Well, not Candi herself, but a YTB Blog (which has seemingly become the defacto defender of the women of YTB) has linked to documentation that supports the claims that Candi was indeed in the travel industry prior to joining YTB.
I accept the documents at their face value. I still find it strange that "proof" took a month to acquire and nothing about the "awards" was to be found anywhere on the net. It also does not address some of the possible exaggerations; but as I said I accept the documents and I stand corrected that Candi May was indeed in the industry in some capacity back in 2001.
So sit tight folks. Here is the post that Doug has been waiting for for 7 months
Doug was right!
Now that you got one, I want to address the "termination". I did address it in a comment on this blog and on Doug's but that partial list is for terminations for "any reason" and as I had stated, after 9-11, I closed my Annapolis location (Universal Travel) and consolidated it to my Arnold, MD location. If you look at the list carefully, you will see many names of much larger agencies that did the same thing. Charlie MacGilvray consolidated, Dean McWilliams consolidated, I consolidated, Kathy Hewins consolidated--BTW they own essentially ALL travel agencies in the state of Maine, Chris Conlin consolidated, Tom McIntyre also consolidated, Sandra Lovick consolidated, Carol Anderson consolidated, Barb Thompson and BarbMuelken also consolidated. You get the picture.
So there you have it. I stand corrected. Now if you can only get Candi to impart some travel wisdom it might be a good thing.
Ole..no need to chime in:
Doug 1
John 0
"Frenaye said he plans to continue to make acquisitions, and in 10 years would like to run 10 offices in Anne Arundel and Prince George's counties."
ReplyDeleteThat was 1999. So, how's that going for you? How many offices are we up to? Not so good? Hummm, I know, blame the MLM travel agents!
Get real.
ReplyDeleteDon't forget the events of 9/11.
Bigger is not always better. After 9/11 many found that scaling back the number of offices got rid of unnecessary expenses and improved profits. Some also found that by closing all their storefronts and going homebased improved their lives and income.
ReplyDelete"The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry"
ReplyDeleteYes 9-11 was a defining moment for sure.
ReplyDeleteHowever, there is a difference in saying that "I would like to have 10 locations" and "we're going to be the biggest agency in the world"
It is subtle, but Rod caught it and pointed it out somewhere!
I think it is funny when Jon comes clean and admits a mistake no one acknowledges it they just continue to attempt to bash. But when Doug makes a mistake he never comes clean.
ReplyDeleteJon good job manning up
I never questioned that Candi was IN the industry....I question the 'award winning' part of her tale. If Candi says she is 'award winning' then what are those awards? I could tell you my credentials easy as 123. Why can't she? Or why can't Doug?
ReplyDeleteI've been on a roll ever since Ann atended that CRTA class.
ReplyDeleteI'm not an Obama fan, but my platform I am campaining calls on Travel Training reform and changes in YTB. I hope I get elected.
John, I made my posts about "YTB Pride needs to be humbled" on a speech I made over on Doug's blogsite as well as scam.com.
Check Doug's blog for my second post.
scam.com posts I have made since Ann's CRTA attendance:
A vote for Rod is a vote for Ch Ch Ch Changes.
It is Wednesday, must be an "I Hate YTB Day" for Rod. Thursdays are the "I Love Coach" days
ReplyDeleteJohn said, "However, there is a difference in saying that "I would like to have 10 locations" and "we're going to be the biggest agency in the world""
ReplyDeleteAnd OleScore says, "You are absolutely right about that, there IS a "difference". A difference that can mean success or failure..or even life or death.
Let me ask you, which statement stimulates the brain into taking massive action and going forward with a thought that develops into a plan?"
"I would LIKE to have"...or..
I WILL have...?
The first statement is a mere wish, or perhaps no more then a dream.
The other is fuel for inspiration and action. The unconscious mind is now programmed for success.
Survival: You're lost in the wilderness. Which of the following is a more powerful suggestion to the mind?
I would LIKE to survive..or..
I WILL survive.
The more positive the thought, the better the chances for survival in this example.
Now go read, "The Power of Positive Thinking"...and..
Believe in yourself!
I don't see the names of the 3 agencies that Candi owned, nor do I see any locations listed except the one in Shepherdsville which is listed as ByeByeNow.com. That address takes you to Cruise Holidays. None of this adds up. Nothing adds up. Her claim of a real agency was listed as White & May, Inc., then it was listed as Travel Professionals 4u. All were listed at this address which is a restaurant. What happened to the agency that was in a mall, the other one in an office building in downtown Louisville? There are no listings with the BBB under any of those names, addresses, anything.
ReplyDeleteJust because she is getting a letter to join from Carlson means nothing. If you request the information, they will send it to you. If you notice, there is no address listed on the first letter to Candi May. That is not how a professional company would address a letter. Did she ever accept the agreement with Carlson?
As Doug would say, "Where's the beef?" He certainly hasn't provided it. He is responsible for providing the proof since he put it on his bog. Once again, what were the names of her 3 agencies, the dates of their operations, or anything to substantiate her credentials? I will never get an answer and neither will John. That is because none of her claims are truth. For the record, I told Doug that I would provide him the documentation of Candi's exaggerations only if he would put it in writing that he would print it. He passed at least 4 times. You can see it on his bog under "Where's the Beef?" in my comments before he cut me off and closed the bog like any coward and MLM oily polecat would do.
Read Candi's web page. It doesn't even tell you what the opportunity is for except to say that she will turn people into into millionaires within 3 to 5 years. I wonder if any of those recruits are now millionaires? Where's the beef?
YTB and TRAVEl: Deflect, deflect, and LIE.
Even now after being shown the documents you asked for, you make a post on your blog admitting that Candi was involved at least in some capacity in the travel industry in 2001? Be a real man John. Why don’t you do the right thing and offer a public apology to Candi May, her family, and her company. You have falsely smeared all of them in recent weeks.
ReplyDeleteIs this the best you can do after misrepresenting yourself as the expert on Carlson....After all didn't you say that Roger Block had never heard of Candi May? When in fact not only had he heard of her but he said and I quote.....
"Your reputation and expertise in the travel business is renowned and as we partner with you, our desire is to provide you with the means to assist you in your efforts to reach the next plateau!"
Roger Block
The letter goes on to talk about Candi participating in an advisory capacity and traveling to many different cities and speaking at town hall meetings to aide in the transition of TPI to Carlson.....Again John, does this sound like someone that was JUST in the travel industry in some capacity..?
Isn't it ironic that while Candi is being courted by Carlson you are being terminated.....I can not find anything on the internet explaining the reasons why Carlson terminated their agreement with your Annapolis location. I believe quid pro quo is in order after all isn’t that what you demanded?
Of course based on your recent history of disparaging remarks about women and children, I doubt a real apology is going to happen. But you might surprise me......
Face the music John. You have been caught in yet another lie, while Candi May has turned out to be exactly who she says she is!
As for the proof of the awards....
The bet of $10,000 still stands if there are any doubters left.
I don't hate Coach on Wednesdays or any day of the week. I do hate his remedy to get the RTAs to stop complaining.
ReplyDeleteCoach says any RTA or Director who complains and hasn't received a $1K this week doesn't have a right to complain.
In other words, Coach says don't complain if you didn't $1K bonus this week.
I find it odd that it has taken 3 weeks for these so "called" credentials to appear.
ReplyDeleteI guess I have been involved in the travel industry just like Candi. I booked my own travel many times. And as YTB says..."anyone can be a TA". All you gotta do is book on a website.
"There are no listings with the BBB under any of those names, addresses, anything."
ReplyDeleteCheck with the State of Kentucky Business Registrations no listing there either. So, who is telling the truth?
"I can not find anything on the internet explaining the reasons why Carlson terminated their agreement with your Annapolis location."
ReplyDeleteJohn already explained that he consolidated offices and gave up the one franchise. If you read the "termination" document, it states, "The following lists franchises that left the system, for any reason, during calendar year 2001."
What more of an explanation do you need?
ReplyDeleteI questioned her credentials. Doug backed them up and I said I accepted them. My reasons for questioning them were valid, and may still have some validity. I gave her a full post which is more than Doug will do when he is corrected.
The letters you saw are the standard letters that went to every Bye Bye Now agency when CWT bought them.
AS to the "termination" if you can read, you will see exactly what that is all about.
Disparaging remarks about women and children...care to back that up?
Caught in a lie? Not quite. I questioned her credentials and said I did not believe them to be valid. I stated why I felt they were not valid and subsequently three weeks later, Doug comes up with a form letter sent to BBN franchises with her name on it. I doubt he would doctor the documents so I accept them and now am of the impression that Candi was involved in the industry at some level in 2001.
So what Candi May owned a brick and mortar? She sucked as an agency owner/manager and business person to have to shutter them all and join a sleazy operation like YTB. Obviously, 2 bricks short of a full load. And, then to have to have Mr. Weenie Dougie defend her is really laughable. What's the matter is she afraid we will eat her or what?
ReplyDeleteAnyone named "Candi May" should be running around the Playboy Mansion with Hugh and not some old bat with teased hair and sagging. Think I would change my name honey.
How sad. The bitterness that lies in the hearts of TTA's reminds me of the bigotry and hate that ran rampant throughout the south after the civil war.
ReplyDeleteJohn you questioned alot more than her credentials. You questioned her integrity and her good name.
Remarks by Martha are similar to what one would hear in an AA class. Denial, Denial, Denial!
Steve, Candi's word didn't work with any of you so why should John's. I want to see proof....Hell we all know John is a liar....He doesnt even have the intestinal fortitude to apologize to a lady when he has insulted her.......quid pro quo Clariss ;)
Anon....your sleazy comments rank right up there with the distortions that are cluttering John's mind.....About knee high to a piss ant....
I laid the money on the wood boys and girls certainly that should make the bettin good…..What no takers? I can’t believe a lowly YTB RTA has more money to play with than a TTA……..But then again maybe I don’t…..But maybe I happen to know that it’s a slam dunk and you all are grasping at straws!
YTB and TRAVEL Go Together like good Kentucky Bourbon and Ice!
So now Doughole has become "The Judge?"
ReplyDeleteHey Judge don't care what you say. YTB is sleazy and a pariah. You all want some respect? Quit recruiting. Quit taking perks you don't deserve and quit deflecting.
ReplyDeleteI checked the KY Business Registration Site. Something still is not adding up. Don't care what you claim.
Dear Judge,
ReplyDeleteI question Candis 'good name' and integrity as well. So, do YOU know which awards she has won? Does Anyone know? I know, but I know it all.
Even in rebuttal John tries to spin the truth.....
ReplyDeleteHe claims the letter in question is merely a form letter..
Just one problem with that rational Mr.Carlson expert... Why would Carlson send an invitation to every BBN agency asking them to participate on an adivory team and travel city to city to aide in the transition?
John, why dont you tell everyone about the email that was sent to you with an invitation to take a tour of Louisville Kentucky and to see all the awards and documents fist hand.....?
Martha, put your money where your mouth is!
An Insider Who Knows! said...
ReplyDelete"I think it is funny when Jon comes clean..."
Me too Insider. Comming clean is a rare occurance for John and it sure tickles my TTA funny bone when it happens.
Oh come on Judge I mean Doug knock it off. No one believes you or likes you. Don't you have a down line to recruit or laundry to do before wifey pooh the bread winner comes home?
ReplyDeleteBTW-Do you know the fine for impersonating a judge?
WARNING - Looks like Martha's posting anonymously again. Same poison, same person.
ReplyDeleteJudge--I just read my post on Candi and nowhere did I say she was not who she claimed. I said I had my doubts and stated my reasons and substantiated them. I asked for proof. None of which I was entitled--but I am entitled to ask.
ReplyDeleteDoug sent it and here is where we are.
Please read the form letter--and yes it is a form letter sent to ALL BBN agencies. They were not asking her to do anything other than to attend one of the meetings so she could hear what plans Carlson had for BBN. Are you that dense? Did you even see an address on the top of the letter? Nope, it said Dear Candi May.
The "advisory team" is a group of Carlson associates that are there to offer advice and insight that is not necessarily covered by management. It is a group of owners who can speak freely and confidently to prospects. Candi was invited (apparently) to talk with them and it included a tour of the HQ, a dinner and discussions of the aforementioned meetings.
It is a LONG way from what she told me in her email about Carlson flying her up to Minneapolis and wining and dining her for several days.
She was part of BBN and Carlson acquired them and wanted to know who was coming and going. They had regional meetings and encouraged her to attend. They also had a meeting in MSP where she could meet other CWT owners and get a dinner and a tour. But it was not at CWT expense, it was at Candi May expense.
Tour of Louisville? No thanks. Never got an email.
judge said, "Martha, put your money where your mouth is!"
ReplyDeleteJudge, why throw good money down a toilet?
"Judge, why throw good money down a toilet?"
ReplyDeleteJudge doesn't have any money. If the wife didn't have a full time job he would be screwed. He must really be a hottie for her to support him. NOT!
"YTB and TRAVEL Go Together like good Kentucky Bourbon and Ice!" Does AA know?
Rod -
ReplyDeleteYou are on a roll like a flat tire.
You continually try to play both sides of the fence.
You lost me back when you resigned from YTB because of your "sponsor".
What a wuss.
Your suggestions carry no weight.
You suck up to the TTAs so they LIKE YOU.
If you are thinking of joining up with YTB again . . . go find something else to do.
No milquetoasts needed.
YTB and TRAVEL: A Great Mix!
Rod--I think you have just received a blackball from a disciple! Seems your money may not be any good at YTB in a few months!
ReplyDeleteAnd on an entirely different topic....milquetoast...an unusual and rare word. I am impressed. Does anyone know what loved character on television had Milquetoast as a last name? Hint: he was on television for a LONG time and the name was mentioned once or twice in the first episodes. I imagine you can still find his show on cable.
Martha said, "I went to work for Delta Airlines as a flight attendant (stewardess back then), and became enamored with the travel life."
ReplyDeleteDid some checking. I believe I have a picture of Martha as a stewardess.
Could This Be Our Girl?
Nah that's old BA
ReplyDeleteSHe said DL so this must be her....
"Did some checking. I believe I have a picture of Martha as a stewardess.
ReplyDeleteCould This Be Our Girl?"
That is a picture of Candy May you twits....
"Your reputation and expertise in the travel business is renowned and as we partner with you, our desire is to provide you with the means to assist you in your efforts to reach the next plateau!"
ReplyDeleteRoger Block
I have a friend that used to sell franchises for Uniglobe. They sent out a very similar letter to people they wanted to sell franchises to. This letter doesn't mean jack. In fact, this is the only shred of evidence that Ms May was ever in travel, and it's nothing more than a standard, very flattering, sales letter.
In any event, it's not like I would want her working for me. You're more than welcome to her.
I Bet if anyone calls Carlson and asks for info on the franchise they will get a very similar letter..obviously not tied to bye bye now but the gist will be the same regardless of experience in the industry.
ReplyDeleteAnd of course Carlson was wooing her. They just paid a huge amount for the assets of bye bye now and to have all the stores leave would be devastating. in any acquisition you want to make sure you retain the employees (or agencies in this case) at least till YOU have a chance to size them up and decide if you want to keep them.
I think Carlson scored a coup with Candi heading to YTB
Something tells me that Candi wasn't making it as a TA after 9/11, ditched the biz and found salvation in selling websites. She knows as well as the rest of you that the internet was not our nemisis. 9/11 really did a number on weak agencies. Luckily, mine was/is strong enough to hang on and now we are reaping the benefits.
ReplyDeleteI still would like to hear about her awards.
"Something tells me that Candi wasn't making it as a TA after 9/11, ditched the biz and found salvation in selling websites. She knows as well as the rest of you that the internet was not our nemisis. 9/11 really did a number on weak agencies. Luckily, mine was/is strong enough to hang on and now we are reaping the benefits."
ReplyDeleteExactly! She was a weak agency owner/manager and a poor business person. She jumped ship when she should have hung tough and stuck it out. Any TTA that would turn to a company like YTB has a screw loose.
I wonder what Candi May will do when Crotch moves on to the next big thing? Maybe she will have to go back to painting and remodeling work and actually have to WORK for a change. Same with the rest of the RTA's. No more sitting in your jammies.
Warning - BAD LANGUAGE MOST LIKELY to appear in this statement..dont like it leave now.
Are you friggin blind, or can you just not read. The letter doesn't ask Candi to be an advisor and attend all the meetings. Its asking her to attend ONE of the meetings to learn about CWT and becoming a franchise. As for Mr. Block saying nice things..ITS A STANDARD FORM LETTER. My office got one too..see I work for CWT as well. Want a copy of that. Honestly..the letter means shit. Why is she hiding behind these 2 pieces of crap. If she had ACTUAL AGENCIES like she says, or awards that she proclaims, shout it out. If it were me being blasted all over 2 blogs, I sure the hell would have posted it by now to shut people the F up already. She's not done it..does that tell you anything.??? As for calling John a liar for stating his own opinion on HIS BLOG..why don't you read what you and your own type, its the same damn thing, ITS CALLED YOUR OPINION!!!! At least he allows everyones here and doesn't delete what he doesnt agree with.
Rod. I honestly think your bi-polar or have a multiple personality disorder. Seek a Doctor. You love YTB you hate us, you want to be a TTA you hate YTB..pick a direction dude, or find another career. Your arrogant and nasty remark about John in yesterdays blog set me off. I'm about done listening to your constant bullshit back and forth..make a decision and stick to it.
As for the other Anon-holes who are posting pictures and claiming them to be Martha. Grow the F up already, what are you 15 and in high school. Holy crap my son is more mature then some of you.
Ok my rant is done, but I'm so over the childish behavior. Either put your opinion on the blog or move the hell on. If you can't act like an adult then go act like an child on a MLM blog.
Back to work now, I have to go actually sell travel for a living working for a company that YTB will never be. Respected.
"Holy crap my son is more mature then some of you. Ok my rant is done"
ReplyDeleteSo how does your son compare with YOUR maturity based on YOUR garbaged mouth language. Poor lad.
"So how does your son compare with YOUR maturity based on YOUR garbaged mouth language. Poor lad."
ReplyDeleteAs usual you missed the point and are bashing someone's parenting. You RTA's really are a piece of work. Rather than address what is wrong with YTB and there is a ton of things wrong with YTB, you cast stones at someone's parenting. You people really are crazy. And, you wonder why we are all so ticked off. You don't get it, don't see it and believe in the garbage that your stepping in. You can dress the garbage up but it is still garbage and it still stinks as does YTB.
They can address and call me whatever they wish, don't you dare question my parenting. I just spent 45 minutes arguing with the boy across the streets mother because he pushed my son off a moving vehicle and almost broke his leg. You want to go a round with me..go for it..I'm just in that mood.
ReplyDeleteThen to come here and see the comments I've seen, bashing someone over something they obviously didn't read very well, well yeah it set me off.
You proclaim to love YTB and all its people, but when they leave they are losers (Rod case in point)..thats real christian of you.! But Rod wants to go back, kinda like a beaten puppy who doesnt know any better. Sad.!!
ReplyDeleteAren't we worked up tonight?!
ReplyDeleteOur little ol' company sure gets your juices flowing.
We must be doing something right for all of the wonderfully successful TTAs to spend their energy on us.
We get them cussing, we get them fuming.
I love it.
YTB and TRAVEL: A Great Mix!
Yes, Lisa uses a curse word and she is a bad parent. John posts a picture of a kid flipping the finger and he is abusive to women and children.
ReplyDeleteWhy discuss and of the issues, just deflect deflect deflect.
"Our little ol' company sure gets your juices flowing."
ReplyDeleteYour little company as you put it is a disgrace. Your little company is a nuisance like gnats. Your little company is borderline unethical and your little company has NO Business being in the travel business.
Strange behavior Mix. Could it be Hormones Gone Wild? Hope it all passes soon. These lady TTA's can get pretty vicious.
ReplyDeleteNo where on here does it say that this is a G rated board. Lisa can swear all effin day if she wants to. I am far less offended by her comments than with some of the other crap I've seen on here.
ReplyDeleteI received a very similar letter from Magic Johnson Franchises just a few weeks ago. Flattery still works on some people.
I really don't think John has anything to apologize for. This letter doesn't prove anything. And despite what you think of Lisa's use of sentence enhancers, she's much classier than most of the people in YTB.
This is what I would like to see: Cowards like Oldcrotchkeeper, YTB and TRAVEL: A Great Mix!, and The Judge identify yourselves and stop hiding behind your computer. They never will because they are oily MLM polecats.
ReplyDeleteI feel flattered that you posted pics of what you think I look like, but isn't that 2nd grade material? I guess it's appropriate since it matches your education level and that's why you ended up in YTB.
You ferrets can deflect all you want but the facts are that Candi May is a fake, in her resume anyway. So put up or shut up and come up with the names of the 3 agencies she owned, their locations, and when they were in operation. That should shut up the Judge (Doughole) for a while. How could he offer $10K as proof when he won't even identify himself (Doughole)?
Kate Holmes said..."No where on here does it say that this is a G rated board. Lisa can swear all effin day if she wants to."
All birds of a feather.
Real professional TTA's that dignify our industry.
Vendors, are you listening?
Is it possible that their venom and nastiness might be revealed to your customers?
And, they call themselves "professional". What's so professional about the foul language they choose to spew on this blog against the YTB agents?
Don't you expect better from a group who want's to be considered "professionals"?
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteKate Holmes said..."No where on here does it say that this is a G rated board. Lisa can swear all effin day if she wants to."
All birds of a feather.
Real professional TTA's that dignify our industry.
Vendors, are you listening?
Is it possible that their venom and nastiness might be revealed to your customers?
And, they call themselves "professional". What's so professional about the foul language they choose to spew on this blog against the YTB agents?
Don't you expect better from a group who want's to be considered "professionals"?
LOL, well you obviously are NOT in the industry..or at least have not been out drinking with the suppliers!
Martha said, "I feel flattered that you posted pics of what you think I look like, but isn't that 2nd grade material?"
ReplyDeleteOMG, ROTFLMAO! I'm not kidding, this is so funny! OMG, 2nd grade material? Oh no, this is college level stuff baby!
Hey Martha, you got a really neat "do", how about a shave to match to go along with that? Must of came off of one of those red eye flights. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't stand it, I've got severe tears rolling from my eyes. Too funny!
Oh, and one more thing.....
ReplyDeleteMartha said, "If you don't have a sense of humor, you have nothing. Life is funny, laugh at it."
anonymous said: "OMG, ROTFLMAO! I'm not kidding, this is so funny! OMG, 2nd grade material? Oh no, this is college level stuff baby!"
ReplyDeleteYou are correct. YTB college level for the simple minded. If you thought that was hysterical, you should check out www.fugly.net. Make sure you have your sound turned on.
You know, I'm proud to be associated with Kate & Martha, at least they are professionals and not leeches in this industry. As for the vendors seeing my horrid display of "unprofessionalism" as you call it..I'm laughing. Obviously you've never gone on a real fam with any of them, I have..several are very close friends of mine. If you think I
ReplyDeleteam unprofessional in any sense in this business, your higher then a kite. My clients are treated well, and I make great money doing what I do. But thanks for worrying.
PMS - nope. As i said the bully boy almost broke my sons leg and I was beyond pissed. The stupid COMMENTS by some just enhanced my anger. YTB doesnt get me riled up, it makes me sick.
And as for my language, I actually toned it down, I didn't type out all the words out of respect for your poor virgin eyes. Sorry I'm not the proper "stay at home, don't speak unless told" kinda woman you might be used to. That in no way is me at all.
Have a nice day :)
"Vendors, are you listening?"
ReplyDeleteOh yea the vendors are listening all right to the fact that YTB blatantly admits to only being in the travel business to get perks and freebies. And, they are listening to the fact YTB is full of half truths, manipulations and lies. They are listening to the fact that MOST RTA's are operating on the fringe of being ethical. And, they are listening when you manipulate numbers.
TravelLisa said PMS - nope. As i said the bully boy almost broke my sons leg and I was beyond pissed. The stupid COMMENTS by some just enhanced my anger.
ReplyDeleteTwo words,..anger management.
Next two words,...Yellow Pages.
You can find some excellent counselers who can deal with "enhanced anger" by letting your fingers do the walking in the Yellow Pages.
RavelLisa said, "Sorry I'm not the proper "stay at home, don't speak unless told" kinda woman you might be used to. That in no way is me at all."
ReplyDeleteAnd I'll bet you have a very well trained obedient hubby.
No actually I don't have a well trained obedient hubby. Hes a normal joe just like most. Do I tolerate being talked down to by anyone..hell no. My father taught me well. As for anger management..not necessary. I rarely get angry to that extent. But the drunk, welfare trash of a mother of the boy who bullys everyone needed to be taken down a notch. Shes lucky I didn't call the police for what I saw at that home, and for shoving my son off a moving ATV. His own no less. So was I pissed. Very! So keep your sarcastic snide, think your better then everyone else comments to yourself.