Wanna know what everyone is reading? Here are the week's top 5 blog posts:
5. AN IATAN Rehash--Let ME Get This Straight
4. YTB's Appeal To IATA: DENIED
3. It's All About Travel--Right!
2. Hardballl Questions For MLM "Agents"
and the number one blog post of the week........
1. So, What About Cars?
A lot of RTAs are attorneys. How many TTAs are also attorneys?
ReplyDeleteAlso, isn't it good enough to hear it from Curtis Edwards himself on the Monday night conference call? Regina posted the link for you. You're going to wait for a press release or SEC filing? The SEC filing isn't required until 15 days after the event. Why wait? Why don't you just admit that you prematurely, viciously, and carelessly attacked this woman?
Excuse me but I would much rather believe what John has to say than what an RTA or anyone from YTB says. YTB's track record isn't very reliable. The YTB "you can make a fortune" is an example, Seligman for example.....Being delisted as another example.....should I continue? What's the name of that homeless woman that made millions through YTB?
ReplyDelete"There is no need to keep going back and forth cutting definitions of libel and pasting them here.
ReplyDeleteThe cutting is pasting is to show that I am not relying on opinion, conjecture or speculation. I'm not making this stuff up. I also gave you links to relaible sources on the subject. Apparently you are adverse to truth, facts and sound advice.
martha, martha, martha....
ReplyDeleteYes, YTB says you can make a fortune. Many have, so that is not a misrepresenatation.
Seligman was never endorsed by YTB, but by a few Reps only.
When you say 'delisted' I think you mean the IATAN issue, and you're right. That is a bit of a black eye, regardless of the reason.
Juliet St. John is the formerly homeless woman. She has and continues to make millions. She is now the highest paid female in any MLM, and she was not in any MLM prior to YTB.
But if you'd rather drink John's Kool Aid, that's up to you.
I came to this blog expecting to see John Frenaye be "man enough" to admit he was wrong about Regina Osei's blog post about American Destination Inc. Since you dedicated an entire blog post to defame her you should be big enough to dedicate a blog post to admit you are wrong and apologize. Instead you put up a mish-mash of rerun posts. I guess my expectations of you were way too high. Well combined with that picture of that child (is her yours?) flipping the birdie and this latest laci of integrity, we all see it is what it is.
ReplyDeleteYou are just realizing this now that John lacks integrity????
That's a good one.
In case you did not realize, the Top 5 Posts is a weekly thing that is done on Friday nights or Saturdays. Happens every week!
ReplyDeleteAs for the retraction, I have said very clearly that I will gladly retract the statement when it is proven false. DO any of you remember Dr. Bob Seligman? So, now because someone has recorded message purporting to be the owner of ADI saying YTB bought them I need to retract. Sorry, as Cuba Gooding said...Show me the money.
You all have a terrible track record on anything recorded....Rufus picking his boogers, Earl from the farm that invented the Internet, Dr. Bob Seligman, and now this.
But, to insinuate that she was lying is wrong. If she provide misinfo, or based something on a recording that is proven to be untrue then she is a bad reporter. BUt, you called her a liar and that deserves a retraction and an apology.
ReplyDeleteI don't think you are a liar because you posted about the cars saying that there was only one dealer when that is not true. I believe that you simply didn't know. Of course you didn't correct that one either, so take that with a grain of salt is what those of us hoping to see some integrity from you is just what we'll have to do.
Do me a favor. Use the little search box and put in the term "liar" in the box and then select the notravelmlms.blogspot.com radial button and then hit SEARCH.
ReplyDeleteYou can see exactly how many times the word "LIAR" has been used on tis blog. Most indeed are by YTB proponents--mostly by Proud to be YTB.
So, now since you have issued the edict that a retraction and apology is in order and you are apparently the blog police, I will ask that you contact the RTAs and Reps that have used that term and I will do so after they all have done so first!
As to Regina---grow some thicker skin.
Hey john,
ReplyDeleteIt is your blog, you allow the comments, why should we go find all the RTAs that used the word liar. YOU USED IT IN YOUR BLOGPOST!!!!!
That's the response you have to it. Man, I think the picture of the 4 year old flipping the bird is YOU. That about sums up your maturity level.
John said...
ReplyDeleteAs for the retraction, I have said very clearly that I will gladly retract the statement when it is proven false. DO any of you remember Dr. Bob Seligman? So, now because someone has recorded message purporting to be the owner of ADI saying YTB bought them I need to retract. Sorry, as Cuba Gooding said...Show me the money.
You all have a terrible track record on anything recorded....Rufus picking his boogers, Earl from the farm that invented the Internet, Dr. Bob Seligman, and now this.
John, The difference of those other files and the one I provided is mine is a recorded file of a travel conference call endorsed by YTB. Further, I was listening on the live call which I accessed by dialing in to the YTB Conference Call number. Something tells me you know my file is legitimate, but you just want a published press release for proof. But then again, maybe you have plans to not retract your misspeaking after all since I read your latest comment:
John said...
So, now since you have issued the edict that a retraction and apology is in order and you are apparently the blog police, I will ask that you contact the RTAs and Reps that have used that term and I will do so after they all have done so first!
As to Regina---grow some thicker skin.
Rod---so you are in YTB or you aren't? If you are not how are you accessing all these special conference calls? Does YTB know that?
ReplyDeleteSeligman is all over thousands of Rep sites so yes, YTB does endorse them. And until I see a release from YTB or ADI or maybe something in a trade magazine, or next week's cover of Time, I am sticking by the post.
Give Coach a call when he gets back from church and have them put out a press release if you are so upset about it! I will look for it on Monday!
So John should apologize to Regina, but Regina and the rest of the Rats shouldn't apologize to the vendors and wholesalers for taking fams when they had no intention of selling the property?
ReplyDeleteTalk about unethical. You guys got a lot of nerve.
Yes they all spout about integrity, honesty, blah blah blah, but are any of them activly selling travel to the fam's they attend. Like the above poster asked? Is it not unethical to attend a fam to a property you have no intention on selling, because you do not sell travel? Thats honest?
ReplyDeleteI'd taken a break from the blog for a few days because I was insane with work. Work..there something new to you YTB folk. Actually working for the money you make, working for any discounts you think you are entitled to, tax breaks you deserve. You disgrace this industry day after day, yet you think what you do is right. Sitting on your ass, pointing to a website, all the while getting perks, breaks to do NOTHING. Yet you wonder why those of us who work for what we have are pissed off. Gee I wonder.
A feable good try but the last two posts have absolutely nothing to do with defaming Regina and calling her a "liar". That's deflection.
ReplyDeleteToday Doug, "Mr. Just Picture it Now" posted an entire bog about John and how evil he is, plus all of us "traditionalists." Since he hasn't been man enough to post my comments in the past, I'll post my response here. It just seems appropriate under the circumstances.
ReplyDelete"First of all, thanks for calling us "thugs" and "goons." Although you will notice that I posted nothing about Regina, I am very anti-YTB and I have my own opinions. You have yours and even though they're wrong, I find your post (bog) more offensive than John's. Why are you reading it anyway? I thought you moved on (once again). I'd also like to know where anything on your bog or John's blog is "inappropriate or offensive?" I can't find anything obscene, anti-female, or anti-Christ except for you using the word "shit." Big deal.
I also have come to realize that you are putting way too much emphasis on someone being a mother and minister. So what? There are a lot of bad mothers and a lot of really bad people in the ministry and church. I don't see the title of "Saint" in front of any other their names, especially Coach.
So just to clear some things up, you are right that you are changing the face of the travel industry. Unfortunately, it's not a positive change. Why? YTB has cheapened the travel business mode and the reputations of agents by referring to themselves as agents yet they know nothing about travel, how to handle travel related problems, they've turned the referring travel agent into also being a car salesman and florist. Worse yet, they've turned them into MLM recruiters, the lowest of human life form.
Just picture this, you are out and out attacking John's character, his journalism, his business, and his opinions far worse than anything he posted on his blog. Of course you didn't stop there, you also attacked the "traditionalists." I hope you're proud of yourself for defending Regina's honor, which I thought she did quite well on her own, but for also making a total YTB hypocritical ass of yourself in the process. Was that for Regina or was it because it could possibly be another black spot on YTB's tarnished image? With the hundreds of press releases and general information that has come from YTB and it's rogue recruits, the actual and proven crooks that are in YTB, is it any wonder that issues are questioned?
Finally, you said you were a colleague of John's. Incorrect. To be a colleague, you would have to be a journalist or a travel professional, both of which you're neither. You may sell a cruise here and there, but you are a recruiter and by no means a travel agent. I take particular offense at you using that title since I have been both an agent and former agency owner for 28 years. You also state that you're a big boy and can take the heat. Really? You have backed down, left blogs because of issues directed at you, you refuse to post my comments ONLY because they're a differing view, and your way is the only way. I strongly feel that you should read your bog again and you might see some "negativity" in everything you wrote. What a sterling professional beyond reproach you are. I understand that Wal-Mart has integrity on sale in aisle 13. You might want to make a special trip for that. Pick up 2 or 3 for an extra measure."
John said...
ReplyDeleteRod---so you are in YTB or you aren't?
John, I resigned from YTB over a month ago to get out from under an undesirable sponsor. YTB requires mandatory 4 months resignation period from the company before allowing reenrollment under new sponsorship.
John said...
If you are not how are you accessing all these special conference calls? Does YTB know that?
John, I have a RTA insider friend who gives me access to the calls. I don't have permission from YTB, but is that a problem?
Now that you have read her "responce", I would suggest you take a look at Doug's "Dear John" post from this mornings blog.
ReplyDeleteClick on..Just Picture It Now
Doug wants to be this white knight on a shining horse and rescue a fair damsel in distress.
ReplyDeleteHave at it!
I read the blog and his "Dear John" letter. Personally, I don't like YTB but he went over the top on that one. John attacked Regina and her post. Doug takes it further and attacks other businesses that may or may not be related. Who the hell is George Dooley? Wasn't there a song about that...hang down your head George Dooley?
But, that is the route Dough chose to take. And I am sure John will take a swipe at YTB again, but from where I stand, it seems that Doug is the one on the low road.
Maybe he out to skip the koolaid this week while he takes a break and have a belt of scotch to disinfect!
Dear Reader,
ReplyDeleteI have known Doug as a gentleman, but more than that, he is a family man.
You see, Doug has a son just about the same age as the boy in John's very offensive picture.
Have you ever seen pictures of Doug's two darling children? I have and I know that John's picture of the boy using the middle finger inappropriately did not go over well with Doug to say the least. I have heard Doug speak a time or two of somebody doing something that got his blood boiling, but this is the first time I have actually seen what happens when Doug's blood boils.
Rod--it was an image grabbed from the internet..he already said as much. I saw it online too when I googled liar liar. If that is what set Doug off, maybe he should redirect his anger elsewhere!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, I didn't think for a minute that was a picture of John's son. I heard him speak of a taking a teenage daughter to an activity before.
ReplyDeleteThe little boy displaying extremely poor character needs a good dose of homemade discipline and is not funny. That child's picture combined with the content of John's message adds insult to injury to all who favor good family values.
Rod--wake up. The picture is of a young kid who likely had no idea of what he was doing. I saw one of David Beckhams kids doing the same thing. It was then photoshopped by someone other than john and was put on the internet. Here is one link to it for crying out loud
it's so YTB to make this about the picture of choice!! Please get over the picture folks, the real fact of the matter is, YTB is all about half truths, you know, the part where they only tell you part of the story, the part which sounds good. I've seen posts by Regina in the past and she's super high on the Kook-aid. Her blog is just another one of her "tools" to convince her followers to spend money to make her richer!! I personally can see right through it and she feels that using her "faith" will make her more believable. Sadly, people believe this about "christians" or so called "christians". These people have no business even claiming themselves as such. MLM'er's are a slimy bunch for sure. ewwwwwww
ReplyDeleteMaybe she can post her Minister Diploma for everyone?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteRod--wake up. The picture is of a young kid who likely had no idea of what he was doing.
OK, let's go with the kid didn't know what he was doing, but John, who knew what he was doing, exploited the boy's innocent gesture to impart John's vulgar version of the gesture.
For crying out loud back to you, using the boy's picture the way he did is in very poor taste.
Again, our traditionalist have resorted to deflection. It's NOT about whether a little boy gave the finger in the picture. It's about another little boy referring to Regina as a "liar". So deflect away all you want! It doesn't cover over John's childish bad behavior.
ReplyDeleteI see that the religious right has once again emerged and the hypocritical junk needs to be exposed. Not once did John post one single obscene word. He posted a picture off the internet that most of us found to be humorous. I'm old enough to be a grandmother and I found it very funny. Then we have poor Doug all upset about it because it's a child giving the finger. Rod gets upset also because he's also one of those religous right cult members. But did even one person besides me read Doug's bog? Here is a direct quote that you religious right and holy rollers seem to have missed and it's taken right from Doug's bog: "Please excuse my French here, but John is so constipated the man thinks his shit doesn’t stink." Now which is worse, a kid giving the finger or that statement? Doug also uses the term "Christian" as it's the only religion in the world. The last time I checked, a Christian did not scam people out their money on a plan that has been proven time and time again not to work for the majority. His little ad even says, "Learn how to become a travel agent." That's BS! He left off the referring part. After re-reading his bog today, the man is not a Christian in my book or at least not a practicing one. He needs to ask himself, WWJD?
ReplyDeleteWWJD is not a concern for many in YTB, the only thing they need to know is WWCD, WWSD and WWKD.
ReplyDeleteYou all know that Doug is ALL about the positives of YTB and does not have the time or inclination to react to the negatives from other blogs. Just because EVERY single blog he posts is in reaction to something John says or does, does not mean he is not totally focused on the all the good things about YTB. You know, recruiting. He sure doesn't talk much about selling travel, but that's not this issue is it. Doug, and YTB, are above the lowly tta's and needs not consider our opinions or how YTB using travel as a recruiting 'hook' affects the industry as a whoe.
ReplyDeletemartha said...
ReplyDeleteI see that the religious right has once again emerged and the hypocritical junk needs to be exposed. Rod gets upset also because he's also one of those religous right cult members. But Here is a direct quote that you religious right and holy rollers seem to have missed and it's taken right from Doug's bog: "Please excuse my French here, but John is so constipated the man thinks his shit doesn’t stink." Now which is worse, a kid giving the finger or that statement? His little ad even says, "Learn how to become a travel agent." That's BS! He left off the referring part. After re-reading his bog today, the man is not a Christian in my book or at least not a practicing one. He needs to ask himself, WWJD?
Martha, your point that Doug made a rude statement about John is correct. In fact it's not WWJD? that we should ask, but we should ask, What Did Jesus Do -- WDJD?
Obviously, Doug wrote that letter to John while his blood was still boiling. I regret Doug used the dirty word about John and didn't wait patiently until his blood cooled down then maybe his words would have reflected a more Christian tone of voice.
Of course, we all know to forgive those who have sinned against us, but the Bible takes it a step further and says not to take revenge. Here's what I found regarding that:
ReplyDeleteI still hold the position of not moderating these comments. With that said, this is a blog about MLM and travel and how it is not a good mix. I know I don't speak for everyone, but I would prefer that you keep your Bible and Scripture posts to yourself. If you would like to begin your own blog and tie it all together, you can set up a free one (like this) at www.blogger.com.
I would be more than happy to link to it so that people that are interested in reading your scripture links can.
I haven't read Dougs blog on this matter, nor will I, but I can understand his anger on behalf of Ms Osai. Her blog (which I also cannot bring myself to ever read again) and Dougs are much in the same : Self righteous to the point of bestowing sainthood on YTB and all the true believers. It's not about travel sales now is it? Nope, and never was. They are pathetic zealots who cannot bear it that not everyone agrees with them.
ReplyDeleteMaybe if they spent their time being a positive factor in the travel industry they would find the peace and honor they are so desparate for.
Their opinions really mean nothing outside of the cult they reside in.
John said...
I still hold the position of not moderating these comments. With that said, this is a blog about MLM and travel and how it is not a good mix. I know I don't speak for everyone, but I would prefer that you keep your Bible and Scripture posts to yourself. If you would like to begin your own blog and tie it all together, you can set up a free one (like this) at www.blogger.com.
I would be more than happy to link to it so that people that are interested in reading your scripture links can.
John, First, I am not interested in starting my own blog. I haven't got the discipline to get the details done at this time.
Second, isn't that called sensorship or intolorance or the like?
Third, I'm only posting links which can only be read if you cut and paste them for crying out loud for the third time in two days.
Fourth, Are you whining now?
BINGO--that would be called censorship--just like on Doug's blog--remember when he refused to post your comments?
ReplyDeleteI just really see no real need for scripture links.
Right, posting little boys giving the finger is a real need for Johnny.
ReplyDeleteJohn, do you see any possibility of resolving the conflict not only between you and Doug, but with TTAs and RTAs in general? Is there a bridge that can be built over the divide?
ReplyDeleteIf there is ever to be peace, it will be done through obeying teaching of the scriptures.
Here's what I discovered in my life:
Know Jesus, Know peace. No Jesus, no peace.
Scripture guides in the way of conflict. You'd be amazed to see all the teachings in the Book of Proverbs about dealing with conflict.
In my posts I sent on Doug's blog that he didn't post, I posted the scriptures in written form not just the links. He never told me why so I imagine he felt as you do, it interrupted the flow of the conversation.
It's God nature to do that. I'm not trying to speak for God, but I do read God's Word often and share it often.
The Mormon Missionaries that came to my door yesterday found out.
Rod....Get off that religious high-horse before I have to slap you off of it. The religious right has totally destroyed this country and controls the political system now. You can see it has not taken a turn for the better. You have plenty of things you can listen to like Rush Limberger and Ann Coulter to satisfy you. This forum is not for promoting your religious beliefs. The only reason I brought it up is because Doug, like Coach, is using it to promote the business just like in the movie Paper Moon. In case you haven't seen it, it's about a scammer that sells bibles and has brought his child into it and she becomes an even more skilled scammer than him. Shades of Coach and Scott? Doug may claim to be good Christian but it seems that he has strayed more than once, twice, or five times. His personal attacks upon John and us "goons and thugs" was over the top. Please don't preach to me or anyone else about Christianity when YTB is loaded with Christians that find no fault in scamming and lying to the masses. I don't think Jesus would approve. Regarding Doug using the word "shit" in his bog, we're all adults and should be able to handle it right along with a picture of a child giving the finger. This isn't an innocent world any longer and fortunately I have been acclimated to the change.
ReplyDeleteThe abortion clinic called and said they made a mistake 48 years ago and they would like you to come back in.
That comment was completely uncalled for, and whomever posted it lacks the courage to actually post such garbage under their own name. If your going to post something so vile, at least have the balls to do it in your own name. Hide behind the Anon post you pathetic loser.
ReplyDeleteAs for the "YTB Christians" of the group...I don't see anyone saying jack about the comment, but a silly picture off the internet is bad. If you don't like the POV's on this site, by all means click the little x upper right hand corner, there is no need for comments such as that.
Sorry but seeing that just made my blood boil.
The abortion remark didn't bother me. I have a sense of humor, especially about so called Christians that kill doctors and staff that work for Planned Parenthood and abortion clinics. Have you ever noticed that the pro-lifers don't believe in abortion but strongly support the death penalty? It's true! I swear it is.