All part of the plan?
MLM and Travel It's No Good! YTB, TraverUs, GTI, World Ventures. All no good for the travel industry! MLM and Travel It's No Good! YTB, TraverUs, GTI, World Ventures. All no good for the travel industry! MLM and Travel It's No Good! YTB, TraverUs, GTI, World Ventures. All no good for the travel industry!
Wow...that didn't take long. I'm glad I called the below a dollar stock. Unfortunately it came a few weeks late. But now it's below 90 cents. Amazing!!! Millionaires being made every day!
ReplyDeleteI'm just about ready to buy another 1,000 shares. Common baby down just a little bit more please!
ReplyDeleteI'm hopeing for $.50. Maybe next week?
Another $1000 shares so you can end up with zero in a few months? Yeah great idea!
ReplyDeleteHere comes ytbscam -
ReplyDeleteHe's like the paramedic on call to rush to the rescue with all-things YTB stock. When YTB stock goes down, it's an orgasmic experience for him!
John I can't find Doug's site, Picture It Now in your "Links We Like". What happend, you guys not friends anymore? :>(
I think John's a little upset with Doug busting him all the time. I love how he always has just the right words and links to make John look like the zeaolot he is.
ReplyDeleteDid you see that bonus program Doug has on his site? Maybe Doug's getting into the recruiting game? We all know he's got the travel game down packed.
I hope he does...the guy certainly knows his stuff.
Doesn't he John? LOL!
Ole -
ReplyDeleteJohn is tired of the abuse. It's fun to witness the "smackdown" when Doug uncovers the follie of John's anti-YTB rhetoric.
Ole -
ReplyDeleteJohn really likes it when he has nothing to speak about. So all he does is run on and on and on, about YTB and the likes. It;s just unfortunate that I have to listen to Doug also. Doug is just as bad as John, maybe they were twins at birth?
Actually I think it is funny that Doug's site talks all about these bonuses for RTAs, when he has gone to great pains to state that there is a difference between Reps and RTAs. These bonuses actually go to Reps, not RTAs. Even the Great Doug manages to mix up the two. No wonder so many people get confused.
ReplyDeleteOh..so that's what happened lb. I was wondering why John took down the link to Doug's site.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, Anon, Doug's been doing a fantastic job of answering all of John's questions...all with very little response back from John. I guess Doug put him in his corner once too many times. :>(
Doug would make a great Director in YTB and I hope to see him make it there soon. And that 30/30 program...WOW!..Just 29 days left guys. Let hit it!
olescorekeeper Picture It Now
The links we like are supposed to rotate.
ReplyDeleteWas there a post over there where Doug "smacked me down"? I must have missed it because for the last two months he has been regurgitating the same old crap and towing the same old YTB line. But when he is stumped, he tosses in some inane story or references some motivational guru. Deflection 102. Pre-requisite Smoke and Mirrors 101.
As for the new 30-30. Yeah like there will be more than one person to make it if that! Again, I will refer to your backoffice for the figures, but the average YTBer makes Coach's Corner (does that sound like a place a naughty priest might send an altar boy to anyone else?) in 20 months. But if you can do it in 1 we will give you $3000. The average YTBer makes Level 4 Director in 47 months (the minimum ever was 41) and they will give you $1M if you can do it in 15. The new Lear has a better chance of making it to the Olympics without a refuel.
Doug is with YTB ergo Doug knows very little about selling travel.
ReplyDeleteDoug is with YTB ergo Doug is good at selling websites.
I think his new offer is an attempt to sell more websites cause his travel biz is tanking.
Doug is sweating. He quit his job for YTB. What a freaking fool. He has been struggling for OVER THREE YEARS and is only in Coach's Corner.
ReplyDeleteNot that Piccolo is a role model for anyone but there is a guy that hustled and made Level 1 Director in a month or two. Granted, when his "methods" were discovered and Coach realized he was scamming YTB, Old Phil was shown the door.
But seriously, Doug is sweating now. The economy is not looking good. Consumers are becoming less enchanted with online travel. He likely purchased a lot of stock because that is what they probably teach you in Coach's Corner and now the 401K he may have had is worthless.
Three years and a few months and he is making an average of $20K a year.
Real smart move Einstein.
I agree with John-he did not answer really any of the questions. He simply re-posted press releases and tried to explain what was "meant" and not was was "said".
No one comments on his blog because he picks and chooses his responses...makes him feel omnipotent (as opposed to impotent--but that is a discussion for his wife and him). Doug does not have the balls to allow free commenting.
And just a side note. Apparently this post was all about YTB's stellar performance on the Pink Sheets--deflection is king. Don't talk about that, someone might make a valid point...quick call someone a name and throw some sand in someone's eyes.
And just ONE more thing ....maybe you guys received the Pinnacle Award last August to coincide with the "pinnacle" of your stock. Wow, a 90.74% consistent slide in six months! Who the hell is coaching THIS team of losers anyhow?
Somebody needs to take out the garbage.
I'll take it out with the shares of YTB stock!
ReplyDeleteSO what about PIccolo. First he did not exist. Then he was the superstar. ANd now he was discovered scamming old Coach he was tossed to the curb. Can you explain that for me please?
And while you are at it, what about Seligman?
Oh and the gambling guy?
It is a company full of losers, liars, dreamers, scammers, thieves, and con artists!
insider who blows -
ReplyDeleteSettle down. Did you just take a hit of meth or are you needing one badly? Wow!
Let's hear about your next deal, insider. Who is it? Traverus, World Ventures?
Ignorance unleashed!
Shouldn't this thread be about the stock prices. Let's see -- yesterday it closed at $0.94. Today it went as low as $0.85 and did close up a bit to 0.88.
ReplyDeleteAnd all you can do is change the subject. Wow -- you people are amazing!
When will this stock be below 0.80? Maybe if it hits below 0.50 I may buy some shares to paper the back of the wall with my dart board! Might be useful there.
Lisa Allen....was that really necessary to begin the name calling?
ReplyDeleteLook it is quitting time in Long Beach, CA right now and a Friday night. Cash in a share of YTB stock and see if the clerk at the 7-11 will cut you a deal on half a slurpee!
More Good News!
ReplyDeleteWe are expecting 20,000 plus at the convention which will be held at the stadium where the St. Louis Rams play. Further, the company announced that it has paid in advance to rent the stadium for the next 4 years.
Wow, 20,000 at $100 per person that is $2 million. Figure in what they make off the merchandise sales,hotel commissions, and so forth this will be a huge money maker for YTB. Again, separating you from your money!
ReplyDeleteAS for renting it four years in advance, not that I believe you, but that is just plain stupid. Why would a travel company keep their annual convention in the same old place year after year? Oh never mind, website rental company...website rental company...website rental company...website rental company...website rental company...website rental company...
Must be a lonely Firday night for someone in MD. ;>)
ReplyDeleteA link to YTB stock compared to royal caribbean over the last 3 months
Great comparison anonymous, you idiot.
ReplyDeleteProblably ole.....nice to show the comparison when RCCL is 33.17...and YTB is 88 cents. Yeah great comparison. You YTB people are grabbing. I wonder...would I want 30 shares of crappy YTB stock, or 1 share of RCl stock? Yeah great comparison!
You all know absolutely nothing about stocks. Let me teach you something about the stock market. It doesn't matter whether it is blue chips, pink sheets, or even private stock. Stocks of all companies are dependant on how the market does overall. Right now, out economy isn't what it was. Many companies in the stock market have been losing a lot of money. We're talking about hundreds and thousands of dollars per share. Why? It's simple. It all comes down to the consumer. Right now is a slow time for travel. People are winding down from their winter retreats.
ReplyDeleteTo anonymous @ 4:07PM:
What was your point with this comparison? I'll have to look and see.
I think we know enough about stocks to realize that going from over $8.50 to .88 is pretty sad. I don't see many other stocks going down that much. YTB's days are numbered. The pyramid has peaked and only Cooch and his cronies are going make a cent. It looks like they already did when they dumped the stock and Cooch bought his house, Scott finally got a new shirt, and Kim got a jet.
ReplyDeleteI looked, and guess that maybe this person isn't looking at the total value of the shares, but the amount lost per share in today's trade.
ReplyDeleteWith that said, I would also like to share another comparison. It's CCL and RCL. It seems that CCL's stocks hold better than RCL. RCL also lost more per share this past trade than CL did.
You fail to recognize that as the stocks went from $8 a share to what it is now, there were a few splits involved. You must also take that into consideration.
ReplyDeleteYes, YTBs days are numbered. ONLY 2000 new RTAs signed up on Feb 28-29.
ReplyDeleteIf that is bad, I'm looking forward to the good days.
Does anyone know this person?
Why I do believe that is a picture of YTB Rep # 14291--representing $7,145,500 in the Tomer coffers!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know this person?
Mar 9, 2008 7:44:00 PM
John said...
Why I do believe that is a picture of YTB Rep # 14291--representing $7,145,500 in the Tomer coffers!
John, your as bad as YTBSCAM. Well, almost. Why are you posting as an Anon? Busted you twice so far my friend! It's oh so obvious. I'm sure your going to deny it however. lol!
Well Ole--you are finally right. I am going to deny it! Sorry to disappoint.
ReplyDeleteBut when the URL ends in "rep14921" it makes it easy to figure out. And if you take that number and multiply it by $500...you get the dollar figure.
Simple really!
Unlike you and most of the YTBers, I do not have any desire or meed to hide my opinions behind anonymous names. Go look at any online forum and I am clearly identified.
What's next, you gonna say that I am also Doug and writing his blog?
It's ok the pharmacy opens at 9am this morning.
Anon said, "We are expecting 20,000 plus at the convention which will be held at the stadium where the St. Louis Rams play."
ReplyDeleteWow, that will be more people than usually see the Rams play! :)
ReplyDeleteMy guess, is that ole and a bunch of the anonymous posters are just that. The same exact person. Ole tends to think anyone that posts anonymously is me. Thats kind of funny considering that I have and never will hide behind the anonymous name like Ole does.
Anon said, "You fail to recognize that as the stocks went from $8 a share to what it is now, there were a few splits involved."
ReplyDeleteBzzzt! Wrong! The split occurred prior to this. The effective date of the stock split (according to documents filed by YTB with the SEC) was 07/31/07. The stock charts for YTBLA are only for the post split series A shares. They have in fact gone from $8.50 per share to a low of $0.85 per share, last quote of $0.88 per share. No splits involved in any of that. Simply a 90% loss of value.
You people act as if getting into YTB is going to ruin people lives or kill people. If someone has to sell their house to get into YTB, it’s obvious they live in a box. You don't have to go to 4 years of college. It’s a way to make money and people have made money. If it’s not for you, it’s not for you. Don't make it your life mission to cry and complain about something that can help people make money. It’s just unbelievable how people sit at there computer desk all day and night, to write messages about how something is a scam, but it pays people exactly what they say they do. If it goes down, you lost one grand, if it doesn’t, then you can make money. Why can’t you write about people who has not got paid what they were supposed to? Probably because you can’t find anyone who hasn’t. The only people you can find is people like yourself who spent 500 bucks and quit, because you are a LOSER!!!!!! Until YTB somehow goes under, its not a scam. Also, YTB guarantees 6 grand for people who give out 25 magazines a month for one year. If that person doesn’t make a penny, he gets a $6000 check or the difference he makes from 6 grand. So, you can’t lose.
ReplyDeleteHoly cripes! Stock down to 79 cents on opening!!!
ReplyDeleteBRandon--you are missing the entire point. It is not about people joining or not. It is about YTB using the travel industry to legally comply with the law. It is about taking 140K people and dubbing them "travel agents" and trying to sell them perks.
ReplyDeleteThe fact is that very few make any money. This is something that I am going to point out time and time again. 246K of 303K Reps earned NOTHING last year.
Their fault? Maybe, but the program is designed to facilitate failure. And until the masses stop believing in the false promises, it is an issue for a legitimate industry which is being cannibalized by the MLMS
Holy cripes! YTB stock is up to $.85 a share!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is going to fluctuate all day YTBScam.
YTB Scan reminds be of the little chicken in the barnyard screaming, "THE SKY IS FALLING!!!!"
John with more of his opinions...
ReplyDeleteHe still knows absolutely NOTHING about YTB.
In your case the sky should be falling. Anyone that doesn't think the stock decline from the 6 month mark until now, isn't a red flag...then you need your head checked.
ReplyDeleteYou can't even buy a dollar small fry with 1 stock of YTB. AMAZING!
ReplyDeleteHere is what I know...
Now call Coach, Scott and Kim and tell then that THEY don't know what they are talking about! 246,847 people earned NOTHING!
The stock will indeed fluctuate, but the volume is interesting...they have already amassed 60% of their average daily volume in the opening hour.
ReplyDeleteJohn, if you take a look at the stocks in other companies in the travel industry, their stocks are fluctuating as well. If you notice, they have all been losing money... not just YTB. The difference is that while other companies in the travel industry are losing dollars, YTB is only losing pennies. Meanwhile, I have been doing some buying and selling myself. When it was high, I sold some, and when it went low, I bought some back. Simple business... really. That's all they do on Wall Street all day... BUY HIGH... SELL LOW.
ReplyDeleteI can see it now. John s going to accuse me of "stock dumping".
Get real!
Proud--stock dumping is illegal and might get you in trouble with the federal authorities. But for a bit player to sell a few shares is nothing. If you were an insider or had any inside knowledge, I might think otherwise, but the odds are that you are safe on this one!
ReplyDeleteThe salient fact is that the other travel industry stocks have not dropped by more than 2/3 in less than 12 months, as has YTBLA - and this does account for the split.
ReplyDeleteThey split from around $9 to $3 a share (in August? sorry, don't remember) and now (right now) it is $.85 per share - that is actually a 72% drop in value - that is HUGE!!! Yes, the market itself is driving some of the drop - but I suspect an equal share in the drop is driven by the analysts distrust of the leadership of the company and the business model itself ....
Okay "distrust" may be too strong a word - how about "discomfort"?
Tax deduction! Sell your YTB stock at .88 (you bought it for what?) and take a loss. Now, that works!
ReplyDeleteSomeone said this before, but the split has nothing to do with this. The split was in JULY. YTBLA was established in AUGUST, so YTBLA since August is all on it's own.
ReplyDeleteWith a high of $9.50 and a current low of $0.79
Eddie, I said Buy low and sell hugh. Not the other way around. For your info, I actually sold some of it at $.88 a share. When it was $.80 I bought it back. Out of that deal, I made $.08 a share. If I waited another minute, I may have been able to buy it back at $.79. Now the stocks are holding at $.85 a share... so I made an additional $.05 a share which brings me to a profit of $.13 per share.
ReplyDeleteAlso, for the record, Coach did not dump his stocks. He sold what he needed to sell. He sold high. There's nothing illegal about that. Now that stocks are low, he is buying again. Coach is investing more money into YTB than you could ever possibly dream of. Go look at out home office. That should give you a clue right there!!! What are you afraid if John? The truth???
Here's your invitation:
Register now for the next
Red Carpet Day:
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Please note: RCD on March 13 and 27 are THURSDAYS!
Get with your friend Doug so you can go with him... or are you two not friends anymore???
That's amazing Proud! I still think my way is better.
ReplyDeleteProud, I question your math.
ReplyDeleteWhat did you pay for the shares you sold at $.88?
The shares you bought at $.80 and are quoted at $.85 give you a paper profit of $0.05 per share, not $0.13. Also, this is before commissions. How much commission do you pay, and how does that eat into the profit?
Ah vacation stop, you are leaving out the part where I sold the shares.
ReplyDeleteHere it is again:
I actually sold some of it at $.88 a share. When it was $.80 I bought it back. Out of that deal, I made $.08 a share.
Now the stocks are holding at $.85 a share... so I made an additional $.05 a share
which brings me to a profit of $.13 per share.
Eddie, if you would rather buy high and sell low, that's your choice. LOL!!!
You have left out the part about what you paid for the shares that you sold at 88 cents. Without that info, you can't calculate the profit or loss on those shares.
ReplyDeleteThe drop from 88 to 80 doesn't make you any profit, unless you have sold short. It does mean you can buy new shares cheaper.
The rise from 80 to 85 gives you a profit of 5 cents per share before commissions.
This is not complicated math.
Proud---I want one of YOUR demonstrations? Too scared to let me know when one will be happening?
ReplyDeleteIf Coach is buying so much, how come his number of shares have not changed Proud? And who owns the K-Mart and the land? Are you on the deed?
If Coach is buying so many shares, where are the SEC filing forms that are required?
ReplyDeleteMaybe they are lost in the back office. Or maybe they blew away while he was flying in the jet?
You know, no one ever told me how I could go to the CRTA training...
ReplyDeleteAnd I still want to know who the hell Seligman is since I see RTAs still have his video prominently displayed on their websites.
John, the only way for you to see YTB as it really is is for you to take a trip to the HQ on Red Carpet Day. Go talk with the founders. I gave you the info on when it is. Now you just need to muster up the courage to go.
ReplyDeleteVacation stop, maybe it was just $.05 profit, but it was still a gain for me. at le4ast I have the sense to keep an eye on my stocks and trade when needed.
John, you make no sense with that statemrnt. YTB owns the building and the land. Where is Copach geting the money for this? He's geting it frm profits. He, just as any other honest businessman is taking the profits and pouring them back into the company... not only to pay the RTAs and REPs, but to also expand YTB.
Look at Coca Cola, Budweiser, Frito-Lay, etc. They all started out as just a small business. One distribution plant. Now you can find their distibution plants everywhere! Why? well, the business owners took profits to expand the company.
OMG! You want John to go to HQ where they suck your brains out and replace them with Kool Aid?!? ROTFLMAO!
ReplyDeleteJohn said, "Unlike you and most of the YTBers, I do not have any desire or meed to hide my opinions behind anonymous names."
ReplyDeleteNo, you'd never do that. ;>)
Coach is getting the money from the sale of the downline. Interesting, I had dinner with a friend of mine high up in our states AG office and YTB was mentioned. Seems our pal has quite a checkered past. It is only a matter of time. Give him enough rope and he and the rest of you will hang yourselves....
ReplyDeleteanonymous said -
ReplyDelete"Coach is getting the money from the sale of the downline. Interesting, I had dinner with a friend of mine high up in our states AG office and YTB was mentioned. Seems our pal has quite a checkered past. It is only a matter of time. Give him enough rope and he and the rest of you will hang yourselves...."
Boy, we have a real scoop here from anonymous! I believe your conversation with the "friend high up in the states AG office" as much as I believe John Freneye "spends only about an hour a week" on his anti-YTB crusade.
It's getting pretty deep on here. The BS can sure fly on an internet blog.
Stock closed at .83 today. Sad.
ReplyDeleteKeep drinking the kool aid lb, keep drinking.....
ReplyDeleteI posted the information for you the first time you asked. You must have missed it.
anonymous -
ReplyDeleteNot drinking the koolaid . . . I'm cashing the checks.
Market is up overall 320 points. YTBLA is at .84