The other day, Travel Weekly ran a column about YTB fighting with IATA to get their cancellation rescinded. Now after all the posturing and all of the RTAs and Reps screaming that YTB does not need IATAN and so forth, it seems that management has a different view.
I suspect this about face has a lot to do with their provisional certifications in British Columbia and Ontario. But I also have to question how receptive IATA will be to reinstatement when you hear things such as this:
After labeling the IATAN program "the biggest card mill in the world," YTB said IATA's refusal to let the agency attempt to change practices in order to regain the IATA endorsement was an indication that IATA was trying to eliminate YTB as competition "for being a perceived threat to [IATAN's] monopoly in the travel card industry."As one MLMer might say, LOL too funny. Now YTB thinks that their issuing their IATAN number to 140,000 people that paid them $449 was not the issue but that IATA felt they were a threat to the existence of the IATAN card. Are the executives at YTB drinking the Kool Aid too? I thought they just served it!
Here is a tip, when you are looking to affect change and you are not in control of it; it is wise to not piss off those who are in a position to affect that change.
So, why is IATA endorsement now all of a sudden such a big deal? Is Canada onto the scheme?
PS: Blog note--yesterday was indeed April 1 and for those TTAs and MLMers that believed the story about TAG acquiring YTB, it was false. The story was created by a colleague who will go unnamed and I applaud him for his creativity and sense of humor. Secondly, I am not ignoring the 10K--I am reading it. Not the most exciting bathroom reading material, but there is some interesting insight to be gained. Stay tuned. After all it is like 125 pages!
We don't "need" IATA or IATAN at all. Kim is just trying to teach them a lesson in ethics. We are doing fine without it--the annual report says $414 MILLION DOLLARS SOLD IN TRAVEL!!!! What did you sell?
ReplyDeleteBut IATAN would be nice to have but not needed by any means. That Humberto guy will see the light...just wait.
Read deeper into the repor - it is not $414 million in travel - it's very obvious less than an eighth of that is travel when you read the breakdowns...
ReplyDelete"teaching them a lesson"?! As if anyone at YTB is ethical! And really, do you have any idea how much Anolik costs? Pretty costly lesson to YTB that they will not win! It is obvious that IATAN matters a lot - thus the suit.
ReplyDeleteWe don't "need" IATA or IATAN at all. Kim is just trying to teach them a lesson in ethics.
ReplyDeleteThat is one of the most arrogant of posts yet. How little you all know about this industry shines through once again. I, too, laugh at YTB teaching anyone a lesson in ethics. i think I'll pass that statement, anon tho it is, on to IATA so they can get an idea of how well respected they are by the rank and file of YTB. Who do you guys think you are?
ps. Anon 2 has it right. Those numbers don't add up again. Let's face it, the travel industry could do just as well without you. It's coach who 'needs' you, not IATA or anyone else.
Have a nice day, and bless your hearts!
How funny would it be if Johns April Fools joke turns out to be true. Stay tuned!
ReplyDeleteYou guys are a hoot!
ReplyDeleteMarc Mancini is a great guy . . . until he does a training program for that dastardly YTB.
Alexander Anolik is one of the most highly regarded travel attorneys in the industry . . . until he represents YTB.
If Anolik does not think YTB has a case, he would not be involved.
If Anolik were not being paid he would not be involved is more like it. Win or lose, he gets paid, right?
ReplyDeleteytbnomore (in your dreams) -
ReplyDeleteYes, he gets paid, win or lose. But highly respected attorneys are not going to waste their time if they do not believe there is cause.
YTB can continue without IATA, but I'm glad to see them fight IATA's action. Anolik is good at what he does.
I'm getting a little upset with all the anon posts here. I can't tell who is who in the zoo. Why don't you guys start using names?
ReplyDeleteYour pissin me off.
Keep paying the dues Anon. I see you know as much about the law as you do travel. Coach must sometimes giggle as he takes all the candy from the babies.
ReplyDeleteAnd on Mancini...his training programs are available to anyone who shells out the dough. Perhaps you could benefit from them. I know they cost you $$ but you didn't think Coach would give them away did you? I must say that other consortiums often offer them gratis, but well...that's just not the YTB way is it?
I must go now, unlike you I have work to do. Have fun justifying YTB all day, again.
Highly respected attorneys do not take cases unless they are sure they can get paid
ReplyDeleteytbnomore (in your dreams) -
ReplyDeleteYou have work to do. Forgot it is getting close to the lunch shift at McDonalds.
No one has cast any aspersions on Anolik or Mancini - they are simply hired guns and good at their jobs. But really, Anolik is most certainly taking money up-front on this one and Coach is fighting this because he recognizes the importance of IATAN, no to tech them an ethics lesson - afterall, that would be so unChristian - I mean, good Christians do not bother to point out the faults of others...........
ReplyDeleteMamma Mia!! STOCK HIT'S $2.03!!
ReplyDeleteLast Trade: 2.03
Trade Time: 12:06PM ET
Change: 0.04 (2.01%)
Why is YTB not mentioned in this article?: http://www.travelweekly.com/Article.aspx?id=171316
ReplyDeleteBecause she was afilliated with TAN which also has some MLM components!
ReplyDeleteWarning to ytbscam and the anti-YTB throng : You will not like this!
ReplyDeleteHere's an article from an unbiased source regarding YTB and YTB Stock.
Hey this is too much! You folks got to read this.
ReplyDeleteWhat The Critics Know About YTB
Traveling? Why pay a travel agent $30 to $100 more in fees for that airline ticket when you can go on-line and book it yourself and help fight cancer too! Click on this link...
National Foundation for Cancer Research
ReplyDeleteGreat stock analysis at seeking alpha. Thanks for the link.
Nice to see an actual stock analyst write something instead of ytb or anti ytb folks.
Plus, the author is putting his money where his mouth is by having a LONG stock position in YTB
UP UP AND AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDelete$2.06 AND NOW SIGNS OF STOPING!!!
YOU GO YTB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is an opinion, just like the one offered by a different analyst on the same site
ReplyDeleteReality Check: Raising the red flags on YTB
ReplyDeleteGreat work finding an over year old rebuttal that was only written because of YTB's ridiculous rise. At the time, YTB hadn't reported income EVER. Only losses. SInce that article there have been 3 straight profitable quarters.
Oh look Mr.Spelling is back."$2.06 AND NOW SIGNS OF STOPING!!!". But then again you don't need to be educated to be in YTB. That's obvious.
ReplyDeleteJohn, it's an outdated short piece growing mold. February 08, 2007
ReplyDeleteIt's not even as intelligently written as...YTB International: Wall Street's Next Online Travel Darling?
"Disclosure: Author has a long position in YTBLA.PK" I love that line! AHAHAHA!
ReplyDeleteHere's an article from an unbiased source regarding YTB and YTB Stock.
ReplyDeleteunbiased! Jeez you guys are hilarious. I tried to read Doug's first published book but 'this page could not be displayed.'
Does anyone spend time actually selling travel in YTB or is this blog a substitute for work?
Lock the doors . . . Suicide watch for our favorite stock analyst, ytbscam. Life is going to be tough for him in the days ahead!
ReplyDelete"Disclosure: Author has a long position in YTBLA.PK" I love that line! AHAHAHA!
ReplyDeleteYou people have got to be kidding - you call that "unbiased"?
Just liek the non-existant Dr. Seligman - unbiased, my ass!
I find it beyond offensive that YTB actually had the balls to accuse IATA of being threatened by them. IATA is a intergral part of this industry. YTB has done nothing but make a mockery of it.
ReplyDeleteClearly if YTB had any respect for anyone in this industry at all they never would have made a statement like that.
Money doesn't buy class I guess.
But they don't need IATAN. So they all say. Yet corporate is fighting (and spending) to get it back. But in the process is probably pissing off IATAN more with stupid comments like the above. Seriously, why does YTB think they are the BEST THING SINCE SLICED BREAD to enter the travel area, that special favors should be allowed. Your agents screwed you with IATAN, now IATAN is to blame and you call them a card-mill? It's stupidity at its best.
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks for the stock updates, and the book links. If I wanted to read about a cult, who follows everything the good preacher preaches, I'd go buy a book on Manson or the Hail bop fools. I like horror novels and all, but that's just plain scary.
TIME TO CELEBRATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last Trade: 2.25
Trade Time: 3:59PM ET
Change: 0.26 (13.07%)
so buy it for gods sake. coach needs you now more than ever!
TIME TO CELEBRATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I guess 2.25 stock to trailer park trash is really great huh? You people really need to take an econ course.
First of all, congratulations to the people that bought YTB when it was a buck or so. What I find to be simply amazing but true is that Tom Coleman made a prediction that finally came true. That is bigger news than the YTB stock rebound. If you forgot, he said that it would reach $2 by early summer. It's only spring. For the first time in the history of his millions upon millions of postings, he finally got one right. I think it's time to celebrate. Possibly we could all chip in and buy him a day pass out of his trailer park?
ReplyDeleteOlescorekeeper, I would really, really appreciate it if you would stop putting links to Doug's self-righteous blog on here or anywhere. I know it's one of my quirks, but I feel drawn to read it when you do that. Once again, I read it today and about half way though, my computer screen became splattered with vomit. That guy is a real piece of work. How can you stand to read it? I will have to start charging you for the Windex and microfiber cloths I go through each time I hit his bog (intended misspelling).
Regarding today's headline about IATAN: My prediction is that YTB will never regain it. Now if they would only act upon the other morally cursed travel MLMS.
ReplyDeleteDoug playing games with your head? Poor baby, if it didn't have any truth to it, it wouldn't bother you. Seems like Doug's over it. Hasn't been seen around here in weeks.
I'm sure he gets a big kick out of you and Eddie always commenting and referring to him. He get's under both of your skins. (If he didn’t you, it really wouldn’t matter.)
He’s having a blast poking fun at all of you now, and seems to truly enjoy life, while you’re stuck vomiting.
Maybe you should try that program he recommended. LOL!
Doug is no loss--he can stay on his blog where everyone stokes his own ego---oh Douggie you are so good. You ought to write a book. How clever you are...blecchh!
ReplyDeleteBut honestly, Douggie is not gone, I just believe he is here under a different name--perhaps "anonymous"? Hmmm.
And speaking of people not being around, where is that Proud lady...she was a trip. I miss Jon slapping her down when she did not know the difference between sales and commissions and when she just spewed stuff that made no sense!
I saw Mancini's name mentioned a couple of times on this topic.
ReplyDeleteJust thought I'd mention it again. Marc Mancini will be teaching at the 2008 YTB National Convention in St. Louis MO. I heard this Saturday at travel training in Dallas, TX.
Anonymous said...
Doug playing games with your head? Poor baby, if it didn't have any truth to it, it wouldn't bother you. Seems like Doug's over it. Hasn't been seen around here in weeks.
I'm sure he gets a big kick out of you and Eddie always commenting and referring to him. He get's under both of your skins. (If he didn’t you, it really wouldn’t matter.)
He’s having a blast poking fun at all of you now, and seems to truly enjoy life, while you’re stuck vomiting.
Maybe you should try that program he recommended. LOL!
Yes, he does get under my skin just like scabies and chiggers. He gives me the creeps just looking at his pic. I always imagine that pic on a ReMax sign in someone's front yard. As I said before, it's interesting to read just to see how he tries to validate his life. Self-help books, seminars, and every venture he can think of to find something of worth because YTB has screwed him up and over. He must spend hours and hours writing his blog and only gets 1 or 2 comments. It is entertaining to see him squirm though and then gloat.
I also don't think he's gone. He is reading this blog and he is likely responding as anonymous, DOUG. You could have done a better job at trying to disguise yourself.
Rod, nobody gives a crap.
ReplyDeleteOne interesting point in the YTB 10K is that there were only 366 people that held YTB stock at the time the 10K was put together. Such a small base makes it very easy to manipulate the price of teh stock vritually any way one wants it to go.
ReplyDeleteI noticed that. I guess the 131,000 RTAs and the 303,000 Reps don;t believe in the stock as much as they would like us to think they do.
ReplyDeleteHey the only thing about Doug that bothers me is 1. He hasn't bought any YTB stock and 2. He likes his Koolaid WAY too sweet. That blog of his is so self congratulating and cloying I can't read more than one paragraph. Other than that, he's a great guy.
ReplyDeleteMartha said, "Olescorekeeper, I would really, really appreciate it if you would stop putting links to Doug's self-righteous blog on here or anywhere. I know it's one of my quirks, but I feel drawn to read it when you do that."
ReplyDeleteMy apologies for the insensitivities. I didn't realize you have little control from being drawn to Doug's blog by the posting of his link. I guess it's a bit like providing cocktails at a Al-Anon meeting. I understand you aberration.
All power of fancy overreason is a degree of insanity. --Johnson.
"Once again, I read it today and about half way though, my computer screen became splattered with vomit. That guy is a real piece of work. How can you stand to read it?"
Sorry old girl, I will NOT allow myself to become undignified by answering a question from someone who is obviously quite ill.
"I will have to start charging you for the Windex and microfiber cloths I go through each time I hit his bog (intended misspelling)."
Get help. You will find it in the Yellow Pages.
Martha said...
ReplyDeleteOlescorekeeper, I would really, really appreciate it if you would stop putting links to Doug's self-righteous blog on here or anywhere.
What's wrong Martha? Does Doug discredit John's self righteous-blog???
Yeah, I'm still around... quite busy, but still around.
I see John is still posting opinions and many outdated info to try and discredit YTB. John, ty looking at something more up-to-date... like our stocks!
And to answeer your question about what is being done about YTB's custoners who have bookings on ATA...
As you can see by this wire that has been sent down to every RTA's inbox... it is being taken care of and to the benefit of the traveling customers.
"As you may be aware, yesterday ATA cancelled all service effective immediately.
This impacts Funjet Vacations' Value Flight customers from Midway to Cancun and our ATA scheduled air customers to Cancun and Hawaii.
As a customer-centric vacation company, Funjet Vacations is protecting our customer's vacations by:
- Helping customers find alternate air service
- Applying the value of their ATA airfare to the new reservation"
Proud sorry to see you were not able to catch up on reading comprehension during your absense.
ReplyDeleteIt is not a "wire" it is either an email or a posting on your back office.
But thanks for pointing out that you are doing nothing for the customers. You are merely rel;ying on Funjet to handle it for you.
Nice customer service there!
And what about the folks that purchased air via the air booking engine/travelocity? What are you doing for them?
What about Skybus now?
ReplyDelete"It is not a "wire" it is either an email or a posting on your back office."
ReplyDeleteYou're right john. It's not a wire. my laptop happns to be wireless... LOL!!! John, it was a figure of speech. Don't go having a cow over it...LOL!!!
Let me restate it more politically correct for you then. It came down as information directly from HQ to my back office. Is that better?
We are not relying on FunJet to do it. FunJet decided ON THEIR OWN to take care of it. They want to protect their good name.
Don't worry Johnny. All the customers will be well taken care of.
Don't you have some spelling to hunt down and correct?
Old Proud does not realize that is just a statement put out. Yes, in time the customers will be accomodated. BUt at what price and what inconvenience.
ReplyDeleteIt is true then as John said--YTB is doing nothing--just let the supplier handle it.
Suppliers--can you hear me now?
Now Proud, why not head back to Bennigans and continue your solicitation and recruitment.
We don't need to know what you are doing in the bathroom as you stated int he topic John. Just remember 3 things.
ReplyDelete1. Don't fall in
2. Flush
3. Courtesy spray
Also, notice the title of Doug's book
There's nothing in it, because the critics know absolutely nothing about YTB. I guess this was waaaay over your heads.
Thanks insider. Maybe I will... LOL!!!
ReplyDeleteActually, one of my downline acquired her 1st $1000 bonus. I treated her to another restaurant (one out of your price range). The waitress was asking what the special ocasion was, so we told her. The waitress is coming to a presentation Monday and most likely will join.
Keep up with your denial. We're still growing! It won't be long before YTB is #1... HATERS!
Hope the bonus wasn't in stock - she lost 35% of the value just today!
ReplyDelete1000 and 10,000 bonuses are in cash.