Did Coach tell all of the minions about this failed attempt? Read all about it here in the St. Louis Post Dispatch!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Coach and "The King"
Apparently at one time Coach had a connection with "The King"--yes Elvis Presley. In yet another failed scheme he apparently purchased his plane with the thought of charging $300 admission for a tour of the plane. But of course that was not all. With the admission you were also able to sign up to become a rep for a gasoline additive called “Add-a-Tune". Well, to make a long story short, Texas Attorney General shuit them down, partners were in trouble with the IRS and SEC, plane was repossessed. This was back in 1978---does history have a way of repeating itself?
Did Coach tell all of the minions about this failed attempt? Read all about it here in the St. Louis Post Dispatch!
Did Coach tell all of the minions about this failed attempt? Read all about it here in the St. Louis Post Dispatch!
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Why am I not the least bit surprised by this??
ReplyDeleteI'm completely un-surprised by this. Once a scammer always a scammer?
ReplyDeleteAmazing the so-called "professionals" get all their information from one side of a source and take it as truth. And because it fits the story you have so convinced yourself of, you won't bother to get the other side. Those of us that have been around the people you bash know the other side along with the tabloid that is published by John and the others. And you call us "minions" or "zombies". Pathetic.
ReplyDeleteFiremedic--I did not write that. It was written by someone that knew Coach way back when.
ReplyDeleteBut since you are so in the know and feel there is another side to tell. Send me the "other side" and I will publish it tomorrow.
firemedic-This was written by a well respected Journalist in a well respected newspaper. We made that up too? Your pathetic.
ReplyDeleteSomeone that "knew" Coach back then. Really? You confirmed that? Funny how he knew Coach all along and this story is just now popping up. Whatever. Seems like someone else in the media trying to jump on the wagon to get 15 minutes of fame at the expense of someone else. Someone like yourself John that cuts others down to make themselves feel better about themselves or their cause. Again, pathetic and sad. What you don't see is Coach or YTB doing the same thing back when they could. Difference in character. And for some narcacistic reason you think you deserve for someone the send you whatever you think you need to know. Why don't you go to Coach himself and talk to him about it? Bet he would talk to you in person especially since he has taken the time to talk to little ole me. I just don't think you have the character to do it. You would rather spread your false witness from a website based on one sided articles and opinions instead of face the man himself. Sad.
ReplyDeleteFiremedic--yes I am trying to further a cause and that is pretty obvious. Not looking to feel better about myself (but my knee does suck) at all, just continuing to point out why MLM and Travel are a mad mix.
ReplyDeleteI have given you the opportunity to tell your story and apparently you are deciding to take a pass? I mean here it is, your big chance to refute 100% of what has been demonstrated on this blog in the past year. Yes, you Firemedic, can be the savior of YTB simply by setting us all straight because as you said, YOU KNOW COACH.
So, once again, I am more than willing to give you the venue.
I am not going to be calling Coach. I did not break this story, and I have no knowledge of the plane; but the journalist who did report it (the link was provided) does indeed have the facts. Perhaps you ought to call THAT journalist and insist he call the Coach.
But in the meantime, I will await your blog entry to set us all straight. So, Firemedic...are you a man? Or just another loudmouth RAT? Time to put up or shut up!
To Mr. Firemedic: As a former YTB RTA I can say that you have been scammed and you are a fucking idiot to remain and defend YTB and Coach.
ReplyDeleteJohn, you still have that narcacistic view that you deserve something here. I know you won't be calling Coach (other than calling him names). That is your character. I don't feel I need to be the "saviour". In the end I believe YTB will stand on it's own two feet. They are not experiencing anything different that any other new kid on the block experiences. Again, John, I challenge you to face Coach yourself. I say you don't have the guts. Again, you will just continue to spread whatever dung you can find on the net and in the online tabloids. I challenge you to write positive about Coach for one week. There is more good out there than bad but since it's totally out of character for you I bet you don't have the guts to do it.
ReplyDeleteDusty- Just in your response I can see why you are a former RTA. With a mouth like that I wouldn't want to be in business with you either.
What a waste of time.
Firemedic--you have no balls. Here is what you said:
ReplyDeleteyou won't bother to get the other side. Those of us that have been around the people you bash know the other side
So tell the other side. There is very little positive that can be found about Coach other than the PR YTB puts out--honestly go look for yourself. I hardly call the St. Louis Post Dispatch a "tabloid" but since you seem so ill equipped mentally, I guess you can slide.
If I could find positive items for a week, I might just do that, but I can't find them.
I tell you what big mouth (little brain) I will up the ante--you give me "the other side" of the plane story and I will publish it. And, you feed me a week's worth of verifiable "positive" stories about Coach and I will publish them. Bet you can't. Bet you won't.
You are all talk.
Fast forward to TODAY, not 15 years ago.
ReplyDelete"Big Balls" John Frenaye's buzz words today are "Pastor" and "Scammer".
Wait a minute . . .
Traditional Travel Agents are pure as the wind-driven snow!
They are SO professional and doing nothing but the best for their clients!
This just cannot be!
From the Chicago Suntimes TODAY:
'Oh, God, I don't want to do this'
Pastor devastated after travel agent allegedly steals $21,000 meant for mission to Ukraine
September 10, 2008
Just before he entered the chapel, where a dozen members of his anxious flock waited for him Tuesday morning, pastor Dan Willis told himself: "Oh, God, I don't want to do this."
Moments later, the Alsip pastor, in a quavering voice, with his head bowed, delivered the news: A mission to Ukraine was canceled because a Chicago travel agent stole the $21,000 the church spent months raising for the trip.
Pastor Dan Willis wipes his eyes as he speaks to his missionary group Tuesday at Lighthouse Church in Alsip.
"I'm going to look you in the eye and say, I don't know how to fix this just yet, but God gives out wisdom, and none of you will be out a penny," said Willis, senior pastor of Lighthouse Church of All Nations.
On Tuesday, one day after Willis and his missionaries were set to leave Chicago for Ukraine to help orphans and widows, Chicago travel agent Job Charles, 48, was charged with felony theft. He's due in court Sept. 15.
Charles' business -- Higate Travel Group Inc., 3530 W. Peterson -- has generated four complaints in the last two years, all from clients who say they paid money for tickets they never received, Chicago Consumer Services Commissioner Norma Reyes said.
Willis said the church had used Charles' travel agency in the past without problems, but this time Charles repeatedly failed to deliver the tickets to the Alsip church.
On Monday morning, with their bags packed and just hours before they expected to leave, the missionaries still didn't have their plane tickets. When it became clear they weren't leaving the city Monday, Willis drove to Higate Travel and confronted Charles, who appeared "terrified," Willis said.
After promising to get some of the missionaries on a flight Tuesday, Charles finally came clean and said he had used the church money to pay off some debts, Willis said.
And so Willis called the police.
"They took him out in handcuffs, and my heart is broken for him, but my greater responsibility is to you, my sheep," Willis told the congregation.
As Willis told the sad story to the other missionaries Tuesday, they hugged their pastor and told him God had other plans for the group -- even if no one was quite sure what that might be.
"This is the worst part of it all -- think about the people on the other side of the water: They have a welcoming dinner ready for us," Willis said.
Here's the difference between us and the ytb'ers Mix... I and my fellow TTA's will join in the call to throw the guy in jail - NOT make excuses that what he did was not wrong.
ReplyDeleteNo one has ever said there were not crooked TTAs. But as the commenter said we hope that the client is made whole and the guy punished.
ReplyDeleteYTB will deflect, deflect, deflect.
Deflect, deflect, deflect??
ReplyDeleteJohn Frenaye has an orgasm when a YTB RTA goes bad and commits fraud with a group travel venue.
Did you call the SunTimes or the Chicago television stations to offer your "insights", John?
I, for one, DID condemn the RTA in TN who committed fraud with the HS group . . . as did other RTAs.
I also said that the TTAs look the other way when it happens among their ranks.
A good example . . .
All JF can say is "deflect, deflect, deflect".
Actually JF said:
ReplyDelete"But as the commenter said we hope that the client is made whole and the guy punished."
Guess you missed that.
Mix and Firemedic-You two are so obsessed with YTB you refuse to listen to facts. And, the fact of the matter is Coach was involved in prior MLM schemes such as the oil additive that flopped. It has been documented in a well respected newspaper. Read the Alton Telegraph and read what the local people who live in the same community with Coach say about him. It isn't pretty. The SEC filings, the lawsuits all facts. Yet, you come on here every day and deny, deflect, accuse us of influencing people when we had nothing to do with any of it.
ReplyDeleteAs to your comments about John calling newspapers did it ever occur to you two that John was called and not the other way around?
You have it wrong about us looking the other way when a travel agent gets caught. We condemn the act. But, then again you wouldn't know that because you don't want to hear the truth. Furthermore, the term "travel agent" is used loosely today. Anyone can call themselves a travel agent just like some of your fellow RTA's do.
There is BAD in every profession, doctors, teachers, attorneys and yes, even travel agents. No one is perfect. The problems however is that it is documented that Coach has a documented HISTORY of being in MLM's and companies on the fringe of being legit and ethical.
Well, well, well seems are boy firemedic is a busy little beaver. Take a look at his you tube comments. He hates Islam and makes no bones about it.
ReplyDeleteHe's also on some gun owner's site and some right wing nut job site.
Sorry honey after reading your rants on the other blogs, message boards you have about as much credibility as a box of rocks...