I just had a long conversation with Regina Osei and to be honest, there was nothing resolved and there still is a divide between the two sides. I think we both agree on this.
We discussed the industry, YTB, and of course my post about her blog entry and the infamous photo which seems to be turning into the Lewinsky "blue dress" of 2008.
I do want to apologize for taking such a harsh stand and calling her a liar. As it turns out, she may have been unknowingly passed along misinformation she received from a third party.
In an effort to confirm the veracity of her post, she told me that she has contacted YTB and they verified only that ADI was a vendor. When asked about an acquisition, they said she would have to contact whomever told her that for verification. She is currently waiting on a response from Jeannie Sharples. If YTB acquired them, I am not sure why they are deflecting the verification to a Director. I suspect that this entire thing was misinformation passed along the line!
Regardless, I do personally apologize for the name calling and appreciate the time that Regina took to speak with me this evening. Who knows, maybe with some time there might be some common ground. Hopefully we have our crossed emails straightened out!
JF said, "Who knows, maybe with some time there might be some common ground."
ReplyDeleteJust as with the Doug? Watch out Regina, there is no common ground with JF. He is looking to shut your business down HARD!!!
You know what, I trust God for my business. HE is truly the only one who can build it and the only one who can shut it down. But I'm glad I called John. It gave me a chance to at least try to understand where he is coming from. He's right. We're still on opposite sides of the fence, but as I told him, I honestly do not see why TTAs and RTAs cannot work together amicably, supporting each other's respective businesses and respecting one another. Not only is the pie big enough for all of us to enjoy a share, but I honestly don't want to solely focus on being a 100% travel agent. I enjoy booking a few group cruises or destination weddings a year and working the network marketing side of my business. It is very intriguing and has so many positive sides to it. Like Gail said, I do hope we can all get along. Doug is a GREAT GUY and I'm sure that deep down, John is too. Let's all try. Apology accepted, John. I appreciate you for giving it.
What is the deal with combining God and YTB? I just don't get it. I think Jim Jones did something similar.
ReplyDeleteIs God in your downline? Does he pay you $500 and $50 a month? Does he have a PHD? Own a Jet?
ReplyDeleteI'm sensing that there are no Christian TTA's and/or all TTA's are athiest/agnostic. It seems any time someone on the YTB side makes a mention of God or their faith, they are lambasted and ridiculed. I have not seen any comments from TTAs who are not ashamed of their faith.
ReplyDeleteNo, I'm Roman Catholic. However, my religion has nothing to do with my career, nor do I think god runs my business. Thats in your hands. Religion is a personal thing, it doesn't have to be shoved down everyones throats. Each religion has its own beliefs..forcing your opinion on others or bringing it into a conversation that has nothing to do with religion is wrong. As is assuming that just because we don't preach to each other or praise jesus for everything in life that we are agnostic, athiest or anything.
ReplyDeleteI'm Jewish and while I believe G-d has quite a bit to do with my life, it's more that G-d gave me the ability to succeed - whether I do is up to what I make of those abilities. G-d is not involved in whether my business makes it.
ReplyDeleteEddie professes to be a Christian. I agree with Regina, Christ is in charge of every detail of the universe even your success and failure. If you want to find a reference to it in the New Testament, look up Colossians 1:17-18 and Revelation 3:7.
ReplyDeleteSo that explains the waiting around not working and letting Christ pay your bills since hes in charge. Let me know how that works out for ya
ReplyDeleteThe Business & Travel Blog said...
ReplyDeleteNot only is the pie big enough for all of us to enjoy a share, but I honestly don't want to solely focus on being a 100% travel agent. I enjoy booking a few group cruises or destination weddings a year and working the network marketing side of my business.
Just by the virtue of this sentence, you have no right to call yourself a travel agent, nor collect on the benefits allowed to us by suppliers, and neither does anyone else who thinks the same way!
I became an Ordained Minister on the internet so I could ensure my place in the afterlife, but I don't do much with it except to do an occasional wedding now and then - for a fee, of course.
ReplyDelete*wink wink*
I've decided not to be a Christain any more. I'm a Buddhist now.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Johnny Trash, and I have a song for you.
I don't want to spend another day;
Pointing fingers while im placing blame.
I'm no angel, imperfect myself;
'Cause baby I am only human.
And I don't want to put it all on you;
I can admit I did some painful things it's true.
And i'm sorry for them, I'm making amends;
For always thinking I was innocent.
Starting today, I'm gonna change
don't wanna make the same mistakes.
'Cause I can see a new horizon;
the ice around my heart is melting.
And the hurt i feel is slowly dying;
Now I'm no longer crying.
The bridge we burnt is being built again;
It's leading to a new beginning.
And it may never be the way it was;
And that's because i'm talking about.
I wish we could take back the things we said;
'Cause what we said is not always what we meant.
We lost our heads in the moment;
And the words we used them like a weapon.
But no one thinks that we will walk away;
And we hate being the people we became.
I wonder bout that; We're better than that.
And I still cherish all the things we had.
Starting today, I'm gonna change
don't wanna make the same mistakes.
If everybody could forgive and forget; (just forget)
Think of all the time that we could spend being friends.
Think about all the lives we could change;
And all the love we could make.
And maybe how the world would be a better place;
In the end.
Starting today;
I hope that we will change.
And not make the same mistakes.
Do you know that
I can see a new horizon?
The ice around my heart is melting;
And the hurt I feel is slowly dying.
Now i'm no no no
The bridge we burnt is being built again;
It's leading to a new beginning.
And it may never be the way it was;
And that's because I'm talking about.
If everyone could just forgive;
The world would be a much better place.
ReplyDeleteHere is a blog about apologies and forgiveness, and rather than celebrating a reconciliation between 2 professionals, which I thought was very admirable, you people start picking on the fact that Regina believes in God and His guidance in her business!
You people are so desperate its ridiculous.
Personally I have always prayed about everyting I did in life. School, marriage, what career to go into, what job to take and YES how to make extra money which led me to YTB. Of course as the Bible says "Faith without works is dead".
I've been writing about it in my blog. You got to work your business. I believe that my Faith in God plus the sweat equity I put into it will yeild and has yielded a positive financial return. Yes and that includes booking travel.
ReplyDeleteWhile I do believe it was a good jesture on both parts to make amends, don't start calling people desperate & ridiculous. One of your own kind made the nasty comment of "I'm sensing that there are no Christian TTA's and/or all TTA's are athiest/agnostic", which is what majority responded to.
Do I believe in God, yes. Do I have a religion...yes. Is it anyones business..NO! Everyone has their own "private" thoughts/feelings, and I believe religion should be kept private. Everyone is different, see's things a different way, be-it Christian, Catholic, Hebrew, Muslim, Wiccan or whatever they so chose. As I stated, it does not need to be preached on a blog that has NOTHING to do with religion at all. Nor is calling anyone an athiest or agnostic because we don't talk of it or quote bible scriptures.
eddie said...
ReplyDeleteI've decided not to be a Christain any more. I'm a Buddhist now.
I thought you were genuine. You fooled me. But you won't get away with it.
Buddha and Allah are not the same god as the genuine God. Buddha is a false god made with human hands.
Read about it in Jeremiah 10:6-11.
ReplyDeleteOf course, you have the right to believe and speak as you want to. It is your choice to divorce the rest of your life from your faith. As it is my right to intricately weave my faith, my love for the Lord and my belief system into all that I do and say. As Gail said, my faith is a part of ever aspect of my life. I could no more divorce myself from it than I could from my child. And yes, God is not only a part of my business, but God is the director, chief and head of my business and my personal life. I have the right to speak about Him and my devotion to him anyplace and at anytime that I desire. I am not ashamed of him. To me it is not merely a private affair. In a society where gays and lesbians, athiests and agnostics, liars, murderers, adulterers, porno stars, thieves and you name it feel completely at home flaunting what they do and how they do it... broadcasting it in parades, in books and on national television, NO ONE has the right to tell me to be silent about God, my faith in God, my love for God or anything else related to HIM. I think it is utterly ridiculous for anyone to make that kind of statement when everybody else -- people living all kinds of lifestyles that are blatantly offensive to me, are comfortable waving their flags and shouting to the world... sometimes in the most perverse language possible... their beliefs. So don't tell me that I'm wrong. I'm right. And if you don't want to hear it, you can do what I do... you can simply turn me off, stop reading what I write or do whatever makes you feel better, but you will never, ever stop me from being me. That is who I am. Christ embodies me and I am overjoyed to let him shine through me in any ways that he chooses. And if it is through my simply praising God through my words... so be it.
TraveLisa you are offended by my mention of how I depend on God for my business, yet you are not offended by the half naked women in the ads on this blog????????????
ReplyDeleteMy religion will NEVER be private!
Naked women??? Where?? How did I miss that?? Does he have a $49.95 per month membership section?
ReplyDeleteI'm with Lisa on this one. I have a very good friend who all she does is "thank the Lord" this and "thank the Lord" that and frankly, I wonder, is that all she has to say about her day to day life. No substance in her conversation anymore and she has gotten rather boring and I feel as though she's trying to cram her thoughts and beliefs down my throat.
ReplyDeleteSo let's see....can we change this topic to politics. It's so much more relevant these days. ;-)
and I have to add.....she's even left her daughter behind, moved to another state, all because "she prayed and prayed about it" and "the Lord guided her"!! Puleeze.......can't you people ever make decisions for yourself. Makes no sense to me and I'm doing just fine. Lisa, is it because we're both Catholic? I'm a good girl, how bout you? :-)
ReplyDeleteGood Catholic girls are not that much fun. Better to be a bad Catholic girl---I'm just sayin'
ReplyDeleteI am not telling you not to preach Gail or Regina, do as you so please. It does not need to be done on this blog. The last time I checked this blog was about travel, unless you've travelled to heaven and back, its not really relavant.
ReplyDeleteWhat I am offended by is the constant force of your religion being stuffed down our throats. I do not feel the need speak of it to everyone on a daily basis. AGAIN. Its a private thing and should stay that way.
Regina as for all the "sinners" who flaunt their lives and you keep quiet about it. Good for you. I'm friends with a good majority of those people, and as much as they "flaunt" what they are..they don't do so on this forum last time I checked.
Sarah -- LOL
ReplyDeleteNo comment :)
TravelLisa said...
ReplyDeleteSarah -- LOL
No comment :)
There you go---I always figured you for a bad Catholic girl! LOL Got plans for Friday night! LOL
ReplyDeleteI too had a friend who family were extreme holy rollers..and I have reasons why I choose not to hear their nonsense. My best friend was pregnant thru NO MEANS OF CHOICE and decided to abort. Her parents wouldn't have it..no way no how. Even though the doctors told her she was to ill to give birth (she had cancer). She died in childbirth. Too stubborn to see the bigger picture, for a child of a rapist..only to lose the one you love instead.
Save your comments, I do not want to hear your explanations, your pity or any sorrow for the above. Just please save the religious talk for another blog.
Hey Travel Lisa, if you can't handle what you are reading here, just click on the red X at the top right of your screen!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteGoodbye! Don't hurry back!
Travel Lisa,
ReplyDeleteLast I read... this isn't your blog. No one asks your permission about putting their comments here. So you have no say so in who writes what. In fact, who made you the moderator? If anybody is out of place or "wrong" as you put it, it's you. If the heat is too hot, I suggest you take Anonymous' advice above, and get out of the kitchen.
Oh, and by the way, be sure you don't visit and read my blog. You really inspired me to write even more about my love for God. Yes! I said it! I love Him. And I'm not ashamed of Him. And guess what... Jesus told his disciples, so I'll tell you... if I don't praise him, even the rocks will cry out his praise. I guess Jesus and they are also unaware of the privacy act that you keep talking about. LOL!
No its not my blog and I'm not the moderator it was simply MY OPINION...like every has. But it has been said on here numerous times BY OTHER POSTERS AS WELL. And Regina for the last time, I don't care that you praise him, thats your choice...go for it. I have alot of religious friends and family AS AM I..just not in everyones face about it, or forcing scriptures down everyones throats. Don't worry I don't read your blog..no need to. As for me leaving this blog..not gonna happen..see because I'm actually a travel agent with 20 years on my belt. I don't believe it should be a hobby, I don't believe in pushing customers to suppliers, and I believe in standards in this industry. Thats why I'm here.
ReplyDeleteHave a blessed day!
We all have our beliefs and we can all get along. Why such fighting and bickering about something not even related to the topic.