So, YTB is in Canada with their Referring Travel Associates! I wonder how they are going to address the training mandates that are being imposed by the Travel Industry Council of Ontario (TICO) in 2009?
Last week I asked TICO and I received the following:
Let me excerpt a few passages that ought to be of particular concern to the "9,000" RTAs that just signed up.Thank you for your email. I have attached the link to TICO's FAQ' s in relation to Education Standards. Any person selling travel or consulting for the purpose of selling travel services to the public in connection with an Ontario registered travel retail agency is required to meet the Education Standard by July 1, 2009. http://www.tico.on.ca/travelagents/minimumeducationstds.htm Regards,Dorian Werda
Manager, Administration & ClaimsTravel Industry Council of OntarioTravel Industry Council of Ontario2700 Matheson Blvd. East.Suite 402, West TowerMississauga, Ontario L4W 4V9Tel: (905) 624-6241 ext 224
Toll Free: 1-888-451-8426Email: dwerda@tico.caWeb: www.tico.ca
Every person in Ontario who is working for a retail travel agency and is selling travel services or providing travel advice to the public must, by law, meet the Industry's Education Standards by July 1, 2009. This includes industry Supervisors and Managers.
And from the FAQ page:
Q Why are Education Standards necessary?Since RTAs are not YTB employees, they are considered "agency owners" and are subject to the additional requirements. But this all happens in July, and if my calculator is correct that equates to $4.5 million in sign up fees and $7.6 million in rental fees till compliance is mandatory.
A Since TICO was established, they have identified hundreds of complaints and situations that have arisen due to the lack of knowledge or misinformation about the rules governing the industry. These rules, embodied in the Travel Industry Act, 2002 and Ontario Regulation 26/05, spell out the role of the agency and wholesaler and touch on vital issues of 'obligation to the client' and 'due diligence'. TICO is being proactive and instituting a basic course to ensure that there is a level playing field and that all registrants will be familiar with the Act and Regulation. This will, in the long run, save consumers, agencies and wholesalers a lot of stress, a lot of time, and even a lot of money.
Q How will the introduction of TICO Education Standards affect the way I do business?
A a) as an agency owner: As of July 1st 2009, you will have documentation from each employee attesting to the fact that as a staff member who deals with the public, he/she has satisfied the requirements of the TICO Education Standard, by passing the Travel Counsellor Exam. It is suggested that employees present both the original documentation and a copy to the employer, so that the employer can verify that the copy is genuine. The employer should only keep the copy--and return the original letter to the employee.
Also, as an agency owner, if you deal with the public, you will have passed the same Travel Counsellor Exam as all your staff. When you renew your TICO registration after June 30th, 2009, you will be required to confirm that all staff selling travel services or providing travel advice to the public are compliant with the Standard.
In addition, you will ensure that the Supervisor/Manager of the agency has complied with the Standard by passing the Travel Counsellor Exam and, if necessary, the Supervisor/Manager Exam.
b) as an agency Supervisor/Manager: As of June 30th, 2009 you will have passed the Travel Counsellor Exam. Every travel agency is required to name a Supervisor/Manager on their application for registration or renewal. This individual is the Supervisor/Manager “on record” with TICO. The Supervisor/Manager on record with TICO as of June 30th, 2009 will be “grandfathered”. This means that he or she will be given a temporary exemption from having to pass the Supervisor/Manager exam by July 1, 2009. An individual that has not been approved as a Supervisor/Manager by TICO and who wishes to act as the Supervisor/Manager on record with TICO on or after July 1, 2009, must write and pass the Supervisor/Manager Exam.
Please note that all supervisors and managers or other individuals who may wish to advance in the industry in the future are welcome and encouraged to take the exam. A combination exam is available for those wishing to write both the Travel Counsellor and the Supervisor/Manager exams at the same time.
In addition, in your capacity as agency Supervisor/Manager, you are responsible for ensuring that all travel counsellors are compliant with the Standard.
c) as a travel agent who deals with the public. As of July 1, 2009 you are required to pass the Travel Counsellor Exam. Upon passing the exam, you will be sent a "Pass" letter/Certificate. Take the original, along with a copy, to your employer. Give them the copy for their files as proof that you have complied with the Education Standards.
Q I work in a Call Centre - do TICO Education Standards affect me?
A Every person in Ontario who is selling travel services or providing travel advice to the public on behalf of an Ontario travel agency must, by law, meet the TICO Education Standards by July 1, 2009.
How many TTAs could handle these requirements? YTB's training will handle all of this. Nice try John
ReplyDeleteEveryone at my company could! Then again, we actually have an IATA number and IATAN cards.
ReplyDeleteYTB has training? You wouldn't know that by the YTB agent I spoke to yesterday who had no idea what the difference was between a published airfare and a bulk airfare.
Most TTA Companies don't let their agents make supplier phone calls without a basic knowledge of the product.
Bulk airfare is the kind that comes in a big box right?
ReplyDeleteYeah, you fly on a plain white airplane that has black letters that read "Air Transportation". You know, like the generic "Beer" that was available 30 years ago.
ReplyDeleteLMAO John.
ReplyDeleteYour correct Andrew, if they have no idea what the product is, they have no business making the call. I have a newbie in my office, and shes not allowed to call the consolidators at all, it has to be routed to me. Cannot have mistakes because agents "misunderstand" the products/pricing etc.
"How many TTAs could handle these requirements? YTB's training will handle all of this."
ReplyDeleteProbably alot more than YTB because TTA's actually screen and do background checks on their people before hiring them. YTB will take anyone who pays the fee. What's the saying, "From Jail to sales?"
Talk about from jail to sales, I personally had a TTA do some bookings for my family and she is now in jail for credit card scams, so I don't think a background check necessarily means anything. I personally have been thinking about joining YTB instead of using a TTA and to be honest the TTA is making my decision easy. I have never seen so much unprofessionalism by so called professionals in all of my life. You all seem to have so much time on your hands to be so concerned about a company that is making people's lives a little easier to make $5.00 or $500.00 the person I learned about YTB from, is my sons pediatrician, and from reading this blog. What ever happen to keep hope alive, keep dreaming, set goals, I think all of YTB people have hope, set goals, and are dreaming of the day when they can hopefully be successful. I like the idea of training when you have the time, and I like the fact you can share this opportunity with someone and recruit them and earn a referral check. Who cares who makes what, and who knows what, you TTA's act like you are God in this industry...thanks formaking my decision easy.
ReplyDeleteIf you think that aligning yourself with a card mill, that has lost their IATA number and has been black listed by several suppliers go right ahead. TTA's are not the one's who have questions about YTB's business pratices. The suppliers and organizations that regulated the industry have doubts as well. But you go right on ahead and do what ever you think is right.
Anonymous, there are more reasons to join YTB other than an IATA number...Why are you anonymous anyway? I'm just saying, all of the TTA's are bad mouthing YTB and acting like they are all GOD in this industry. I understand everyone went to school or did there due diligence, however the industry is changing. I personally don't criticize people for trying something different...I don't add or subtract and try to figure out how much money people are making, this is like me asking all of you how much is your pay check. I think we all livein USA and have choices, just like you all choose to be TTA's. Just like I choose to be a school teacher and now have decided to sign up with YTB. This is other peoples opionions that YTB is a card mill. It is not mine. I am not going by what all of you obvious upset people are saying. UNTIL we have no suppliers at all this is when I will worry but we have quite a few that outweigh the ones we don't have. I am personally going to do as much training as I can, this will only make my business a plus. I wish everyone the best in whatever they want to do with their lives. I don't need to bad mouth a company or a person at all.
Sue, Rod, EAB, Doug whomever you are, don't be calling out a anonymous when you are just as anonymous as the rest without registering.
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to hope? Ask a good percentage of YTBers that are making NOTHING or pennies a month. The numbers don't lie. Go ahead and join, give your money to the CEOs as they laugh all the way to the bank. Their business is built on people like you, gullible, and waiting for the next great rich scam to snag you in.
Carnival 1Q Profit Drops 17 Percent
ReplyDeleteGreat News!! Guess that sale-a-thon didn't help much.
ReplyDeleteI am one of those TTA's defending my profession. While I do not begrudge anyone trying to make a little extra money, I do have issue with doing it in a profession you know nothing about. It tarnishes the agents who've done their training and work hard at their jobs. To have a person simply join to make a few extra bucks and not know the true ins/outs of this business and not honestly be able to assist a passenger in need is where the gray area begins.
You claim to be a teacher, how would you feel if a company came along with 100+ unknown's "claiming" to be teachers without any proper training at all? Would you want your children taught by them?
You have the right to your opinion, as we have the right to ours. If YTB operated properly, gave people PROPER training without tossing them into the mix with cookie cutter websites, no customer service skills, and pushing their products on others, and chose ONLY to sell travel, many here would not have an issue.
YTB Scam I am Sue Walsh, I am not anonymous. This is my real name. I teach school in MD. I am not registering because of all of you psyco TTA's who dig up whatever on people, and bad mouth everyone becase you don't have a life. You all act worst then the third graders I teach. You constantly keep up some mess all the time. Blah Blah Carnival didn't do this IATA did this and YTB can't do that, and it goes on and on. It is really sad and I plan on making money as I learn to sell travel. I don't worry about who is laughing at me, I only like to laugh with people...not at people. I just became a YTB rep and proud of it. I don't plan on calling upon a TTA again. I won't say never, but I wold rather do this myself and earn a commission.
ReplyDeleteyeah, good luck with YTB Sue. You're gonna need it. Don't be too gullible to believe everything people tell you. Just because they claim to be "good christians" or "multi-millionaire's" doesn't mean they are. If you are truly a new person to YTB, I do recommend that you really think about the big scheme of things. Jump on the hamster wheel and go for that spin and welcome to this "fabulous flopportunity"
ReplyDeleteI think a MLM grade school is a great idea. Yale or jail kids!
ReplyDeleteand Sue, one other thing. YTB keeps saying that you'll make 60pct commission, but you have to really ask yourself...60pct of what???? certainly not the entire cost of the package or cruise!! If YTB is lucky, they themselves get 16 or 17pct of the sale, not including taxes and then you would get 60pct of that 17pct.. The slice of pie gets smaller and smaller. It's all in the presentation Sue and glad you're hear to at least be given a chance to open your mind to the possibilities that you haven't been told the whole truth. That what they say is truth has been skewed to their advantage to suck you in. What a shame!!
ReplyDeleteI can see it now! the new YTB - Your Teacher Biz - just pay $449 and $50 a month and become a school teacher! You too can shape the minds of the future - we provide all training, via the web, but you can start now getting all of the perks of being a teacher.
ReplyDeleteTeaching certificate? Come to our 50+ person class where we help you pass the teaching certification - no need to spend thousands of dollars on college - we get you the certificate in 2 days of class and it only costs you $149!
Plus, for every person you bring into the program, you earn more money!
For every 6 you bring in, you earn points toward your Principal certificate - you'll be running your own school in no time at all!
And I'm Bob Dole, just because you say who you are, doesn't actually mean that is who you are.
ReplyDeleteA teacher that spells psycho, psyco..gotta wonder abut that. Maybe YTB is the right place for you. But you don't need a education or be smart to be in YTB. We have figured that out already.
Once again you can't read. Don't assume that I'm a TTA...as I have stated many times, I'm not. I just don't buy into the YTB scam that is all. And I'm tired of seeing people get ripped off with false promises.
As far as the teaching scenario you TTA's are claiming would be an outrage - guess what - it already exists. IT'S CALLED HOME SCHOOLING. So I guess it continues to go back to choices, you guys are scared MLM's will overide the business, you hate knowing thousands of brick and mortar travel agencies have gone under because of the internet, and you are fighting a fight that makes you look silly. So keep on screaming and enjoy the ride - while you are at it - hold your hands up when the coaster takes a plunge. "Welcome to Disney World"
ReplyDeleteSue is a fast mover for sure. 1st post she's thinking about joining and by the third she has joined.
ReplyDeleteSue, 90% of RTA's make no $$$ with YTB. Welcome to the club.
Excuse me Sue, I'm in MD and youare posting in the middle of a school day - I do hope you are not using school equipment to do so? why aren't you teaching?!
ReplyDeleteGo ahead and join YTB and waste your money - so few make anything of value out of it, but I wish you well and hope that you do suceed.
As for meeting the Canadian requirements - I'm sure I could - their exam is probably a little less difficult than the CTA exam and I'm not worried about a background check. BUT the point remains that everyone YTB recruits in Canada will have to take that test and pass it. In them meantime, YTB has plenty of time to collect fees from those who will later fail and be purged from the membership. It's a win-win for Coach, that's for sure!
Sue Walsh-Regarding your comment about bad TTA's. It happens in every profession. Just in my state alone there have been at least 10 teachers in the last year arrested and charged for having sex with students and other crimes. Does this make all teachers bad? According to you one bad apple taints the whole profession.
ReplyDeleteYTB is not a legitimate travel agency. They sell websites and down lines. They do not service their customers and they do not care about the profession. The majority are in it as another YTB'rs posted yesterday to make some "cash." They don't care about professional standards or training. The majority of us TTA's have taken classes, graduated from travel school or worked years and sweated bullets to get where we are. We are not in it part-time. We work hard some of us 40+ hours a week or more. We take care of our customers. My clients have my personal number and some do call me at 3 am if they have a problem. I don't see any of you going to that length or care about your clients like we do. I was at a trade show recently and sat next to a RTA from YTB and all she did was whine about how her client's called her and were a pain. She told me she told them to go to the website and call the vendors she couldn't help them. What the heck is that? That is not right. We take care of our customers. YTB does not.
Furthermore thThe only people making money are the top directors off of their down line. Their stock closed at .65 yesterday. I should not have to tell someone who claims to be an educator what that means.
Why someone who claims to be an educator would align yourself with the Amway of Travel and work for a sleazy outfit like YTB is beyond me.
I am sure your fellow teachers will love being "sold" and preached to about the glory of YTB
If you are any indication of the intelligence of teachers in this country no wonder Johnny can't read or do Math. No wonder the education system in this country can't compete. All I can say is I am glad you are not teaching my kids.
I am anonymous and damn proud of it.
ReplyDeleteB & M's did not go under because of the internet. Stop drinking the kool-aid. Majority of the travel agents I know, work ON THE INTERNET. I work from home, GDS internet based, I also use tour operators, consolidators, hotels etc...ALL ON THE INTERNET. So the big internet shift you all think is all about you...isnt.! Again, we are not worried about YTB putting us all out of business, thats laughable at best, we are concerned with the people who proclaim to be agents when they clearly do not have any clue what MCO even stands for.
ReplyDeleteI don't claim to know as much about travel as you nor do I want to. I was told getting into this and believe it strongly to this day. I DON'T SELL TRAVEL - I REFER PEOPLE TO MY WEBSITE!!!
I haven't used a travel agency or agent in over 3 years and I have taken about 10 out of town trips that cost my family between $8,000 to $10,000. Who got paid? The supplier and the internet service I booked it under. Now I go through my website and at least get something in return as well as often times better prices.
I didn't claim YTB takes credit for the internet - but because of the internet people don't need you MOST of the time. They can do it themselves because of the internet.
Do you guys ever think before you speak? I guess I'm needed on this site to help you guys pull your head out from somewhere and back on your shoulders.
Oh, and 2 more items:
ReplyDeleteI don't drink kool-aid (and haven't a clue what that means.
And you might find a better deal if you enter SFB instead of MCO. Just a suggestion but it's your call.
SD - I guess I'm needed on this site to help you guys pull your head out from somewhere and back on your shoulders.
ReplyDeletePlease......don't flatter yourself lol
ReplyDeleteThere lies the problem. WE sell travel. We service our customers. You do not. People go to webmd. That doesn't mean they are doctors anymore than that make you people travel agents. You are not legitimate and I don't care how you spin it. I am not afraid of you nor have I lost business because of you. I am sick to death of you claiming to be Travel agents when you are not.
Hmmm How could it be a better deal if no one flys into SFB?
ReplyDeleteI thought TL was talking about the other MCO used in the biz. Like the one I am about to issue for residual value.
ReplyDeleteThat wasn't the MCO I was referring to, but glad to see you know at least 1 airport code. I do not have my head up my ass, I've being doing this LONG BEFORE, the internet, or you even came along. Good to know as well that you don't sell travel and just refer away to your website. What happens if they need help or have specific travel questions? Do you answer them or refer them to the suppliers?
I didn't say that "you personally" claim that the internet is the downfall of all B&M's..but that seems to be the general consensus of MLM agents. And MOST people will price shop on the internet, but MANY MORE call an agent to book it because what they find is often confusing. Thats where everyone claiming EVERYONE is now booking online is wrong..Travel agents are also in that mix..so its not just joe public booking his trip to Disney. Yes, Expedia/Travelocity and the likes are making money off the internet travellers, but they also offer customer support (although from client complaints not so good). However, there are still a few B&M's as you call them WAY over them in sales, so the internet isn't the be all end all of travel no matter how much you want it to be.
Even Expedia is realizing that people are using them for research and then booking with TTA's/B&M Agencies:
ReplyDeleteExpedia's Brown on Offline Plans
"Why is Expedia expanding from a strictly online structure to include brick-and-mortar agencies?"
Hey, does anyone know what you call a traditional travel agent with half a brain?
ReplyDeleteUmm. Could you please focus on teaching. We are horrifically behind other countries in education. I guess this is why.
Stop selling websites and start teaching, please.
Leave the selling of travel to the professionals, and I will leave the teaching to the teachers.
olescorekeeper said, "Hey, does anyone know what you call a traditional travel agent with half a brain?"
ReplyDeleteAnswer: GIFTED!!
olescorekeeper ;>)
If Sue were really a teacher she would have a much better grip on language and spelling than what she has presented on this site. And she is clearly hostile and judgemental as well. Glad my kids don't go to your school
ReplyDeleteI was going to say an RTA
Lets see if I get this:
ReplyDeleteYou could book the travel yourself over the internet,
You could pay extra to have a traditional travel agent do it for you.
Sounds like the old governor of New York used traditional travel agents!!!!!!!
Boy, this forum is eye-opening! I heard about it from a fellow RTA.
ReplyDeleteWhat a bunch of whiners and complainers. If you want to ruin a completely good day, drop by here and listen to a bunch of negative people. Life must be miserable for these people to spend their time like this. Boy, they are on a mission!
Sue Walsh: I have been a YTB RTA for 2 1/2 years. I would not take much stock in what these whiners are telling you about YTB. I have made some very good part-time income the past couple of years. My wife and I own a successful landscaping business and YTB is a great fit for us. If you have not previously had a business from home, you will love the tax savings. I signed up a retired school teacher January of 07. She just got her tax return back from her CPA and she saved $5500 in taxes versus the previous year. I could not take her YTB business away from her if I tried!
I read everyone of these 30-some posts. If life as a traditional travel agent is so good, I would hate to visit with one that is having a bad day. Most (not all)of the YTB RTAs that I know are very upbeat, glass half-full people. I think you will enjoy your business.
Time to take a shower after reading all of these wonderful words of wisdom. It's the mental version of walking out of a smoke-filled bar and having smelly clothes.
Just a hint to some of you experts on YTB . . . There is a law in life that you reap what you sow. I have seen it in my life. Sow negatives and spend you life complaining and accusing and, guess what? You will reap the same in your life many fold. There's certainly a whole bunch of sowing going on with this forum.
Hope you all have a great day!
Lets see, the TTA's have in-as-so-far on this post alone been called unprofessional, psycho's, half-brained, head up our asses bunch of whiners. Name calling at its best. When you can't answer a question, or don't want to it seems to resort to this.
ReplyDeleteIts the TTA's being unprofessional though. Might want to read back on those posts and see who started with the childish behavior.
As for your reap what you sow statement, keep that in the back of your head when your done suckering your next upline victim into a business thats proven a MAJORITY make no money in.
Have a nice shower.
An RTA asked me the other day "how can I gain the credibility of a traditional travel agent?"
ReplyDeleteI told him to find a way to only keep his website open Monday through Friday 9 - 5
ReplyDeleteI went back and looked at the blog. It all started with Andrew and John implicating YTB people were stupid with "bulk airfare". They took the first punch so get out another tissue and keep crying.
ReplyDeleteYou must remember, that most of the "YTB" people are posting anonymously...it's probably the same recycled YTber posting as if they are somebody else. No biggy, seen this before and I'm sure we will see it again. Deflect deflect deflect.
Actually Andrew wasn't implying, he was stating that the YTB person he had on the phone was untrained because they DIDNT KNOW WHAT THE DIFFERENCE WAS BETWEEN PUBLISHED AND BULK. Thats Consolidator 101, if you don't know the difference, you shouldn't be making that phone call.
ReplyDeleteI didn't see either of them call anyone a name.
TravelLisa said..."Lets see, the TTA's have in-as-so-far on this post alone been called unprofessional, psycho's, half-brained, head up our asses bunch of whiners. Name calling at its best."
ReplyDeleteHey lighten up Kool-Aid cheeks, you have it wrong. That's NOT name calling. They are merely observations.
"When you can't answer a question, or don't want to it seems to resort to this."
What question? John said, "I wonder how they are going to address the training mandates...?" John didn't ask any direct question. It's obvious he pondered this wonderland question for himself.
Traveling? Why pay a travel agent $30 to $100 more in fees for that airline ticket when you can go on-line and book it yourself and help fight cancer too! Click on this link...
National Foundation for Cancer Research
We need smileys on here..I so need the rolling my eyes smiley at that last comment.
ReplyDeleteYTBSCAM said..."Carnival 1Q Profit Drops 17 Percent
ReplyDeleteGreat News!! Guess that sale-a-thon didn't help much."
Scam, who are you trying to SCAM?
Sales actually rose 17%, no doubt with help from the one day YTB Sale-A-Thon. Profits fell 17% due to increased fuel costs. Of course, old Scam would like to ignore that fact. lol!!
Mar. 20, 2008 (Thomson Financial delivered by Newstex) --
MIAMI (AP) - Carnival Corp. (NYSE:CCL) said Thursday first-quarter profit fell 17 percent due to rising fuel costs, a drag on operations that also led the world's largest cruise operator to lower full-year profit guidance.
The increase in revenue was largely offset by escalating fuel expenses, which cost Miami-based Carnival $156 million, or 19 cents per share, in the quarter. Fuel prices increased 66 percent to $499 per metric ton for the quarter, compared to $301 per metric ton in the prior year, the company reported.
Sales rose 17 percent to $3.15 billion from $2.69billion.
Traveling? Why pay a travel agent $30 to $100 more in fees for that airline ticket when you can go on-line and book it yourself and help fight cancer too! Click on this link...
National Foundation for Cancer Research
LOL - Too funny . . .
ReplyDeleteThe key word in all that is "retail" travel agency.
This will not have an impact on "internet" based companies I would imagine.
This new requirement has been coming for over a year now. ytb knew about it I would imagine and it must not be a factor.
We'll see . . .
This sure puts a whole new light on everything. If you have to be skilled to even be in a call center, then I would suspect that Canada is not going to let YTB get off with just being called an internet based company, otherwise why would they be required to buy a retail agency? I wish the USA would enact some type of protection like this. It would weed out the Creatures of the Scamming MLMS.
ReplyDelete"Traveling? Why pay a travel agent $30 to $100 more in fees for that airline ticket when you can go on-line and book it yourself and help fight cancer too! Click on this link...
ReplyDeleteNational Foundation for Cancer Research"
Another scam outfit....Check your state AG sites. Well, they won't see a penny so you deserve each other.
Anon said, "Another scam outfit..."
ReplyDeleteAnd another scam anon who offers words without facts. lol!
Traveling? Why pay a travel agent $30 to $100 more in fees for that airline ticket when you can go on-line and book it yourself and help fight cancer too! Click on this link...National Foundation for Cancer Research
sdmartin said, "I don't drink kool-aid (and haven't a clue what that means."
ReplyDeleteGo to Google, and search for "Jim Jones Guyana" and read the Wikipedia entry. Look at the mass-suicide part.
This was just published today:
ReplyDeleteMore and more consumers are dissatisfied with the online booking experience and are gravitating to the traditional or at-home agency model, much to the chagrin of many consumer direct booking pundits.
Trust me TTAs aren't concerned about internet booking sites taking away business .. our issue isn't with Expedia, Travelocity, or Orbitz .. the issue is with untrained people "buying" their way into a profession and in turn tainting the profession.
Just another TA said...
ReplyDelete"This was just published today:"
Hey JATA, care to mention where you got this little tidbit of info? Sounds like very old news. Give us the link please.
Same old same old...different day! lol!!
Booking Travel? Why pay a travel agent $30 to $100 more for that ticket? Book travel here and help fight cancer! Click here...
National Foundation for Cancer Research
MLMs and Travel: A Great Mix
ReplyDeleteTravel like an insider! Discounted travel! Free trips! Upgrades galore! See why this is so simply true!
Explore why MLM companies are not only a great idea for the travel industry, but perhaps one of the best leading indicators for the booming travel industry!
This is Sue Walsh again and I have gotten into my power team my first day in the business so guess what all of you TTA's I don't pay my 49.95 a month and all ofmy people are already excited about getting into their power teams as well so they don't have to pay that monthly either. Also I am already signed up to begin to take travel classes thru our back office. So far I am enjoying my time and freedom to work this business as I so choose. Again thanks for makingmy decision easy to join a great company!!
ReplyDeleteWow! Congratulations Sue!!
ReplyDeletePower team..first day! Assume!
Welcome to YTB.
I paid my $49.95 just once and I have never looked back!
Keep it up and you will be a Level One National Sales Director in no time at all!
All the best,
Wow! Congratulations Sue!!
ReplyDeletePower team..first day! Assume!
Welcome to YTB.
I paid my $49.95 just once and I have never looked back!
Keep it up and you will be a Level One National Sales Director in no time at all!
All the best,
Ummm I did not call anyone stupid. I was complaining about the lack of training in YTB - as evidenced by the YTB agent who did not know the difference between published and bulk air fare.
ReplyDeleteSimple as that.
If you feel like I was calling someone stupid, maybe you are projecting.
What I said was pretty straightforward.
This is Sue Walsh again and I have more great news. Just think about it, I didn't even know YTB existed this morning until I found this blog! I did my research, became an RTA, my website was up within 5 mintues, I signed up for YTB University classes, went out and recruited 40 people, came home and fixed dinner, then ended up having my Power Team, and ended the day booking a group of 100 cabins on Carnival, 22 Disney vacations, a Little League team and their parents to Hawaii, and to top it all off, Scott Tomer just called and wants to take me for a buzz around DC!!!! Remember that it's been less than 24 hours since I joined YTB but so far I am enjoying my time and freedom to work this business as I so choose. Again thanks for making my decision easy to join a great company!! If I can have such success, so can you!!! I can hardly wait till tomorrow comes and I can travel like an insider and watch out Trump Enterprises! I'm on a winning streak.
ReplyDeleteDoug--welcome back!
ReplyDeleteMLMs and Travel: A Great Mix
Travel like an insider! Discounted travel! Free trips! Upgrades galore! See why this is so simply true!
Explore why MLM companies are not only a great idea for the travel industry, but perhaps one of the best leading indicators for the booming travel industry!
Did you fry up the bacon and make your husband never forget he is a man too? You sound like a bad commercial for YTB. Do you have a script?
ReplyDeleteBTW- I am the Easter Bunny and the tooth fairy.
Your posts sound very similar to the rest of the RTA's posting here. Are you all talking to each other again?
"This is Sue Walsh again and I have more great news. Just think about it, I didn't even know YTB existed this morning until I found this blog!"
ReplyDeleteYou have been pretty busy for a teacher most teachers I know don't have time for anything. ROTFLMAO! The above poster is correct you sound like a bad commercial.
Yes and in 1 day she joined, became power team, got 40 people to join and got 2 groups. Please...utter BS.
ReplyDeletefor real - I can't imagine anyone believing that load of bull! Come on Sue, if you're gonna lie, at least make it believable *hey lisa, I need my eye rollin' smiley right about now too* ;-)
ReplyDeleteSue should learn to be more careful when positng publicly - it's too easy to find her and her school - she is not even an actual teacher - she is something called a "paraeducator" - one presumes this is some sort of classroom aid.
ReplyDeleteYou can even get the school, the principal's name and email....
googled and got it back as the very first link...
"Sue should learn to be more careful when positng publicly -"
ReplyDeleteNo one ever said YTB RTA's were the sharpest crayon in the box. You have to have a pretty low IQ to fall for that line...And, you wonder why our education system is in trouble.
BTW-She had the nerve to trash TTA's. Google MD teachers all kinds of things pop up including sex with minors etc. And you wonder why our education system is in such a state.
Yesterday was a Teacher's Work Day - I hope she wasn't in there using school equipment and posting away all day yesterday......
ReplyDeleteDear Sue, I am so sorry that you have lost your mind. If you had kept the exaggeration a little more in line someone might have believed you. The 22 Disney packages for example...hahahahaha
ReplyDeleteWe are out for SPRING BREAK, but the last comment was not posted by me. So someone posed as me, I NEVER got a call from Scott Tomer, or any of that other GARB added...just clearing the record. YEAH FOLKS WE ARE OUT FOR SPRING BREAK!!!
ReplyDeleteYou know Sue you have told so many lies and distortions here no one believes you. BTW-Your comments are public record and employers can do fire people over them.
ReplyDeleteHi Sue,
ReplyDeleteSue, I just read the bogus...
"sue walsh said...
This is Sue Walsh again and I have more great news."
This is just too funny! Check this out. Anyone with a first grade education could have figured out that it was a hoax. Interestingly several of our TTA's fell for the joke. Scary when you consider who these people are:
TreavelLisa (no surprise)
Anon's (several)
YTBSCAM (no suprise)
Common guy's, you're not all that gullible...or are you? lol!!
Traveling? Why pay a gullible travel agent $30 to $100 more in fees for that airline ticket when you can go on-line and book it yourself and help fight cancer too! Click on this link...
National Foundation for Cancer Research
No Ole I didn't believe it thats why I said BS...but seems you did..your the one that congratulated her above. Or was that the infamous poser too? I am not gullible, nor stupid, nor do I give a flying duck what you think of me. :)
ReplyDelete"Anonymous said...
Wow! Congratulations Sue!!
Power team..first day! Assume!
Welcome to YTB.
I paid my $49.95 just once and I have never looked back!
Keep it up and you will be a Level One National Sales Director in no time at all!
All the best,
I didn't fall for it Ole. The 22 Disney packages gave it away, but you sure wanted to believe it was true. I can understand that.
ReplyDeleteTravelLisa said..."No Ole I didn't believe it thats why I said BS..."
ReplyDeleteOK Kool-Aid cheeks, let's take a look at what you said.
Yes and in 1 day she joined, became power team, got 40 people to join and got 2 groups. Please...utter BS.
TL, your a bit confused again. You took her legit post about getting into her power team the first day and combined it with the bogus post of recruiting 40 people. You really need to pay attention TravelLisa, it's not difficult to comprehend.
..."but seems you did..your the one that congratulated her above."
Correct. I congratulated her on making it into her power team the first day. That's signing up just 6 people. And, she did not deny that post as bogus. Instead, it was the one that followed which you TTA's fell for. Go back and take a look.
"I am not gullible, nor stupid,.."
Hummmmmmmm. Hope your more careful about reading and comprehension as a travel agent. ;>)
"...nor do I give a flying duck what you think of me. :)"
Oh...but I think you actually are one of the brightest TTA's on this blog, John included. Maybe even twice as smart as YTBSCAM.
Traveling? Why pay a confused travel agent $30 to $100 more in fees for that airline ticket when you can go on-line and book it yourself and help fight cancer too! Click on this link...
National Foundation for Cancer Research
Eddie said..."I didn't fall for it Ole."
ReplyDeleteSure you didn't Eddie. LMAO!!
You believe what you want Ole, you always do. Sorry but I don't think there is one newbie RTA in the whole world that could do what fake Sue said she did. I said:
ReplyDelete"Dear Sue, I am so sorry that you have lost your mind. If you had kept the exaggeration a little more in line someone might have believed you. The 22 Disney packages for example...hahahahaha"
Mar 21, 2008 11:08:00 AM
I didn't know fake sue and real sue were not the same tho. It just never occurs to me to post under someone elses name. Confusing I'll grant you. have a good day Ole...try and sell at least one Disney today!
Eddie said, "I didn't know fake sue and real sue were not the same tho."
ReplyDeleteThere ya go Eddie..proved my point. You guys fell for it..wanted to believe is was really her..so you could take some cheap pot shots at her. Just too funny!!
BTW, Eddie, Mrs. Cleaver wants you to stop coming over. She says your a bad influence on the Beaver smoken all that Disney Dust. LOL!
I am the one that posted the one about the Scott Tomer and the bookings under the name of Sue Walsh. It was a joke, just as her posts were totally exaggerated. I thought I would take it a bit further to make a point that you can say anything you want to say whether it be true or not. Just the fact that she stated she recruited 6 people within 6 hours and made Power Team was all the BS I could handle. If anyone took it seriously, then maybe you should join YTB too.
ReplyDeleteWell even "real Sue" lied - said she was a teacher and she is not.
ReplyDeletemartha said, "If anyone took it seriously, then maybe you should join YTB too."
ReplyDeleteAny you guys want to sign up? lol!!
that's okay Ole. The Beav is an a** anyway. I'd rather hang out with you. your're cuter and like koolaid.
ReplyDeleteA bit of bad news Eddie. Mrs. Cleaver shot the Beaver. :>(
A bit of bad news Eddie. Mrs. Cleaver shot the Beaver. :>(
ReplyDeleteThe problem with teaching as a profession is that teachers are highly under paid and overworked. Have you any kids? Do you even take notice to the size of classrooms pertaining to teacher/student ratios? You're talking about 30+ students per teacher! Schools aren't hiring any teachers, because there's no more space for new classrooms. The schools aren't adding on, because the counties aren't funding the money. Teachers aren't getting paid what they are worth. People working at Wal-Mart can make more money! Sue has every right to persue another maens of income. Who are you to tell her that she can't!
For that matter, who do any of you think you are to tell people what they can and cannot do! YTB is doing whatever it takes to remain compliant with any and all industry laws, and it's time for you to recognize that!
Welcome to YTB!
TEachers are underpaid and we can all agree to that.
ReplyDeleteNo one is telling anyone what they can and cannot do. Where did you come up with that? And as for YTB and compliance...time will tell, but I am not sure why they will be changing any time soon. How did they get on the pink sheets? Why were they dropped from IATAN? Why did RCCL terminate their contract? Why are the RTA sites suspended in Rhode Island? Why was the purchase of a travel agency in Ontario made? ALl for lack of complaince, so YTB has a history behind it!
Why is YTB still around?
ReplyDeleteWhy is YTB listed in Travel Weekly as # 35 and #11?
Why did YTB receive the PINNACLE AWARD multiple times?
Why won't John call YTB for answers?
Why won't John attend a CRTA?
As for the pink sheets, there are many companies out there that are traded on the pink sheets... many highly resectable companies! In case you haven't noticed... the United states is headed for another recession. The value of our dollar is falling fast! People are being laid off. People are losing their homes... and the stock market is hurting! Of course, you fail to notice. Are you related to GWB? Well, you're relatively close to the White house. Next time you see the President, be sure to thank him for all of this! I'm glad I got into YTB when I did. Instead fo being a part of the problem, I am part of the solution.
bTW... our stocks are back up to $.83 a share. It fluctuates just as the stock market fluctuates.
ReplyDeleteProud to be YTB said - YTB is doing whatever it takes to remain compliant with any and all industry laws, and it's time for you to recognize that!
ReplyDeleteReally? Is that why RCCL, Perillo, and a few others banned YTB from selling their products? What about IATAN? Was that just a fluke?
All you all are fools, this is a friend of the real Sue Walsh and I
ReplyDeleteshe doesn't teach in MD, I think she might have said that considering what idiots are on this site, and I won't dare say where she or I really are. I am personally one of the people that signed up the other day and I think all of you so called TTA's are pathtic. I am HAPPY TO BE IN YTB. I feel sorry for the Sue Walash in MD mayve I should direct her to this blog so she can see how people can ruin other people's lives...
You need to give the Sue Walsh sham up. It's old. It's not real. Promoting YTB like this just makes you look more stupid than most in YTB and that is a difficult task.
ReplyDeleteProud -
ReplyDeleteWhy is YTB no longer listed on TW's Power List? Could it be because TW finally figured out that YTB was reporting the sale of websites/membership as travel sales and that is bogus?
Why didn't YTB get a Pinnacle Award from CCL this year for their 2007 sales? And those awards have been granted.
A stock ends up onthe Pink Sheets when it is in trouble - as YTB did long before anyone recognized there is a recession.
It is up- but far below what it was...I think insider trading is a good guess, though by no means a sure one.
Anon says, "Why is YTB no longer listed on TW's Power List?"
ReplyDeleteThey are on the 2007 list.
New 2008 list comes out in June.
Here's the link to the 2007 list.
How does that crow taste???
The 2008 list isn't out yet. Wait a fwe months! YTB will probably be ranked #17 in world travel and #6 in Leisure Travel by June!
BTW, YTB DID receive the Pinnacle award for 2007 in Orlando, Fl at the Marriott on World Drive during FunShine East (event where the suppliers train the RTAs) on October 6, 2007! I witnessed the last two personally. We were ahead of schedule for 2007. I also guarantee that we will receive the one for 2008 before the end of 2008.
ReplyDeleteDo you even know what insider trading is??? YTB is publicly traded.
Now there are companies that have private stock. This stock is insider traded, because one must be a part of that company to purchase and sell stocks.
Also, about pink sheets...
ReplyDeleteJust because a company's stocks are on pnk sheets doesn't necessarily mean that the company is in trouble. There are many highly respected companies that are traded on pink sheets. there are many respected companies that aren't even on the stock market at all.
I left the "i" out in the word "pink" above. I better fix it before the spelling police come after me... LOL!!!
ReplyDeleteThat is funny. For all the TTA's spell checking, they don't always spell correctly, and neither does does JOHN