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MLM and Travel It's No Good! YTB, TraverUs, GTI, World Ventures. All no good for the travel industry! MLM and Travel It's No Good! YTB, TraverUs, GTI, World Ventures. All no good for the travel industry! MLM and Travel It's No Good! YTB, TraverUs, GTI, World Ventures. All no good for the travel industry!
I couldn't have said it better. So truthful and to the point...
ReplyDeleteWell reasoned? Truthful? To the point?
ReplyDeleteFirst, Ron, Rick and Juliet made more that “Coach”.
And Juliet made more than Cameron, Bill, and Jerome who brought her in.
Second, since when do you HAVE TO recruit people into YTB?
Are you kids not big on 85% never recruited a single soul?
Third, since when does simply filing a Lawsuit against someone make them “a criminal”?
Don’t you have to actually be convicted of a crime first? Any documentation to back that up? And if you’re waiting on the AG…that’s fine. But let’s at least let the courts decide that before you end up with a shoe in your mouth.
Maybe if Ainsworth got off his big behind and actually met with Coach he could help him out. But instead he’s a chicken, and looks to me like he’s now teaching others how to be chicken as well.
And have a face for radio.
LOL! This is the anti-YTB grassroots effort to rid the world of the Llody Tomer pyramid scheme? This is one of your spokespeople John?
ReplyDeleteYou know, ignorance is one thing. Advertising it on the net and putting your face with it is just crazy!
By the way, if everyone needs Ainsworth's services, then why is Expedia, Orbitz, Travelocity, YTB doing so well? If MLM is a scam then why does it move BILLIONS of dollars worth of products every year? Again, ignorance on display.
I am glad though, that you put your face with the attacks you made. Shows your character.
ReplyDeleteTake a look at some of the faces YTB puts out there. Shall I give you some links. BEtter yet just read this blog for some fine examples.
THe difference is that this is well reasoned(no matter if you agree or not) and articulate. None of which can be said for most of the YTB YouTube Videos
Ya'll know what? When I made this video and put it up on YouTube, I was THOROUGHLY expecting the personal attacks from the ytbers. I was expecting the attacks on my opinions and thoughts on mlm travel companies. I was expecting attacks on my feelings for ytb and the losers that lead it. I was expecting attacks on my personal appearance. Hey, I know I'm not God's gift, and never claimed to be. I'm just an average looking person living in an average world. I was totally expecting attacks in all shapes and forms from the ytb members, and I say bring 'em, because I have one thing to say in return.
I say that, because despite all your attacks of how ugly I might be, or how I have a face for radio, or how stupid I am, blah, blah, blah, at least I had the guts to put my face and opinions out there for the entire world to see. At least I don't hide behind cutsey little screen names on narrow, topic focus blogs (no offense, John). I put it out there on YouTube for the ENTIRE world to see. What have any of YOU done? So, insult away, because as I have stated before, the more time you spend focusing hating on me, the more time you devote to writing your nastiness about me is less time you're out there doing your recruiting thing!
Oh, and I'm not afraid to publish my e-mail address, so you can send me all of your hate mail:
ReplyDeleteBring it, so I can add it to my collection!
Seriously, that 85% that have never recruited - is it the same 85% who have lost money with YTB?
ReplyDeleteI find it very funny that Fireman equates YTB (who is not very successful BTW) with the big boys. YTB is a gnat on an elephant compared to them.
ReplyDeleteI realize this is your opinion about YTB, and there not much we can do to change that.
If all you can do in response to the misinformation about Coach being at the top of the pyramid, 85% of YTB doesn’t recruit a single soul, and Coach has not been convicted of a single crime to date is “SUCK IT BITCHES”, we rest our case.
Nobody gave YTB any money in to provide them with the opportunity to recruit a single soul.
How you kids get so wrapped up in something you clearly don’t have the capacity to comprehend is…well, let’s just say sad.
In closing, I’d like to point out that everyone is in agreement, that this is only Ainsworth’s “opinion” concerning YTB. He brings no facts or figures to the table. Just myths, rumors, and what he’s been told about a model that none of his “teachers” have been able to grasp.
then why is Expedia, Orbitz, Travelocity, YTB doing so well?
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, YTB isn't doing so well when you (1) compare them to large agencies or consortia, or (2) when you compare their travel sales income to their recruiting income.
Second of all, Expedia, Orbitz and Travelocity are TTAs. They employe TTAs. And one of them is even opening B&M stores.
The issue is NOT with online booking engines (most agencies have a presence on the Internet, and a lot have booking engines). The issue is with MLM companies and card mills passing themselves off as legitimate agencies when their primary focus is not selling travel (yes, yes, they sell travel but it isn't their primary focus when you look at their income source). They allow anyone and everyone to sign up, they don't require training or experience, and even when they offer travel training (as anemic as it may or may not be) they do not require their "agents" to become trained. That is the problem. The untold thousands presenting themselves as travel agents to the unsuspecting public (with or without "referring" attached) that are not qualified to sell travel and have no clue how to support their clients when problems arise.
Really, if you had listened closely, this video was prompted by a challenge by one of your cohorts stating that I was afraid to face Coach and make my opinion of him known. Well, I am not afraid to face him, it's just the time frame that FireMedic wanted me to adhere to wasn't convienent for me. I was out of town until yesterday afternoon, have houseguest coming next week, and the following week will be out of town again. I figured putting a video out on the web might appease him a bit.
ReplyDeleteMy comment of "suck it bitches" was aimed at all of you and your nasty hateful comments to me. It has nothing to do with anything else. It has to do with the fact that you're all idiots, and can do nothing more than lob insults at people and/or try to re-direct the conversation. It goes to the fact that YOU and people like you are the ones that are the ones that are afraid......afraid to use your real names or show your faces. As much as I hate stooping to your level, sometimes I have to, to try to get the message through. Basically what I am saying with the "suck it bitches" message is that you can say anything you want about me, I don't give a rat's ass, because if all you have to do is to worry about me and what my opinion is, then you lead a poor, sorry, shallow, lonely life.
Now, I have to run to the bank to deposit my latest commission check, and some of the cash that I won at the casino on my way home. Ta!
Sounds like Ainsworth is losing it.
Wonderful example of a WTA.
"if all you have to do is to worry about me and what my opinion is, then you lead a poor, sorry, shallow, lonely life".
Let's rephrase this.
If all Ainsworth has to do is worry about YTB, then he leads a poor, sorry, shallow, lonely life.
The "grassroots" guy is showing an unhealthy obsession with YTB.
That’s just “dandy”.
ReplyDeleteAnd maybe when you get back you can provide us with the documentation that Coach is a “Criminal”.
You can ascertain why Ron, Rick, and Juliet make more money than Coach who you claim is at the top of the pyramid.
And how anyone gives money to Coach for the opportunity to participate in his MLM.
Right, Seriously, I should have said 85% (I'm told that percentage is not high enough) of RTAs, not REPs, fail and lose money.
ReplyDelete"My comment of "suck it bitches" was aimed at all of you and your nasty hateful comments to me"
ReplyDeleteAinsworth you have the audacity to call some's comments as "hateful" and "nasty"? We all read your comments about Coach and how he was a "waste of skin". Doesn't get much nastier or hateful than that.
John - If Ainsworth's video was "well reasoned" and "articulate".....then we at YTB have nothing to worry about. I agree, we have some that make stupid YouTube videos. Now you have yours. We do appreciate you posting it though because we don't feel this one hurts us at all. It in fact helps us. Thanks John!
Ainsworth - I do however respect you for putting your butt on the line even though I very much disagree with your opinion and your "reason".
Are you now claiming that there is NO cost involved to be in Coach's MLM? I too can join for NO COST and earn tens of thousands per month?
ReplyDeleteIf there is NO COST, how do you write it off on your taxes? There may be no cost to join the MLM part but there are a considerable amount of ancillary costs
Hey Mix we have already established your mental capacity or lack of it. Do you really think anyone is listening to you? NOT!
ReplyDelete"My comment of "suck it bitches" was aimed at all of you and your nasty hateful comments to me"
ReplyDeleteListen to your video again. A minute in to your bid to "save the world from travel MLM" you referred to anyone joining as "SUCKERS". So who started the mud slinging here? If you are going to put yourself out as you did on a video for the world to see and you take comments personally so you cry like a baby, perhaps you think twice about commenting on a subject you know very little about because all I hear are your opinions and no facts. You all express FEAR to everyone here about YTB similar to someone in the Whitehouse. Save the world from travel MLMs??? PLEASE!! LOL! You need a life buddy.
John...where did you find this disciple of yours??
Where is everyone coming up with this crap about me having followers and disciples. I have an opinion and many agree with it.
ReplyDeleteAinsworth can speak his own mind. It was well reasoned and articulate. Was it the best produced..not by a long shot, but hey look at any of the YTB videos on YouTube.
And I do agree with him that the people that join (at least in the RTA side) are suckers. That is not necessarily slinging mud--he did not say they suck. Really, if you find 138,000 people to pay $1050 the first year MINIMUM and an ongoing $600 a year MINIMUM for a return of $39...and they continue to pay it month after month because some old guy that calls himself a "coach" says that he is looking to make them millionaires...well I think they are suckers.
Call a spade a spade! The RTAs are losing hundreds of millions of dollars each year. Last year you paid out 13M in travel commissions and the sucker RTAs paid the "Coach" $103M. Collectively the "coach" suckered the RTAs out of 90 million dollars. And where did that money go? To pay the folks at the top of the pyramid! The 163 people that are directors.
Reading a financial report is an enlightening thing. Maybe instead of listening to Rick Ricketts and Coach on their calls go "yuk yuk yuk and Woooow woooow" maybe you ought to skip a rah rah call and read the facts. Maybe the next time you are in the "Coach's Corner" tell him you have been in the Dumbasses Den and wanted to know the answer to some questions.....see how he handles that!
George, your comment shows what a complete idiot YOU are, and the rest of your cohorts are! SUCK IT BITCHES is just another way of saying I don't give a rat's ass what you say about me. Talk bad about me all you want. I find it amusing that you're taking this much time out of your day recruiting to even comment. Evidently you're not a sharp tack, if you can't figure it out, so let me put it in a way you might be able to:
Ainsworth, take a deep breath. Okay, maybe two. Now, who is getting under who's skin?
ReplyDeleteWe really appreciate you not only making the video, but also now commenting on it! Now people can see the character of the person behind it too. It helps us Ainsworth and we appreciate it! Again, if this video is "well reasoned" and "articulate", we have nothing to worry about and I am glad to promote the video myself!
(upper case posting as per Ainsworth)
John said: “I too can join for NO COST and earn tens of thousands per month?”
ReplyDeleteAre you implying that it cost you more than a penny to join as Maybe you want to join in on the Class Action Lawsuit John. I understand that one of the people that filed was also only a Rep, and from what you posted here earlier in the week, the price keeps going up. You stated “more than $200 Million” earlier in the week. It could replace all the travel sales you’ve been ignoring while you’ve been busy posting all over the internet with your dribble.
Care to tell me how ancillary costs are part of the YTB MLM and NOT any other business venture? You don’t need business cards? You don’t need a phone? You don’t need internet access? Or do you want roll that myth into “it’s all YTB’s fault because the model is flawed” too?
Furthermore, how does YTB make a dime on phone services or internet access?
Funny how nobody wants to answer my questions…All I get is deflect – deflect – deflect.
Name calling, taxes, and excuses why something on YouTube should be good enough for the Coach.
Maybe we need to simplify things for everyone concerned.
Why is this video credible when it’s full of so many holes?
Must of not been a very big deposit to have you back so soon.
Can you answer my questions now?
So Coach showed Really his income tax statements....I seriously doubt anyone in YTB makes more money than Coach. But we will never know for sure. Care to post it Really or Seriously or any YTBer?
ReplyDeleteEddie, even IF Coach made more money than anyone else, would it make sense that the CEO of a company makes more money than, say, the Vice President? Would it make sense that if you owned a business that you made more money than your independant contractors or employees?
ReplyDeleteOh, and just for fun, "Seriously, that 85% that have never recruited - is it the same 85% who have lost money with YTB?"
If 85% did nothing then they made nothing. Seems fair enough. They couldn't have lost ANY money on the "recruiting" side because they paid NOTHING to be a Rep. And where did you get the statistic that 85% "lost money"? Just like Ainsworth's opinion. All made up.
Yes every business requires overhead expenses. My point is that YTB (rep side) is marketed as a free business. OK fair enough. They also market is as being able to earn tens of thousands of dollars each week.
ReplyDeleteThe program is flawed (as is evidenced by the huge failure rate on both the RTA and rep sides).
So I join for nothing and I invest the following:
$30 business cards
$50 Coach's CD
$300 The Success magazines (not sure of the price)
$45 for ten of the fale Saturday Evening Posts
$180 for the new website
$700 for airfare to see the fake statue
$150 to get in to see the fake statue
$600 for a hotel while I admire the fake statue
$100 on fake statue bling
$100 on some more magazines and books
$150 for Holton Buggs CD (he is the fastest director in YTB you know)
So my "free" opportunity now has cost me $2405. And for that I am likely to be rewarded with being in the 92% of YTB Reps that earn nothing. In my book that is a loss.
But to be fare, you can start ANY business for free. You can decide to hang a shingle up to scoop poop. And on day 1 you can make a few bucks.
Well, to be honest, no, you don't get under my skin. I just have time to respond back you you all because I'm on another vacation, if you'll remember I was in Orlando until yesterday, and today is laundry day, so I have plenty of time to laugh at you idiots.
ReplyDeleteMix, I don't charge service fees. The things I book pay enough commission so that I don't have to charge any.
Really, evidently you haven't been to a bank recently to make a deposit, so you don't know that a check is just scanned into their system, and as for cash, they no longer count it by hand, but have machines to do it, so, no, it doesn't take long to go to the bank and make deposits. Maybe if you ever make anything through ytb, or get with a REAL travel company and start making some commissions you'll learn all about it.
Answer your questions? Ok, here ya may not be a criminal in the eyes of the law, but morally and ethically the man is one of the biggest crooks in the world. Something doesn't have to be "legally" criminal for it to be CRIMINAL. But then again, the majority of people involved with ytb aren't real big on morals or ethics.
Fireman - Really said people in YTB make more than Coach, not me.
ReplyDeleteI corrected the 85% failure rate from REP to RTA. Kim Sorenson was who stated the 85% failure - i figure he should know. What do you think?
FM one of the issues (and YTB is getting better) is that the whole program is not pitched as "work hard and you will succeed"
ReplyDeleteIt is sold as "gimme your money write it off and get free stuff from travel suppliers all the while people will be booking on your website making you rich---look at all these directors making money"
Yes they are better, but as I pointed out in a previous post what they say and what they put in writing are two different things. At the Founders Tour, the disclosure was placed on the floor under the seats. Most people did not know they were there. But Scott stood up and made these fake adulations about TV Wilson just earning $250K while sitting there. Several directors spoke about their own riches with YTB.
Not saying they are lying, but they are not the norm. YTB presents itself as a get rich quick scheme and certainly does not deliver. After all you are still at a JOB
LOL! I didn't say it, your “hero” Tim Logan did.
“Along the way, the Tomers prospered. Scott Tomer and Sorensen each earned $2.3 million in cash, benefits and stock last year, according to filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Lloyd Tomer earned $3.5 million. Top salespeople made out well, too: A couple earned more than the top execs last year, and 11 sales directors topped $800,000, according to the company's publicly available income disclosure statement. Dozens more earned six figures.”
Now check that against YTB’s Income Disclosure Statement with at least two Level 7 Directors, and at least one Level 6 Director who topped Coach’s $3.25 Million last year.
Our Top Producer made over $1 Million more than Coach did.
That’s the beauty of MLM.
But don’t let facts get in the way of the little “propaganda” video Ainsworth put out.
Sorry, just "under"...$4.4 Million
ReplyDeleteSorry Really. I don't believe that is true. You and Tim have no idea what coach makes. That's the beauty of MLM.
ReplyDelete"Now check that against YTB’s Income Disclosure Statement with at least two Level 7 Directors, and at least one Level 6 Director who topped Coach’s $3.25 Million last year.
ReplyDeleteOur Top Producer made over $1 Million more than Coach did.
That’s the beauty of MLM."
And how does this statement at all disprove that "only the people at the top make any money"
ALL of these folks are at the top of the pyramid!
Then check what’s filed with the SEC Eddie. Tim and I did.
ReplyDeleteIf we’re lying, you could have another Lawsuit to file, and I’m sure you wouldn’t want to pass up THAT opportunity, would you?
On the other hand, you’re too damn lazy to actually check or file a suit. You strike me as the type who just likes to deny and call people liars, but never has the balls to prove it.
Don’t tell me, tell Ainsworth, he’s the one who claimed Coach was at the top.
Juliet St. John is under Cameron Corr, under Bill Hoffaman, and under Jerome Hughs, but makes more than all these guys and Coach!
You could too, if you stop listening to the crap on here and get busy.
"Well, to be honest, no, you don't get under my skin. I just have time to respond back you you all because I'm on another vacation, if you'll remember I was in Orlando until yesterday, and today is laundry day, so I have plenty of time to laugh at you idiots."
ReplyDeleteIf it's not getting under you skin then why do you feel you need to justify your statement with where you were at and what you were doing and then follow it up with an insult? (shaking my head).
John said "The program is flawed (as is evidenced by the huge failure rate on both the RTA and rep sides)."
I disagree with the term "failed". More like quit. This business has nothing to do with luck or odds. Just like the TTA job. You get paid when you produce...period. You do this, you get paid this. It is performanced based. What about real estate John? The "failure" rate with real estate is 90%! Is that flawed? It's touted as an opportunity to makes thousands! Must be flawed! How about golf? People spend thousands on golf (even though they are not persuing a profit) and then quit. Is golf the reason for the "failure"?
Now this is just ignorance on display also:
"$30 business cards" Optional
$50 Coach's CD - $5 and optional
$300 The Success magazines (not sure of the price) - Actually $99 for 25 - optional
$45 for ten of the fale Saturday Evening Posts - $40 for 10 and are not fake.
$180 for the new website - Optional Rep site
$700 for airfare to see the fake statue - $700 if you book with John. Most other sites about half that or if you are fying from Germany.
$150 to get in to see the fake statue - Real statue even though it's a replica.
$600 for a hotel while I admire the fake statue - Again, if you book with John
$100 on fake statue bling - No fake statue bling being sold. Even if it was, optional.
$100 on some more magazines and books - Optional.
$150 for Holton Buggs CD (he is the fastest director in YTB you know)- No cd's by Holton Buggs being sold of $150 that I saw.
Therefore John's statistics most of his posts....All Made Up!
"FM one of the issues (and YTB is getting better) is that the whole program is not pitched as "work hard and you will succeed"
I have never told anyone nor have I been told that this program is anything other than "work hard and you can succeed".
John said "But Scott stood up and made these fake adulations about TV Wilson just earning $250K while sitting there. Several directors spoke about their own riches with YTB"
Why does Wendy's put Jared out there as their spokesperson when probably many people who merely "try" the same thing Jared did and it doesn't work? Why don't they put the guy that either didn't actually do the program at all or sort-of tried it? (That should answer itself). Why does any company talk mostly about the success stories? YTB not only talks about the success stories but puts it right out there on the income disclosure after every exposure of where these "success stories" fall amongst all the reps.
John said - "Not saying they are lying, but they are not the norm. YTB presents itself as a get rich quick scheme and certainly does not deliver. After all you are still at a JOB"
Again, it was never promoted as a get rich scheme to me or by anyone else I witnessed.
Little Bird - The CEO of Sprint makes most of the money. The Vice President under him make just a bit less but still more than anyone under him. And so on and so on. That should be illegal! It's a pyramid! If, in mlm, someone that is placed lower can make more money than one higher, how is that a "pyramid"? It's not.
Ainworth - putting your mug on a video and placing it on youtube, in no way, gets you any credibility over the fact that you used a chicken exit to meet Coach. You were given mulitiple dates after you said "set it up!" You then came back with conditions and excuses.
ReplyDeleteThat's typical Ainsworth, FM.
ReplyDeleteBig man.
Little action.
His Hollywood debut was filled in inaccuracies and the rest of his comments were filled with opinions . . .
The opinions of a anti-MLM zealot.
And one who would shrink in the presense of Coach Tomer.
No doubt about it after that act.
You spend the time looking up YTBs SEC filings - Coachs paycheck doesn't interest me enough to waste time. Neither does yours or any of the YTB cronies. So glad to here that 10 out of 120,000 make some money.
ReplyDeleteMix - I usually appreciate what you say. I do have to say that the comment "And one who would shrink in the presense of Coach Tomer."
ReplyDeleteis really putting Coach on too much of a pedastal, in my opinion. Coach IS a man of high integrity and has more integrity than all the anti-YTB people put together but he is still a man. I don't think that Ainsworth would "shrink" but he certainly would make a fool of himself.
Ainsworth - In my opinion, your video is legal slander by calling Coach a "criminal". Unless you can prove that,and you can't, you are slandering him. I don't believe you said that him being a "criminal" was only your opinion.
Firemedic---most of the people in YTB hold him on that pedestal and feel that he is indeed the closest thing to God. I do not say that in jest and you should see some of the emails I have received over the past few years.
ReplyDeleteAs for criminal...hold that thought...did he ever touch base on the case where he was charged with defrauding the landscaper? Just wondering if as the man of integrity he is if he came clean on that to everyone in YTB. Or if he just kept it hush? DO you know?
I'm going to respond as I read through the comments....
ReplyDeleteReally.... so you say that 85% of people do no recruiting, only 15% do. So in essence, only 15% of 100% are making any money. As to my comment about coach being at the top of the pyramid, I didn't say he was the point of the pyramid, I just said he was up there at the top. What, do I have to get specific with you people? Can't you deduce anything for yourselves? ask why I feel the need to "justify" my statement, etc. Not justifying, just answering someone's inquiry. Learn some reading comprehension.
Firemedic.....Jared is not the spokesman for Wendy's. Do some research before you make statements like "Why does Wendy's put Jared out there as their spokesperson when probably many people who merely "try" the same thing Jared did and it doesn't work?" Jared is the spokesman for Subway. Wendy's and Subway are on the total opposite end of the spectrum.
Firemedic....and again, I ask, why should I disrupt my life for you? Why should I disrupt plans that have been on the books for months just to tell a man I hold no regard for what I think of him? Why should I spend the money to do it? You were the one who jumped all over it and challenged me to actually do it, so if you truly want me to do it, you're going to have to pony up the cash for the plane ticket, and work within my schedule, not vice versa.
Mix....yeah, I probably would shrink in the presence of coach, because I would be shrinking from the stench of him. You know, the aroma of the flop sweat I'm sure is emanating from him these days.
Well, FM, thanks for your opinion. I'll make sure to file it in the circular file cabinet, along with all of your other opinions of me and what I say.
ReplyDeleteAinsworth - I don't believe I have ever said anything but positive opinions of YOU personally. I mean, I just said today that I respected you for putting your butt on the line for making the video even though I thought the video was ignorant. I disagree with many of your statements and actions. It's your statements and your actions that I address. YOU personally, are human like the rest of us. Your ACTIONS (words, videos) are a product of your character. I don't call you names. I might talk about ignorance (ignorance doesn't mean stupid, just unawareness) but I don't call you names. I just point out opinions about what you say or write.
ReplyDeleteSo, my opinion of you persoanlly, you are human and not better or worse than the rest of us. You actions may be worse but you as a person are not.
YTB changes RTA Certification, now "First Class" according to Your Travel Buddy.
Okay Ainsworth - " ask why I feel the need to "justify" my statement, etc. Not justifying, just answering someone's inquiry. Learn some reading comprehension."
ReplyDeleteIf you weren't trying to justify yourself you could have just said "I am not afraid to meet him" or something like that. Instead you had to come up with a list of reasons why. For some reason you seem to feel like you had to explain yourself, perhaps because you realize your crediblity is lacking here? Maybe not.
" Firemedic.....Jared is not the spokesman for Wendy's. Do some research before you make statements like "Why does Wendy's put Jared out there as their spokesperson when probably many people who merely "try" the same thing Jared did and it doesn't work?" Jared is the spokesman for Subway. Wendy's and Subway are on the total opposite end of the spectrum."
My Bad, I meant SubWay. Ate at Wendy's today. Dub in Subway and then comment there Ainsworth. I am sure you know what I meant so "Can't you deduce anything for yourselves?" (Your Words)
"Firemedic....and again, I ask, why should I disrupt my life for you? Why should I disrupt plans that have been on the books for months just to tell a man I hold no regard for what I think of him? Why should I spend the money to do it? You were the one who jumped all over it and challenged me to actually do it, so if you truly want me to do it, you're going to have to pony up the cash for the plane ticket, and work within my schedule, not vice versa."
AINSWORTH YOU WERE THE ONE THAT WANTED THE MEETING! THIS WAS FOR YOU NOT ME OR ANYONE ON THIS FORUM! LOL! This so you could get it off your chest the way you said you would do it. But I don't think you actually thought someone would actually set it up! You are the one that spouts off "put up or shut up" and when you are challenged to do the same, you put conditions on it (like someone else pay for the ticket) and make video. Both chicken exits.
"Mix....yeah, I probably would shrink in the presence of coach, because I would be shrinking from the stench of him. You know, the aroma of the flop sweat I'm sure is emanating from him these days."
Character on display from a "Professional TTA" who's services are "needed", and one of John's followers (whoops, one who agrees with John).
John said " As for criminal...hold that thought...did he ever touch base on the case where he was charged with defrauding the landscaper? Just wondering if as the man of integrity he is if he came clean on that to everyone in YTB. Or if he just kept it hush? DO you know?"
No I don't know about it John but I did notice one word, "charged". But in your court it's "guilty until proven innocent". How about your lawsuits John? Are you innocent?
Old news Travel Buddy.
ReplyDeleteJohn, you said he was "charged". Is it "charged" or "sued"? Big difference.
ReplyDeleteJohn, you said, "At the Founders Tour, the disclosure was placed on the floor under the seats. Most people did not know they were there."
ReplyDeleteActually the disclosure was placed on the seats. You had to move them to sit down, or you sat on them. I don't think most people knew how to read them or at least didn't take the time read and understand them.
No, Coach is not God or even close, FM.
ReplyDeleteHe is an outstanding leader and motivator and works harder then men half his age.
My definition of "shrink" with Ainsworth -
Ainsworth talks like a big man.
Runs his mouth continually.
Told us that he would put Lloyd Tomer in his place face-to-face.
Here's what would happen:
Ainsworth would try to run his mouth.
Coach would listen to his diatribe and smile and say" Are you finished?"
Then Coach would school Ainsworth on the real facts that he is so confused about.
And the big man would "shrink".
No deity here or supernatural nonsense.
Just the difference between a real man and someone who is too ignorant for his own good.
Steve - "Actually the disclosure was placed on the seats. You had to move them to sit down, or you sat on them. I don't think most people knew how to read them or at least didn't take the time read and understand them."
ReplyDeleteMost did not know "how" to read them? Steve, it is extemely simple to read. Now, if they didn't take the time to read them...then...?
Mix - Much better explanation and I agree with you on how Coach would receive Ainsworth. Seen it before.
Again, I'm going to comment as I read down the list of comments...., you don't believe that you have ever said anything but positive opinions of me personally? I would suggest you go back and re-read what you have written. You comment on my "character" all the time, which shows that you know nothing of me or my character. I won't go into the whole story, but suffice it to say that I have reached a place in my life and my mortality that I am no longer afraid to state exactly what I think and feel, and no longer feel the need to do what is expected of me. I say what I want, when I want, and do what I want, unlike all of you ytbers who seem to say the same thing over and over like it has been dictated to you by someone else.
Firemedic....someone asked why I didn't go and meet coach when you offered me to, and I answered them. I have already stated in previous post that I am not afraid to do it, why do I have to repeat myself? Is it that reading comprehension thing with you again? Maybe you meant Subway, maybe you meant Wendy's. I'm not a mind reader, and can't know what you meant, only know what you write. FIREMEDIC, I NEVER SAID I WANTED A MEETING WITH COACH. GO BACK AND READ WHAT I SAID. What I said was that I wasn't afraid, if I ever happened to run into him, to tell him face to face what I thought of him. Again, you really need to learn some reading comprehension. You were the one that was so hot for the meeting to take place. Actually, I believe it was Mix that first placed the challenge, and I said that I wasn't afraid to meet him and tell him, to set it up, but it was qualified that I would not disrupt my life to do so. You then jumped on it and insisted on it. You set up no meeting, all you did was tell me where the man was going to be on a certain day. As stated, I think the man is a scam artist, con man, crook, etc., and would tell that to his face, but can give a rats ass if it ever actually happens. The man is scum in my opinion, and why would I want to go out of my way to meet with scum? If you're so hepped up for it to happen, then YOU do something to make it happen, like working within my schedule of availability and YOU take care of all travel arrangements. No, MY services aren't needed, per se, but the services of REAL travel agents are needed in this world. If I gave up my work in the travel industry today it would be no great loss, and I know it. I would miss it, and I'm sure my clients would miss me, but they would find someone just as competent to work with. And what's wrong with agreeing with John F? You agree with others? Why is it wrong for someone to agree with one that disagrees with you?
Mix.....(sinking to his level) a big man with a fake name, faceless, behind a keyboard. Likes to insult people, but is afraid to show his face, or even give out a throw away e-mail address. Probably lives in his mothers basement. This is the type of person that represents ytb and that we're all supposed to be "afraid" of! Keep going, mix, while we all sit back and laugh hysterically at you.
Now, a general message to all you ytbers, or a question actually. Do any of you ever actually have anything original to say? You all repeat the same thing over and over and over. Each of you say the exact same thing. It sounds as if a script was sent to you with your sign up package, and you take your responses from there. You all use the same exact insults, over and over, in almost the same exact way. It's really time to come up with something new. I know you all think that you're witty and original, but it really is getting old and boring. It's also time for you to rotate in some new, fresh posters. Mix and FireMedic are getting old and tired, too.
Same old, same old from Ainsworth.
ReplyDeleteAll worked up because he continued to make a fool out of himself from "behind the keyboard".
Now he puts his "tough man" mug on the internet and validates what we all thought . . .
Confused about MLM and obsessed with all-things YTB.
Just admit it, Ainsworth (aka SUCK IT BITCHES)
You blew it yesterday and embarrassed your fellow WTAs.
Same old Mix. Can't come up with any original insults. As I have said previously, Mix, at least I'm not too chicken to have my face, as ugly as it may be, out there in the world, stating my opinion. You're too chicken shit to even do that, basement boy! You want to talk about credibility? Until the day that you post your name or your face, you have none, and that just kills you.
ReplyDeleteRepeating what I said in my above post. It's time for you to go away and time to rotate in some new posters, with a new script from Wood River. Since you're SOOOOO on the inside, why don't you give them a call and let them know that. You are FireMedic are getting boring, with a huge, capital "B". Where is proud when you need him? Oh, yeah. We already ran him off!
Okay Ainsworth - lets revisit the blog where you chickened out and see the long, drawn out, excuses you made afterward.
ReplyDeleteAinsworth - "Fake John, I am not afraid to meet the old man at ytb and tell him what a dishonest person he is, what a fake he is, what a waste of human skin he is. Wanna set it up for me?"
Firemedic - "
I will set-up that meeting for you. September 30th at 7 am at the home office. I will get you in the same room with Coach and a few others. You will have your audience and you can face the man and tell him just what you said here. Here is your chance!"
And you can read the rest from there on the Sept. 17 post.
He couldn't make that date (fair enough) and so he was given several dates where he could be guaranteed his audience, Coach.
Now he puts a video on YouTube (by the way Thanks Ainsworth! It's priceless!) and thinks he's done enough. He is doing as much as he can think of outside of actually "putting up". Ainsworth is the king of spouting off "put-up or shut up" but can't quite deliver himself. As long as he keeps spouting off about it, we will remind him of it.
Ainsworth, we really appreciate you putting yourself out there for the TTA community that opposes YTB. We really do! And as long as you make videos and write like you do, we hope you keep on doing it! Again, I respect you for putting your butt on the line, but your content is a totally different story. We (meaning pro-YTB) have our people that makes us look bad....the TTA's now have theirs.
We don't need to make a YouTube video to prove to the world we have credibility. Again, ignorance is one thing, but advertising it on the net (and especially YouTube) is crazy.
Oh, and to keep spouting off about hiding behind a screen name....what about exposing who you are on Would love for some of your customers to see who you really are.
ReplyDeleteFiremedic-While we are at tearing down Ainsworth. How would your City Council, Mayor and Fire Chief feel about your rantings here and on those right wing nut job sites? I am sure they would just give you a huge raise.
ReplyDeleteYou are an embarrassment to your profession.
FireMedic, again, you need to take a reading comprehension course. Yes, you presented me with several options of when and where coach will be. And I told you that those dates do not jibe with my schedule, which I laid out for you. I also explained that while I have absolutly no fear of facing the man, I also have no intention of disrupting plans that have been made for months now. Why should I? YOU are the one that is all hot and bothered over me meeting the man. All I said was that if the opportunity ever arose, and I happened to be in the same room at the same time he was, I had no fear of tell him what I felt about him personally.
ReplyDeleteNow, on to the hiding behind a screen name. You seem to be the one that is hiding, not me. I have never made a secret of what my name is, unlike you. I've said it before, and I'll say it again....Taylor Ainsworth. TVAinsworth. tvainsworth. If someone, anyone, wants to take the time to google my name, more power to them. All of my clients know me, have known me for years, know who I am and what I am about, and have no issues with me. Your comment above just proves that YOU know absolutly nothing about me, about who I am, why I think the way I do, why I am outspoken on things, etc. I realize that you don't care to know this information about me, and that's fine, but until you know someone, and what may motivate them to be, you have no call to make comments about them like you did re:"exposing" them. My life is an open book to those that matter, both in my personal and business life.
Like I said yesterday, my video must have gotten under some skin somewhere, or struck a nerve with someone, else why would any of the ytb loudmouths have taken even 1 second to respond, other than to say "ridiculous".
AT - For one thing, Ainsworth is tearing down himself. He calls YTB people and leaders absolutely vile names and conducts himself in a way that invites whatever resistance he gets. I don't make personal attacks, meaning name calling, against Ainsworth or anyone else here for that matter. Have I in the past, yes, but not here. There is a huge difference between attacking the idea or action or thought than attacking the person. It's one thing to say "you're and idiot, dolt, embarrassment, chicken s!#@,and a waste of skin" and it's another thing to say "I disagree with you ideas and I believe they are wrong" or "You are ignorant to the facts". I don't agree with the pro-YTB crowd making personal attacks (mainly name calling) either. I don't have any animosity towards anyone here as a person. I do however absolutely disagree with the character of Ainsworth and those that conduct themselves the same way. I think Steve Mencik is probably the most mature TTA here.
ReplyDeleteAs far as what I do on my time off, the fire district, The Fire Chief , or other authority has no real say. There are others out there with the same handle as me AT. I am not part of any "right wing nut job sites" or gun owners club (Although I am a conservative, Christian, and gun owner and so is the Chief. Yeah, I know how to use google too).
Unfortunately my self-esteem is not attached to what you think of me or my profession. I would still leave my meal on the table to help you if you called.
"Your comment above just proves that YOU know absolutly nothing about me, about who I am, why I think the way I do, why I am outspoken on things, etc. I realize that you don't care to know this information about me, and that's fine, but until you know someone, and what may motivate them to be, you have no call to make comments about them like you did re:"exposing" them. My life is an open book to those that matter, both in my personal and business life."
ReplyDeleteAre you kidding Ainsworth? Read your words again and then think about what we have been telling you all along about what you say about Coach! That is about as hypocritical as it gets, and you don't get it.
As far as your video "getting under our skins" let me be candid with was awesome! We love the fact that you put it out there! I will promote it! You made yourself the TTA "rid the world of the mlm" spokesperson and we appreciate you took that banner! What you don't realize is that it was foolish and it helps us! It was uneducated opinion with no facts! We have the people that make us look bad and now the TTA's have theirs!
See, the difference between what I said, and what coach and the rest of you say about coach, is that ya'll put him up on this pedestal as being above reproach. I've never done that. I know I have my faults. According to you and others, and the man himself, coach is damn near infallable, and does no wrong and can do no wrong.
ReplyDeleteJust how did I make myself the "rid the world of mlm" spokesperson? There have been others before me, and will be others after, so if YOU feel the need to make that proclamation, go right ahead. You're the only one. I think YOUR opinion is uneducated and is foolish, but I certainly know you are no spokesperson, and you certainly don't help out your cause.
Anyway, like I told mix, you're getting boring. You keep spewing the same insults over and over again, and it's time for you to call Wood River and tell them they need to rotate you out and rotate in some new zealots with a new script. Basically, my reaction to you, and the reaction of others to you is now......YAWN, HIM AGAIN!?!?!?
Ainsworth....Just keep posting and making videos. We appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteI will call your attention to the post yesterday where I state "Mix - I usually appreciate what you say. I do have to say that the comment where I call Mix on doing just that...... ""And one who would shrink in the presense of Coach Tomer."
is really putting Coach on too much of a pedastal, in my opinion. Coach IS a man of high integrity and has more integrity than all the anti-YTB people put together but he is still a man."
Again just keep posting and making videos.
FM -
ReplyDeleteAs you know, I explained what I meant about "shrink" regarding Ainsworth.
Don't worry about him.
He's in a midlife crisis and thinks he has found his calling in life . . .
To save poor souls from the dastardly YTB.
His ignorance has been on display with his numerous posts.
Now he validated himself on YouTube for all to see.
He is anti-YTB and anti-MLM.
And he created a great promotional piece for all of us in YTB.
Anyone who wants to know how the WTAs feel about YTB's place in the travel industry can now see . . .
Ainsworth in living color.
I showed it to a real estate agent (who, by the way just joined our Team in YTB) and he just shook his head.
He said this guy need to get a life.
Well said.
Mix--I am pretty sure Ainsworth stated very clearly that it was HIS opinion. SO how you get he is the "spokesperson" is beyond me. But you seem to be a bright fellow--not 100 watt but a solid 40 watt--because you did pick up that he is anti MLM and YTB. What were the clues you picked up on?
ReplyDeleteYou really cannot talk about videos. When you were showing this to your latest victim/sucker/recruit did you also show him some of the YTB ones? Maybe you did not show him the whole truth eh?
I might see if we can do a best of YTB post and put them up against Ainsworth. Rufus and his boogers, the yes, yes, yes Ryan Stallings, and of course Earl the escort hunting internet pioneer from down on the farm. I wonder if some of those early video stars are even still with YTB. I mean they were so sure of the millions they were to be making.
John- Post them thar videos of YTB's equal of Ainsworth's video! (He's comparing you to Rufus Ainsworth.......)
ReplyDeleteThanks for giving us Rufus Ainsworth.
By the way, my latest recruit is a successful owner of a Remax Agency.
Not the "latest victim/sucker/recruit" that you like to portray.
Intelligent business people realize that, as a home business with all of the tax advantages available, YTB is an excellent choice.
Your rambling anti-YTB opinions would not phase them.
They realize that you have an ax to grind against YTB.
You are tied to the "old" . . .
And we are tied to the "new".
Well as a realtor, that person ought to have all the tax write offs he needs.
ReplyDeleteNext time you see him ask him how he feels about "Help U Sell" and explain that YTB is the "Help U Sell" of the travel world!
And at this point he is a recruit. In short time he no doubt will realize that he too was a victim and a sucker!
Oh, how you wish, John.
ReplyDeleteWe have over 60 realtors on our Team (of over 400)as one of my top Power Team producer owns a real estate company.
Add to that 9 CPAs on our Team.
These business people can quickly see where you and your WTA buddies are coming from.
You don't like how we have rained on your traditional parade.
And they are happy to pay their $49.95 per month.
Speaking of realtors in YTB . . .
Here's a very successful one in Atlanta who is also a Director in YTB.
She could teach you and your WTAs a few things about business and YTB.
Here is the bio of a very successful TTA. He does not call himself a "doctor" like your Realtor does (or Seligman for that matter). But this TTA has far more credentials than anyone in YTB, no make that EVERYONE in YTB. And to boot, his stock is trading at $15.36 higher than YTB and his company has a market cap of $4.57 BILLION as opposed to $66 million
ReplyDeleteBut mark my words again, that these successful people will ultimately see the light and realize it is a scam. But the sad thing is that (like most of the failures in YTB) that they likely will be too embarrassed to admit that they signed up with a scam and were taken for X dollars. I have said it before, reporting failure in YTB is similar to reporting rape. The victim is typically more embarrassed and ashamed so they don't say anything.
But as you have said, 85% of the people fail and that is exactly what Coach is counting on so he can keep the pyramid alive till Jerry Brown succeeds in shutting them down
"But mark my words again, that these successful people will ultimately see the light and realize it is a scam."
ReplyDeleteLinda has been part of YTB for two years.
And you are bold enough to think that YOU know more about YTB than she does?
She is a Director and very pleased with her YTB business.
"But as you have said, 85% of the people fail and that is exactly what Coach is counting on so he can keep the pyramid alive till Jerry Brown succeeds in shutting them down."
I am glad that you believe.
Mix - I don't think the TTA's are part of the "old". I don't ever see their way of booking travel going away for good. I would not be surprised to see the numbers dwindle, but never truly go away. There is definitely a need they can and will fulfill.
ReplyDeleteJust like in the fire service. We fight less and less fires than we used to due to better fire prevention programs. Because of that we had to find other ways to justify our services so we took on medical training, technical rescue (like water rescue, rope rescue, hazardous materials, atuo extrication, etc). Perhaps as the TTA numbers dwindle they will become more and more diverse. Maybe not. Heck, I don't know.
You know, a company back in the 80's called A.L. Williams was told they weren't "professioanl enough" and "didn't know what they were doing" and weren't "real insurance agents". They were also shut down by attorney generals in several states. They went on to become the #1 seller of their product too! Excel communications in the 90's.....same thing. Shut down in 4 states and still became #4. John made the comment once "will history repeat itself?" I hope so!
What the anti-YTB folks don't realize is that they are actually helping us. It does bring to light some things we need to work on and it strengthens our resolve. I believe they are actually shooting themselves in the foot.
Do TA's that book only corporate travel get the same perks as the liesure travel agents?
Basically by the "old" I mean doing business as usual. Not wanting a company with new ideas to come in.
ReplyDeleteYour A.L. Williams example is quite true.
The old guard life insurance agents had a hard time accepting the new way of doing things.
Yes, there will always be traditional travel agents.
And just like the traditional life insurance agents, they are all worked up about someone coming in with a new business model.
It stems from experience in the industry, but is coupled with arrogance.
The same happened back in the 80's and early 90's.
And the same arrogance is certainly on display in 2008 (ie Rufus Ainsworth)
Mix you really have 0 comprehension skills. We have nothing against new travel companies with new ideas. Problem with YTB is they are making the MAJORITY of their money recruiting a down line and not selling travel.
ReplyDeleteYTB violated IATA's terms, CA SOT Laws, has a poor rating with the BBB and is involved in 2 class action and 1 federal lawsuits. Let's not forget the Cease and Desist order of Meridian Bank for questionable loans to Coach and the gang. Does this sound like a new and innovative company or a scam? If you think it is a new and innovative company then you really are screwed up.