This one is a Maryland RTA that is looking for people to join her downline (I thought RTAs sold travel and Reps sold downlines...) but apparently she does not understand the deal and claims that you earn 60% commission (not 60% OF the commission) and further explains that she gets an additional 50% commission off of the sales of her team. In the words of Old Score Keeper (who apparently has dropped out of YTB) TTA-1 YTB-0
Monday, September 29, 2008
Video Week With YTB
Last week one of our commenters made a video on YouTube regarding his opinion of YTB and their management. Firemedic has been ranting ever since that it shows the "professionalism" of the traditional travel agent. He claims that it even benefits YTB because (he alluded) they would never do anything like that. You can go back in this blog to find many examples, but this week, I am highlighting some new videos.
This one is a Maryland RTA that is looking for people to join her downline (I thought RTAs sold travel and Reps sold downlines...) but apparently she does not understand the deal and claims that you earn 60% commission (not 60% OF the commission) and further explains that she gets an additional 50% commission off of the sales of her team. In the words of Old Score Keeper (who apparently has dropped out of YTB) TTA-1 YTB-0
This one is a Maryland RTA that is looking for people to join her downline (I thought RTAs sold travel and Reps sold downlines...) but apparently she does not understand the deal and claims that you earn 60% commission (not 60% OF the commission) and further explains that she gets an additional 50% commission off of the sales of her team. In the words of Old Score Keeper (who apparently has dropped out of YTB) TTA-1 YTB-0
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This is great and also very interesting post,thank you very much.
ReplyDeletetravel and vacation
Ladies and Gentleman, As I said last week (and yes I too encourage you to go back and read my posts) that YTB has their unprofessionals too. This week John is going to post YTB's equivalents to Ainsworth. Ainsworth made himself a soldier in the fight to "rid the world of the travel mlm's" and made a video.
ReplyDeleteAgain, these videos this week that John finds, are YTB's Ainsworth videos.
The difference is Ainsworth spoke the truth. This person is lying.
ReplyDeleteFiremedic---perhaps you ought to wait until Thursday and Friday before you make blanket statements like that.
ReplyDeleteYour disdain for Ainsworth is noted, but we are featuring none other than Bill Hoffman and the one and only Coach Tomer later in the week. Not sure they appreciate you calling them "Ainsworths"
If anyone notices the deleted post by a "Larry", apparently that is old Mix himself....he must have forgotten which name he was using. But here is the original message....note the spacing!
ReplyDeleteLarry has left a new comment on your post "Video Week WIth YTB":
As Robert Ebert (John Frenaye) brings us his lineup this week . . .
We are so thankful that we have Ainsworth, aka SUCK YOU BITCHES, to present the other side.
I occasionally have someone ask me what TTAs think of YTB.
I can put them in contact with a number of TTAs who are now part of YTB.
But if I need to show them the angst felt by other TTAs because of YTB, I can now show them Ainworth.
He did YTB a public service and shows the feelings of the WTA (whining travel agent)class.
We only need ONE . . .
And we have Ainsworth.
We have no problem with you posting stuff with Coach or Bill Hoffman. They definitely won't compare anything to Ainsworth. That is unless (and I know you have a knack for it being the tabloid specialist portray) you take bits and pieces and post them out of context, but I guess I can wait and see.
ReplyDeleteI too use Ainsworth's video. Just this weekend I pointed it out to a CPA. He shook his head. I will also use the videos, like the one you posted today, to show new people what not to do. Thanks for finding the videos that I can't seem to find on YouTube.
"Your disdain for Ainsworth is noted, but we are featuring none other than Bill Hoffman and the one and only Coach Tomer later in the week. Not sure they appreciate you calling them "Ainsworths""
ReplyDeleteIs being called an "Ainsworth" a bad thing John? Seems you too think being called "Ainsworth" is less than admirable. At least Ainsworth knows how you really feel about him.
Like I said before, I actually do have respect for Ainsworth for putting his butt on the line (though it was a chicken exit).
ReplyDeleteI saw the post this morning from Mix, I mean Larry. I guess he let the cat out of the bag. Talk about not thinking. So, Larry now that we know your first name, tell me why oh why you deleted that post? Oh the spaces and the endless ramblings gave you away.
Oops, pasted incorrectly!
ReplyDeleteFiremedic, FireMedic, FireMedic….I have already told you umpteen time from Sunday why I am not in Wood River today, that I already had plans for this week. Plans that were made months ago. I guess I’ll have to tell you again, since it doesn’t seem to be sinking through your thick skull. I have houseguests from Wisconsin here, people that I have not seen since my mother-in-law’s funeral in July of last year, and I’m not about to miss out on seeing them, nor ask them to change their plans. See, what you’re not understanding is, the world doesn’t revolve around you and your timetable, and while yes, I did say “set it up” in referring in a “meeting” between me and coach, any person with any sense knows that you have to make sure that you set up such a meeting at a mutually agreeable time. Of course, I also have my doubts as to whether you got on the phone and called Wood River and had coach clear his calendar for that day, so don’t know why you would expect me to do so.
I’m also surprised that you thank John for “finding” the video’s on YouTube that you can’t seem to find. All you have to do is type “ytb” into the search box, and look at every other video that comes up. I mean, here’s one right here that took me all of 2 minutes to find….. Make sure you take a look at the date it was posted on, and then listen where he talks about being on a Royal Caribbean ship. Also note at the very beginning where it states “get paid to travel”. Also, listen to the lyrics of the music in this video. Not the greatest of choices!
And, I have to call BS on you saying you have respect for me. Personally, I don’t care if you do or not, because trust me, you haven’t earned much respect from me with the way you talk about people, especially me. If you haven’t figured it out yet, I frankly don’t really care what anyone thinks about me, least of all people affiliated with ytb. Look at it this way, I’ve lived nicely for 45 years without you, and I can certainly do it again, with ease.
I also like the fact that you showed my video to a CPA this weekend. Hmmmm. Where have I heard that before? Oh, yeah! Larry (mix) already used that line. I told you guys to call Wood River and tell them that it was time to rotate you out and bring in some new people with new scripts. Yes, yes, I know, you both met with CPA’s (wink, wink). Isn’t it just amazing, though, that you worded it exactly the same way?
Now, let’s lay this name calling to rest, shall we? You like to call me chicken for not meeting with the crotch, er coach, on your schedule. Well, as explained, the world doesn’t revolve around your schedule, so is it truly being “chicken” to not disrupt one’s life for you? How about the many times it has been asked of ytb people to show that a viable living can be made from selling nothing but travel with ytb, and yet no one will? Can’t that be called “chicken”?
Anyway, to set this all to rest, once and for all, I looked at my schedule, and I will be in MSY on October 28. Have coach meet me at CafĂ© Du Monde at 11:00a.m. and we can have our “talk”. He can even do it as a one day trip, as AA has a flight that departs STL at 8:10a.m. and arrives in MSY at 10:00a.m., and then he can return on an AA flight that departs MSY at 3:35p.m. and arrives back into STL at 5:25p.m. I’m sure for such a short jaunt he won’t want to waste the money using the company jet, what with the cost of jet A these days.
Now, I know you won’t have an answer right away, as you’ll have to make phone calls to head office to set everything up, so I’ll be checking back periodically. I’m off now to enjoy my company.
Ainsworth, Ainsworth, Ainsworth......(again shaking my head). No one ever called you a "chicken". Go back and reread it. I said you used a "chicken exit". You know what a "chicken exit" is? You know, that gate you can take right before you get on a roller coaster but chicken out at the last minute? They call that the "chicken exit". A chicken exit is like an excuse. Kind of like your YouTube video.
ReplyDeleteOh, and now you want Coach to come to meet you? LOL. What a joke. Remember, this meeting is for YOU, not him. It was so you could get all that nasty off your chest about him. Oh, but like welfare, you want someone else to take care of you,and buy your flights. Heck, you were going to get a free meal with it! Again, I will get you in with him any Red Carpet Day. You can even see the rest of the company that day too and pick apart whatever you want. As a matter of fact, you can meet EVERYONE that day. All the "waste of skin" you want!
Ainsworth, I don't have a problem dropping it. I told you that a long time ago. Problem is when you make your "put up or shut up" rants, you quickly forget about your chicken exit. You drop it and it's dropped.
As far as "talking bad about people"? Are you serious? You call people "idiots" "dolts" "criminals" "wastes of skin" "moron" "bitches"..... on here and you have the hypocritical audacity to say you don't like it when someone calls you on your actions? Dude. You really don't get it and I am starting to feel bad like I am picking on you.
Read back and you will find that Mix met with a Realtor. Not a CPA.
P.S. Did it take a "real" travel agent to find those flight times? And if one was to book it does it take a "real" travel professional to book it, like your video said? Oh, and by the way, Coaches calendar is cleared that day or any other Red Carpet day to meet people whether they like him or not.
Hey John, If YTB was to start paying 100% of the commissions paid to the RTA, would that make it a more "legitimate" host agency? Just curious.
ReplyDeleteYTB will not be considered a 'legitimate' host until travel commissions are significantly higher than recruiting payment. Period.
ReplyDeleteStill clueless as usual. It has nothing to do with commissions. YTB makes most of their money off recruitment. They use travel as a cover. THAT is the problem. Not the commissions. You have been told this time and time again. If they paid 150% commissions they wouldn't even touch the recruitment money. Its all about recruiting, nothing to do with travel. Hoe many times do we have to tell the zombies this?
YTB will not be a legitimate host until they drop the recruiting and get rid of the current management.
ReplyDeleteFiremedic, YOU are the one that still doesn't get it. YOU popped out a date that I already had plans for. What, I'm supposed to drop everything in my life to go to some meeting (which really isn't a meeting, if it's going to be on a red carpet day)? Just like you, I make plans in advance, and I'm not going to change my plans on the whim of some low life like you. Sorry if you don't get that concept. I offered you an alternate date, now, why can't you make it happen?
ReplyDeleteAs I have also stated time and again, it's no skin off my nose if I ever tell coach what I think of him. I'm sure he doesn't really care. Don't think all of this is about me, or coach. You have turned it into something all about YOU, FireMedic. I have nothing on my chest to get off, but you sure do seem to have a large chip on your shoulder.
Anyway, I stated an opinion, and it seems to have gotten under the skin of you and your friends. Otherwise, you wouldn't STILL be talking about it. YOU were the first person to bring up my name today, no one else. Someone seems obsessed.
I never stated anywhere that I don't like it when someone calls me on something. If you will re-read and COMPREHEND (I know it's difficult for you, but do your best) that I stated I don't really care! People can say anything they want about me, and it in no way effects me and my life. I find it comical that you feel the need to spend so much time on 1 person. And for the record, I never called a single person a "bitch". Show me where I did. I said "suck it bitches", which is basically another way of saying "fu*k off".
Basically, FireMedic, you're tired. You're wore out, just like Proud got wore out, just like Ole got wore out, just like EAB got wore out, etc. It really is time for Wood River to replace you. Next time you want to talk about someone taking the "chicken exit" route, go look in the mirror and remember that I'm saying this to you.....what is your REAL name and e-mail address. Remember that I gave you a time and place that I will be so that you can set up a one on one meeting (that YOU so desperatly want to take place) between me and coach. Now, be gone, as you are dismissed.
Eddie - so when McDonald's sells a franchise they make a few million bucks. Are they still a "legitimate" seller of burgers even though they are not as good as the one's at the local diner? I mean, they make tons of money off of recruiting new franchisees.
ReplyDeleteOh my, do all you YTBers read from a script or something? It's always the same crap out of your mouths. Nothing new, no defense. Hey where is the likeness to Microsoft, I want to hear that one again for the 100th time.
ReplyDeleteYTB isn't selling franchises. Yet.
ReplyDeleteAinsworth, I am starting to feel like a bully picking on a handicap kid and feeling bad about it. So who's getting worked up here? You are right, I should leave you alone. But it's so hard when you keep spouting off nonsense. What to do?
ReplyDeleteWonder where Larry went???
ReplyDeleteI think he's either out looking at McDonalds franchises or trying to get a job with Microsoft.
ReplyDeleteYea Firmedic you are a bully and an ass too. Why don't you just leave. No one here listens to you or respects your opinion. Period. Leave now.
ReplyDeleteBut, AT - he has nothing else to do but defend YTB or buy Batman figures since he lost his real job. Please let him stay!
ReplyDeleteFiremedic said, "when McDonald's sells a franchise they make a few million bucks. Are they still a "legitimate" seller of burgers even though they are not as good as the one's at the local diner? I mean, they make tons of money off of recruiting new franchisees."
ReplyDeleteThere is a difference in the operation here. McDonald's sells the franchises. They get the franchise fee. They impose strict control over the franchisee's. The franchisee's cannot in turn sell additional franchises to build a downline. The focus for the franchisee is to sell hamburgers and other menu items to make a profit. That is not the YTB or any other MLM model. That model is to sell as many additional franchises or memberships in order to get the recruitment bonuses. The focus is not on selling travel or hamburgers or anything else. That is ancillary to the business of selling additional memberships and is there only to keep things legal with respect to pyramid laws.
When the MLM travel companies drop the MLM recruitment bonuses and make their money from selling travel, then and only then they will have a shot at being considered a legitimate host agency. If they want to keep an override based on travel sales for those recruited, I don't have a problem with that. After all, it will be based on selling travel, not on selling travel stores (i.e. recruiting).
Steve, as much as you don't like it I don't think it is going to matter whether you like the building of a network and being compensated for that or not. In the 80's the same was said for A.L. Williams with selling insurance. They were told they couldn't do it, they were not "legitimate" and never would be, they were shut down in Georgia, had tons of bad press, but went on to become the #1 seller in the country. They didn't care what others said couldn't be done and as a matter of fact, just like now, it drove their resolve. The people with A.L. Williams that persevered, ALL prospered. A.L. Williams is still around today as Primerica, and they still have their naysayers.
ReplyDeleteDarn, I can't see YouTube while at work, and now that I'm home, the video has been pulled.
ReplyDeleteAsk any legitimate insurance agent who worked their butts off what they think of AL Williams, same with Primerica. Both bottom feeders like YTB.
ReplyDeleteIt's possible to run an MLM, not pay bonuses on recruiting fees, and be respected. But those are non-travel MLMs, and their focus is 100% on seling their PRODUCT. Payments on the downline are based on the downline's PRODUCT sales, not on sign up fees, period. But then again those MLMs control the product, control manufacturing, and control pricing. So they can succeed and their independent sellers can succeed, and recruiting fee bonuses aren't needed.
ReplyDeleteCan't say that about travel. Travel MLMs focus too much on the recruitment and too little on the product. Because they don't control the product they sell and don't control the pricing (so they don't control how much they can or cannot pay their independent contractors).