Wanna know what everyone is reading? Here are the week's top 5 blog posts:
5. Act First, Think Later. A Tale of Olympic Proportions
4. My What Strange Bedfellows
3. A Word On Corrupt Travel Agents
2. A Very Good Year? Maybe Not!
and the number one blog post of the week........
1.This Will Be Interesting
I can't help but notice that the post about Good Old Ted Lindauer is still intriguing to many. One really does indeed wonder what was involved in his finally seeing the light!
the mice have gone to bed. Sleep tight little RTA's
ReplyDeleteWhere is Ted Lindauer? I recently heard a YTB Director state that he is retired. This would contradict his statement, "Coach and I have decided to work together to continue building YTB together. We have renewed our collaboration to build YTB. There is much to do. My concerns have been addressed and I am satisfied that everything which must be done is being done and done well. Coach and I have resolved to communicate with each other more often and more effectively in the future and, especially on my part, to be patient as the coordination of the many aspects necessary to continue YTB’s growth and success are put in place."
ReplyDeleteAnyone seen the newest YouTube video on YTB: