Many have squawked about the corporate jet. I have said I feel it is unnecessary and an extravagance, but hey, it is their company and they will ultimately have to answer to their shareholders first--and then Coach can answer to a "higher being".
Others have said the TTAs are "obsessed" with the jet and it's whereabouts. Well, I hate to tell you it is not quite that sinister. As a matter of fact it is quite easy and does not consume any amount of time. A while back someone sent me (and I believe posted in a comment) a link to a service that will allow you to track the jet as it flies across the country to the various recruiting events. If you give them an email address, they will even send you alerts. Brainless really.
When you were little there was Where's Waldo...and now we have Where's Coach!
Wow, A day where John can't even dig up old crap so now we can sit at home or work and track flights all day. Thanks for the daily procrastination tool. It is nice to know heading into a holiday weekend that John has conceded and YTB wins.
ReplyDeleteA day late and a dollar short again. Jeez, John your crack reporting can't even be timely for a silly game.
ReplyDeleteIt is no longer a "trackable" aircraft.
So, either you didn't know this and are just lazy or you did know this and are going to use this as a "coach is being secretive, YTB bash session"
Hmmmm which is it.
YTB Wins? What does YTB win? Respect? No way? Money? Trades are reporting huge loss? Stock prices up? Again, laughable. YTB hasn't won diddly and it is only a matter of time before it self implodes.
ReplyDeleteAs to John's blog post today you idiots don't know tongue in cheek or sarcasm if it smacked you in the face. Just goes to show how stupid you really are.
I know tongue n cheek and sarcasm and my opinion is every single one of JOhn's blog posts for the last several months have provided me with a good laugh.
ReplyDeleteFunny, that you would say about sarcasm as that was entirely the point of saying YTB wins in my earlier post.
The "joke" was that if John wasn't posting something bad about YTB then it must've won.
But, I must simply be one of those idiots that you so kindly referred to me as.
Have a nice day!
Hey anon I got your "point" and you still supid.
ReplyDeleteWow, did the wife turn you down again?
ReplyDeleteYou seem awfully bitter this morning.
OK I'll bite...if this is what was used to "track" the flights, why is it now a secret?
ReplyDeleteIs Coach banging some Brazilian Cabana Boy on one of those Sex Tours and does not want his sheep to know?
"Wow, did the wife turn you down again?
ReplyDeleteYou seem awfully bitter this morning."
You know what anon? That comment was stupid and shows just how immature and classless you people really are.
And, the Cabana comment above is no better.
Let's keep it clean and on-track shall we?
OK, I take back the Cabana Boy--but one does wonder why the plane is now hidden?
ReplyDeleteMaybe he is on the Al-Quaeda hit list and afraid of surface to air portable missiles?
I mean you can track almost any other company's planes. I can even see John Travolta's 727 (I think that is what it is) and you KNOW Vinnie Barbarino is more important than Da Coach!
Maybe the YTB jet is flying to the Heavens to have coffee with Jesus and discuss the recruiting procedures. Maybe even negotiating a bribe so the stock will come back up. It will rise next time they hand out stock bonuses.
ReplyDeleteMost jet ownerships are FRACTIONAL meaning you only have use of the plane some of the time and share it with other owners. It doesn't make sense to buy a plane unless you are a Fortune 500 Company or George Clooney. Ten to one Coach either own a fraction of it or leases it.
ReplyDeleteNo the jet is owned. They bought it from a LLC that is run by two of their Board members (Winfield and Kaiser--one of whom is the banker for YTB. It was an outright purchase for $1.3 Million February and we had a post on it here.
ReplyDeleteThis is kind of funny though. Makes you wonder what they're trying to hide?
ReplyDelete"This flight is not available for tracking per request from the owner/operator"
What an idiotic business decision paying 1.3 million for a jet especially when you are showing losses. As I said above most people lease or buy a fractional ownership it is less expensive when you consider fuel costs, insurance, parking it, crew pay etc.
ReplyDeleteTen to one it is sitting in the hangar because they can't afford to take it out with the high cost of fuel and they don't want anyone to know. Must keep up the illusion all is right in YTB land.
Blocked Aircraft
ReplyDeleteIf you are the owner or operator of an aircraft with a blocked identification that prefers to keep the tail number blocked for privacy reasons but would like to personally be able to use FlightAware to access the aircraft's status and history, FlightAware offers selective unblocking on a per-account basis so that you can maintain complete privacy and anonymity while selectively choosing friends, family, employees, and business associates that you allow to track your aircraft's movements.
It's apparent John is no longer is qualified to track the Lear.
Luanne said...
ReplyDeleteThis is kind of funny though. Makes you wonder what they're trying to hide?
Nothing to hide Luanne. It's just none of your business anymore. Sorry.
"Nothing to hide Luanne. It's just none of your business anymore. Sorry."
ReplyDeleteActually, it is our business given that YTB rips people off....
ReplyDeleteHow often has Coach gone to Dallas?
martha said...
ReplyDeletethe stock will come back up. It will rise next time they hand out stock bonuses.
That's only twice a year.
How often has Coach gone to Dallas?
ReplyDeleteWho cares?
Ole - it's still funny lmao
ReplyDeleteCoach goes to Dallas whenever he is invited or wants to go.
ReplyDeleteSince I've been around YTB, about 2-3 times a year.