YTB appoints Burt Saunders and Bob Dickinson to Board of Directors.
I am not sure if the people who insisted Burt Saunders was on the Board in August were clairvoyant or not, but apparently he has been appointed to the Board effective today. Not sure what connection the Florida Senator has to travel, but probably a very good appointment.
In more surprising news, apparently Bob Dickinson has also been appointed to their Board. Bob had led Carnival Cruise Lines for many years and retired earlier this year. While very curious, it is an outstanding addition to their Board. This will finally place someone with travel industry experience in the upper echelons of YTB. This goes a long way to legitimizing their business. Still a long way to go, but for now KUDOS to YTB!
Well they are trying to be legitimate....why not buy the former CEO of the cruise line that did not fire them....get the senator that pulled the FL attorney general off their a ramshackle agency in Canada to try and re-buy IATA....
ReplyDeleteHey if you can't be legitimate, you might as well buy it!
I wonder what the stipend is and how much authority YTB actually gives their board?
I wonder if Bob is donating his money to his Charity?
ReplyDelete"With ever increasing concern among Floridians about unresponsive HMOs, expensive pharmaceuticals with alarming side effects and unnecessary surgical procedures, the unmet demand for qualified naturopathic health providers is exploding. According to Beverly Betancur, N.D., Chief Executive Officer of the Naturopathic National Council, every effort has been made to inform the appropriate authorities, including State Senator Burt L. Saunders (Rep., District 37) Chair of the Florida Senate's Health and Human Services Appropriations Committee, Governor Jeb Bush and others that they are in violation of a Cease and Desist Order referenced in the lawsuit. According to the lawsuit, the state is defying federal authority and denying many of its constituents the type of health care options they want and need, and this issue will be decided in a Tallahassee court."
ReplyDeleteOh well lookey here. The TTA's are already beginning to start their smear campaigns! This is what they do when things are beginning to look bad for them. A bunch of slithering snakes I say.
ReplyDeleteWhy is it when facts are posted by us it's a smear campaign? Yet, RTA's constantly distort, deflect and say the nastiest things and it's ok?
ReplyDeleteJF -
ReplyDeleteI will give credit where it is due. Thanks for giving kudos to YTB with their new Board Directors.
Certain TTAs -
Having a tough time with this one, huh?
YTB and TRAVEL: A Great Mix!
Looks like another one of a long list of crooks in YTB. Mr. Saunders doesn't have a clean record either. No surprise..."Yale or Jail".
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of snakes,.....
ReplyDeleteSo when do we see the foam statue of Coach outside of YTB hqs?
ReplyDeletePicture this now: YTB becomes a legit host agency. RTAs become TTAs for the benefit of the customers, suppliers and themselves. No one needs to sell websites cause all you need is one!
ReplyDeleteSince day one this is what I have wanted from YTB.
Anon said, "Why is it when facts are posted by us it's a smear campaign?"
ReplyDeleteNo "facts" were posted about Saunders. Some Anon..(was it you?)..posted a cut-and-paste from an unsubstantiated source. You call it facts. I call it for what it is. You are dismissed as a jurist. Now go home.
And YTBSCAM, the fact you have SCAM in you moniker makes me wonder if you have several skeletons in your closet that would preclude you from being a desirable YTB rep. I'll be Coach kicked you out a long time ago and you no longer can stand the humiliation. That's why you always come back here with your 3rd grade level mundane posts.
Since most of you in YTB can't read, I will post it once again. I'm in no way involved with MLM or TTA. Never have and never will. I don't know how many times I will have to state this.
ReplyDeleteNow we have Karl, a another jellious dolt. Come on in kids, theres room in the pool for more of you. Just don't be drinking the water.
ReplyDeleteYou guys need your own convention. You could all get together and have a good time talking down YTB. It would be good threapy. You could even have Anti-YTB training classes.
ReplyDeleteI believe her name is Karla not Karl, learn how to read. Also I will assume you meant jealous because jellious isn't a word. Secondly, I don't see where she typed anything bad to be called a dolt. Does calling a woman a dolt, for no valid reason, make you feel like a bigger man? What she said made perfect sense and it's what we've all been saying all along. You've proved my point yet again today, when you have nothing constructive to say, just prefer to name call.
You don't want YTB to be a legitimate travel host? you don't want higher commissions and more control of your bookings? would you leave YTb if this happened?
ReplyDeleteOf course if they dumped recruiting, alot would leave YTB. Most of their income is from recruiting. It won't matter who they buy into their ranks as long as they continue to push recruiting as their number one priority.
ReplyDeleteYAWN! I am really getting bored with the same old, same old comments from ole and the rest of you RTA's that we are having a tough time, jealous, afraid and what not. I booked $50,000 today. That's in 1 day and am well on my way to my million dollar in sales bookings this year. I don't give a RATS ass what you YTB think especially when I know you won't even come close. It's a nice day out I think I will take the SC430 out of the garage for a spin and go get ice cream. TA TA!
ReplyDeleteytbscam -
ReplyDeleteNot in MLM or TTA. OK.
Must be living on welfare.
I thought you at least worked at a McDonalds as a drive-up specialist.
Using your welfare check to pay for internet access?
Glad we can support such an upstanding citizen.
YTB and TRAVEL: A Great Mix!
Typical response from a YTBer as Lisa said. I actually have a job that makes money unlike 90% of those in YTB.
ReplyDeleteAnd guess what I work, and I don't have to scam people into get rich schemes and free travel. Something you have no clue about.
With this great news you all brought out, you'd think your stock would be gaining alot more than it has! And as far as McDonalds all can buy TWO dollar menu items on the McD menu with one share of your stock...AMAZING! And Congrats!
I for one am happy that Bob joined YTB. Bob will clean house. Good bye dirt bags. Good Bye Scum Bags. Good Bye Ole and Rod and all you poor misguided fools who can't sell travel....
ReplyDeleteBob, won't do a damn thing, all he is just a figure head. And when the new CEO cuts CCL from YTB, which is bound to happen, you all will say Bob who?
ReplyDeleteSCAMMERSCAM said..And guess what I work, and I don't have to scam people into get rich schemes and free travel. Something you have no clue about.
ReplyDeleteSo SCAM if your not in a travel scam, what do you scam people out of for your living?
Amazing! You all gained a whopping 11 cents on this great news today! Congrats!
ReplyDeleteLook out Doug! A load of vomit is about to come across your portside bow. The few TTA vermin on this blog (less then 10) are coming out of the wood work en mass. Call the exterminator. You folks really got me laughing. Too bad you can't handle Burt and Bob coming aboard. Must hurt very badly. ROTFLMAO!!
ReplyDeleteIt Just Keeps Getting Better
One Good Old Ass
"You folks really got me laughing. Too bad you can't handle Burt and Bob coming aboard. Must hurt very badly. ROTFLMAO!!"
ReplyDeleteI will be ROTFLMAO when Bob cleans house.
"You guys need your own convention."
ReplyDeleteThey already have a "bash YTB" organization -- TRO -- and their convention is today through the weekend!
Boy, they're really panicking now!!
would anyone answer me?
ReplyDeleteYou don't want YTB to be a legitimate travel host? you don't want higher commissions and more control of your bookings? would you leave YTb if this happened?
Anon---there are actually quite a few YTB folks over at TRO. They are the ones that are interested in travel as opposed to recruiting.
ReplyDeleteTRO does NOT bash YTB. YTB is hardly ever even mentioned. If you'd like to discuss travel, and not MLMs, you would be welcome to join I'm sure. It's just travel stuff so maybe not?
ReplyDeleteBut this week's thing isn't about 'travel', it's strictly about 'card mills', which YTB is not, yet no one outside of YTB is able to recognize that.
ReplyDeleteSo, John, are you saying that YTB will not be 'discussed'? You're the moderator, so you can control that.
Who is panicking and who is vomiting? Majority of the posters seem to agree that Bob joining is a good thing and MAYBE will help YTB become legit. But no, Ole instead comes in here having nothing to say except call people vermin. The other Anon ass thinks everyone at TRO is bashing YTB agents. Actually if I'm not mistaken an MLM person is a moderator over there. Travel is discussed on the board, something none of you know anything about apparently. Might want to check on that before you assume.
ReplyDeleteActually Coach said to TT (and I am paraphrasing here) that they brought Bob on to help build the reputation and image of YTB.
ReplyDeleteAnon said, "I will be ROTFLMAO when Bob cleans house."
ReplyDeleteCleaning house is always a good idea from time to time. Too bad ASTA can't do a clean sweep regarding your rouge TTA counterparts.
As for Bob "cleaning house", I'm not sure what you mean. If it means messing drastically with the business model, it ant goanna happen. The Tomers and Kim are in charge Anon. Wishful thinking on your part however. It likely means exciting new developments for current and future Rep’s and Rta’s.
What the 3 CEO's are doing is what Robert Kiyosaki does. Robert once told me, "I don't know anything about broadband, but I'm convinced it's what I want to get into. I have surrounded myself with the experts". So Robert, like our CEO's, is surrounding themselves with the professionals who know their stuff. Not just travel, but many top business developers and strategists too.
Comic Relief
One Good Old Ass
Maybe all 144,000+ of us should mosey on over to this week and get in on the "discussion".
ReplyDelete(and monitor the moderator)
So, is selling travel more important than recruiting, or the other way around, Ole. What the heck does YTB want? Their mlm image is fine! Every mlm loves them. Could it be that the 'travel' image and reputation are not as rosey? Even Kimmy said the method needs 'legitimizing' which means it's not up to par with industry standards. Are you saying he is wrong?
ReplyDeleteSo join TRO - you're a travel professional right? I'm sure many of us could learn from your travel sales experience.
to the last anon...all 144,000 of you don't care about selling travel.
The problem is the dolts (to use Anon's word) seem to think TRO is a forum to bitch fest YTB. Completely wrong. Its a forum to actually discuss travel and travel related questions. Why would 144,000 plus agents want to join? How many of them actively SELL travel without having to send someone to a website or a supplier directly? Not too many I'm sure. Here's a better idea, why doesn't YTB start their own forum, then you can all praise each other, kiss coach's behind and self promote. No travel ever being discussed..nobody to refute anything you say. Be blessed to travel and now you can be blessed to talk travel on your very own forum.
ReplyDeleteI just read Bob's comments on Travel Trade. Looks like the cruise lines will be going net. Bob is only on the board for the money. He is kicking it back to his charity. Brilliant actually get in bed with scum suckers , take the money and give it to charity. Kinda like Robin Hood.:>
ReplyDeleteAs to TRO, unless you can verify you are legitimate sellers of travel and serious about the biz you are not allowed to play over there.
FYI, here is the policy from TRO regarding MLMs:
ReplyDeleteThanks for registering with the TRO Community Forums. We are a private community designed for travel professionals.
We welcome the participation of persons truly interested in the professional practice of travel planning. A MLM host alone is not considered an industry recognized association or affiliation. We therefore require membership in one of the following organizations in addition to your current host agency:
If you feel there is an extenuating circumstance, please utilize the CONTACT US link at the bottom of every page.
The TRO Team
"We welcome the participation of persons truly interested in the professional practice of travel planning. A MLM host alone is not considered an industry recognized association or affiliation. We therefore require membership in one of the following organizations in addition to your current host agency:"
ReplyDeleteGeeeeeee..... I wonder who put that language in there???
Well you dont sell travel anyway so what does it matter. You sell websites and get more people to buy websites to have the websites sell travel. So why do you need to join a travel agent forum to ask questions anyways.
ReplyDeleteDon't count your chickens before they've hatch ole scorekeeper. We may just have a little surprise of our own in store.
ReplyDeleteytbscam -
ReplyDeleteYou have never been part of a MLM company.
You are not a TTA.
What are you doing here?
Why should anyone listen to you?
Your credibility ranks right up there with the guy who stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
Do you crash weddings in your spare time?
YTB and TRAVEL: A Great Mix!
Your credibility ranks right up there with the guy who stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
ReplyDeleteUhm..probably a poor analogy. That guy who stayed at the Holiday Inn Express last night has considerably more experience in travel than most of the RTAs.
john -
ReplyDeleteSince you want to keep the subject of credibility going, today is a BIG DAY . . .
Your personal credibility just took a HUGE hit today, John.
Your ranting and obsessing about YTB for the past few months has been based on your perception that YTB lacks credibility in the travel world.
You just got trumped by Robert Dickinson.
He made a decision to join our Board of Directors . . . knowing full well who we are and where we are headed.
Compared to Robert Dickinson, John Frenaye is the Mini-Me of travel.
Enjoy your little travel world, John.
YTB and TRAVEL: A Great Mix!
Your kidding right. Your talking about the same Bob Dickenson that stated in TT mag today that "YTB agents may not know anything about travel, but they know the clients because they are friends neighbors etc". Yeah that would make me proud to have him onboard. He basically called you idiots, but you know your customers so its ok.
ReplyDeleteDickinson is a great addition to YTB. YTB does lack credibility in the travel world and this is a step in the right direction.
ReplyDeleteCompared to Bob Dickinson, I am the mini-me of travel. He has done a lot of great things for the travel industry.
Now if you are looking to get some real credibility, why not look to someone active in the industry--Marilyn Nelson, Jonathan Tisch, Gordon Bethune, Bill Maloney, Arnie Weissmann....the list goes on.
Yes one person with Bob's credentials is a great move for you. But please don't be lulled to thinking it is the end all and be all.
YTB was unable to repurchase their IATAN credentials with Sunrise Travel. And as soon as you were shot down by IATAN, it seems that your Hickory negotiations fell apart.
As I said in the post--good for YTB.
I don't think Johns credibility in the travel industry has taken a hit at all. You as YTB may think so but that's the mlm industry, not travel. I asked before, Ole , would you be happy if YTB took a more traditional stance at selling travel or are websites a more important factor for you? Would you join a professional association to further your knowledge and expand your contacts? Is travel a hook, or the life blood of your business like it is mine? Do you want to be recognized as a legitimate travel professional?
ReplyDeleteYou've got to be kidding me! Dickinson isn't going to do one thing to clean up YTB. I'd like to know what the real story is on this and how much YTB is paying him. I can see a politician getting into it because they can be bought for a buck, but a past CEO? Now it's time for me to go read Doug's bog and see how much he gloats and how many words he typed to tell us the story. I just hope it doesn't take me all night again to read that junk. I need to get my Brawny towels and jug of Windex ready because I usually can't turn my head fast enough to avoid splattering my moniter with vomit.
ReplyDeleteOldcrotchkeeper - You forgot to add "hole" to the end of your description. And how much did you make today in sales?
The compensation is
ReplyDelete$30,000 one time in stock
$30,000 in cash annually
$30,000 in stock annually
$1,000 per phone call or meeting
Reasonable expenses.
Not a bad gig. Hopefully Bob finds a way to call Coach every day!!!!
As to the Senator, was he involved in the Rick Ricketts and Chuck King that almost landed Ricketts in prison for a long time? AS Revewrend Wright might say--are the chickens coming home to roost?
Martha -
ReplyDeleteOne thing I can say for you . . . you are consistently ridiculous.
Insiderwhodoesnotknow -
Ricketts was not even close to prison. No evidence whatsoever. Investigators out of control in the mode of the infamous Durham, NC D.A.
Great to have Senator Saunders on the Board.
Great day in YTB Land.
Many more good days to come.
YTB and TRAVEL: A Great Mix!
This is just the latest stop on the YTB dog and pony show!
ReplyDeleteWell, as much as I have blasted JOhn's horrible reporting lately. I am pleasantly surprised by his honesty and no spin on his blogpost yesterday.
ReplyDeleteWith respect to some of the vitriol from some of the other anti-ytb zealots, frankly a bit disappointed. That last comment about it part of the 'dog and pony show'; you see the problem with that is, you may hate YTB, but your comments regarding the newest board members completely discredit, not YTB, but those 2 people. Maybe, just maybe, they, along with many others see the good in YTB.
What is "good in YTB?" I want to know.