Here is a real earning snapshot for a go getter in YTB**. A real person an actual RTA/Rep with YTB that has the whole recruiting site and the booking site to boot. These figures were made public by YTB. I have actually conversed with this Rep and he believes in the program and works it to the max. In nearly three years, he has somewhere between 66 and 72 members of his Power Team (a somewhat smaller number than he would lead you to typically believe) and earns some override commissions on their sales and recruiting efforts. In addition, he earns more commissions on his personal sales and those that are referred to his site.
Where the money comes from in YTB is in the bonuses. And this post will examine those. He has earned $11,000 in bonuses over the past 30 months or about $350 a month. He has not earned a bonus in the last 7 months, but feels that the program is still great and claims that it is continuing to grow! And strangely enough, he keeps pouring more good money after bad into it!
He has plateaued in the system and is a permanent fixture on the Coach's Couch. Obviously entering this pyramid in December 2005 was just a little too late to make any money. But still better than anyone he or his Power Team may have recruited. As it turns out, he may not have been at the right place at the right time.
Reps earn $1000 bonuses for every 6 people that join their team. All you need to do is use those that you recruit (and those that those recruit etc) to build your team 6 at a time. It is sort of like compounding interest only with this program, you don't really make any money. The theory is that you recruit 3 and each of them recruits 1, and you have your Power Team. It makes sense that the more people you have the easier the recruiting. If I have 12 on my team and they each recruit 1, I made two bonuses. It's a lot easier than recruiting 12 on my own. Again, sounds good on the surface; but reality is far different. How is it that 66 people cannot find 6 in more than 7 months?
Here is a listing of $1000 bonuses and what they signify:
- April 7, 2006 (took 4 months to talk 6 people into the program)
- April 28, 2008 (took a few more weeks for him and any of the underlings to talks six more into it. Two bonuses in one month!)
- November 17, 2006 (took about 7 months for 12 people to find 6 more)
- December 1, 2006 (took two weeks for 18 to find 6)
- December 21, 2006 (took two weeks for 24 to find 6, this was a very good month)
- January 19, 2007 (took 4 weeks for 30 to find 6)
- February 23, 2007 (took 4 weeks for 36 to find 6)
- March 30, 2007 (took 5 weeks for 42 to find 6)
- April 27, 2007 (took 4 weeks for 48 to find 6)
- June 29, 2007 (took 8 weeks for 54 to find 6)
- November 16, 2007 (took 20 weeks for 60 to find 6)
So, what is it about this company that leads a seemingly intelligent man to continue on this path of blind devotion?
*I could tell you the name of this RTA/Rep but that would be indiscreet!
**(Added after original post) It should be noted that this individual is one of the top 1,100 earners in YTB (from a field of 305,055 Reps) which represents the top .4% (point 4) percent of all earners in YTB.
It is nice that you don't understand the comp plan.
ReplyDeleteYou are confusing power team with team in general.
As an example from me personally. I have 38 people in my power team, but 174 RTAs in my team. My power team bonuses have slowed a bit as I am helping my people that want to work build their teams. The long term benefit of residual income, in my opinion, is greater then trying to strive for $1000 bonuses.
of, my 38 people in my power team, 7 have an interest in building their teams, the others not so much, either for simply selling travel or just buying their own travel. Of those 7, 6 are in their own power teams, meaning that I won't earn bonuses on ANY NEW PEOPLE that they bring in. The seventh, needs one more person to get to her power team. If she finds a networking go getter then my bonuse potential will go back up. Of course, i could continue recruiting my own people but like I mentioned I have been working with those on my team reach their goals.
I don't know the specifics of the person in your blog post but you should find out if it is similar to mine.
I will give you another example....$10,000 bonuses are paid out when your POWER TEAM reaches 100 RTA.
I know personally of one person who has over 8,000 people on their team with residual income of 30k monthly but has only reach the 10,000 bonus 3 times. Clearly they have more than 300 people, but not specifically on the power team.
At least this blog post from you today wasn't blatantly false, just a misunderstanding of the comp plan.
Before I joined YTB, I sat down with my sponsor and specifically went over the compensation and I believe the comment person does not have a clear understanding.
ReplyDeleteBonuses are cumulative and for every 6 new active RTAs that you sponsor (or anyone in your team through infinity) you are entitled to a $1000 bonus. You receive other payments in the Power Team as well (Direct Sales Commission $50, Power Team Match on downline $50, and residual)
However, the awarding of the $1,000 bonuses is indeed indicative of the number of new RTAs signed into the program. Jhn has it right there but left out the VERY lucrative overrides and the Dream Team ($10K) bonuses which the commenter has correct.
It does make sense to help your downline for future benefit. However based on his downline of 174, he has received 29 bonuses of $1000.
I am not saying your person with 8000 is a liar, but I would have thought that someone with 6% of the active RTAs in their downline would have been bigger news in the Back Office or in the Biz Report. But maybe next week,
Sorry Walter but you are wrong.
ReplyDeleteThe bonuse are for POWER TEAM ONLY>
I have power team people that have several people in their power teams. THAT DOES NOT YIELD A BONUS FOR ME.
I made it clear in my post that I had 38 people in my power team andd 174 RTAs total. In the year and a half that I have been in YTB 44 people have come into my power team giving me 7 bonuses. 6 total have dropped out of my power team.
As far as the 8000, it is level 3 director Brenda Dowler who has only had the 10k bonus 3 times despite having 8000 RTAs. Remember the 8000 RTAs are not all in her power team.
Your 1st through 6th generation dream team DOES NOT PAY BONUSES. The bonuses are only in the power team. That is, of course, besides the director bonuses which, by the way, is another reason to focus on helping other people even beyond your power team.
Just want to clarify.
Well, either you are not getting paid properly, or I was purposely misled by my sponsor. Before I posted, I re-read my emails and my notes to make sure what I was saying was what was told to me.
ReplyDeleteI suggest that both you and I contact who we need to contact to find out what is correct.
I just re-read the compensation plan that is supposed to not be changed at ANY time and is registered in ALL states, and it too indicates what I said was correct and that the $1000 bonuses are awarded with each set of 6 members in your team.
From the compensation plan:
Once you qualify to start your PowerTeam, you have unlimited time to earn $1,000
Leadership Bonuses. The first is earned when the total active online Travel Agencies sold
by your PowerTeam reaches six (6) or more at the end of any weekly pay cycle
(12 Midnight Thursday Eastern Time Zone). Leadership Bonuses are paid WEEKLY
on Friday of the following week for any pay cycle where the active PowerTeam enrolled
RTA total reaches 6, 12, 18, 24 or 30.
Example: If on midnight (EST) May 3, 2007 (end of Pay Cycle) you have five (5)
new active PowerTeam enrolled RTAs, then on the following Friday (May 11, 2007)
you would receive a PowerTeam Commission of $250 (but no Leadership Bonus).
If in the following Pay Cycle that begins Friday, May 4, 2007 and end at midnight (EST)
on May 10, 2007, you add seven (7) sales which brings your active PowerTeam enrolled
RTA total to 12, then the following Friday (May 18, 2007) you would receive a
PowerTeam Commission of $350 plus TWO $1,000 Leadership Bonuses for a total of
$2,350 just from your PowerTeam! (one Leadership Bonus for each six RTAs).
There is NO TIME LIMIT to earn Leadership bonuses. Once you accumulate 30
active PowerTeam enrolled RTAs, you start back at zero and you will receive
Leadership Bonuses when the number of your active PowerTeam enrolled RTAs
again reaches 6,12, 18, 24 and 30.
Now, I need to go to work, but tonight I will check back here and if needed will make some phone calls to my sponsor to get some answers. I am not there yet, but I plan to make a LOT of money with YTB and if the basic compensation was falsely communicated, I will have a SERIOUS bone to pick.
Where are travel sales in this rather confusing (must be if 2 YTBites cannot agree on the formula) batch of bonuss and payouts for YTB? Oh yeah, it's REPS not RTAs who make the big bucks. Travel is just used to hook em in and sign em up.
ReplyDeleteI'll stick with just selling travel. It's easier and more profitable to me to focus on the client and the vendor rather than on myself. That's the great mix.
Not misled, you just misread and continue to do so. You are equating where the comp plan says power team with your whole team in general and that is not the case as if a power team member of yours starts their own power team those RTAs are NOT in your power team. Therefore, anything that they do will not generate bonuses. It is quite simple really you are just misreading it.
ReplyDeleteNo one has been misled. No bones needed to pick. The comp plan you posted CLEARLY says power team for the leadership bonuses.
What difference does it make how the comp plan is written, when over 80% in the mlm are making no money?
ReplyDeleteUmmm. Because it speaks to the nature of JOHNS BLOG POST
Hey, I never said the comp plan was an easy read. I think it may even be purposely written to be ambiguous.
ReplyDeleteSo, here we have an anon Rep lightly bashing another Rep because he has stated what he was told.
Come on? A sponsor would NEVER exaggerate anything now would they?
Too bad there are not more YTB readers of this blog. I would like to get more of their interpretations--the old faithful here are just going to say "you don't understand"; but the fact is that this individual presented in this post is a top earner in YTB--of course if you make more than $1800 a year you are considered a top earner.
LOL, I love it. Again it is shown that MLM makes no money and they come out to defend it and they cannot even agree on the program that they all claimto be making money from!
ReplyDeleteFight on boys! OR girls!
Can we guess who it is?
ReplyDeleteWalt, please note that YTB DOES NOT LIKE any of it's members thinking or talking anything negative about YTB. The truth hurts and spinning is much more acceptable. Just do as your told and don't think outloud or we'll kick you out pdq. There's a good boy.
ReplyDeleteI don't see anything so strange about this pyramid plan. We here at our traditional agency do the same thing. I bring in 6 bookings and I get a Proctor Silex toaster. I then ask each client to refer me a few more people and if they book, I might move up to a toaster oven. Right now I have surpassed my 66 on my power booking team and I'm on my way to a Seal-a-Meal. It looks like I will very soon hit 100 booking recruits and not only will I have a new B&W portable TV with AM radio, but I get a $5 gift certificate to McDonalds. Life just doesn't get any better than this and I only have to pay $49 a month for these bonuses! Life is good and I am having a blessed day.
ReplyDeleteHmm, seems Ole Jon has them stumped on this.
ReplyDeleteJon 1
Hey, what's that lead guy in the graphic doing with his hand?
ReplyDeleteWhen you hit 100 I'm am going to put a star on your paper so you can hang it on the fridge too.
well, from the picture, it looks like he's walking forward with it. it's quite a stretch to get what you're trying to go for. but nice try...
ReplyDeletehey martha.... i found your post to be funny this time. you're much too clever to take the cheap and vulgar route. (i'm the one who made the remark about bill cosby's view on comedians) keep it up, gf!
btw - he's more popular than ever in the black community - preaching about raising the bar on black's standards re: education, civic duty and even abolishing "ebonics". kudos to his efforts!
Martha-I am jealous. I really want one of them thar seal oh meals
ReplyDelete$350 a month. LMAO! I make more than that in commissions in 1 day.
ReplyDeleteYou RTA's are either incredibly naive, stupid or math challenged. Why anyone would work for that crappy comp is beyond me....
You make MORE THAN $350 in commissions a day?? Ok, let's say $400 a day @ 5 days and 4 weeks comes to $8000 a month. Plus your benefits, overrides and perks. I know a lot of TTA's and they don't come close to this income. Sign me up!!
ReplyDelete"You make MORE THAN $350 in commissions a day?? Ok, let's say $400 a day @ 5 days and 4 weeks comes to $8000 a month. Plus your benefits, overrides and perks. I know a lot of TTA's and they don't come close to this income. Sign me up!!"
ReplyDeleteYes, it's called WORK and years of experience servicing clients. Something which you RTA's could never do because you don't know how to WORK! All you do is sit on your ass and wait for people to book on your site. And, recruit. Pathetic.
$350.00 plus a day is not all that amazing really for someone that sells travel for a living. It's that amount plus for each TA in my office. Travel sales are our focus and our vendors and customers appreciate that.
ReplyDelete"What Would You Say If".....this was really John Leading His Band Of Merry TTA's
ReplyDeleteOleScorekeeper ;>)
Every TA in the office I am in is EXPECTED to pull in at least that much ($7k) a month in commissions/fees. This, for a rather generous salary/benefits. Over that (and I more than doubled it last month and this month) and you are bonused quite nicely thank you.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you people think we do all day? You are awfully naive if you think we don't pull in at least that much. I keep telling you that we are valued because we can move market as inidivuals - that's why it doesn't matter whether you have 130,000+ RTAs if they can't move significant market EACH. So now, think of my office, where every TA moves this much a month, and then multiply it by the thousands in the very selective Consortium we are with.....
Ole, nothing to contribute? Just feel the need to toss in that little attempt at humor because your clueless on the subject of travel? Or you don't understand the comp plan, or just don't give a crap as long as you make your $90/month.
ReplyDelete$350 a month is not a hard thing to accomplish at all. I did that yesterday on ONE airline ticket. If you have the right clientele, the right agent, and the right company to back you up, life is good.
ReplyDelete"Every TA in the office I am in is EXPECTED to pull in at least that much ($7k) a month in commissions/fees. This, for a rather generous salary/benefits. Over that (and I more than doubled it last month and this month) and you are bonused quite nicely thank you.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you people think we do all day? You are awfully naive if you think we don't pull in at least that much. I keep telling you that we are valued because we can move market as inidivuals - that's why it doesn't matter whether you have 130,000+ RTAs if they can't move significant market EACH. So now, think of my office, where every TA moves this much a month, and then multiply it by the thousands in the very selective Consortium we are with....."
I forgot to "sign" that...
ReplyDeleteLooks like you're all in a different arena. The average listed for "travel agent" is $30,000.00 and "leisure" $32,000 and "corporate" $36,000.
But HOORAY for all you "exceptions" on here!
Where I live 36,000 base salary is a very good salary. For someone in NYC it would be terrible. I don't think bebfits and bonus' have been taken into account.
ReplyDeleteThose salary's are dependent on area. In NY/NJ area that salary is not even close to what agents make. Starting in my area is $45K. And that doesn't take into account the salary PLUS COMMISSIONS most agents make. Most leisure agents are on comm basis only..which would be better.
ReplyDeleteNo matter which way you look at it,
ReplyDeleteno one in YTB is a professional in travel, or recruitment for that matter. The only professionals in that group are Coach et all who are definitely professional flim flam men. 99% of YTBites deserve to lose money, and they do!
I had 2 options. I could have a straight salary with performance bonuses or take a smaller salary with a commission override. I have to make the decision every year. This year I chose the straight salary because I had a feeling the economy was going to plunge here in CA. According the owner I'm selling more than I did last year but since cruise lines have cut their prices and cut out commission on air, she said I would be making about the same. I have full health insurance with an HMO, eye care, and dental, all with small copays except for dental which isn't so great. I also get 5 weeks of paid vacation. I can tell you that I don't make even close to $8,000 per month. It's expensive here in Santa Barbara, but I manage to get by and have a few extras. I would say that $8K per month is not the norm except maybe in corporate, but not leisure and I do both. I don't even think the owner is making $8K per month. Kudos to those that are!
ReplyDeleteytbfailedme said...The only professionals in that group are Coach et all who are definitely professional flim flam men. 99% of YTBites deserve to lose money, and they do!
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't go as far as to say that they deserve to lose money. With all of the false promises YTB hands out, I can see some people falling into the trap. When those promises don't materialize, that's why most desert YTB after a few months. That shows that at least some of them have a brain. Unfortunately on this blog, we're dealing with the ones that are in denial. Denial = dumber than a stump.
Thanks for your honesty, Martha, re: what I was posting about those bragging about their almost 100K a year salaries being typical. Yours is much more in line with what I know from other travel agents. And your lower salary is based in an equally expensive part of the country as the East Coast like the higher salary claims.
ReplyDeleteI don't think anyone here was braggin about anything. As I stated, it depends on your location and your clientele. If you work in NY/NJ and handle the big corporations/famous people, then yes, your going to be making boo-koo dollars. I handle some famous bands and their tours in my office, so the girl next to me isn't going to make the same.
ReplyDeleteThis is not a pissing match between agents, as we all work equally hard at what we do. The difference is we actually WORK for it, we have EXPERIENCE, and our clients APPRECIATE what we do. Thats what keeps them coming back.
"Anonymous said...
Looks like you're all in a different arena. The average listed for "travel agent" is $30,000.00 and "leisure" $32,000 and "corporate" $36,000.
But HOORAY for all you "exceptions" on here!"
Apparently you do not understand what an "average" is. If the average is $32k - there could be many, many people earning above that with many, many people earning below that. Conversely - there could be just a handful earning WAY above/below.
Averages are not that helpful in seeing the real picture - I'd like to see a median wage or even an mean wage offered.
Where I live/work, it is unheard of for a TA who is an employee to be earning (as salary before bonus) less than $36k (for leisure). To clarify, that would be Washington, DC and the close in suburbs (John, for instance, is much farther out and his business would not fall in to the same place geographically.) the rule here is that you bring in approximately 2.2 times your salary in commission - some other places it is 3.0 times. So you can see that most Travel Agents bring in commissions WAY, WAY above what jsut aout anyone at YTB is bringing (in commissions/fees, NOT in building their down-lines).
So let's take that $32,000 "average" Leisure TA salary and multiply by 2.2. That person in this office would have to bring in $70k a year in commission/fees or $5833.00 a month or $1458.00 a week. Let's focus on $1458.00 a week - if we figure an "average" commission of 12% (and I say this because even if you are making 16% or more on certain Vendors, as I do, if you do any air tickets the overall percentage will come way down as in the majority of cases, one earns no commission on air tickets, just a small fee - so we'll be conservative and say 12%)then to bring in $1468 a week, one would have to sell about $12,150.00 in travel that week. Frankly, that's a snap! Now why can't you all do that with your super-duper websites???
Oh and BTW, I know at least 3 Corporate Agents who do mostly air tickets - so many that they do receive commissions - who make upwards of $100k because of their hefty bonuses. Yup, these are guys with salaries of $50k.
I don't expect a YTBer to understand that it takes at least 700.00 a day to run a Travel Agency business....rent, benefits, taxes, payroll, stamps, GDS/ARC etc., and turn a profit.
ReplyDeleteI have no idea about HB cause I'm not. Like others, I do not consider YTB a viable 'travel business' even if some of them think they are.
ReplyDeleteLooks like you're all in a different arena. The average listed for "travel agent" is $30,000.00 and "leisure" $32,000 and "corporate" $36,000.
But HOORAY for all you "exceptions" on here!"
Base salary. Not including bonuses etc. You really are stupid.....
I want to clarify that when I say it is unheard of for a Leisure TA to make less than $36k, I mean in salary BEFORE bonus. With the way our compensaiton works here (and I can not actually divulge that), my second check each month is in a different amount - bonus goes on that check and is realted to activity the previous month. While I do not wish to divulge what I am making in salary, it is more than any of the "averages" above. Also, a cool $500 of every single paychek goes directly into "savings". We DO use the remainder of my check and my husband's (less the amount he puts into a 401k) to live on and I have to admit we live quite nicely. So please believe me that a Travel Agent can make a very good income - I work only five days a week, and rarely do I stay lae at the office. With the current economy, I am personally ahead of anywhere I've ever been before, but I am aware that it could all change and go the other way.
ReplyDeleteCTA in MD
Whatever we make it is a hell of a lot better than $350 a month believe me. Heck, people at McDonald's make more than that. You RTA's are certifiable nuts to stick it out making that bs amount.
ReplyDeleteTraverus is better than YTB and here is the proof!
ReplyDeleteIs YTB Really Working For You?
Are you struggling to recruit people with the $500 entry fee?
Are you struggling to recruit 6 people just to start making any monthly income?
Are you struggling with losing recruits because they can't easily get to break-even?
Are you struggling with losing credibility because YTB no longer has a valid IATA number?
Start Making Money Immediately!!
A YTB Agent in New Jersey
Enrolled 80 People in YTB in 18 Months
By July 2007 he had only 39 people left
And made only $78 in monthly commissions
He Moved His YTB Team to Traverus
In August 2007 he had 109 people
And made $1075 in monthly commissions
In September 2007 he had 177 people
And made $1510 in monthly commissions
Enroll Only 3 People for 3 Levels
YTB Monthly Income ..... $0
Traverus Monthly Income ..... $464
Traverus Signup Only $99.95
plus $49.95 monthly
Professional Travel Benefits
Professional Marketing System
(no meetings required)
Income Comparisons
Signup Bonuses Monthly Bonuses
Organization* YTB Traverus YTB Traverus
3 x 3 $375 $850 $0 $464
3 x 4 $375 $1,650 $0 $1,029
3 x 5 $375 $3,250 $0 $2,321
*DSA - the average agent will only recruit 2-3 people.
Fill out the form below and we will contact you to share more about this opportunity. Success in business and in life is up to YOU...
Take a chance. Make it happen.
Enter your details below and you will receive more information.
Note - Your personal information will never be shared or sold outside of this opportunity.
Please submit your information into the form above and you will receive details instantly.
Don't Wait Around Any Longer!
Request More Information Today!
Another friggin idiot.
ReplyDeleteSandy said...
ReplyDelete"Heck, people at McDonald's make more than that. You RTA's are certifiable nuts to stick it out making that bs amount."
Speaking of YTBSCAM. I like the song he posted yesterday. It's so inspirational!
"If I can see it, then I can do it
If I just believe it, there's nothing to it
I believe I can fry
I believe I can french the fries
I think about it every night and day
Spread my wings and fry away
I believe I can soar
I see me running through McDonalds open door
I believe I can fry
I believe I can fry
I believe I can fry"
*DSA - the average agent will only recruit 2-3 people.
ReplyDeleteNow, that's the truth! Ditto for YTB no doubt.
WOW--thanks for that proof. I guess all the YTBers will be signing up under you and we can close this blog down....
ReplyDeleteBoy you sure proved it to us!
DSA? Direct Selling Association? You mean that company that YTB feels is the end all and be all for legitimacy?
ReplyDeleteYou mean that company that if you have a problem with a member, you send them a complaint and they send it to the people you complained about and what their member says goes?
Is that the DSA you are talking about?
eddie said...
ReplyDelete*DSA - the average agent will only recruit 2-3 people.
Now, that's the truth! Ditto for YTB no doubt.
No matter. Think of all the personal travel of the 134,000 RTA's and what other travel is being booked on their sites. That's a lot of money! No need to book with crazy Martha, Fast Eddie, or "Im So Better Then Thou" BabelLisa.
Perhaps, and thanks for reiterating that most of the travel is simply personal self booked travel.
ReplyDeleteHowever, eventually (and it seems to be starting now) the RTAs are going to realize it is not working...dare I say a scam? And will be leaving.
Right now the recruiting is as low as it has been. The week ending October 11, 2007 saw an increase of 2400 RTAs. Yes about 500 per day that you all were bragging about. The week ending May 29, 2008 saw only 918. Seems like a precipitous drop to me.
And this does NOT include the RTAs that have left on their own. In a month or so we ought to see the 2Q report and as was the 1Q report, I suspect this one will show a loss, less travel sold, less people recruited, and less people staying on!
Too bad for them I say...rent a website to book your own travel, pay more than necessary for that travel, pay with your cc, end up paying interest on the balance so then rta comes out actually losing money on his vacation. No paycation there! And don't say 'tax write off'. You know as well as I that hobbyists cannot deduct.
ReplyDeleteSo, all you RTA's - going to rent a website or buy gas this summer?
Lmao, when the hell did I say I was better then anyone. Thats funny. You YTBers are just silly. I will admit to be being a better TRAVEL AGENT then probably 90% of YTBers..but as for the agents on this blog..im sure there are more that far surpass me.
ReplyDeleteHave a good nite ya'll.
Oh look the anonymous YTB idiot trying to be part of American Idol again.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately your infatuation with McDs will get you nowhere. Oh wait, it will get you a managerial job, because that is where your going to end up when you learn your being ripped off.
YTB and Fake Tans: A Bad Mix!
YTBSCAM said..."Unfortunately your infatuation with McDs will get you nowhere. Oh wait, it will get you a managerial job, because that is where your going to end up when you learn your being ripped off."
ReplyDeleteMr. Scam I was so sorry to hear about you being ripped off and having to work at McD's. But don't you get paid fairly well for your managerial job there? Don't it put burgers on the table for family?
So now I'm Crazy Martha? I prefer Vomit Martha from the YTB anonymous jerk. I was not trying to dispute the earnings and I believe Travel Lisa because I have a friend that is a corporate agent that makes way more than I, but doess't get any benefits since she works for herself. With me, I get at least $650 in benefits per month which is substantial and that doesn't count my paid vacations. I just wanted to clear that up and not appear even more crazy to the YTB polecat making $4.50 per month, if even that much.
ReplyDelete#1- Mixing Reps and RTAs is like mixing apples and reps. An RTa is different from a Rep. Only RTAs can make bonuses from travel stores.
#2- Your post does not include the earnings of travel bookings. In 2007. YTB made $414 million in travel bookings.
#3- Many RTAs only book travel, so ther earnings are not included in your calculations. That s esactly what I did when I first started.
So t here you go, biased reporting once again on your part.
Gail, thanks for your less than thought out comment.
ReplyDeleteReps make money in YTB not RTAs. We all know that. I did not mix the two. You cannot grow as a rep unless you recruit RTAs. Reps do not recruit reps.
Let's talk about that undocumented $414M in sales. Please note that it is not documented anywhere it needs to be supported. It is a NOTE in the financial filings and that is it. But at 10% across the board, that means the the RTAs earned $306 dollars each last year. ARe you claiming that this $306 is significant enough to negate the post?
There are SOME RTAs that merely book travel. Most are included in my calculations because since there is no charge to be a rep, why not join. If you do nothing, you earn nothing as a rep, you will be in the majority. Nothing ventured nothing gained.
But the measure of a Rep is the number of RTAs sold. And from the post, it is obvious that the recruiting is WAY down and the earnings "estimates" are WAY over inflated.
Take a look at the numbers. In October you were doing 500 a day now you are you are at 131 a day. And that does not even begin to include those that saw the light and bailed!
I have to laugh at your blog. On your May 25, post you claim to be a 7 figure earner. I am assuming you are NOT counting the decimal. Yet in the footer you claim to be pursuing a goal of "financial freedom". Now I know everyone's definition of freedom is different, but if I was earning 7 figures, I would likely consider myself free. And I bet most would.
But since Coach says you don't say it if it isn't true, maybe you need to go back and clarify that in those 7 figures there is indeed a decimal place.
John said, "But at 10% across the board, that means the the RTAs earned $306 dollars each last year. ARe you claiming that this $306 is significant enough to negate the post?"
ReplyDeleteYou are so stuck on dividing the total travel sales by all the RTA's and focusing on an averaged earned figure for each RTA. It doesn't work that way in the real world, only in your narrow-minded world. Some make a lot, some make a little, some make nothing, BUT IT DOESN'T MATTER. What matters is the huge $414,000,000 that is generated "COLLECTIVELY" from the travel sites. Doug pointed this out, but most of you anti's hate to think of it as a collective effort that makes YTB, the company, such a travel power house.
So tell us John, how much travel sales did you do generate last year AS A COMPANY? And since you like to point to averaged earnings, how did you and all your hens do ($) on the average?
Well, if I count all the people that ever worked for the company who were either fired, quit, or retired, the average is pretty low.
ReplyDeleteMost companies do not carry people on the books that are no longer working---sort of like an election in Baltimore where a lot of dead people voted.
So, since average is only a number that you like to use when it furthers your opinion, why not tell me the total number of RTAs that sold ANYTHING in 2007. While I am at it I might as well ask, why not tell me those that sold in these tiers:
In Sales!
OVer $100K
$50K - $100K
$25K - $50K
$10K - $25K
$5K - $10K
Below $5K
Wanna take a bet where the vast majority fall?
It appears John is not up for the challenge and has no comment about, "What matters is the huge $414,000,000 that is generated "COLLECTIVELY" from the travel sites." lol!
ReplyDeleteYTB sold $414 Million last year. Let's call it $500M to make it easy.
ReplyDeleteYTB has 135,000 RTAs. The average is $370 per year per RTA.
So what about the rest? Statistics estimate there are abotu 80,000 travel agents in the US. So we sold the rest. And as long as "the rest" is more than $414M we are doing better than YTB
Anonymous said...YTB sold $414 Million last year. Let's call it $500M to make it easy.
ReplyDeleteYTB has 135,000 RTAs. The average is $370 per year per RTA."
You forgot to take into account that the website costs $500 and the monthly fee is $50. So they are in the hole big time.
"YTB has 135,000 RTAs. The average is $370 per year per RTA."
ReplyDeleteYou forgot to take into account that the website costs $500 and the monthly fee is $50. So they are in the hole big time."
And when gas keeps going up and heating costs go higher guess who is gonna bail? The RTA's not making squat which is pretty much ALL of them.