Well, as expected, Rhode Island has opened the floodgates for the MLM crowd. As the Craigslist post from last month showed, they are justs foaming at the mouth to get the pyramid built in Rhode Island.
But Travel Weekly is reporting that the Governor has opened the floodgates. While Rhode Island is one of the few states that DOES have a requirement, I feel that it is a horribly wrong move to rescind it. This will be a terrible move for consumers and I an anxious to see how the number of scams and travel rip offs increase. Remember, Rhode Island is in a hugely populated area drawing from New York and Boston!
Traversus, World Ventures and YTB are all poised to go there. I imagine it has opened a whole new population of recruits for them. Now I guess it remains to be seen if Rhoad Islanders are smart people or dufuses?
ReplyDeleteGood picture. Now go read "Who Moved My Cheese?"
ReplyDeleteJohn, you are wrong. There is nothing wrong with RI...they just saw the light. MLM is here to stay and RI is embracing it in the travel end.
ReplyDeleteWe have many reps and RTAs that are on hold (or were on hold) in RI and now they are able to do their jobs and begin to earn what they can with YTB.
This is a GREAT move for consumers becasue of our vast buying power and the ability to offer some of the lowest pricing on the web. Consumers win. TTAs are bummed. So sorry!
This is a SETBACK for all consumers in the state, as now anyone can call themselves a travel agent with no assurances that the "agent" will handle their money or their trip planning in the appropriate manner.
ReplyDeleteAt least when the law was in place, consumers knew the agent was either licensed or bonded.
hmmm...laws don't get rescinded very often. must have been better reasons to get rid of it than to keep it?
ReplyDeleteAccoding tot he articles I have read, there used to be a whole department handling it. There has been a shift from retail locations to home based and internet ones and they felt that what control they had they were losing. Then couple it with the budget tightening and the department was an easy one to eliminate.
ReplyDeleteTime will tell for sure.
Anonymous said..."hmmm...laws don't get rescinded very often. must have been better reasons to get rid of it than to keep it?"
ReplyDeleteAccording to the article in TW, two reasons are given. The law was rescinded:
1 - To save money at the state level.
2 - There are too few agents in the tiny state to regulate.
And RTA's need to be regulated more than anyone else. Too bad YTB won't do it so RI consumers are on their own.
ReplyDelete"And RTA's need to be regulated more than anyone else. Too bad YTB won't do it so RI consumers are on their own."
ReplyDeleteYTB - 2 or 3 RTA problems in the past year.
TTAs - Tens of problems in the past year.
Speaking of regulation, don't forget the rogue TTAs who have taken off with people's money.
They certainly need regulation if anyone does.
YTB was already in Rhode Island.
YTB voluntarily suspended the RTA sites to be in compliance.
Now we are back to business as usual.
Good decision on Rhode Island's part.
YTB and TRAVEL: A Great Mix!
YTB did not VOLUNTARILY suspend anything. They were told to suspend till it was all worked out. And ultimately the work out was the abolition of the law.
ReplyDeleteYou keep saying there are only 2-3 RTAs that are bad. At one point someone said dealing with an RTA is like being raped. Most of the time any scams are not reported. And because you deal with your friends and family (soon to be ex friends and ex family) they are likely to either not say anything to keep the peace, or are too embarrassed that they were taken in the first place. Unfortunately no one will ever now the full extent of the rogue RTAs, but you can rest easily knowing that it a hell of a lot more than 2 or 3!
I have a tendency to agree Anon. YTB REACTS to everything. Rather than play by the rules for IATA, they skirt them till caught. They lose, they appeal, they lose. Rather than play by RCCL rules, they skirt them, they get fired. Rather than play by the rules in Canada, they skirt them they buy an agency and all is well--except they are losing RTAs and not selling too much travel up there. They charter two ships and cannot sell them so they react and give away space. They endorse irregular accounting and when caught are put on the Pinks and reacted by doing them correctly to be relisted. They gave away ID cards and were caught in California and reacted by restricting them. They gave away ID cards elsewhere and were feeling the heat of several states and they restricted them.
ReplyDeleteYTB will do what they can to skirt any law or regulation. They will walk right on the line and claim ignorance when caught and hope for the best. It did not work with RCCL or IATAN and I think it is a matter of time before it does not work with someone that has a much larger hammer!
I also agree about the 2-03 RTAs being bad!
Ole will spend the rest of his life trying to put a good spin on YTB. What a calling. I sure hope Coach made him a director so he can crow about that with friends and family. Poor Ole.
ReplyDelete"I also agree about the 2-03 RTAs being bad!"
ReplyDeleteThat is laughable, John.
If there were others, you would use your crack investigative skills to sniff them out.
And report them for all to see.
And sprinkle in a touch of bias.
And your "YTB reacts to everything" post is also laughable.
No company has done what YTB has done in the travel industry.
There is not a template to follow.
You don't like our business model and that's fine.
If you are within the law, you are within the law.
Companies that practice outside of the law are fined or indicted.
They also have numerous lawsuits against them.
Show me either of the above.
Just because you and your TTAs don't like YTB, it doesn't make what we do wrong.
Sorry things did not go your way with the Rhode Island news.
You lost one.
And we won.
YTB and TRAVEL: A Great Mix!
Some anon said, "You keep saying there are only 2-3 RTAs that are bad."
ReplyDeleteThat is correct. That's also going back from the beginning of YTB nearly 8 years ago.
"At one point someone said dealing with an RTA is like being raped. Most of the time any scams are not reported."
And you base this assumption on what? Nothing. No facts, just a feeling. Based on your assumption, is it also possible their are TTA crimes that also go unreported? Is that possible?
"And because you deal with your friends and family (soon to be ex friends and ex family) they are likely to either not say anything to keep the peace, or are too embarrassed that they were taken in the first place."
This is a ridiculous argument. RTA's are not booking travel for family and friends and running off with the money. It's been reported on this blog, and everywhere in the media, that many TTA's have engaged in this illegal behavior. Google search this subject and you will find the last 8 years abounds with these traditional rogue agents. What is surprising is most are B&M agents.
"Unfortunately no one will ever now the full extent of the rogue RTAs, but you can rest easily knowing that it a hell of a lot more than 2 or 3!
And again..facts? No, just a "rest easily" assumption. In a court of law it is referred to as, "assuming facts not in evidence".
Now, go read my new book, "Get Your Facts Straight 101"?
Sorry, YTB guys. None of you have the slightest idea what goes on behind closed doors at YTB. You know what you are told and that is it. You do not and cannot speak for YTB on any corporate matter as you are only ICs not employees so really it's none of your business. There could be far more shenanagins being handled by corporate then you could guess and coach et all won't tell you.
ReplyDeleteYour on the bottom of the ladder and likely to stay there.
Hey Doogie,
ReplyDeleteYour cheerleading is getting to the point of making me puke even more than before.
So tell me Doogie, if YTB is such a great and easy thing to do, why did you fail at making director?
Why is it that it was given to you? Maybe because YTB is losing alot of people and they want to keep the few idiots that actually believe in the system. YTB did not work for you. So I guess that makes you a failure in YTBers eyes. You know if you can't make it work, then you failed, YTB didn't fail you. You failed YTB
YTB and FAKE TANS: Not A Great Mix!
anonymous said...."This is a GREAT move for consumers becasue of our vast buying power and the ability to offer some of the lowest pricing on the web. Consumers win. TTAs are bummed. So sorry!"
ReplyDeleteReally? Vast buying power? Where? Some of the lowest pricing on the web? Where? I can beat ANY PRICE you RATS come up with. Not only that, I know what I'm doing. The consumer gets a better deal from me and other TTAs, actual service, and years of knowledge. The only thing TTAS are bummed about is that there isn't enough D-Con to go around for the RATS.
YTB and TRAVEL: A great way to make nothing or maybe $9 per year (before fees, of course)!
Well, it would be embarrassing if they ended up with fewer directors than when they started come convention time!
ReplyDeleteBoss--you are right, none of the reps, RTAs, TTA, or me know what happens at HQ. Hell, Coach and Scotty barely know.
But on a serious note, what about that earth shattering program announced earlier this year that was going to make everyone a millionaire. All they needed to do was pick up the recruiting. How is that working out for you all? No real news about it in the Biz Report--the list of bonus winners actually seems to be getting smaller and I have not seen Doug's name on it; but I know he was not thinking of himself, he was concentrating on everyone else's success!
YTBSCAM said...
ReplyDelete"Hey Doogie,
Your cheerleading is getting to the point of making me puke even more than before."
If you get together with Martha, we could call you guys the Puke & Vomit duo.
Back to the original post....as a TTA in Rhode Island, I can confirm that this change was completely dictated by budget concerns. We are in a fiscal crisis in RI right now, and the governor is slashing programs wherever he can. He saw an opportunity to cut out the staff at the Department of Business Regulation that was overseeing TA licensing, so he did it.
ReplyDeleteIt is a very sad day for consumers, who can no longer be assured that their "agent" has any clue what he/she is doing (or that they are protected by a bond). It is also a very sad day for TTAs, who now must combat the slimy image that RTAs give our profession.
ytbscam -
ReplyDeleteI repeat.
You are not in YTB.
You are not a TTA.
You obviously have no idea as to what is going with the traditional travel industry or YTB.
You are relevant as Waldo.
the boss -
"Sorry, YTB guys. None of you have the slightest idea what goes on behind closed doors at YTB."
And you are telling us that YOU do?
anonymous -
"It is a very sad day for consumers, who can no longer be assured that their "agent" has any clue what he/she is doing"
Oh my.
Such a sad day.
People now can book online with YTB.
Cannot think of anything more devastating to the Rhode Island populous.
Get a life, TTAs.
YTB and TRAVEL: A Great Mix!
The only people who will book on line with YTB is YTB. They'd rather pay more to get a kick back than to pay less with another source and receive value and service. Too bad for them. This is assuming that YTBers have the $$ to buy travel at all.
ReplyDeleteI sure would rather join up with a second rate web site than buy gas for my car, groceries for my family or anything else. I think pretty soon YTB may have to actually pay people to join rather than the other way around. Or maybe that's what Phil P. already came up with?
One thing I do know for sure ---Mixed up is Mixed up. It must be very embarrassing to be in his upline knowing that his efforts are totally concerned with defending Coachs income source and not selling websites or trips to 6 flags. Maybe he's run out of friends and family.
YTB and TRAVEL: You're telling people to get a life when you post on here 400 times per day? Ummmm, I think you need a hobby. Obviously YTB isn't working for you or you would be busy, right? I know, everyone is clicking away at your site and booking hundreds of trips per day. Yeah, that's the ticket!
ReplyDeleteYTB and TRAVEL: Life ain't work shit!
No, I don't know what goes on in the woodpile at coaches house, but's what is more important is that YTBites don't either.
ReplyDeletewonderful, beautiful, Martha -
ReplyDeleteau contraire!
I have this fun, little device called a wireless air card.
Unlike you, I don't have to sit on my behind at a desk all day.
10 new RTAs on my Team since last Friday.
Life is good.
And getting better each day.
YTB and TRAVEL: A Great Mix!
ytbscam -
ReplyDeleteYou are relevant as Waldo.
Now ytbscam is a guy who has definitely reached his full potential, depriving a village somewhere of an idiot.
Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.
ReplyDeleteTall tales, Mixed up.
ReplyDeletekarla said...
ReplyDelete"Tall tales, Mixed up"
Couldn't have described the life of frustrated TTAs if I had tried.
Great job!
YTB and TRAVEL: A Great Mix!
The TTA's are definitely ahead the RTA's for "over the top mama drama exagerrated responses" from the last several days of blogs. Feel free to go score it yourselves. It appears they're running more scared than the YTBers. It's entertaining tho! lol.... (but the compassionate side in me finds their fears troubling.)
ReplyDeleteYTB and TRAVEL said...."I have this fun, little device called a wireless air card.
ReplyDeleteUnlike you, I don't have to sit on my behind at a desk all day.
10 new RTAs on my Team since last Friday."
Oh, OK. I get it now.
You're out on the road all the
time promoting YTB and having
hundreds of people join your
downline each month.
You stop in the middle of your
presentation and play with your
"fun little device." I think
you're confusing that fun little device
with your penis.
Just because you say it doesn't
make it true.
YTB and TRAVEL: A tall tale, a tiny you know what.
"No company has done what YTB has done in the travel industry."
ReplyDeleteAnd I hope there never is another one either!
You are right, Steve Mencik.
ReplyDeleteOur little ol' company sure gets you stirred up.
And wonderful, gracious Martha.
Her specialty is selling "travel" to truck drivers and longshoremen.
Such a fine, credible example of a TTA.
You all should be real proud of her.
YTB and TRAVEL: A Great Mix!
You guys are so fickle...last week, Martha was being lauded as the queen of the universe on Doug's blog.
ReplyDeleteYou need to pick a position and stick with it!
Sorry, but last week Martha showed some class. Sounds like she's back hard on the bottle again this week.
ReplyDeleteApparently John admires Martha so much that he has given her "queen of the universe" top billing in his...
ReplyDeleteStink'n Links We Like
Martha's Travels and Assorted Junk
Trust me. It's more about "Assorted Junk" then about travel.
YTBScam & Martha: A Great Mix!!!
Aka Puke & Vomit
John's two best hopes for his anemic blog to survive throughout the summer months. Too funny!
Martha said, "I think you're confusing that fun little device with your penis."
ReplyDeleteI'll bet the old travel hen wouldn't know one if she saw one. A wireless air card that is.
YTB and TRAVEL Asshole said...."Her specialty is selling "travel" to truck drivers and longshoremen."
ReplyDeleteWrong! I don't do truck drivers. My specialty are sailors and Marines, or any drunk I can roll in the parking lot. You just gave me a new thought about longshoremen though. Thanks! You finally came through with a good idea.
Do any YTB people have a sense of humor or are they all religious, right wing, and so uptight that you couldn't pull a needle out of their ass with a tractor? I've always wondered.
BTW, YTB and TRAVEL, I called it a penis. If I didn't have any class, I'd have called it a tinkler or wee-wee. I would have called it a cock, but I think you're lacking in that area except for being a huge prick. Was that classy enough for you?
Now I'm off to the bar wearing my crothless panties and cha cha boots. Maybe I'll score 2 Marines tonight and a longshoreman.
YTB and TRAVEL: The Life of the Party!
Martha said, "Now I'm off to the bar wearing my crothless panties and cha cha boots. Maybe I'll score 2 Marines tonight and a longshoreman."
ReplyDeleteYeah? Maybe they'll score something they don't want.
HOORAY!! Drunk Martha's back in town! The world's a better place...
ReplyDeleteWhat Martha calls "humor" is just cheap trailer trash comments.
ReplyDeleteAnd I don't see much fun coming from the stressful lives of the TTA's on here. But I do see alot of emotional mama drama exaggerated attack remarks. Wait - I guess those are the funny ones! LOL!!
:) Who's stressed? Certainly not me. Business has never been better, and I make a heck of alot more then your average RTA. I don't have to spend money on anything, I don't have to recruit everyone and their mother into a company where MAJORITY make diddly squat. I don't have to pay for training, brochures etc. I work from home as well..so whats to be stressed about. Again, MLM's don't stress us, don't worry us, you EMBARASS the industry. Nothing more.
ReplyDeleteAs for Martha's humor, I find it funny as hell. Sorry that you people are so uptight in your christian stick up your ass ways, that you don't find it so. Theres always the don't come to the blog if you don't like it option. :)
Well not only did I manage to get it on with an entire fleet, I scored a couple of bucks in the process. I'll bet you YTB people wish you could say the same, referring to money, that is. Who is calling me trailer trash? That is exclusive to the RATS.
ReplyDeleteI would love to have all the RATS and Reps from YTB at one of my parties. I could use you as tree stumps. Do you buttheads ever smile except for when you see Coach?
YTB and TRAVEL: Praise the Lord and empty the collection plate!
"The TTA's are definitely ahead the RTA's for "over the top mama drama exagerrated responses" from the last several days of blogs. Feel free to go score it yourselves. It appears they're running more scared than the YTBers. It's entertaining tho! lol.... (but the compassionate side in me finds their fears troubling.)"
ReplyDeleteYeah that's right you idiot. I'm so scared of you while I'm sitting here writing a contract for a group on Star Clippers and getting ready to invoice another $50k in sales (sales, not commissions - have to clarify since you idiots don't seem to understand the difference) just this morning - not even noon yet.
My businees is already double over the total for last year. it's your cheap tire-kicker, do-it-yourself-on-the-net clients who are going to stop booking in this economy, not mine. People with real money always have money and never stop spending and demand service for a real professional.