A while back, a remarkable program was announced that promised millions in bonuses. This program was open to new reps as well as old ones.
Well, fast forward 3 months 20% of the way through the program and we have our first winner! Apparently 1 person our of 303,961+ eligible reps made the grade.
So it took 3 months to find 1 person that could recruit on pace to make the first level of incentive. It appears that no one has earned the incentive for the Level 1 Director in 3 Months incentive.
Does this indicate that the program may not be workable? Could this indicate that the program (and this particular incentive) is designed to fail?
It is funny, that the winner of the lowest (and only) tier is a 10 year veteran of MLM
Wow, and yes, that is a decimal point prior to those two zeros. And interestingly enough, this percentage is right in line with the number of people who stand a chance to make some money in MLM--well at least according to a report issued at the end of 2007.Stay tuned for the next opportunity to guarantee you millions! For every 100,000 people you individually recruit, you will earn a $10 Million Dollar Bonus*
*Paid in stock, and valued at a price determined by by some other entity than the fair market!
Here is a shock......
John is either lieing or misinformed AGAIN!!!!!
Here is the biz report from April 25th with the first THREE fast start winners
Way to John---further discredit...
Hey, why not comment on YTB's jump to number 26?
Travel Weekly made a point to comment on the verification of the numbers also specifically singling out YTB in the intro.
I sumbitted that comment before I added this link of another member of the 30/30 club
John, what the hell is wrong with your reporting?
Not sure why the comments are cutting off the link but the first one is the biz report from april 25th and the second one is from June 20th. I skipped the one that had the couple that John "found"
ReplyDeleteAnother thing JOhn, there aren't 303,000 eligible reps as the fast start program was only open to those that were just starting or hadn't received a bonus yet. So, it truly is open to new reps only.
ReplyDeleteOOH! You mean there were THREE instead of ONE?? Gee! That's real freaking impressive. Gosh maybe John should publish an written apology in the New York times and have your named tattood on his ass.
ReplyDeleteSo you had three. And you are impressed by that? What happen to the droves of millionaires this program was supposed to produce? You've only had 3 people out of the thousands of members that you have make it. Whoop-tee-doo!
Actually 5, and if you read the other post you would see that it is for new REPs and REPs that had already enrolled but hadn't received the bonus yet. So, therre aren't thousands. And, Kate, the main point, if you can sift through your immaturity is that in order to EARN respect and credibility you need to have accurate reporting. And, it has been anything but that here on this blog.
ReplyDeleteI don't need an apology, but John waits 2 months after the first 3 30/30 earners were announced after just one month. Why not mention the 3 winners after the first month? Oh, that's right, it would be accurate reporting. And you can't have that here on this blog.
In order to fit the bill of anti YTB you either have to lie, mislead or distort.
But, I did enjoy your playground banter this morning.
What's next a good ol fashioned "i know you are but what am I"?
SO it is open to those who never received the $1000 bonus? How many is that?
ReplyDeleteTW? I looked at the link. TW did NOT verify anything. They asked the companies to certify. There is a HUGE difference. Their sales figures were not reported as a number (but as a footnote) in the annual report. I am sure Jon is doing a post on it, but here is a few questions for you...
This year, YTB (or TW) decided to define the "sale to third party" line and it says specifically that this is travel sales by RTAs/
If YTB sold $414 million dollars and RTAs sold $211 million dollars, where is other $203 million dollars? If RTAs only sold $211, that does not look to well on the average RTA earning sheet.
And since when did YTB become a corporate travel agency selling 85% corporate and 10% leisure? Or don't you know the difference?
And if indeed yo are corporate 85% why is your ARC number so low? ARC (airline tickets) typically accounts for 80% of the corporate volume so if YTB was being truthful in their "certification" they should have about $350 million in corporate sales and of that $281 million ought to be through the ARC.
Oh are we now counting everyone who earns a bonus as part of the 30-30 program?
ReplyDeleteInsider who's spinning said:
ReplyDelete"TW did NOT verify anything."
But TW said:
"YTB has to be singled out because of it faced another year of controversy because of the structure of its business – loosing IATA and Royal Caribbean accreditation. Editors checked with the company multiple times to ensure that its reported total represented only direct travel sales, not referrals or any other nonqualified revenues."
Hmmmmm, just who's word to we beleive? The gig is up insider, TW is just as sick of the false claims you and John spin as we are.
I can guarantee that TW did not use the word "loosing" Maybe it is better to go to the source than to Doug?
ReplyDeleteAnd if you are sick of the spin, why not get off the ride. But don't be so sure that TW holds you in the high esteem that you believe!
Are all TTA's just a bunch of whining, hysterical, complaining and stressed out beings? Man, like you give a fat rat's butt if you're gonna plan me a good time or not! SheesH......chill out and take a vacation! (and i don't mean one of your working fam trips either!)
ReplyDeleteSo there are 3 not 5??
ReplyDeleteThe program was nothing more than hype. If it's so darn easy, then why are so few people in YTB making money?
I think it's amazing that someone stated that we needed to "lie mislead, or distort" in order to post negative things about YTB. Haven't you seen the recruiting ads on Craig's List? Have you ever been to any of YTB's seminars and heard about the millions of dollars you can make just by handing over $495 and $50 per month? Talk about misleading and deceptive!
Clean up the mess in your own back yard before you go poking around in mine. When your recruiting message states that over 80% of your members make ZERO income from your fantastic payment plan, then you'll have some room to talk.
And when your posts have a name on them, maybe they'll have some credibility.
Maybe it is better to go to the source than to Doug?
ReplyDeleteIsn't it nice that unlike here, Doug supplies a source?
Didn't YTB give TW the wrong number last year, then oops fix it? Wouldn't that be why they re-verified the number and posted the footnote.
ReplyDeleteSeriously who cares about the power list. Carlson is #2. Big difference between billions and millions. The difference being that real agency's actually sell more travel then BS. If YTB sole purpose was to sell travel, you'd be higher up on that list. You might actually make the $1 Billion dollars (in my best Dr. Evil voice) by years end. But no, they sell more stores, concentrate on recruiting and not on travel.
ReplyDeleteAs for the idiot poster above complaining about us "whiny TTA's", nobody gives a shit what your anon ass thinks. Don't like it..don't read it. Go read Doug's 1 sided blog. Sorry for the language but not in a good mood today as I just found out my best friend and co-worker was diagnosed with ovarian cancer.
Kate let me try this again for you since you, like, john, dont bother to read anything posted to rebut your ridiculous posts...there are 3 links to stories about 30/30 people, one of which (the first one) mentions 3 people. 3 plus 1 plus 1 equals FIVE
ReplyDeleteThe number YTB has reposrted as "travel sales" to TW does not mesh with the number YTB has reported to the SEC, so what gives?
ReplyDeleteOK so 5 out of how many. The percentage goes from .0003% to .002%--nothing to be too proud of in any event.
ReplyDeleteLet's put this in perspective for a minute. I am not sure why YTB sells $414M and the RTAs only sell $200M but that is the fuzzy math they like to use.
But just picture this....138,000 RTAs each selling $10,000 in travel a year. That is only $833.33 per month.
That would put YTB over the $1 BILLION mark.
But your sales force is not capable of doing that.
Apparently they either produce $3000 a year ($250 a month) or $1529 a year (or $127 a month)
YTB did report the $414M to the SEC in their 10K. It was not in a chart, but in a note as apparently they do not have a way to track sales.
ReplyDeleteLast year, if you recall, they needed to "glean" the numbers. This year, they likely "gleaned" again and rather than deal with the "gleaning" issue, they just put the "gleaned" number in the 10K as a footnote.
Supposedly, they were investing in some technology that could track sales but that was not supposed to be deployed till March 2008 I believe.
I question why it says RTA sales are $211M and that they are 85% corporate.
"Are all TTA's just a bunch of whining, hysterical, complaining and stressed out beings? Man, like you give a fat rat's butt if you're gonna plan me a good time or not! SheesH......chill out and take a vacation! (and i don't mean one of your working fam trips either!)"
ReplyDeleteAND, are all you RTA's a bunch of deflecting, mean spirited beings? And YTB doesn't give a rat's ass about ANY of their customers or their down line. It's all about greed and making money for you. At least we care about our clients. As to fam trips, you are jealous the suppliers put the brakes on you and you can't go without A.) A valid IATAN card which you don't have and B.) Minimum sales requirements with said suppliers which you don't have either.
Leave travel to the professionals and go sell flowers or cars and make Coach richer so he can buy another Lear while 80% of you make squat.
If YTB cannot keep track of their sales where do the 414m and 211m figures come from? Guessing? Wishing? And why such a big difference in reported sales? I wonder what accounting system they use that allows such manipulation of the numbers.
ReplyDelete85% corporate? I don't think so. Did YTB count the jet as a corporate 'sale'?
something, again, is very fishy.
Travel Weekly is at fault for allowing all the BS exceptions to everyone's numbers.
ReplyDeleteYou want to be in the list, we need total travel sales to consumers over the past year. You need to provide a report from your accounting system detailing those sales. You can have three significant events or changes in the year that we will publish and that is it.
I am not sure how YTB could have been in existence for 7 years and not have a system in place to track travel sales. After all they claim to be in the travel business.
When an agency opens, one of the first things they do is establish a method of tracking SALES and COMMISSIONS.
YTB seems to not have a problem tracking how much the RTAs are paying them each month or how many websites they have rented. It just seems odd that the math concepts become blurred when travel becomes involved.
I asked our bookkeeper and we are on a cash basis (versus accrual) because the sale of the travel when not paid by cash or check to the agency is not recognized until the commission is received. So, if a hotel does not pay a commission or a client is a no show, we do not recognize the sale because we do not get the commission.
I mean there are programs out there that do this for you....Quickbooks for $99.
But then again, maybe having legitimate figures is not something that interests YTB.
Sales to consumers? You mean sales to self should not be counted? If that were the case YTBs figures would be very very different.
ReplyDeletePerhaps that is the difference between the $414 and the $211. $211 was sold to people other than themselves and $203M was sold to themselves.
ReplyDeleteIt takes 135,000 websites to sell 212m in travel? Not good.
ReplyDeleteSo if 80% of RTAs fail...
Let's see if the spaghetti-thrower (Mr. Frenaye) will correct himself today.
ReplyDeleteOr will he keep his inaccurate information front and center and hope the inaccuracy sticks?
Inquiring minds want to know.
"We have our FIRST WINNER".
Not quite, John.
Not one, but five, new RTAs have qualified so far for the 30-30 Fast Start Program.
And I will stress, SO FAR.
Hard to imagine that our crack reporter could miss this one.
Let's see if he is man enough to correct himself on the entry itself.
He says he is all about the truth.
We will see.
Or validate my premise that he likes to make internet news about YTB . . . true or false.
YTB and TRAVEL: A Great Mix!
Forget travel for a moment.
ReplyDeleteI can not believe you RTA's work for a company that clearly manipulates sales figures and tells half truths. YTB is unethical. That is a fact. What does that make the rest of you working for an unethical company? You preach about God and being blessed, yet you work for an unethical company. There is something wrong with this picture. I think you all are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites and doing business with an unethical company makes you all just as bad.
One YTB said 3 and Mixed Up says 5.
ReplyDeleteSo who are these people? Name names or I might not believe that anyone actually won anything.
I am Coach and there were 70,000 that earned the bonus and I have personally made 25,000 people MILLIONAIRRES!
ReplyDeleteGod Bless!
thank god, i'm not the one w/ovarian cancer for the everloving travellisa there to "comfort" me. whoa, with serene friends like you around, why would i need to safeguard my mental health against enemies? no one gives a crap about your whiney ass opinion either. AND i'll read and not read whatever i want AND COMMENT ON IT JUST LIKE YOU DO without your permission, you militant beeyatch.
ReplyDeleteThis from the BBB Website.
ReplyDeleteAccording to the BBB YTB report:
"Based on BBB files, this company has an unsatisfactory record.
BBB Definition:
unsatisfactory record - A company has an "unsatisfactory business performance record" with the BBB is based on the experiences reflected in BBB files. This file condition results when the company has failed to resolve or respond to complaints, repeatedly failed to respond or resolve issues in a timely manner, failed to resolve the underlying issues for a pattern"
"thank god, i'm not the one w/ovarian cancer for the everloving travellisa there to "comfort" me. whoa, with serene friends like you around, why would i need to safeguard my mental health against enemies? no one gives a crap about your whiney ass opinion either. AND i'll read and not read whatever i want AND COMMENT ON IT JUST LIKE YOU DO without your permission, you militant beeyatch."
ReplyDeleteYou know what? You really are a cold, heartless person saying this. Whatever TL said to and or about YTB does not even come close to this vile. You should be ashamed of yourself.
If you can't debate the issue like a civil human being stay the hell off of here.
Oh gee. Ok. Let me apologize.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to the 5 people in YTB that managed to accomplish something. Please tell me their addresses so that I can send them a gold star to put on their paper before they hang it on the fridge.
Really. 5. Wow. I'm just blown away. That's a tremendous accomplishment. Bravo. Well done.
I honestly dont give a flying rats ass what the Anon loser above posted. You don't know jack shit about me personally or how I am to people I care about. Do I get heated on this debate, HELL YES, this is my livelyhood, its what I do. Do I like MLM's coming in and turning the industry into a mockery. No. I state my opinion. I do not come on here and make fun, name call or degrade people simply for fun, unless provoked. Now when you decide to grow the hell up and act like an adult, maybe then someone will listen to your drivel. If instead you want to argue with this "militant bitch" be my guest..I'm game today, as I stated before I'm in just that mood. Let me know your mood when one of your closest friends gets cancer.
ReplyDeleteYOU call people names on here and you don't know beans about them either. what i do know about you is that you're a "militant bitch" on this forum with or without your latest crisis to blame your basic personality on! and learn to spell "livelihood" since it's so important. ;')
ReplyDelete"YOU call people names on here and you don't know beans about them either. what i do know about you is that you're a "militant bitch" on this forum with or without your latest crisis to blame your basic personality on! and learn to spell "livelihood" since it's so important. ;')"
ReplyDeleteGrow up Gail or Metre or whoever you are. Go wash the Bentley or torture the pool boy or something....
Karla, I didnt say 3 i said there were 3 in the first link and one in each of the next 2 links. A total of THREE links with 5 people
ReplyDeleteI do not call anyone names, unless provoked by the likes of some on this blog, nor do I care what you think of me, or think I am. Am I a bitch..yes somedays I am, proud to say that, it shows passion for what you love. And screw you on the latest crisis comment you heartless piece of human excrement. I'll make sure to let her 4 kids, who are all under the age of 3, know you care.
ReplyDeleteThanks for correcting my spelling.
I don't know what 'links' you are talking about and right now I don't really care either. you say 5, okay it's five. what are their names or is it just 5 out of 303,000 who shall remain nameless because YTB doesn't know who they are either.
ReplyDeleteSeems to be the YTB way....just state figures and hope thay make sense to somebody. For all you know YTB could be bleeding debits and the rank and file would not know.
TravelLisa said... Am I a bitch..yes somedays I am...
ReplyDeleteOh Lisa honey, you aint got nothin' on me. I'm always a bitch, not just "somedays." I enjoy my reputation and so now you're a member of the club. Anyone else want to join that is a TTA? We bitches do have our standards and cannot admit YTB bitches, especially male bitches like Mixed. No dues or monthly fees either!
Karla, Try again to read. I posted the three links. One of which was posted in the blog by John. Also, learn to read the 30/30 program was for new REPS only not the 303,000 already in.
ReplyDeleteYes, miss lisa child - be proud of the bitch you are! Bitches make the world a better place. And it doesn't surprise me at all with your compassion that you'd "make sure I'll let her 4 kids, who are all under the age of 3, know you care!" I stand by my original statement - THANK GOD you're not my friend coming to "comfort" me!
ReplyDeleteRun along now and be a good little bitch (I mean girl) and go outside and play!
"Yes, miss lisa child - be proud of the bitch you are! Bitches make the world a better place. And it doesn't surprise me at all with your compassion that you'd "make sure I'll let her 4 kids, who are all under the age of 3, know you care!" I stand by my original statement - THANK GOD you're not my friend coming to "comfort" me!
ReplyDeleteRun along now and be a good little bitch (I mean girl) and go outside and play!"
Dear Suppliers;
I hope you are indeed reading this. These comments above from an anonymous YTB source are all too common from YTB. They advertise from Jail to Yale and this is the class of people or should I say lack of class of people they recruit. YTB preys on those with little education, common sense and uses greed and manipulation to get them to join. As a result, you have people like anonoymous above, a vile and nasty human being as a RTA or Rep for YTB selling YOUR products and representing your company. And, these vile YTB people are going on YOUR fam trips and traveling on discounts provided by you. People like anonymous above is a disgrace to the industry and taints us all by their obnoxious, vile personalities.
YTB is doing more damage to the industry by employing these foul mouthed, untrained people than you know.
Don't be fooled by the numbers. They are only selling travel to themselves and their relatives. They don't service their clients, have zero industry knowledge and do not show any professionalism as evidenced from the above poster. Nor, do they show compassion or commitment. The industry does not need these people nor do we need these people selling only to themselves.
I hope you will all follow RCCL, Perillo Tours and the many other suppliers who have cut them off. I hope you will all get some back bone and act on this before they screw up our industry even more.
Sandy, CTA, ACC
Yes, miss lisa child - be proud of the bitch you are! Bitches make the world a better place. And it doesn't surprise me at all with your compassion that you'd "make sure I'll let her 4 kids, who are all under the age of 3, know you care!" I stand by my original statement - THANK GOD you're not my friend coming to "comfort" me!
ReplyDeleteRun along now and be a good little bitch (I mean girl) and go outside and play!
We agree on something. I thank god that I'm not your friend as well. If you want to continue to be ass and make one of yourself be my guest. It just shows your true colors. Secondly, your right..I am proud to be a bitch. If speaking my mind and not agreeing to the cult-like mentality of you idiots blinded by the oh-mighty coach, makes me a bitch..I'll wear that title with pride.
As for my real friends you don't need to worry about them, they all know who I am, what I am and how I am towards those I care and love. I spent the night with my friends 2 year old and 3-1 year old triplets, and my own 2 children. So I'm used to listening to childish babble today (except they were much cuter)..bring it on.
But, but, but "mommy vendor" why do only TTA's get to be childish and "proud bitches" in the industry?
ReplyDeletewah, wah, wah....all the way home as usual.
ReplyDeleteAs usual you RTA's can't read or see what you want and the heck with reading the rest. Keep reading. I stand by my comments. You all are a disgrace to the industry. Sandy.
"Don't be fooled by the numbers. They are only selling travel to themselves and their relatives. They don't service their clients, have zero industry knowledge and do not show any professionalism as evidenced from the above poster. Nor, do they show compassion or commitment. The industry does not need these people nor do we need these people selling only to themselves.
I hope you will all follow RCCL, Perillo Tours and the many other suppliers who have cut them off. I hope you will all get some back bone and act on this before they screw up our industry even more."
Does someone hear a baby crying? Or is that just the annoying childing whine of an RTA. Grow up already. If you all come here to do is call people names and act like a fool, you really need to find a job.