So I was doing a little surfing trying to learn more about the much talked about 90 day blitz that was supposed to produce a bumper crop of new YTB millionaires. While I couldn’t find anything new about the 90 day extravaganza, I did learn about a very interesting guy who seems to be making a crapload of money as the latest guru of YTB, Mr. Holton Buggs.
According to his numerous videos, Holton and his lovely wife were down on their luck, only 45 days from foreclosure and a quarter of a million dollars in debt. Miraculously, Holton found YTB and became a director in just 45 days!
In fact, Holton claims that by 2010 his downline will be responsible for 50% of the income that comes into YTB. And for only $29.99, you could be a millionaire just by purchasing Holton’s life changing video, Duplication Nation.
Given the amazing success of Mr. Buggs with YTB, not to mention all the EXTRA cash he is making off his video sales, this left me with a couple of questions.
First, if Holton can make director in just 45 days, then how is it that a super smart guy like Doug hasn’t made it in over 1200 days? Even a guy with a fancy web cam like Earl hasn’t made it yet. Hasn’t he seen Holton’s videos?
Second, Holton’s Cash Cow videos are only $30.00, but there were only 163 directors by the end of 2007. With the majority of YTB’s members making less than a high school dropout who operates the sour cream gun at Taco Bell, why did the Coach blow all that money on a plane for himself rather than buying the video for every single YTB member? Coach could have just “traveled like a travel agent” and got bumped to first class, couldn’t he? Then he could have had enough cash to buy a few thousand of Holton’s videos to share with the members. Oh just picture it now….
But after a bit more research we discovered that this was not the first mlm venture that Holton has been in. In fact, there are multiple internet sites that would indicate that Holton may have in fact been in some other mlms prior to YTB, and was kicked out for some of his questionable business practices.
If you want to jump on the Holton Buggs path to the easy life, you first must agree to the following:
Even weirder, in the “contact us” part of the site, Holton asks if you would be willing to file a complaint with the FTC or AG. (Of course, now that the AG is in YTB, it wouldn’t be too hard to catch up with him to file a complaint, right Crystal?)
Could it be that the man who claims to have helped thousands find financial freedom, and will soon be responsible for over half the income generated by YTB, is headed for the State Penn rather than Penn State?
According to his numerous videos, Holton and his lovely wife were down on their luck, only 45 days from foreclosure and a quarter of a million dollars in debt. Miraculously, Holton found YTB and became a director in just 45 days!
In fact, Holton claims that by 2010 his downline will be responsible for 50% of the income that comes into YTB. And for only $29.99, you could be a millionaire just by purchasing Holton’s life changing video, Duplication Nation.
Given the amazing success of Mr. Buggs with YTB, not to mention all the EXTRA cash he is making off his video sales, this left me with a couple of questions.
First, if Holton can make director in just 45 days, then how is it that a super smart guy like Doug hasn’t made it in over 1200 days? Even a guy with a fancy web cam like Earl hasn’t made it yet. Hasn’t he seen Holton’s videos?
Second, Holton’s Cash Cow videos are only $30.00, but there were only 163 directors by the end of 2007. With the majority of YTB’s members making less than a high school dropout who operates the sour cream gun at Taco Bell, why did the Coach blow all that money on a plane for himself rather than buying the video for every single YTB member? Coach could have just “traveled like a travel agent” and got bumped to first class, couldn’t he? Then he could have had enough cash to buy a few thousand of Holton’s videos to share with the members. Oh just picture it now….
But after a bit more research we discovered that this was not the first mlm venture that Holton has been in. In fact, there are multiple internet sites that would indicate that Holton may have in fact been in some other mlms prior to YTB, and was kicked out for some of his questionable business practices.
If you want to jump on the Holton Buggs path to the easy life, you first must agree to the following:
- In the event that Holton Buggs is harassed by his former company in an attempt to hold him or any 3kmg leader liable for soliciting me, I will be willing to file a complaint with several regulatory agencies and testify in court on Buggs/3k Marketing Group's behalf as it relates to this non-inducement letter.
- In the event that any company tries to restrict my business trade, I will consider participating in a class action litigation suit for compensation due to harm caused to me by deceptive trade practice and harm to my reputation and business.
Even weirder, in the “contact us” part of the site, Holton asks if you would be willing to file a complaint with the FTC or AG. (Of course, now that the AG is in YTB, it wouldn’t be too hard to catch up with him to file a complaint, right Crystal?)
Could it be that the man who claims to have helped thousands find financial freedom, and will soon be responsible for over half the income generated by YTB, is headed for the State Penn rather than Penn State?
Do you consider Joystar to be a cardmill? If you do could you explain why?
ReplyDeleteBuggs brought a huge chunk of his downline from Cyberwise to YTB. His team was not built from a cold market.
ReplyDeleteWow, Kate. You really know nothing about business.
ReplyDelete"....was kicked out for some of his questionable business practices."
ReplyDeleteSo now you're defaming Holton Buggs? What questionable business practices, exactly? (sources please)
Joystar began as an MLM but later ditched the recruiting end of the business and now serves as a Host for Travel Agents and makes its money selling travel - not websites or memberships.
ReplyDeleteI agree about JS--they are focused on selling travel and bringing in new blood to the industry that is interested in selling travel. HUGE difference. I don't particularly like the company, but I have no problem with their model.
ReplyDeleteI liked Kate's post this morning. I think Holton is doping a good job of defaming himself. I mean really, what was going on in the past that requires such a disclosure? Someone was involved in some shady stuff for sure. Does not take a rocket scientist to figure that one out--I bet even Dr. Bob might raise an eyebrow if confronted with that just to get information!
What is curious is why YTB wants someone like that in their organization if they are truly interested in selling travel. This guy is not and it is obvious. But, as I have said YTB is not into travel at all. It is all about recruiting and there is no long term plan to protect the brand. Right now, there is more than enough money to make the management and top of the pyramid guys wealthy. Throw in a few payoffs to attorneys and paying back the customers that get ripped off and it is all a little bump in the road.
But once the money from recruiting dries up a little bit and there is more and more bad press and more and more people blatantly ripping people off, YTB will move on.
Old Coach will call up Scotty and tell him to gas up YTB-1 and then file for a change of call sign. Anyone care to make a wager on the next industry they are going to try and scam?
No, Johnny -
ReplyDeleteYTB will be here so you and Tom Cruise's wife can continue with your bleeding-heart blog.
You speak of "no training" with YTB.
It's obvious that your new trainee has not spent enough time in the classroom.
She has the YTB buzz-phrases down pat.
But she has questionable writing skills.
Was she put through a complete vetting process?
By the way, I heard a rumor that your company is having some financial problems of their own.
Any truth to that, crack reporters?
YTB and TRAVEL: A Great Mix!
The fact that YTB offers training by their DIRECTORS (people that are recruiters) is somewhat admirable. It is great that there were 4000 people that went to the Sunshine Fest. What about the other 127,000?
ReplyDeleteSee, so few people take up the training, but they all like to call themselves TRAVEL AGENTS, get the perks and so forth. Not even REFERRING travel agents. Look at your own newsletter Doug and Ronda Travel Agents--no referral there at all.
Thanks for your concern but my ventures are doing well. I have a cruise group falling apart, but hey it is the nature of the business in a weak economy.
For the record I am in no way, shape or form a reporter, nor do I claim to be.
ReplyDeleteI am simply someone who cares about the future of our industry and has a lot of concern about the mlm standards.
I have to say that I find what Mr Buggs accomplished in a very short period of time pretty impressive. I don't think anyone could debate that. This is a guy who shows a lot of drive and ambition. And the fact that he has produced and is selling his own videos shows true entrepreneural spirit. There are a lot of mlmers who claim to be making it big. This is a guy who can put his money where his mouth is! The point of the post today was, if this guy has proven his system works, why aren't more of you doing it?
There are some rather unfavorable things posted about Mr Buggs on the internet, but they were not placed there by me. If you do a google search you will find them.
Travel & Education: A great mix!
Hey Dougie the color green doesn't look too good on you! Jealous because someone made it big in less time than you? ROTFLMAO.
ReplyDeleteAnd, really if you are going to hand out here post your name. We all KNOW it's you.
YTB and Travel NOT a good mix.
Holton Buggs Terminated for Multiple and Repeated Violations
ReplyDeleteWe are to inform you of the termination of Holton Buggs for conduct unbecoming a CyberWize field leader and for repeated violations of the CyberWize Policies and Procedures. Additionally, CyberWize anticipates legal action against Buggs and his associates, a number of whom already have been suspended as IBOs for unauthorized use of CyberWize intellectual property and violation of other Policies and Procedures.
Defeating the Plan
A number of IBOs have been involved in a campaign of rumor mongering in anticipation of raiding their CyberWize organizations in an effort to take away as many as they can deceive to another company. This communication defeats that plan and heads off any attacks they may be intending against your business.
IBOs who find themselves in need of upline support but are not aware of the contact information may call: 941-371-1010 ext. 2017 and speak with Joseph Scheip, who will have necessary upline support information.
A History of Rule Breaking
On August 17, 2007, following months of investigation, Holton Buggs was suspended as an IBO and put on a 2 year probation. Buggs agreed to pay a fine of $150,000 and further agreed that if he were “indicted or charged with any criminal offense, either misdemeanor or felony” especially as regards his previous violations (that had snared a number of CyberWize IBOs into investing hundreds of thousands of dollars into 14 Daily Plus, hundreds of thousands of dollars which were lost by IBOs when the company went out of business) he would immediately be terminated.
At the time of his agreement to not again violate CyberWize Policies and Procedures, Buggs admitted he had “failed to disclose the complete truth regarding the foregoing allegations.” And in a statement to his organization he confessed: “I made some unfortunate business decisions. What makes me most unhappy about that is that there are people who may have been influenced by my example.”
Unfortunately, there are IBOs who again are being influenced by his unfortunate business decisions. Even though Buggs had promised his organization that there was to “be a focus…to better understand the Policies and Procedures,” he again is violating them.
According to the Policies and Procures that ALL IBOs have agreed to, any IBO who causes another IBO to leave CyberWize for another company is subject to a fine of $5,000 for each IBO caused by direct or indirect influence to leave CyberWize. In other words, if an IBO were to cause 10 IBOs to leave CyberWize, the fine is $50,000 plus additional damages caused by the violation of their agreement with CyberWize which specifically prohibits any such activity.
Your Protector: The Truth
To protect your business from damage that may be done by those who make unwise decisions not in agreement with the promises they have made, we are providing you with the following FACTS so you are forewarned and forearmed against the rumor mongering by which CyberWize is being slandered.
At the foundation of these rumors is what is referred to in negative campaigning as “The Big Lie.” When a person or group has no motive but personal gain, no argument that is true, and is prepared to break rules and laws to succeed, the bigger the lie, the more likely it will deceive others. Therefore, we provide the following so you will have the facts you need to provide leadership to those who turn to you for answers about these fabrications.
Fabrication: “CyberWize is going out of business.”
The Facts: Through the third quarter of 2007 CyberWize is on track to nearly double last year’s sales and sponsoring. Third quarter earnings are the most profitable in our 9 year history. We sponsored more IBOs in the first three quarters of 2007 than any other period in our history. Those are the facts, and because of the facts, CyberWize has one of the best retention records in all of direct selling: IBOs stay longer with CyberWize and make more money than with virtually any of the other direct sales companies. In addition, in the past few months CyberWize was admitted to the Direct Selling Association (DSA) after the DSA had exhaustively reviewed CyberWize business and business practices for over one year.
Fabrication: “CyberWize is for sale.”
The Facts: If CyberWize were going out of business, who would want to buy it? When you’re telling “The Big Lie,” it doesn’t have to make sense. But the truth always does. CyberWize is not for sale. CyberWize is the dream-come-true of Mark and Jeanine McCool. Mark McCool says, “We have a yacht. We have a house on the beach. We have a million dollar motor coach. All of which are owned or controlled by CyberWize. Jeanine and I are just finishing 3 months on the road away from our family in order to support the businesses of IBOs in the field. We’ve brought in Barry Loder to take us to the targeted $500 Million in annual sales by 2010. Barry has led a number of high growth companies, and he knows how to put systems in place to support network marketing success in the field. And because of the good work of our faithful IBO leaders and the dedicated CyberWize staff, we’re all making more money than ever before. What kind of fool would have you believe that we’d sell the goose that’s laying these golden eggs?”
Fabrication: “The Compensation Plan is Changing.”
The Facts: We have been reviewing compensation strategies that have international applications, because the Dual-Team Builder cannot be used in a few countries such as Taiwan. Top CyberWize field leaders have been involved in this review for more than a year.Diagnostics continue, but there will be no changes in the compensation plan in the near future. We will not make a change that has a negative impact on the leaders that have helped us build this company nor upon the tens of thousands of IBOs who have joined their futures with CyberWize.
Fabrication: “CyberWize is Changing the ePlan.”
The Facts: The ePlan is not changing in the United States, and there are only minor adjustments being made to adapt it for sale in international markets.
Fabrication: “Leaders are leaving CyberWize.”
The Facts: We are receiving assurances from leaders throughout CyberWize that they are as outraged as we are by this disloyalty of Holton Buggs and a few other IBOs. Many of which have told us that they are committed to what they started here and are not going anywhere else, regardless of what rumors are circulating.
Fabrication: “Tunguska Blast is not exclusive to CyberWize.”
The Facts: Of all the lies being told, this is among the worst. Anyone who would compromise the faith of hundreds of thousands of people whose wellness is supported by this miraculous product is worse than wrong. Tunguska Blast is exclusive to CyberWize. Our relationship with our manufacturer and with the adaptogen sources in the Tunguska Valley are beyond question or compromise. Nowhere else in the world and with no other product are there associated the testimonial of benefit that are associated with Tunguska Blast. But those who seek to do damage with rumor seldom are asked to prove their lies. And so…the rumor risks the health of thousands while doing damage to the futures of IBOs who have been unjustly frightened by the rumor mongering.
Continue to Help CyberWize Spread the Truth
We do not believe that everyone who has heard these rumors has really listened to them. Of those who have listened, we do not believe many have been persuaded by them. And even those who have been worried because of the rumors are anxious to know the truth, which we look to you to help us spread.
Over the past decade, we have seen many times the damage done by undisciplined ego. And we have at all times tried to help those who have gone astray to repent of their foolishness and return to CyberWize. Many times, we have been successful. Occasionally we have been disappointed when someone who has admitted their guilt then professes regret only for the purpose of preparing for an even graver deceit.
We will not permit our business or your business to be slandered by the mean-spirited falsehoods of the guilty. We will not permit the resources of CyberWize to be turned against you. Whatever our sympathies of the past, we will exert the full financial power and legal influence of CyberWize to protect your business and the reputation of CyberWize and Tunguska Blast.
We ask you to be vigilant to report anyone betraying their Agreement as an IBO. We do not expect this threat to last long: the guilty will go away to their failures, as you will continue in your success.
CyberWize President Mark McCool says, “While this is regrettable, it is not without precedent. We have had defections in the past when discipline has been deflected by ego. While we are in earnest to prosecute offenders, we intend to be considerate of those who may for a moment have been confused by conflicting loyalties, but who finally have realized the error of that confusion. We honor you for your allegiance. Your reward is our future!”
IBOs who find themselves in need of upline support but are not aware of the contact information may call: 941-371-1010 ext. 2017 and speak with Joseph Scheip, who will have necessary upline support information.
George -
ReplyDeleteGo back and take TTA Detective 101.
You have the wrong guy.
But I do like Doug.
YTB and Travel is a great mix for me.
The team is growing . . . the travel sales are growing.
A new marketing site for YTB out today.
Life is good.
YTB and TRAVEL: A Great Mix!
An anonymous coward said, "So now you're defaming Holton Buggs? What questionable business practices, exactly? (sources please)"
ReplyDeleteAre you happy now that proof, with sources, has been posted?
The team is growing . . . the travel sales are growing.
ReplyDeleteThat's a laugh!
Anonymous aka Doug time to come out of the closest you yellow bellied coward.
ReplyDeleteTravel and YTB NOT a good mix!
"The team is growing . . . the travel sales are growing.
ReplyDeleteThat's a laugh"
Laughing all the way to the bank.
YTB and TRAVEL: A Great Mix!
MLMs and Travel: A Great Mix
ReplyDeleteTravel like an insider! Discounted travel! Free trips! Upgrades galore! See why this is simply so true.
Explore why MLM companies are not only a good idea for the travel industry, but perhaps one of the leading indicators of the huge success of the travel industry!
I am completely amazed at the degree of how much YTB members have drank the kool-aid. I am a former YTB member that wised up to what they were doing. Now that I know more about the travel industry I could never in good conscience recommend someone to ytb.
ReplyDeleteI now work full-time as a legitimate travel professional for Expedia and have booked over 500k in travel year to date. I can not tell you the number of ytb agents that call me to arrange the travel for their clients, they have no clue about the travel industry or how to get industry rates for a hotel. For example, I had a ytb agent call yesterday wanting a 4 star hotel in Miami, Fl and when I told him the lowest rate was 249 per night he said he could get it for $25 a night. Now, I have an IATA card and I can't get industry rates at the hotel half the time, how is it ytb has very little in travel sales, can get better rates than me as a professional travel provider.
Those who care about this industry must do more and get rid of ytb any other card mill, if they continue they will destroy this industry because they don't know what they are doing.
Which bank? the Outer Bank? The River Bank?
ReplyDeleteBoastful people are usually telling tales of what they wished were true. 80% of RTA's fail. 100% of YTB exaggerates their success. Except coach, of course and he has all the little people to thank.
Here's the question - if he can get it for $25 a night, why the heck is he calling you? One of you is lying - and I think it's the one saying he can get a hotel for $25 a night in Miami!
ReplyDeleteFour star hotel for 25.00? Uh huh.
ReplyDeleteMarriott fam-tastic rates would be the lowest I can think of for 49.00-79.00 but YTb is not eligible for those.
It's funny that I'm hearing in here many quotes from a power point presentation that was used while I was a YTB rep. I at first thought this was a great opportunity for me to make some easy money but I lost more than it was worth. When I tried to set up appointments I had to work around my uplines schedule to show the plan and that never worked for me or who I wanted to show it to. When they talked about the FAM trips they never would mention that you had to qualify them to use them. There are many lies to YTB and it will not work.
ReplyDeleteIt's also funny that I'm seeing "YTB and Travel Great mix". When you look at their commissions for travel it is not even a quarter of their profits. Most of their profits were from selling "stores". I would never suggest anyone to get involved with this because it is a waist of money for the average person looking to make a legit living as a travel agent.
Anonymous said..."I am a former YTB member that wised up to what they were doing."
ReplyDeleteYour no doubt an imposter. You offer no proof of who you are. Anybody can write a story such as yours. Means nothing,
Of course call him a liar, because thats what you people do. If someone says anything negative, or leaves YTB he/shes either a loser or a liar right? Very Christian of you
ReplyDeleteTo the "Anonymous blogger" questioning the proof...
ReplyDeleteAre you a YTB member and you don't want to show proof of who you are. This person sounds legit to me who have heard many stories like this throughout blogs and friends that I have spoken to. Just because he is speaking the truth you don't want to have it discussed.
YTB will tell you in their presentation that anything is possible through them. This is not true and it proves how ignorant these reps can be because they believe that they can get a Miami 4 star hotel for $25 per night. Not even possible in an off season.
I think they mean laughing all the way to the blood bank. I live close to a big university. Crazy kids are always selling their blood to get extra cash. I'll bet lots of YTBers have to do the same to make the payments on their cocaine white bently.
ReplyDeleteThanks to whomever posted the 411 on Mr Buggs. Nice to know someone has my back!
ReplyDeleteTo the anonymous poster who called me a liar.
ReplyDeleteIf you think I am afraid to post my name then here it is, my name is Joe so when are you going to put your name on here.
I could give you enough examples of ytb agents who have no idea of how to put together travel arrangements like the ytb agent in San Antonio who had no idea the best way to get 14 people on 1 flight to charlotte nor how to find the best deal on the hotel for their clients. The fact of the matter is consumers more and more are going to travel agents to get the best deal especially on complex travel arrangements because to do it themselves may actually cost the consumer more. My clients are very satisfied with me and I have been able to in numerous situations get my clients a free room upgrade, something that you can't do with ytb without violating your contract.
If ytb was focused on selling travel and not trying to sell people fake id's that their members are not entitled to, they might be welcomed by the industry.
"Laughing all the way to the bank."
ReplyDeleteReally, my sources tell me otherwise....
Joe is absolutely correct. Most RTA's don't know what they are doing nor do they want to learn.
ReplyDeleteAnd, I bet if you did a basic background check and credit check of RTA's you would be amazed at their lack of a decent credit score and/or questionable background such as passing bad checks etc.
Even tho 67,000 people dump YTB every year, not one of them is unhappy with YTB. amazing isn't it?
ReplyDelete"Here's the question - if he can get it for $25 a night, why the heck is he calling you? One of you is lying - and I think it's the one saying he can get a hotel for $25 a night in Miami!"
ReplyDeleteI think it's very clear that the poster is calling the YTBer a liar (lying about being able to get the same notel for $25), not you Joe.
Well, I think it's clear that the anon poster that works at Expedia is lying. Why on God's green earth would an RTA's be calling Expedia for travel arrangements?
ReplyDelete"Well, I think it's clear that the anon poster that works at Expedia is lying. Why on God's green earth would an RTA's be calling Expedia for travel arrangements?"
ReplyDeleteUmmm, maybe because they have no idea what they are doing?
TravelLisa said..."Of course call him a liar, because thats what you people do."
ReplyDeleteLet's be fair TL. You forgot to include John. Remember the "Regina lied" caper? We don't want to leave HIM out of the "that's what you people do" mix..now do we? ;>)
Scorekeeper, let me tell you a story.
ReplyDeleteI know an agent named Barbara who handled a trip to Hawaii for a YTBer. It seems the YTBer wanted to go to Hawaii, but was afraid to book it herself because she did not know what the heck she was doing. Since it was such an expensive vacation, and a family trip, she wanted it handled by a pro.
So it wouldn't surprise me at all that a YTBer would call Expedia to try to get a travel agent rate.
I also had a RTA call me a week or two before Christmas asking if I could book a Royal Caribbean group for them because they couldn't and did not want to lose the sale.
It happens more than you think, or would care to admit.
John apologized. YTB never does, because for 137,000 people YTB is never wrong. I mean, if I spend 500and 50x12 I better not have been handed a load of bull. And when 67,000 of those people drop out because it's a load of bull for them, YTB says THEY are wrong.
ReplyDeleteGet real - YTB and Travel is a bad mix. YTB and website sales is an even worse mix.
"I am a former YTB member that wised up to what they were doing"
ReplyDeleteAll kinds of new YTB experts posting today.
Frankly, I, for one, am glad you are gone.
We have our share of traditional travel agents on our team, but . . .
This may come as a big surprise to the TTAs and former YTB who is now a TTA:
We are not trying to be full-time TTA.
We don't want to be a full-time TTA.
We are not envious of full-time TTAs.
Most of our RTAs are looking for a home business for various reasons.
The tax benefits are GREAT.
The product is GREAT.
The vendors are GREAT.
No inventories.
No quotas.
No shipping.
No deliveries.
No samples.
No taste tests.
No doctor's approval.
$50 a month.
It is the mark of a true mental giant to consider $50 a month is a scam.
No complaints from MY RTAs.
Enjoy yourself, former YTB.
Take them from $4000 to $6000 all day long.
We will just keep our doing our thing and getting bigger every day.
YTB and TRAVEL: A Great Mix!
ReplyDeleteJohn apologized to her. That's between him/her. However, I've yet to see a YTB person who calls someone a loser or liar because they left YTB for a better life, be apologized to or even truly heard.
The rest of my post was "If someone says anything negative, or leaves YTB he/shes either a loser or a liar right? Very Christian of you"
Am I wrong? Because if I missed the post where someone actually behaved like the supposed Christians they are instead of quoted bible scriptures..please let me know. Calling someone a loser, liar, idiot, failure etc simply because they were part of the MAJORITY who do not make it...just is wrong..no?
ReplyDelete$50 is a scam if you were told you'd be making much more, and if the $50 you spend is needed for other things to survive. But when they leave YTB they are outcasts, losers, failures liars..thats shameful.
You want the perks, the tax benefits etc etc, but you don't want to work for it. You want to sit at home on your asses and do nothing. THATS LAZINESS.
Add to your list:
No knowledge of the product
No customer service
No ethics
No doing a damn thing and thinking you deserve it all.
FYI...getting bigger isn't always better. Keep that in mind when you have 200K running around selling trips without a clue as to the difference in MCO and MCO.
I think the 67,000 drop outs are the real winners at YTB. Smart cookies, every single one of them and not mixed up anymore.
ReplyDeleteTo the math-challenged (eddie and TL)-
ReplyDeleteLet's see.
I do not profess to be a math major. But . . .
If I spend $50 per month for a legal (and yes, legitimate) home business and I get $300 to $500 per month back in tax savings, who with the above equation is math-challenged?
My RTAs:
Pursue a profit.
Keep appropriate records.
Work it as a business rather than a hobby.
It works everytime.
And multiple CPAs who are understand home business tax law are willing to sign the tax returns.
$50 a month.
The best $50 a month a smart home business owner can spend.
Only a scam to the math-challenged who profess ignorance regarding home business tax law.
YTB and TRAVEL: A Great Mix!
TL -- Extenze tablets are at an all-time high. A lot of people believe bigger is always better!
ReplyDeleteI don't see the difference between a MCO and a MCO.
Ok so we had 43 posts today and not one of you ever answered the question...
ReplyDeleteWhy aren't you using Mr Bugg's system?
Have you seen his videos?
Why do you think that this guy has managed to make it so big while so many others fail?
If he hits his goal, and really does become the guy that is responsible for 50% of the income at YTB within two years, what does that mean for the rest??
ReplyDeleteYes, his growth is impressive.
But not when it is accomplished by bringing a whole team from another company all at one time.
His former MLM company - CyberWize.
Seems like I have heard of them before.
Oh, yes. Now I know!
The great travel expert of such integrity, Peter Stilphen.
Peter Stilphen. The man who you and JF hold in such high respect and recently used to validate your expert opinions about YTB.
Peter Stilphen. The man who detests MLM companies . . . particularly when they have to do with travel.
Peter Stilphen. The man who got in trouble trying to sell his Coral Sands Travel to . . .
CyberWize - the MLM Company.
Hypocrisy at its finest.
Now that's worth commenting about, Kate.
YTB and TRAVEL: A Great Mix!
Peter Stilphen
To the "not profess math major"
ReplyDeleteI spent $450 to start my YTB business and $50 per month for 8 months. That is a total of $850 I made $50 on one travel store and $17.00 in travel commissions and it took them over the 8 months to pay me on it. This was then 2 months after after I canceled my store because I was loosing money on this scam (loss of $783). You tell me where the profits are at. I didn't see it and I worked this over 40 hours a week on top of my full time job.
YTB and Travel NOT a good Mix
Anonymous I have a question for you--
ReplyDeleteIf you don't want to be a full-time travel agent, why on earth do you want to be in a company that travel is supposed to be the primary focus?
You get on here and state:
We have our share of traditional travel agents on our team
I just have one question, why would a traditional travel agent join ytb?
In today's market a tta can join any host agency and work from home and get paid more commission from travel than ytb pays.
Lets do the math, with ytb you pay 449 to join and then $50/month which equals $600/yr. This would total to $850 for the first year and $600/yr every year after.
The same tta could go to a host agency pay a small annual fee usually less than $300/year and receive on the average about 75-90% commission depending on the plan and also enjoy full industry accredidation.
HMMM let me think ytb makes no sense at all
To answer your question as to why....
ReplyDeleteWell here it is and I will use a real example. I have a guy who does group trips (former TTA).
He has been crazy busy running around like a nut case.
Well, he now can have his group organizers become RTAs, run their own groups, get paid the comission on those trips, and now this TTA gets a 10% override on ALL of those trips. Plus, the 10% override on all travel from those new RTAs. NOw, of course the 10% is far less than what he was getting before, but now, he has 80% of his time back to go get some more business.
With that said, 4 of his group organizers have already brought people into the sales team. So, now he has 7 more people generating the 10% override on travel for him, that he didn't even have access to those potential clients.
In summary, so one guy who was doing a lot of business is now doing alot of business PLUS has an entire sales team that is doing a lot of business for him.
HMMMM let me think ytb makes more sense than you could possibly imagine
Your ignorance is staggering. It is no wonder people are being scammed by RTAs. Do you have the first clue what it takes to manage a group? It is more than finding people to go--there is your first hint. So now you are advocating taking travelers and selling them some snake oil to make their trip cheaper (and tax deductible) by signing up under you? And you wonder whey the vendors and the rest of the industry sneers at you. You wonder why the RTAs screw up these group trips. You are completely clueless.
ReplyDeleteCan someone please point me to where Peter Stilphen was either endorsed, deified or lauded? I do recall a post where I said I agreed with his perspective. You know what, I have agreed with Doug's perspective on occasion as well, does that merit a comment about what an ass Doug is too?
And as for CyberWize--I am not aware of the history, but if he did try to sell it, it appears he did not and I would bet that the reason he didn't was because he probably did not realize that CyberWise is a MLM scam too. So now the guy is faulted for protecting the integrity of his business? Now THERE is a lesson that YTB could use!
ReplyDeleteJohn go re-read my post.
The person who had the groups is a TTA who had been working with group travel for 25 years.
AND...he has been working with those former group leaders (NOW RTA) on how to put the groups together.
NOW, he (the former TTA) has leveraged his time very wisely to drum up some more business AND reap the reward from his former group leaders ( NOW RTA)
No snake oil. Those new RTA (former group leaders ) had been putting together groups for this guy for years and now instead of being offered a free trip by the TTA, now they get paid alot!
A "group Leader" and an agent coordinating the group are vastly different. I would not expect you to know that. A group leader may be able to handle some small issues on board and certainly has the ability to be a pied piper to find people to travel, but to actually manage a group--no way.
ReplyDeleteThis is just another channel for untrained people getting out on the street. As your supposed downline TTA if he or she would be willing to have one of his or her "leaders" answer some questions about booking and managing groups.
ReplyDeletelet me try to post using English for you as you have had some trouble here. The TTA has been working with the new RTAs and individually training them to understand the ins and outs of group travel.
This former TTA has offered his services also to hold seminars for the rest of my team locally.
The only reason a TTA would join YTB is because they can't cut it as a real travel professional and have to do something to create another income.
ReplyDeleteWell, this particular TTA was quite successful but was very busy, now he leverages his time and efforts and is making more money.
ReplyDelete"Well, this particular TTA was quite successful but was very busy, now he leverages his time and efforts and is making more money."
ReplyDeleteI don't buy it. No successful TTA would ever leave the biz to be involved with a sleazy operation like YTB. Obviously, this supposed TTA wasn't cutting it and thought YTB was a better opportunity. You people can't tell the truth to save your soul. And, I don't believe a word of this nonsense.
As to managing a group, it is hard work. If you people are doing that to get groups it is going to hit you in the face big time when something goes wrong and it is only a matter of time when it does.
See now, that's all just crazy. On my low-end groups, the Group Lead is not only the Pied Piper but is responsible for collecting all forms of payment - this does not make him/her Travel Agents. I still do all the communcation with the cruiseline and get paid for that. The Group Leader (who is usually the friend who comes up with "let's go on a cruise") gets a referral fee and also the TC. It doesn't really take that much of my time and anyone doing CCL and NCL or even some RCL Groups can handle lots of those without running around like a maniac. When it's my high-end groups, it's a different story altogether - I charge a fee commensurate with my services and they get a lot from me, and I don't expect the "Leader" to do anything more than put me in touch with the people who will be part of the group.
ReplyDeleteJust got a group of 30 referred to me by StarClippers this morning ... we'll see whether it happens....