A lot of companies use celebrity endorsements to as a way to give their product credibility. Jessica Simpson is pushing Proactive. Tiger Woods is selling razors. But what I want to know is, when did God agree to endorse YTB?
I understand that times are hard, and that to recruit people into your downline, you have to make it sound awfully good. The Cruise to Cash people go completely over the top with videos of giant piles of money plastered all over You Tube. Some guy was giving away a free LARGE pizza on Craig’s List to get people to come to his recruiting meeting. But since when did it become ok to claim that God is somehow endorsing your product as a means to recruit?
Recently, Regina Osei posted on her blog that Coach claimed that YTB had been anointed by God. I wasn’t sure exactly what that meant, but according to Wikipedia it means “It means to be in the presence of God. People and things are anointed to symbolize the introduction of a sacramental or divine influence, a holy emanation, spirit or power.” What??? God anointed YTB? Gee that sounds serious.
So then I did a bit more digging, and discovered lots of people in YTB were claiming that not only was the attorney general in their downline, but apparently the good Lord himself has signed up to! Let me show you some examples:
- Travel-with-God is a YTB site. Really? Will he be on the plane next to me? Will we have adjoining cabins on Princess?
- My-God-Space, also a great YTB site that explains how God offers a unique opportunity with YTB.
- In God’s Control, A place for freedom, takes you to a YTB site where you can watch a video.
- Tammy & Chris Head have a full blown Jesus loves YTB site that includes scriptures when you do a Google search.
- God & YTB is another newcomer to the Christian YTB. God is guiding this guy's passion for YTB.
Now I know that YTB likes to believe that they are number 1 in everything, but in the “let’s use God to endorse our MLM” pole, I believe the Cruise To Cash people may have you beat. Yes they have captured Jesus in a video to get you to join! That’s right! You can Glorify the Lord right now just by joining Cruise To Cash!
Now I understand that Jesus is wildly popular right now, and I like him just as much as the next guy. But would I use God as a means to try to sell a product or recruit someone into my MLM? Hell no I wouldn’t! It’s one thing to say that “lots of people have had great success with this” or, “only 80% of the people who join make no money. The rest are doing great!” But to claim that the big man upstairs somehow wants you to join a downline, is sleazy recruiting at its very best! WWJD?? I’ll bet he wouldn’t participate in your pyramid scheme!
By the way...I won't be here to reply as I am on a cruise this week escorting a group. -KH
By the way...I won't be here to reply as I am on a cruise this week escorting a group. -KH
Oh Boy here we go!
ReplyDelete"Kate" --
ReplyDeleteMy-God-Space has NOTHING To do with YTB. Where did you get that?
Seems the Tammy and Chris Head link goes nowhere
And the video is no longer available.
So, I have to ask, what is wrong with sharing your Christian beliefs in your company? Do you fault Christian Bookstores for bringing GOD into their stores and business plans?
"My-God-Space has NOTHING To do with YTB. Where did you get that?"
ReplyDeleteGood question. This looks like a Christian myspace.com. Perhaps there were some MLM travel classifieds, but that's about it.
"Seems the Tammy and Chris Head link goes nowhere"
The link works for me. Try it again.
"So, I have to ask, what is wrong with sharing your Christian beliefs in your company? Do you fault Christian Bookstores for bringing GOD into their stores and business plans?"
There is nothing wrong with sharing your Christian beliefs in your company. It is wrong to imply or even overtly state that God has anointed or endorsed your company and imply that the endorsement is to the exclusion of others.
From the Head site...seeem's coach also has a penchant for nice cars
You cannot fault the guy for that but you have to wonder at what cost--how many RTAs lost money to buy that Lambo or the Aston in the background?
I thoguht God was not about material things anyhow---mansions on the hill, lear jets, and about $1M woth of cars in one snapshot!
Thanks to the Heads (something reminds me of my hippy days) for letting everyone know that 80% of Reps earned nothing. No mention of RTAs and travel sales, which is not a surprise to anyone.
ReplyDeleteI am so blessed to be a professional!
YTB 2007 Income Disclosure Statement ytb International, Inc.
The income statistics above are for all active U.S. YTB Reps who were eligible to earn compensation in 2007. An “Active Rep” is defined as Any Rep who received
a check in 2007. The average annual income for all Reps in 2007 was $299.95, and the median annual income for all Reps in 2007 was $97.00. In 2007, 80.92%
of all Reps received no income at all. The earnings of the Reps in this chart are not necessarily representative of the income, if any, that a YTB Rep can or will earn
through his or her participation in the YTB Compensation Plan. These figures should not be considered as guarantees or projections of your actual earnings or
profits. Any representation or guarantee of earnings would be misleading. Success with YTB results only from successful sales efforts, which require hard work,
diligence and leadership. Your success will depend upon how effectively you exercise these qualities. Important Note for Canadian Reps: Although the figures in
this Income Disclosure Statement reflect YTB’s US operations only, it is anticipated that Reps participating in the new Canadian YTB Compensation Plan would
earn similar amounts. Following the first 6 months of operation in Canada, YTB will create, and make available, a similar Income Disclosure Statement containing
Canadian statistics only.
*Reps: Who did not receive a check in 2007 *Active Reps: Any Rep who received a check in 2007
I think it's utterly disgusting to use religion this way to advertise and sell! Very crass, and offensive and actually a turn-off to any thinking person.
ReplyDeleteCTA in MD
Like I have been saying the execs are nothing but slime. First you try preying on the military, now your preying on the religous folks. How low will they go?
ReplyDeleteOh "Funshine", pick up your "freedom" backpack? What next those in Scotland who worship William Wallace as their hero? FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOM!
Using ones religious beliefs as a justification for barely ethical behavior is offensive. YTB isn't alone in this - we've seen religion used this way throughout time. YTB et all should be ashamed that they cannot market without using god as a hook. I'd prefer they used the 'travel like a pro' lie than Jesus loves me so you should sign up in my downline so he'll love you too, you cretin!
ReplyDeleteWell apparently this is coming from the top down. I read that Coach believes he has been "destined to change the world" and that his "manifestation of his purpose is coming to fruition"
ReplyDeleteCoach needs medical help immediately. The man is sick.
ReplyDeleteCoach is nothing more then a televangilist in my eyes. He's just like them preying on the poor, boasting jesus wants you to do this..in order to line his pockets with cash. Materialism at its best. Why on earth do you need a lambo, aston, mansion on the hill, private jet...are you YTB people blind? He's getting rich off you fools.
ReplyDeleteYou know who else has believed they were destined to change the world? Let's see: Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, George Bush.....
ReplyDeleteAnother funny thing, Doug still on vacation, and posts from Anonymous, Mix and Ole, are pretty much non-existant. Like I have said before, most of them are Doug.
ReplyDeleteI was thinking the same thing. Hmmmm odd no?
ReplyDeleteDon't kid yourselves. It's YTBScam who was doing all the Anon posting, just so he could talk about Doug's tan.
ReplyDeleteHow low does YTBScam have to go just to talk about his hero?
Besides, this topic is a complete boar. You kids have this thing about picking the strangest topics to post about.
It has nothing to do with Doug. The topics aren't of interest and since Doug proved that you guys just make stuff up, why bother commenting?
ReplyDeleteBit of Humor - 4 Comments (must not have been that funny)
Rumors Abound - 38 comments
Another Contradiction - 21 comments
TTA Part 2 - 22 Comments
Marc Mancini's Ah Moment - 26 comments
All last week when Doug was still around, and yesterday had 34 comments. Just about average since Doug proved that Candi was legit.
Now that he's on vacation enjoying himself, you still have to take some digs at him. Nobody cares to read lies and missinformation by this band of TTA's any longer.
You're like school in the summer time..."No class."
Do you miss him that much? He's got all of you so worked up and the best you can do is diss his tan. How lame...
So go away if you're bored, idiot.
ReplyDeleteIdiot - what do you actually think about using Jesus to sell stuff? Think it's "nice", "okay", "not disgusting"?
ReplyDeleteIt was confirmed that Candi has no awards. I really appreciated that!
ReplyDeleteI hope Doug has a great vacation.
"So go away if you're bored, idiot."
ReplyDeleteAnd let you kids take pot shots? Not a chance...Maybe I should rephrase to "comic relief"?
How all of you think you can change YTB to suit your needs and wants is a complete JOKE!
YTB is going to do this our way and there isn't a "blessed" (intended) thing you can do about it.
ytbscam -
ReplyDeleteI'm still here.
And my post from yesterday still applies today:
"could really give two shits about you now"
The above quote by ytbscam.
That's how we feel about you, ytbscam.
You are not in YTB.
You are not a TTA.
No skin in the game from you on either side.
Your opinions are absolutely . . . worthless.
YTB and TRAVEL: A Great Mix!
By the way, I could smell a Kate Holmes entry 10 words into it.
A real snoozer as usual.
Had to get some caffeine to wake me up.
I must admit, the last two topics have been real yawners..:>0..for me. ;>)
Well Jesus Christ, Mary and Joseph, I don't see any Goddammed fuking thing wrong with using Jesus or God to help promote your business! I was fascinated with the God & YTB link. That one is going in my bookmarks. I wonder if they can book a trip to Hell and not the one in the Cayman Islands either?
ReplyDeleteNow before all the YTB religious fanatics attack me, here are 3 commandments that Rev. Coach breaks every day:
Do not lie
Do not steal
Do not misuse the name of God
YTB and TRAVEL: May God Bless!
i've always liked martha. i really think she's kathy griffin. :')
ReplyDeleteHow come no one is posting on Doug's new topic? I understand he's on vacation but what does that have to do with it?
ReplyDeleteI am not buying that YTB is anointed by God. God's anointing is for a specific purpose of God. I just don't think anointing a company for the purpose of mentoring thousands of millionaires is biblical when I look at the New Testament and see how all of the Apostles suffered and died for their faith. Their message was not about money. Their message was people are lost sinners and need a savior, a message the violently hates by the way. That's the message got Jesus crucified. The message the Coach, mentoring 10,000 millionaires in 10years, is loved by the unchristian world. The Bible says being friends with world is being at enmity with God.
So that's why I find it hard to believe that the message Coach has is anointed by God. If Coach believes YTB is going to make the world a better place I have no problem with that. But people are stretching it when they say YTB is anointed by God. I don't think so.
Coach’s mother, a Christian woman, before she passed away called all the children together and told each of the children what they were going to do with their lives. She told her two daughters they would go to school and be school teachers which turns out exactly what they did. She told Coach’s brother John, he was going to stay on the farm and work on the farm which turns out what he did. She told Lloyd (Coach) God has something special for your life that’s going to make this world a better place. Coach's mother's words drives him today to be in pursuit of that.
My view on this is that Coach's best days was when he was a Pastor of a Christian church. There's not a better way to influence the world for good than being a Pastor. If Coach believes that God wanted him to quit the ministry and help mentor thousands of millionaire's is better than being Pastor of Jesus' flock is where I may have to disagree him.
The reason is this world doesn't need more millionaire's who are living in their natural lost condemned condition. The Bible says this world is sin filled and is going to be destroyed and has to be rebuilt because God's wrath and judgment is going to cleanse it of all sin. Read the book of Revelation for reference.
Mentoring thousands of sinning millionaires is just making this world a more comfortable place for them to be judged by God.
Martha you comment above puts you in a situation that will get you punished if you don't ask forgiveness for it:
for both sides of the fence here:
ReplyDelete"judged not that ye be not judged."
i refuse to judge either coach or martha. i'll leave that one to "the judge".
Martha was a minister at Our Lady of Perpetual Indulgence before she became a travel agent. After raiding the church treasury, she was going to set up a travel MLM but found out that Coach had beat her to it. I doubt if she could have stolen nearly as much money as Coach.
ReplyDeleteThat's quite funny Doogie. I'm as much qualified to talk about travel as the "ole travel pro". Considering all you do is sell websites, you about as much a "travel pro" as I'am. Get Doug, listen...I have been booking online through websites for many many years. Guess what, the same exact thing that you claim to do. Guess that makes me a veteran"travel pro".
ReplyDeleteDoogie your all about recruiting your downline.
OK Rod, so you were at Coach's mother's deathbed to witness this or are you simply going on what Coach told you?
ReplyDeleteI imagine that "proclamation" pissed off the family. OK, little Mary, you are going to teach, little Bily you are going to farm, little Coachy, you are going to save the world, go forth and multiply utilizing a pyramid scheme and save the world.
"How come no one is posting on Doug's new topic? I understand he's on vacation but what does that have to do with it?"
ReplyDeleteDoug needs to approve all comments on his blog before they appear; so people could be posting comments, but you won't see them until Doug blesses them.
ok, thanks Joe, for answering that. That explains also why my post didn't appear last week when he wasn't on vacation. HAH! lol...
ReplyDeleteYes, unfortunately Doug does not allow anyone to speak their mind unless he approves of the comment. I was watching the comments on his blog last week and it was odd.
ReplyDeleteA comment would appear, and then disappear and maybe reappear again and disappear. I guess he is deciding if he likes it or not.
Or maybe he can honestly say it was posted. Even though he pulled it back. I think he likes being the Wizard of Oz--controlling what he can and allowing only certain opinions. Or maybe he is being controlled and being told what opinions to allow and which not!
Idiot said:
ReplyDelete"And let you kids take pot shots? Not a chance...Maybe I should rephrase to "comic relief"?
How all of you think you can change YTB to suit your needs and wants is a complete JOKE!
YTB is going to do this our way and there isn't a "blessed" (intended) thing you can do about it."
Hey stupid - every positive CHANGE Coach has made was instigated by criticisms from the actual TA community. Too bad he hasn't figured out how to actually sell more travel though.
BTW - this is an anti-MLM Blog - so if you don't want to read it and you're bored, go away.
Man, I'm just researching which way to go in the travel arena. But the more I get exposed to both sides, I see they're more alike than they are different. People full of anger, anxiety, desperation and the run-of-the-mill "scarcity mindset." Definitely, the mean-spiritedness comes from both sides as well.
ReplyDeleteGuess I'll just stay put and happy. Sheesh!! But thanks for the honest enlightenment here. You helped me make a decision at least.
Please stay put and happy, Poseur (Anon above).
ReplyDeleteI continue to be very disturbed by this linkage of religion and YTB. It really is quite disgusting.
CTA in MD...I agree 10000000000% did you see the one post on the God And YTB blog where they actually compare and liken Coach to Jesus?
ReplyDeleteScary stuff for sure! WOW!!!