Friday, September 19, 2008

CRTA Versus First Class

Lately on this blog and on different forums there has been some discussion and disagreement on the CRTA Class.  Way back in 2007, when I said that the YTB meeting I attended had nothing to do with travel, I was told by Doug and others that in order to learn about the travel end I needed to go to the CRTA class.  I was told this was the place where YTB trained the RTAs and "certified" them which enabled them to receive their YTB Identification Card.

I went. Another TTA went, and as expected, not too much about travel. A lot about recruiting.

Now it seems that YTB has reacted again (sensing a theme here with the reactionary corrections) to criticism that it was not about travel and renamed it First Class Training.  I am sure that gets them off the hook in some sense.

But unless the class has changed content (and I hear it has not changed considerably), it most definitely is NOT about travel training.  I quote from the RTA Certification Class manual:

Learn to
  • Make money selling travel
  • Save money on your taxes
  • Travel the world as an insider
  • Earn money by building a REP sales team

Now of the 64 pages in this manual, 10 pages were remotely devoted to travel. Most of them were simply rehashing the program--if your mother buys travel who is she going to buy from.... and of course the travel like an insider.  The remaining 54 pages were about recruiting,

So there is no way to tell me this is travel training. At the meeting I attended, CLIA applications were handed out and the attendees were told to fill them out and simply send them back to HQ with a check. There was no mention of any testing at all--maybe it was required or maybe (as I had heard) they had a special deal with CLIA.

So, what is so different at First Class?



  1. Where can I get a list of where the "first class" trainings will be held, because if there is one in my area, I certainly will attend, with a tape recorder to get it all down what they're REALLY teaching, and so that there is an audio recording of it so that they ytb freaks can't say that we are getting it wrong.

  2. Scroll almost to the bottom of this link.

    First Class Trainings>

  3. Well, I have a feeling the one for tomorrow in Houston is cancelled.

    Anyhootie, none in my area as of right now. Houston would have been the closest one, but since I'll be on my way to MCO, I guess I'm going to have to wait. Damn.

    BTW, thanks for the link John.

  4. And maybe, just maybe, Ainsworth you might get to see Coach! That way you don't have to go out of your way to tell him just how bad you think he is. This would be great for you since you chickened out when someone set up the meeting for you! Being such a driving force in the travel industry you feel you are I am sure it's glad you are on the beat to show them rascally RTA's just how insignificant they are compared to you. And someday! Someday you will get to prove to everyone just how much better of a person you are than any YTB affiliate and Coach! (That's if they haven't already gathered that from your postings here).

  5. Um, FireMedic, do you have any idea as to what I said, or to what is going on in the world? The closest meeting to me would have been the one in Houston, tomorrow. Aside from the fact that tomorrow I will be on the road all day on my way to Orlando, the city of Houston is CLOSED. They had a massivly devastating hurricane last week. Majority of the city has no power, water, basic necessities of life. That meeting is NOT going to happen.

    Now, what the hell are you talking about?

  6. I guess we are to assume - since none of the YTB posters has offered up a curriculum that is different than what JOhn posted from the CRTA training - that this new incarnation is the same "training" with just a different name.

    Wonder if Marc Manicin weighed in on this one?

  7. Ainsworth, I was talking about your willingness to get the skinny on the training. I wasn't talking about Houston. Sorry that was hard to figure out what I was referring to.

  8. Gotcha now, FireMedic, except your still mistaken on the "chicken out" thing. I didn't chicken out, but as I stated, I already had plans for the dates you selected. You should have checked with me first before commiting me to something! That's what a GOOD travel agent would have done with a client, made sure their dates were clear before booking them on that fantastic cruise. Anyway, hang around, and you might be suprised by what you see and hear.

  9. do we have to RSVP? pay anything? or just show up?

  10. "The First Class presentation, taught by YTB Directors, teaches you how to maximize your travel and marketing websites and provides you with the foundation you need to take your business to the next level."

    "The training formerly known as CRTA (or RTA Certification) is now known as YTB "First Class!" We are proud to make this change effective immediately. It represents a change to the name and some course content only, providing updates and an enhanced Powerpoint presentation that has been developed over the past few months. This does not change the way YTB Reps or RTAs conduct business. If you have previously attended a CRTA training, you are welcome to attend a First Class session,
    however the content has not significantly changed."

    "Directors will be teaching your YTB "First Class" courses - these field leaders will share the knowledge and experience they have gained on their way to outstanding YTB success."

    As I said before, Directors don't become Directors by selling travel.

    So now not only will the second half of the day be all about recruiting, but the first half too. I think my head will explode. Who will go with me to clean up the mess?
