Friday, June 27, 2008

Blog Etiquette

Wow, three in one day!

Just a quick note to everyone that is commenting on the website, Just Picture It Now--please stop.

In case you did not notice, the website is no longer a blog. It is a website. If you want to comment on the site, send an email to the owner. If he wanted a blog he woudl have published one, but he does not and is controlling the content, so comments about what you read on that website really have no place here.

However, please feel free to comment on the topic raised by this blog. As always, unedited and uncensored. I think after 8 months, I have proven I can handle the criticism and when I am wrong, I admit I am wrong. No need to turn this into a website!

In case anyone was interested, this is the definition of a blog:


A blog is a website where entries are made in journal style and displayed in a reverse chronological order. Blogs often provide commentary or news on a particular subject, such as food, politics, or local news; some function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability for readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of most early blogs.


  1. So does this mean we are trying to "moderate" the comments here as well? You're proud of the fact that this is an OPEN forum, which means we can talk about what ever we want.

    Just Picture It Now...John is trying to control his blog!

    If it's topical, and apparently it is with so many people talking more about him than what you post, isn't it relivant? He does talk about the industry. Carnivals Q2, Magic Johnson going under, and we must not forget Travel Weekly's Power List.

    You mentioned the Power List as a side note only because everyone else was talking about it, but it appears Doug has a better pulse on what's goin on than you do.

    Go DOUG!

  2. Have not seen him post here in months, yet his name comes up every single day. Even when he was on vacation! It's like he's some sort of Rock Star. Doug's stealing Johns thunder. Cha-Chow

  3. Did you miss the Power List entry? Or do you just decline to address the inconsistencies? (again)

    Doug is a regular poster here and as is evidenced by his website revision today a regular reader.

    The only thing he has his pulse on is recruiting, and the only reason he is taking the pulse is because it is weakening.

    No moderation here. Just saying that it makes as much sense to comment about Doug's website here as it does to comment on IBMs.

  4. I think Doug is taking the pulse of his penis! Let's take a look at his recent topics and see how much involves travel....

    IRS Increases Mileage (recruiting)
    YTB Makes Power List (travel/recruiting)
    Magic Johnson Closes (recruiting)
    Carnival Direct Sales (travel)
    No more comments (ego)
    You think You have problems (recruiting)
    Movie Review (ego)
    Vacation (ego)

    Let's sum up here

    Recruiting ---4
    Ego ---3
    Travel ---2

    About 40% recruiting, 30% Ego, and 20% travel.

    Well if he is doing it the YTB way, he is WAY over on the travel. That should be around 12%

  5. Inconsistancies? Not quite, but I'll give you a star for trying to come up with something negative.

    Doug admits he reads, just don't see him around, although he's been reported to be Mix and Ole. (Who claim they are not Doug)

    I see Mike the Travel Guy's web site isn't a blog, (your first of three posts today "Mr. I Sell So Much Travel".) but you have no problem calling him out. Care to explain the spin on that? You seem to pick and choose who we should be talking about.

  6. Uhm, Mike The Travel Guy is most certainly a blog....there are just not too many comments on it. If you look at the bottom there is a link -- just like here.

    Check it out

    the first one says NO COMMENTS click on it and then you will be prompted to enter a comment.

    Sheesh, no wonder you guys don;t make any money, you need to have everything spelled out for you! Check with EAB--he invented the Internet.

  7. Okay, I won't ever comment about Dougs boring, egocentic, holier than thou website on this blog again. No worries. I'm sure 90% of his material comes from anything John says anyway. Doug is a rather narrowminded thinker, don't you agree? Unfortunately, that happens when koolaid is consumed in too great a quantity. Have a good weekend, and keep up the good work John!

  8. Anyone who reads Doug’s blog can certainly see his writings are far superior to John's. And John is supposedly a recognized travel columnist. Unfortunately, John lets his immature emotions get in the way IMO. And realize this...most of his supporters on this blog are an unhappy, disgruntled group of TTA’s that are NOT representative of the professional traditional travel agents I know. Trust me on this one.

    Interestingly, John thinks all the vendors monitor his blog. But I have noticed only a few handful of the same TTA’s post here every day. They are Travel Lisa, Martha, CTA, Eddie, Anons, Kate Holmes. That's about it! Successful TTA's won't come here to read and post. They are much too busy for the nonsense that occurs here. Trust me again on this.

    So are the vendors afraid to post here? Not likely. Apparently they just come here for laughs like most of us do.

    This blog is just one man's hobby who apparently has little else in life to do. It's so obvious.

    Oh I forgot, one of John's big supporters on this blog is YTBSCAM. Now theirs a real credible fellow John I'm sure is appreciative for his intelligent words of support.

  9. John,
    even in your blog it says the ability to leave comments is important in MOST blogs, it doesn't say it is arequirement

  10. Yes, I guess that is it. You have certainly solved the entire issue and everyone appreciates your help.

  11. "And realize this...most of his supporters on this blog are an unhappy, disgruntled group of TTA’s that are NOT representative of the professional traditional travel agents I know. Trust me on this one."

    I for one am NOT disgruntled by any means. I make six figures, drive a Lexus, kids go to private school and have a great number of repeat and new clients. The bills are paid. Life is good as a TTA.

    And, I don't have to recruit and work for a pond scum outfit like YTB.

    Yes, life is good. Disgruntled? No way!

    I am however pissed off that Coach has unleashed uneducated bottom feeders on the travel industry who are only in it for the tax deductions, perks and freebies.

  12. Since Doug is a worthless slimeball recruiter that promises you success, I promise not to mention him again either. Without your blog, he wouldn't even have a blog of his own. Most of his topic are related to yours....soon appearing right after you post yours. He says he doesn't read it and he doesn't comment. That is like saying he made a million dollars with YTB.
