While attending the ASTA show in Orlando last week, I happened to meet a very nice man named Frank at a networking break. Frank seemed like a nice enough guy who was still working his full time job, but wanted to be a travel agent full time. He had booked a cruise online a time or two, and felt that he was now qualified to be an agent.
So he went out and found a host agency that would let him sign up with no experience for only $495.00 and $49.00 per month. He had lots of questions for myself and fellow agents at the show, and was desperate to learn more about the industry. Apparently his host agency really focuses on recruiting, but doesn’t offer any real travel training. Here are some of the complicated questions he had…
What can I do to compete with Expedia?
Where do I get pricing from?
What's a host agency?
What's a supplier?
What's a wholesaler?
Can a supplier be my host agency?
Wait! Different host agencies get different commission rates?
What's IATA?
What is errors and omissions insurance?
Where can I get travel training?
Yes it seems that even the most basic stuff had eluded this poor guy, despite the fact that he otherwise seemed to be a fairly intelligent human being. By the end of the three day show we had helped him find a new host agency, introduced him with exciting resources, like Path, ASTA, IATAN and others.
I have to wonder, given the basic questions this guy had, is there any kind of travel training at all going on over at YTB?
Looks like Frank needed to know how to pick up the phone and call YTB.
ReplyDeleteAny and all questions could have been answered from experienced travel professionals at the YTB Corporate office.
15 hours a day, 5 days a week.
Yes, and they were overwhelmed last November during YTB's One-Day Carnival Cruise promotion (ready for you to pull that one out)
Yes, John.
There are experienced travel agents at the YTB Corporate offices working in travel support.
Over 3 dozen.
Plus a tremendous amount of resources in the travel portal area of his website.
We wish Frank the best.
Too bad he did not attended YTB's very successful Funshine Show last weekend.
A terrific event (also in Orlando)with thousands of YTB RTAs in attendance.
And more vendors than ever there supporting YTB TRAVEL NETWORK.
The spin patrol realizes that you are, as usual, spinning Frank's questions just enough to fit your anti-YTB template.
And the whole thing sounds just a bit too convenient with the Funshine Show in the same city, same week.
John Frenaye would spin things just a bit in his daily attempt to disparage YTB?
Do zebras have stripes?
And I love this one:
"By the end of the three day show we had helped him find a new host agency . . ."
Sounds to me like recruiting at a Travel Trade Show.
I thought that recruiting to another agency was off limits at a Travel Trade Show!
And if Mix had finished the latest lesson in Reading is Fun, he would have known by the the line that reads:
That I did not make this post. Had he read the blog, he may have even assumed (correctly) that I was 1200 miles away from the ASTA show and did not attend.
But, that does not fit his agenda to come in and daily make vain attempts to disprove the facts laid out on this blog.
Hey Mix--it's about time for another "I KNOW YTB will prevail"
But for now, I am glad you believe. I am sure that will take you far.
ReplyDeleteDefending Mix here...even after you posted your reading is fun comment, I had to really struggle to find where it said Travel Temptress posted that blog post. Non travel-ytb-mlm-tta related advice....Now I know it is your blog and you can do as you choose...but, not a bad idea to figure out a way, if you wish to protect yourself since you don't agree with the post from today, to make the guest posters name more noticeable.
Josh--I will call google and get right on that.
ReplyDeleteThat was a joke. Why is it now my responsibility to insure that the RTAs and Reps from YTB are able to comprehend English?
Get real. The clown can't (or is not interested) in reading something in its entirety before he spouts off...so again, why is it my responsibility. Maybe you need to call his mom and ask him why she did a poor job of raising him.
But I am glad you believe as well!
It says right at the bottom who posted it. Do you need glasses as well? I saw it.
ReplyDeleteDeflect as usual and don't address it that's YTB's MO.
AT deflect????
ReplyDeleteMix responded to the blog post and JOHN majorly deflected but not addressing what was brought up in Mix's comment but rather make a point that Mix can't read because the blog has a font size 2 set up to say who posted it. Also, it is John's blog and 99.9% of the time the posts are done by John, so it is fair to assume that most don't even bother to look to see if it was a guest poster.
"Mix can't read because the blog has a font size 2 set up to say who posted it."
ReplyDeleteThat is typical blog font. And, if Mix can't read it maybe he needs bifocals.
Oh, and John does have other posters from time to time.
Get a life Josh.
Hey Mix....more vendors than ever at the Funshine show? Really? How many? On another forum, one of your brethern said the same thing, and said that there were a total of 41 vendors there. Wow. 41 vendors support ytb. There were 378 at the ASTA show. Oh, but that's right, ya'll don't need ASTA. There is 331 scheduled for the Luxury Expo and 102 for the Home Based Agent show. And ytb had 41 for their show. Bless your hearts!
ReplyDelete41 vendors for a company that is going to take over the travel industry. Bahhhhhhhhhhwwwhahhah!
ReplyDeleteI'd love to know who the 41 were and/or see a list of all the vendors who were at the Funshine show so that I could sell AWAY from them. We already know Carnival was there, and I don't sell them to begin with, but would love to know who else I shouldn't be selling.
ReplyDeleteAgain, having a vendor trade show is not travel training. Learning a product IMO is not training. Its a supplier trade show. Nothing more.
ReplyDeleteWhat type of supposed training went on at funshine. Can we see a course list? Because the last time someone send they went to a training class it was somewhere along the lines of "How to market your business the Christian way" or something like it. How the hell is that travel training?
I heard one of their courses at Funshine was, "How to defend YTB on blogs and message boards." :>
ReplyDeleteI need to correct my above posting where I stated that someone said there were 41 vendors at the Funshine show. I read the other forum last night, and made my posting here first thing this morning, so my memories were a bit fuzzy, and I have just gone back and discovered that I was a bit off. What was said on the other forum was that there were "over 40" vendors. So, what that means is that they had more than 40, but less than 50, and probably less than 45, since the person that made the post on the other forum was boasting, would probably have said "over 45" or "over 50" to try to make it look as impressive as possible. To see the posting I am talking about, go to http://scam.com/showthread.php?t=4139&page=188, and scroll down to post #7499. I do apologize for any misinformation I may have imparted.
ReplyDeleteTalk about deflecting!
ReplyDeleteOne little ol' travel company has 41 vendors.
Not bad for ONE COMPANY.
Yes, I now see is was Travel Temptress.
I'm sure TT is 100% credible.
Certainly no axe to grind with YTB.
The BS detector still went off with her convenient post regarding Frank.
TT and others recruiting to another host agency at a Travel Trade Show.
I thought that was "against the rules".
And, yes, John.
YTB will prevail in both court actions.
And you and your Whining Travel Agents will be crying the blues.
I love to set the record straight for all you WTAs (whining travel agents).
ReplyDeleteFunshine was a huge success.
There were a lot of vendors there.
We learned much.
There was training from the vendors.
We got free pens and a tote.
YTB had training:
1. Keys to deflection.
2. If all fails, lie.
3. Say you make thousands even if broke.
4. How to argue effectively with no point.
5. Insults that work.
7. Lawsuits? What lawsuits?
8. Basics of computer keyboards.
9. How to ask for discounts.
There were some more but I can't remember. I was busy responding to this blog.
Jerry Brown Moonbeam is John's brother.
YTB will win!
Mark my words!
Hey, I'm honored.
ReplyDeleteMust be getting under the skin of the arrogant whining travel agents to have a copycat poster.
I love it.
Mix, you're delusional if you think it's "not bad" to only have 41 or so companies supporting ytb. There are hundreds of suppliers out there, and you guys only have 41. That's pathetic, is what it is.
ReplyDeleteCalifornia Attorney General $25M
Class Action #1 $100M
Class Action #2 $10M
Civil Action where Coach convinced the guy to sell his livelihood so coach can make him a millionaire
Which 2 do you see YTB prevailing with?
Glad you believe.
We had 41 suppliers there.
ReplyDeleteThat is a record.
We are going to sell a billion in travel.
We will buy Orbitz.
Our stock will soar.
We will take over the world.
Then where will you WTAs be?
We have God on our side.
You have Satan.
We will win it all.
Mark my words!
According to Dougie, they had 17 more than last year. Let's be generous and say they had 45 this year. That means that last year there were only 28 vendors there. Hmmmm, wonder who they were? I'm kinda like Janice above, and would like to know who the vendors were that were there so I can sell away from them.
ReplyDelete45 vendors for a company that claims they are taking over the world. What a joke.
ReplyDelete"You have Satan.
We will win it all.
Mark my words!"
Quoted from Mix above.
You know Mix or Spencer, or Tom or Johnny you really are one sick puppy.
Is recruiting getting someone to join your own company? Funny, I don't think that's what they were doing. It seems to me that they were merely trying to get the guy the help he so desperately needed and YTB wasn't giving..Shocker I know.
ReplyDeleteJohn I had a question but I'll send you an email...about TROS. Sorry. =)
ReplyDeleteAT - Reread who wrote it. Pay close attention to the Authors handle.
ReplyDeleteJust to clarify (as I attended), no one has mentioned the attendance....just the number of vendors. You say ASTA had 378 vendors - but they only had 2000 travel agents attend. We had 7500 travel agents attend. And before you say "that's not enough".....there are two Funshine events, one on the east coast and one on the west coast.
ReplyDeleteAdditionally, the trade show WAS NOT THE TRAINING. That was totally separate. There were many classes that provided training on how to book travel in many ways. Included, there was also CLIA training (3 hours) FROM CLIA that provides 15 credits toward 2009 requirements.
AT -
ReplyDeleteFor an arrogant a person like you who never admits a mistake . . .
Read the name of the poster who wrote the above.
It wasn't me.
It was another WTA posing as me.
Again, I'm flattered to be copied.
45 vendors.
YTB does business with scores of others.
Name another individual travel agency that has their own trade show with more vendors in attendance.
John -
I don't care if it is $500 million.
The CA AG is wrong and it will be proven in court.
It is California.
The State where hundreds of U.S. corporations are fleeing.
The ambulance-chaser class action is totally frivolous.
One of the plaintiffs filing suit never was an RTA, so this "injured soul" came in for FREE.
Enjoy taking your shots while it lasts.
The last laugh will be on the arrogant TAs.
Me arrogant? LOL! You don't know me but I can tell you one thing I make way more money selling travel than you do. Probably live in a better house, drive a nicer car and can afford Prada and Manolo's too.
ReplyDeleteAnd, well Mix it's not like you haven't said we were evil before. So, I stand corrected. But, you are still a moron.
Oh, you might want to check out scam.com. They have some really flattering things to say about you over there. And, the funny thing is it's not even a TTA saying it. ROTFLMAO!
Have a good day Spencer!
Actually, Altour and Signature used to have their own "private" trade shows. I attended one in NYC when I was working for them. It had approx 100 "luxury" vendors, and agents from all of the Altour offices. It was very nicely done.
ReplyDeleteAMEX, TravelLeaders (CWT), Nexion.....all the big ones.
ReplyDeleteWow, And This Is My Point, some training from CLIA. 3 hours that is worth 15 credits. At the ASTA show, CLIA gave 5 different seminars that were worth a total of 70 credits. Not only that, there were:
ReplyDelete12 Technology based seminars
6 Home Based geared seminars
9 Niche geared seminars
7 Industry geared seminars (GDS, Legal, Corporate)
2 Seminars by The Travel Institute
23 Product/Destination based seminars
That's an awful lot of education for "only" 2000 agents. Did funshine come even close to that?
Oh, and this was for the "east coast". Remember, there is still the 2 upcoming events in LAS in December for the "west coast" agents, and who knows how many TTA's will attend that!
ReplyDeleteHow many of the 7500 that attended funshine are actually "agents"? How many of the 7500 were wives, husbands, and children? All 2000 at the ASTA show were agents.
Yea and how many were there to get the free Disney tickets?
ReplyDeleteI love the WTAs.
ReplyDeleteYTB puts together an event all about travel sales and nothing about team building.
And all the WTAs can do is whine about it "now being enough".
The WTAs whine about YTB needing to do more on the travel side of the business.
And they do it with thousands of RTAs and reputable vendors in attendance.
You really look ridiculous . . . including the "moron" AT.
Typical, arrogant whiners.
"You really look ridiculous . . . including the "moron" AT."
ReplyDeleteNo, I am afraid you are the one looking ridiculous Mix. I have talked to other people who have read this blog and they think you are a nut job or smoking crack. It's the same spiel from you. You sound like a broken record.
Get a life Spencer.
Does anyone have a schedule or list of "classes"?
ReplyDeleteThere were SOME reputable vendors there, but some of the ones they were promoting via the Travel Compass were pretty much Z Listers
MDC Group....
ReplyDeleteGroup RCI Vacation Exchange...
Well 2 out of 3
Thats what I'd like to see as well. A list of what "classes" were offered for training, other then CLIA.
ReplyDeleteI really don't know if they know the difference between a trade show and training. They are completely different animals.
Mixed up said:
ReplyDelete"YTB puts together an event all about travel sales and nothing about team building."
We've seen no evidence of that - where is the agenda posted - would love to see what "travel training" YTB actually did.
I too would like to see a list of the vendors that attended.
Oh, you know they'll never let that list out. Just like they'll never release a true list of the training.
ReplyDeleteMix, we're not "whining" we just want to see some proof of what you say being valid truth. What's wrong with that? Everything that we have said is verifiable. How come what you're saying isn't easily verified?
ReplyDelete"I have talked to other people who have read this blog"
ReplyDeleteI'm sure they run with your pack of arrogant TTAs.
Not at all surprised by their comments if they are your buddies.
And, yes, I will continue to say that YTB is going to win both suits.
And continue to call JF out when he is wrong.
Just like yesterday with his post about what happened to Holton Buggs.
Not even close to the truth.
Buggs wanted to represent another MLM along with YTB.
As a Director, it is against a strict company policy.
And he was terminated and rightly so.
YTB tried to keep him in the fold.
But he is a typical networker who moves from company to company.
Mix--I am so glad you believe!
ReplyDeleteHad to delete the above to clarify it.
ReplyDeleteSo, Mix, representing another mlm while being a director with ytb is against strict company policy, is it? Sounds to me as if ytb likes to pick and chose which "policies" they choose to enforce, and when and against who.
According to your cohort Doug, even though you guys sign an agreement that any customer that books through your website belongs to ytb and you may not market to them ever again if you leave ytb, if you do happen to leave ytb and market to them, then you wouldn't have to worry about any repercussions. Damn, you guys need to get together and get your stories straight.
Ainsworth - Proof doesn't mean jack to you. You get your proof and then it's not good enough. You then have to have your "yeah buts" in there. And again, for some reason you guys think you DESERVE proof.
ReplyDeleteOh, and as for the dude bragging about Prada.....lol.
FireMedic, no one has ever proven anything to me. Proof DOES mean something to me. I believe what I can see. I even gave you guys a chance to convince me I was in the wrong, and not one of ya'll either could or would.
ReplyDeleteWe ask for proof because we hear all these grandiose things spewing from your mouths, but never see any verification. Everything that I state can be verified, easily. If you, or anyone for that matter, is going to say something, you better be able to back it up when someone asks you to. What's wrong with that? To use an old saying.....the proof is in the pudding.
"FireMedic, no one has ever proven anything to me."
ReplyDeleteAinsworth, I believe it was just yesterday you were proven wrong. Again I see today you going down the same path. Just goes to show that proof doesn't mean jack. It's a day to day thing for you. And just like the others here for some narcacistic reason you think YOU deserve proof. As if you are some kind of deserving authority.
No, FireMedic, I was not proven wrong yesterday, because I never stated that something did not exist. I merely asked to be shown where it was, for someone to prove to me that said clause did exist, and when someone did prove it to me, I, like an adult, admited that it did exist, and that I was impressed. Here are the 2 comments I made concerning yesterdays discussion:
ReplyDeleteAinsworth said...
Well, Mix, if you KNOW, here is an opportunity for you to PROVE it. We have all seen a copy of the Director Agreement that states that you can't market another travel mlm, show us the one that says you can't market ANY other mlm. You can say anything, which you always do, but prove it. You never prove anything that you say. Either put up, or shut up. For that matter....to any member of ytb, put up, or shut up. Show us this document, if it exists. It's as easy as that.
Ainsworth said...
Wow, so it does exist. I'm actually impressed. But, since ytb has this exclusivity clause, doesn't this then make the director an employee of ytb, and ytb responsible for any and all withholdings from the directors earnings and all the other legalities of having employees?
And yes, it is a day by day thing, because it's a day by day thing with you and yours, spouting your grandiose statements. Just because 1 thing has been proven to be correct, does not mean that everything that comes out of your, or mix's or Doug's or Lloyd's mouth is the gospel truth. As I stated, everything that I have said can be verified with a few mouse clicks, whereas anything said by you people either cannot be verified or you won't verify it. Why is that? Common sense would lead one to believe its because what you're spouting is not true.
"Read the name of the poster who wrote the above.
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't me.
It was another WTA posing as me.
Again, I'm flattered to be copied."
No WTA, a WTS. One I'm sure wasn't at Funshine. Would the real Mix please stand up?
"I have talked to other people who have read this blog"
ReplyDeleteI'm sure they run with your pack of arrogant TTAs. I mean WTAs.
And, yes, I will continue to say that YTB is going to win both suits.
And continue to call JF out when he is right.
Just like yesterday with his post about what happened to Holton Buggs.
Not even close to the truth.
Buggs wanted to represent another MLM along with YTB.
As a Director, it is against a strict company policy.
And he was terminated and rightly so.
YTB tried to keep him in the fold to continue to recruit more suckers.
But he is a typical networker who moves from company to company recruiting more suckers.
I should know because I'm in the company and I know everything.
I'm not a director or anything like that, but I still know everything.
I think I know everything, yeah, I'm sure I know everything.
And YTB will win the lawsuits!
And Coach will become God!
And I will be Moses!
We will conquer the travel industry!
We will conquer the world!
Mark my words.
After reading the posts today I have concluded you RTA's are indeed smoking crack.
ReplyDeleteHow bout showing me your smoking crack?
ReplyDelete"How many of the 7500 that attended funshine are actually "agents"? How many of the 7500 were wives, husbands, and children? All 2000 at the ASTA show were agents."
ReplyDeleteALL of them were. Spouses and children did not need to register. So the number of REGISTERED attendees was 7500.
Ainsworth - You said "You never prove anything that you say." You were proven wrong when you used the word "never". But you still had to get your "yeah buts" in there. You never prove anything that you say.
ReplyDeleteHmm...FYI, the "John" above is not me (John F) so I assume that people are playing games now. I did not think Blogger would allow duplicate names. I need to look into that
ReplyDelete"Does anyone have a schedule or list of "classes"?"
ReplyDeleteJohn I do, but may I ask why? You make it sound like this event's line up of classes needs your approval before it can be listed as a "travel training". I'm not sure this is necessary.
It certainly does not need any approval. I am just curious as to what true travel training was offered. In the past, I was told to go to a CRTA class to see the travel training--I did and there was none. I saw the agenda at the convention (this year and last year) and there was very little. Even last year's Funshine seemed t be more trade show than any training.
ReplyDeleteYTB is claiming that they trained 7500 people and I am curious as to what they trained them on. If it is the "how to book flowers in your back office" I am probably gonna say that is BS.
However, if you have more classes along the lines of geography, niche specialties, agency accounting, liability, marketing, and so forth, I will give credit where credit is due.
If you want to email it to me fine. If you want to fax 443-782-2370. And if you don;t want to send it fine. I am certainly not entitled--just curious
Did you see that to participate in Marc Mancini's Geography bowl it cost them $10?
ReplyDeleteBut of course I'm sure all that money was donated to some worthy cause
Again, deleted to make clarifications.
ReplyDeleteAnd This Is My Point....why are you asking John? We ALL would like to see the list of the classes that were offered. Why don't you just post it, if it's so wonderful and full of travel related training?
There is no "approval" from the TTA community needed, obviously, but ytbers keep spouting off about how these events are all about travel training, and it has been proven time and again that they're not. So now here you all are again, saying that it was all about travel training. Well, show us and embarass us over it.
Ainsworth, no matter what is given to you YOU will most likely never be satisfied. You keep using terms like "spouting off" and you do the same with your school-yard antics, "prove it" "put up or shut up". And again, you come across as some sort of official here and if we get YOUR approval then we are on to something.
ReplyDeleteGreat John! I can tell you that it was NOT how to book flowers on the site.
ReplyDeleteThe CRTA (now First Class) is NOT intended to be travel training and it should not be forwarded to suppliers asking them if that's what they consider training. It's a general orientation to the position of RTA.
The National Convention is NOT intended to be travel training, although there was some there. That convention basically focuses on the marketing company.
Funshine was real travel training. SOME of the classes were:
1. How to Profit from Destination Weddings
2. Geography of Hawaii (not geography bowl)
3. How to Book Group Cruises
4. How to Sell Groups (Land)
5. Marketing to Groups
6. How to Escort Groups
7. Pleasant Holidays Sales
8. Incentive Travel
I hope these meet with your approval, however, if not, I'm sorry. I felt it was extremely good and useful training. I've also attended/seen classes of the same caliber at other trade shows I've attended, i.e. NY Times Trade Show and the Leisure Travel Show.
The agent that I met at the ASTA show called me and left several more questions on my voicemail regarding training. If John can tell me how to upload an audio file I will post it here.He was very disenchanted with YTB and realized quickly that he had made a horrible error.
ReplyDeleteThere were very few YTB or other mlm people in attendance at this show. And ASTA and IATA made it very clear that they are fed up with the mlm travel scams and are going after 15 more agencies within the next several months.
Mix, I am not sure what makes you think you are an authority on the law, but the outcome of the YTB suit remains to be seen. All of your insults towards the traditional TTAs aren't going to change anything. I believen your energy would be better spent figuring out what you're going to do once the crap hits the fan.
FireMedic, I have given ample opportunity for you or any of your brethern to "satisfy" me, however none of you can. You seem to be extremly defensive on the subject. Psych 101 teaches us that when someone gets as defensive as you and every other ytber around here, there is usually a reason, and the reason usually is that the person that they are dealing with is telling the truth, and that they are trying to cover up untruths. But you're right. I'll never be satisfied that ytb is serious about selling travel. I am, however, satisfied that they are all about marketing themselves, and getting more and more people signed up so that the Tomer's can line their pockets some more. I am also satisfied that you are a complete waste of air and skin. I don't know where you live, but I truly hope I never need your skills as an EMT, because you'd probably spend all your time trying to get me to join your downline rather than treating my medical condition.
ReplyDeleteAnd This Is My Point....you are an anomoly amongst ytbers and Wood River. You are the only one that says the "First Class" training is not intended to be travel training. Everyone else affiliated with ytb insists that it is. Same with convention and funshine. If they're not supposed to be about the specific product your selling, and the training in that product, then what are they for? It sounds as if they're nothing more than a big pep rally. Let me ask you this....if the company you are affiliated with is not training you, who is supposed to? Taking a 1 hour online vendor presentation on their product is NOT training. Have you ever taken a course where the instructor had a degree in travel and tourism? Have you ever taken a course where the instructor had any training themselves aside from the specific product they were teaching you about?
"Mix, I am not sure what makes you think you are an authority on the law, but the outcome of the YTB suit remains to be seen."
ReplyDeleteHow hypocritical.
Ainsworth, I don't think you can find anything in writing that says First Class IS TRAVEL TRAINING. That's something that's been stated on this forum and others. That is NOT its intent.
ReplyDeleteProduct training is through Funshine, other travel-specific events and online. My response to your question is that the company IS training me. I have received extraordinary training through this company. I'm very sorry that the person Travel Temptress met didn't get any training. THAT does not fall on the company - it falls on the individual, sadly.
And yes, I have taken courses where the instructors had travel training themselves. Marc Mancini may not be a popular name on this forum, but his bio is well accomplished.
He's a professor at West Los Angeles College and operates his consulting firm which is marked as the travel industry's largest provider of industry training. If anyone knows this not to be true, please share.
How is that hypocritical? If it were me working for YTB, I sure as hell would be worried. The AG didn't file suit simply because he was bored. He'd been working with YTB for 18 months before deciding to go forward. I'm guessing he didnt get the answers he wanted to hear. That RIGHT THERE should be a red light for you. The oh-well attitude most are projecting is scary.
ReplyDeleteMy question is this..because honestly I don't think its ever been honestly answered. How do you tell a client or prospective client to use your services as a RTA when then google your company and find thousands of sites/lawsuits etc claiming your company is a scam. Does this not bother anyone? If my clients googled my company and instead of travel related services got SCAM, SCAM, SCAM, I'd be mortified.
Weren't Mancini and the Davidoffs just recently hired/acquired by YTB? What did they do for training prior to them?
ReplyDeleteWhat about basic knowledge?..Exchanges, MCO's, Client Refunds, Insurance Questions, World Geography..when do those classes come into play?
"FireMedic, I have given ample opportunity for you or any of your brethern to "satisfy" me, however none of you can. "
ReplyDeleteLol. Again, as if we care one bit about satifying YOU Ainsworth. What a joke. Then you have the nerve to say
"Psych 101 teaches us that when someone gets as defensive as you and every other ytber around here, there is usually a reason, and the reason usually is that the person that they are dealing with is telling the truth, and that they are trying to cover up untruths."
Who's defensive here? Plus "Psych 101" says that the only way you can recognize certain qualities in others is to be able to recognize it in you. Like that saying "There is just something about that guy I can't stand about myself". I believe you are saying more about yourself (Freudian slip) than you are about ytb.
"I don't know where you live, but I truly hope I never need your skills as an EMT, because you'd probably spend all your time trying to get me to join your downline rather than treating my medical condition"
That was truly an ignorant statement. Just like most on this forum "If you can't beat'em, attack them personally". Your arrogance is astounding. I don't think you are a bad guy but some of the things you write is just plain childish.
As far as needing my paramedic skills Ainsworth, I would never treat my patients like you treat people on this forum. I would treat you with the same respect no matter if I agreed with you or not.
Lisa, I only gave a sampling of the classes - it was not all-inclusive.
ReplyDeleteTraining has always been a part of the company. There were other industry professionals training. There has also always been online training.
Remember, an RTA does not need some trainings that a TTA would because of the mode of distribution, such as client refunds, exchanges, MCOs, etc.
I should add, however, that an agent that seeks to advance further in this industry would be well-advised to get those trainings. It's my intent to keep advancing in this industry and therefore, take advantage of every training I can get.
ReplyDeleteFireMedic, I like myself just fine, while I despise ytb and everything it stands for. As I have said to other in the past, I now say to you (because I really have better things to do this evening than to get into a sniping match with you), you're dismissed. You've been sucked in so far, that I don't see any hope for you. I just hope that you haven't used your family's savings, so that when ytb finally goes belly up, you'll still have something for your children and their college education.
ReplyDeleteAnd This Is My Point, all travel agents need to know things such as how to do exchanges, MCOs, refunds, etc. A travel agent needs to know those things because that's what a travel agent does, that's their job. Now it seems that since you're saying that an RTA DOESN'T need to know those things, then evidently an RTA is NOT a travel agent. If that's the case, you all need to stop calling yourselves travel agents, referring or otherwise.
Well well well...I thought Mancini was being PAID by YTB for training. I had no idea he was doing it for nothing because he feels so strongly about the YTB model.
ReplyDeleteATIMP - Any person who is serious about being a travel professional would NOT be with YTB. You included. Say all you want but YTB has no respect in the industry beyond what they can BUY. I ask EVERY vendor that comes into my office (and even being 2 people not 120,000, I see a lot) and NOT ONE has a good word to say about YTB. Including Globus and Carnival.
ReplyDelete"And This Is My Point, all travel agents need to know things such as how to do exchanges, MCOs, refunds, etc. A travel agent needs to know those things because that's what a travel agent does, that's their job. Now it seems that since you're saying that an RTA DOESN'T need to know those things, then evidently an RTA is NOT a travel agent. If that's the case, you all need to stop calling yourselves travel agents, referring or otherwise."
ReplyDeleteThe point is there is a different mode of distribution for the products. I only call myself an RTA, which stands for Referring TRAVEL AGENT.
"Well well well...I thought Mancini was being PAID by YTB for training. I had no idea he was doing it for nothing because he feels so strongly about the YTB model."
ReplyDeleteNow where did that come from???? You all just make things up as you go along. Who said he's doing it for nothing????
"ATIMP - Any person who is serious about being a travel professional would NOT be with YTB. You included. Say all you want but YTB has no respect in the industry beyond what they can BUY. I ask EVERY vendor that comes into my office (and even being 2 people not 120,000, I see a lot) and NOT ONE has a good word to say about YTB. Including Globus and Carnival."
ReplyDeleteThank you very kindly for your opinion. I AM serious about being a travel professional, I AM, and I AM with YTB.
I think they have the same amount of respect as any other company that begins to revolutionize an industry. The industry doesn't like it and I understand that.
My question to you is why do you all spend so much time worrying about who likes us and who does not??? Why spend the time to ask a vendor about that?? That makes you look bad to me. And have you ever heard of someone "baiting" you?? Of course not.....I'm sure they could see IF you asked that question, you asked for a reason. They're gonna tell you what you want to hear.
It's mighty funny I just spoke with both Globus and Carnival and they both had different stories. So, I don't think EITHER of us can really say what they REALLY feel in their hearts.
I only know as long as I can book travel with them, earn the commissions, service my clients well, who cares how they really feel.
ATIMP, did you read what I wrote? Part of a TRAVEL AGENTS job description is to do refunds, exchanges, issue MCOs, exchanges, insurance, etc. Since you and all of those in ytb DO NOT do those things, you ARE NOT travel agents, referring or otherwise, and need to stop calling yourself such, or anything remotly similar.
ReplyDelete"ATIMP, did you read what I wrote? Part of a TRAVEL AGENTS job description is to do refunds, exchanges, issue MCOs, exchanges, insurance, etc. Since you and all of those in ytb DO NOT do those things, you ARE NOT travel agents, referring or otherwise, and need to stop calling yourself such, or anything remotly similar."
ReplyDeleteAinsworth, fine. I did not make that term up. Trust me.
And This is My Point.......... said...
ReplyDelete"Well well well...I thought Mancini was being PAID by YTB for training. I had no idea he was doing it for nothing because he feels so strongly about the YTB model."
Now where did that come from???? You all just make things up as you go along. Who said he's doing it for nothing????
It's called sarcasm. Jeez, do you all lose your sense of humor when you sign that $495 check?
"It's called sarcasm. Jeez, do you all lose your sense of humor when you sign that $495 check?"
ReplyDeleteThat's all you all seem to have is sarcasm. And who knows when to laugh???
And This is My Point.......... said..."service my clients well"....
ReplyDeleteBut you don't service your clients by being with ytb. You tell them to call the vendor if there is a problem, or at least that's what you're supposed to do according to ytb headquarters. How is that providing service to your client?
And This is My Point.......... said...
ReplyDelete"It's called sarcasm. Jeez, do you all lose your sense of humor when you sign that $495 check?"
That's all you all seem to have is sarcasm. And who knows when to laugh???
The ONLY reason that I am responding to this is because I'm just in one of those kinds of moods. I can tell you when to laugh. Whenever you type something, and just before you hit the enter key to submit it, that's when you laugh, because everything you say is just way too funny!
"But you don't service your clients by being with ytb. You tell them to call the vendor if there is a problem, or at least that's what you're supposed to do according to ytb headquarters. How is that providing service to your client?"
ReplyDeleteThis is where you're speaking out of turn and don't really know ME. I service my clients.
There are some bookings on the website and yes they are told to call vendor. Many times, I know my client and I will assist them with issues. However, I have more group bookings than website bookings. In that case, I have to fully exercise that group booking from beginning to end. AND I DO SERVICE MY CLIENTS WELL.
I've spoken enough for today. Have a great night!
ReplyDeleteThen you are 1 in 134,000, and if you are doing all that work, you could be making way more commission with another, real host agency.
ReplyDeleteAnd This is My Point.......... said...
ReplyDeleteI've spoken enough for today. Have a great night!
Night, Denyse!
ReplyDelete"I only know as long as I can book travel with them, earn the commissions, service my clients well, who cares how they really feel."
And how's that working for you with RCCL, Celebrity and Azmara?
"We had 7500 travel agents attend."
ReplyDeleteNo, there were 7500 RTAs (if there were really that many) and 0 Travel Agents.
RTA = Referring Travel Agent, meaning you refer to a website or a travel agent at headquarters. RTA is not a TA.
For the person (I dont feel like reading up) who said that other agencies don't have their own trade shows... might want to read below
ReplyDeleteAt Virtuoso’s TravelMart, 1,344 travel agents from 393 agencies met with more than 1,500 preferred suppliers who had flown in from all over the world to meet with them for an entire week. This was more than a casual networking confab; suppliers moved from table to table in four-minute intervals, giving agents in attendance a boiled-down spiel on their properties. Meetings at TravelMart this year started at 5:30 in the morning because the day was so filled with appointments. Days ended around 11 p.m.
That’s just one example of how a professional group of agents does it. Signature, Ensemble, American Express and Vacation.com and countless other organizations have annual meetings that are 90 percent work and just 10 percent play. These meetings are typically the icing on the cake that follows a year of training sessions and other types of professional engagement provided by the consortia.