus, in addition to all other commissions!
Current Reps also may qualify. CLICK HERE FOR COMPLETE INFO!
Fast Start Special Level 1 Director Bonus
Achieve Level 1 Director within the first 3 months of YTB enrollment
and receive a $10,000 cash bonus, in addition to all other commissions!
Current Reps also may qualify. CLICK HERE FOR COMPLETE INFO!
Fast Start Special Level 2 Director Bonus
Achieve Level 2 Director within the first 5 months of YTB enrollment
and receive a $100,000 cash bonus, in addition to all other commissions!
Current Reps also may qualify. CLICK HERE FOR COMPLETE INFO!
Fast Start Special Level 3 Director Bonus
Achieve Level 3 Director within the first 10 months of YTB enrollment
and receive a $200,000 cash bonus, in addition to all other commissions!
Current Reps also may qualify. CLICK HERE FOR COMPLETE INFO!
Fast Start Special Level 4 Director Bonus
Achieve Level 3 Director within the first 15 months of YTB enrollment
and receive a $1,000,000 cash bonus, in addition to all other commissions!
Current Reps also may qualify. CLICK HERE FOR COMPLETE INFO!
You must meet all Director qualifications.
TERM: All of the above programs are in effect for all enrollments through the National Convention closing date of Saturday, August 9, 2008 at 11:59 PM (CST.)
BTW... I took the liberty of bolding a main focus line so that you may be able to see it better.
John has once again been proven WRONG!!!
Enjoying your crow John???
Also, the ones you already have in your downline also count!!!
ReplyDeleteVery attainable!!!
Not eating a thing Proud. Do you see the words CLICK HERE FOR COMPLETE INFO? Well did you? Here let me save you time and I will bold a few words myself.
ReplyDeleteFast Start Programs
1. Fast Start Meeting Program
a. If you can guarantee 100 people at a meeting YTB will arrange to have ONE (1) member of the Circle of Champions attend and speak at your meeting;
b. If you can guarantee 500 people at a meeting YTB will arrange to have THREE (3) members of the Circle of Champions attend and speak at your meeting;
c. If you can guarantee 1,000 people at a meeting YTB will arrange to have FOUR (4) or FIVE (5) members of the Circle of Champions attend and speak at your meeting, PLUS Coach and Ron Head will fly in for your meeting.
2. Fast Start Bonus Program: 30/30 Club
a. When you come into the business and achieve Coach's Corner within the first THIRTY (30) days from the date of your enrollment, you will receive a cash bonus of $3,000 in addition to all other commissions earned.
b. This applies to all NEW Reps enrolling as of Thursday, March 6, 2008; and
c. If you are already a Rep but have not received a bonus, your start date is Thursday, March 6, 2008.
3. Fast Start Special Level 1 Director Bonus:
a. When you come into the business and achieve Level 1 Director within in the first THREE (3) MONTHS from the date of your enrollment, you will receive a cash bonus of $10,000 (TEN THOUSAND Dollars) in addition to all other commissions earned.
b. You must meet all the qualifications for Level 1 Director.
c. This applies to all NEW Reps enrolling as of Thursday, March 6, 2008; and
d. If you are already a Rep but have not received a bonus, your start date is Thursday, March 6, 2008.
4. Fast Start Special Level 2 Director Bonus:
a. When you come into the business and achieve Level 2 Director within in the first FIVE (5) MONTHS from the date of your enrollment, you will receive a cash bonus of $100,000 (ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND Dollars) in addition to all other commissions earned.
b. You must meet all the qualifications for Level 2 Director.
c. If you are already a Rep but have not received a bonus, your start date is Thursday, March 6, 2008.
5. Fast Start Special Level 3 Director Bonus:
a. When you come into the business and achieve Level 3 Director within in the first TEN (10) MONTHS from the date of your enrollment, you will receive a cash bonus of $200,000 (TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND Dollars) in addition to all other commissions earned.
b. You must meet all the qualifications for Level 3 Director.
c. If you are already a Rep but have not received a bonus, your start date is Thursday, March 6, 2008.
6. Fast Start Special Level 4 Director Bonus:
a. When you come into the business and achieve Level 4 Director within in the first FIFTEEN (15) MONTHS from the date of your enrollment, you will receive a cash bonus of $1,000,000 (ONE MILLION Dollars) in addition to all other commissions earned.
b. You must meet all the qualifications for Level 4 Director.
c. If you are already a Rep but have not received a bonus, your start date is Thursday, March 6, 2008.
7. TERM: All of the above programs are in effect for all enrollments through the National Convention closing date of Saturday, August 9, 2008 at 11:59 PM (CST.)
So, what were you saying there Proud to Be Illiterate?
John, it states that inside, but we were told directly from HQ that ALL are eligible... Not just newbies!!!
ReplyDeleteNotice that line you pointed out is on every level. this means that if you did not receive a bonus for that level. For each level, bonuses are handed out more than once. If I am not yet a PTL, I will receive the bonus on top of my standard bonus. If I am already a PTL, and received my 1st bonus for that level, then i am not eligible for that level. I have to wait until i reach the next level.
This is what that means John!!!
Don't choke on that crow John!!!
Now stop, because you are really making a fool out of yourself!
That's what I thought!!! LOL!!!
ReplyDeleteI know for a FACT that you are 100% WRONG!!!
Talk about being illitirate...
"Talk about being illitirate..."
ReplyDeleteYes, do tell.
In case you don't get it, Proud - the word is:
Thank you for correcting my spelling... since that's the only "wrong" thing i have done on this topic. Wow! I spelled a word wrong!!! Out come the spelling police!!!
ReplyDeleteI can find many comments made by John and others where they too have misspelled words. In case you haven't realized it, the way this blog is set up, Spell check no longer works.
Everyone should just be asking one question. How many active RTA's does YTB have?
ReplyDeleteHas the number of active RTA's gone up or down over the last year?
Also, has the company made money or lost money over the last year?
That should be an indicator to everyone about where the company is headed. Doesn't that just make sense?
One last thing, now that the stock is so low,,,around .30 cents,,,,,wouldn't it make sense for every single rep to gobble it up? Wouldn't that be a sure way to make a lot of money because if the company is going to become the largest travel company on the planet,,,,,the stock will surely go up......Right?
Seeing that this post is almost a year old, not sure why the comment, but...
ReplyDeleteIn 2007, they are showing about a 3M loss through the 3rd quarter. 4th quarter and year end results are due in a few weeks.
RTAs in March 2008 were 138,000 as of last week they were 92,000 and dropping about 200 per day.
The RTAs cannot afford to buy the stock, the program is designed to fail the majority!