One of the major points this blog has been making since inception is that MLM really leaves the customer hanging out to dry and there is very little support if any. There have been several posts on tis topic, and probably hundreds of comments. Even recently, it was noted that YTB discontinued an "exclusive" program and offered no support to the customers who purchased into the program.
It has been mentioned that their help page on the RTA sites is a joke. One wonders if YTB might have listened to the criticism and made some changes. Well, apparently they were, and they did--but it was for the worse. The following was found on their "new and improved" help page:
Frequently Asked QuestionsSo, again, they tell you to contact your RTA with any other questions--but no means to contact them on their site--not even by email.
Problems with a booking?
Contact Us
Frequently Asked Questions
Car Rental FAQs - Click Here
Cruise FAQs - Click Here
Hotel FAQs - Click Here
International Flight Search FAQs - Click Here
Having problems with a booking or reservation? If you are having problems with a booking, the best way to get help is to contact the support department of the vendor through which the travel was booked.
For example, if you have a question or problem concerning a vendor, please click a link below for information (or visit the vendor website for their contact procedure) and have ready the confirmation number you received when booking your travel.
Reservations booked through World Choice Travel (Hotels & Cars)
Online Help and Assistance for Car Reservations - Click Here
Online Help and Assistance for Hotel Reservations - Click Here
Vacation Packages
Travel Impressions - Click Here
Rockwell Tours - Click Here
Last Minute Deals
Online Help and Support - Click Here
Contact Us Thank you for choosing YTB Travel Network for your travel needs.
If you need help regarding a travel booking you have made, need help using the booking engine to purchase travel, or have other questions, please contact your YTB Travel Network RTA.
Thank you!
Copyright 2007 YTB Travel Network - All Rights Reserved - v2.0 - Privacy Policy FLA. Seller of Travel-Reg. No. St-33570 OHIO St. ID# - 8889162 IOWA TA# - 666 WA-UBI# - 602 141 482 HI-TAR# - 5851 NV#2006-0212 CA-CST # 2057620-40 (not a participant in the California Travel Consumer Restitution Fund)
YTB Travel Network: 618-655-9477: 1901 East Edwardsville Road, Wood River, IL 62095
And what happened to all of the other vendors? Did they get tired of handling consumer calls and paying YTB a commission? Did the other vendors terminate YTB? It is strange--there is not even a mention of cruise travel or cruise certificates.
ReplyDeletewhat are you talking about??????
There are links all over that page to FAQ's, email addresses, phone numbers, etc.
Sure, it says to contact the RTA, isn't that what all of you TTA's have been complaining about us not being able to do...handle problems. So now the company is suggesting that the traveller TALK to someone, and you have a problem with it???
Wow nice to see another useless post.
I forgot to add, that phone numbers of the various vendors are on the site that you linked to.
ReplyDeleteI invite everyone to follow EVERY link on that page.
ReplyDeleteIt says to contact the RTA--yet there is not a manner in which to do so.
Links to "FAQS" are not links to phone numbers. Click the links and you will see that they offer LESS information than before.
Prior to this page, you could call Apple, Carnival, or whatever vendor on the "agent" line and try to get a problem resolved. Now, it seems YTB does not want to do that (I am sure the vendors were less than pleased) and are relying on a series of FAQS to get the customer through.
What do you do when a client wants to know where to meet the Apple Rep in CUN?
SO go ahread and follow the links and let me know how "useless" the post is?
Not a manner to do so?????
ReplyDeleteTo contact the RTA???
The RTA is the person who would have told you to go to the travel site. So, you would have a business card, phone number, email, etc.
And, I am guessing you can't read as there are plenty of phone numbers on the FAQs pages on the link you posted.
Here is just one link....
Rental Car Company List
ACE Rent a Car:
Huntsville, Alabama 800-833-4216
Phoenix, Arizona 800-223-4779
Burbank, California 800-356-4925
Los Angeles, California 800-747-7766
San Diego, California 800-736-8693
Toronto, Canada 866-245-5501
Aurora, Colorado 303-755-4141
Boulder, Colorado 303-415-0380
Colorado Springs, Colorado 877-708-2277
Denver, Colorado 800-429-2280
Denver (Lakewood), Colorado 303-239-8950
Denver (Westminster), Colorado 303-427-4800
Denver (Highlands Ranch), Colorado 303-347-2288
Denver (Tech Center), Colorado 303-220-5995
Denver (Downtown), Colorado 303-620-0044
Miami, Fla. 800-609-7701
Orlando, Fla. 800-656-4223
West Palm Beach, Fla. 800-695-9995
Chicago (O'Hare), Illinois 800-323-3221
Libertyville, Illinois 847-362-6740
Lombard, Illinois 630-889-1606
Schaumburg, Illinois 847-882-6424
Bloomington, Indiana 812-336-1501
Greenwood, Indiana 800-242-7368
Indianapolis (Airport), Indiana 800-242-7368
Indianapolis (East), Indiana 800-242-7368
Kokomo, Indiana 765-453-3939
Lafayette, Indiana 765-463-5548
New Orleans, Louisiana 877-469-4007
Minneapolis, Minnesota 800-886-3733
Kansas City, Missouri 800-258-1288
Billings, Montana 800-362-1100
Las Vegas, Nevada 800-634-6779
Blue Point, New York 877-296-2277
Syracuse, New York 800-633-1331
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 800-898-4630
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 800-441-3741
Austin, Texas 800-554-4408
San Antonio, Texas 800-880-8267
St. Croix, Virgin Islands 888-878-4227
Seattle, Washington 800-227-5397
Athens, Greece +3 (010) 968-0700
Orlando, Fla. 800-743-7483
Syracuse, New York 800-633-1331
Huntsville, Alabama 800-833-4216
Minneapolis, Minnesota 800-886-3733
Albany, New York 518-785-4711
City Rent a Car:
Discount Rental:
+33 1 30 44 90 00
Able Rent a Car:
Fox Rent a Car:
New Frontier:
Rent Rite:
Usave Auto:
Southwest Car:
49 (0) 89 / 7 44 44-0
Online Reservation Support 800-404-8033
Budget US Reservations 800-527-0700
Global Language Desk 800-992-2776
One-way Truck Reservations 800-367-0522
Customer Relations 800-214-6094
Meetings & Conventions 800-842-5628
Membership Services 800-283-4384
Corporate Sales 800-526-6406
Support Line (TDD)800-826-5510
Special Needs Drivers 800-526-6408
For Billing Inquiries 800-654-4173
For Reservations in the U.S.A. 800-654-3131
To Extend Your Current Reservation in the U.S.A. 800-654-4174
For International Reservations 800-654-3001
For Hearing Impaired (TDD)800-654-2280
Nation Car Rental:
There is a specific phone number for APPLE and an email for apple via YTB
Need Help?
Call an experienced YTB Travel Network representative at (618) 655-9520, or e-mail us apple@ytb.com
What is wrong with having FAQs to weed out unnecessary calls?
I think it makes sense in this day and age of long wait times on the phone, etc. If a traveller can have their question answered by not tieing up a CSR then why is that bad?
Then, for those that need help AFTER seeing if their issue is addressed on the site, OR they can't read, then they would call. I would guess that it could cut calls to a call center by 80% or more.
"What is wrong with having FAQs to weed out unnecessary calls?
ReplyDeleteI think it makes sense in this day and age of long wait times on the phone, etc."
Because the vendors are not equipped to handle your clients complaints that is YOUR job and YOUR responsibility.
Thank you for making my point!!!
The vendors are not equipped to handle complaints, so if 80% can be weeded out by simply reading a few FAQ (FREQUENTLY asked questions) why is that a bad thing?
TO the poster who posted the numbers.....can you please show the directions as to how you got there....I can't find them.
ReplyDeleteCLICK ON LINK----> Click Here---->Click There....
"The vendors are not equipped to handle complaints, so if 80% can be weeded out by simply reading a few FAQ (FREQUENTLY asked questions) why is that a bad thing?"
ReplyDeleteWhy is it a bad thing? Because the MAJORITY of people today do not want to slog through a faqs section to get an answer to their complaint. They want to pick up the phone and have it resolved. Case in point, Skybus Airlines a start up online airline without a customer service number for people to call lost passengers because they did not have a number to call when they had problems after flight cancellations etc. due to weather. It was a downward spiral for them. Americans want someone to talk to when they have a problem. They want immediate answers. They don't want to read faqs. They don't want to have to call a vendor whose customer service reps are in India or God knows where and barely speak English.
For example the car rental one, "online help and assistance for car reservations-CLICK HERE
ReplyDeleteDoug modified his code to put his number but most RTAs do not. So there is little chance of contacting the RTA.
ReplyDeleteContrary to what you might think, most people do not carry your RTA business card around like a driver's license. Most people do not carry around their TTA's business card. So having a method of contacting someone from whatever method makes sense. If I am on the wen...put a phone number or at least an email--maybe even identify the agent so you know you are at the right place--you all look alike. If I call YTB, maybe someone would be able to give me the number? Get it?
And I am not seeing the numbers either
They don't get it John. They never will. Because they have bought into the promised land and the fairy dust has been sprinkled on them promising to make them millionaires. They are misled, misguided souls who are easily manipulated into believing the dream Coach and the boys throw out. Maybe a better topic would be how many actually drop out of YTB after they realized they wouldn't make any money.
ReplyDeleteI guess my main point is that when someone is having an issue with their travel experience...be it in the booking stage, the payment stage, the pre planning stage, the during stage or the after stage....
ReplyDeleteI feel it is unreasonable to require your customer to jump through hoops to get answers to questions. The people YTB supposedly competes against don;t do it.
If you are going to refer someone to your website and you are perfectly happy to collect a comission as a result, the least you could do is service the sale. Referring them back to the vendor is BS. How many clients even know which vendor their package is with?
ReplyDeleteAND, if you call Travel Impressions they won't tell you anything without the agent's id. How freaking helpful is that?
RTas 'refer', they by their very nature don't want or need to actually help their customer. If YTB wants to increase sales they simply recruit more website holders, they don't explain the need for customer service to retain and grow their clientel. Or if they do, no one s lstening.
ReplyDeleteVendors generally pay less attention to any sale made via any website other than their own. In many cases, they won't 'help' at all. You all have seen this... it happens every day at an airport or hotel near you.
Joe trys to check into La Quinta. LQ says sorry, no res. So you call your RTA to straighten it out cause LQ wants you to pay more for the room which you have already paid via the RTA website. Your RTA springs into action, calls the hotel, maybe faxes the paid reservation info to the front desk. Calls again to make sure the info has been received and the customer taken care of. Or your RTA isn't home (recruiting), or doesn't have a copy of the paid booking so Joe leaves the hotel or pay again. Which is more likely?
Joe can follow up with YTB on his return and get his money refunded via the RTA, right?
Eddie says..."Joe trys to check into La Quinta. LQ says sorry, no res. So you call your RTA".
ReplyDeleteIs the preface of your assumption that Joe forgot to print out his confirmation email containing his reservation info? Which could be the case from any online travel website.
Let's see how the RTAs answer this one.
Whether Joe forgot to print it out or not does not mean he did not pay for his hotel. LQ's res system should have Joes confirmed res.
ReplyDeleteAnd you are correct. this happens frequently with online bookings, not just YTBs. But with Expedia, hotels.com etc there are in house people to help and talk to the hotel and resolve the problem then and there.
Coincidently the Customer Service Hall of Shame List was published today on msn.com:
Note: YTB is not on the list.
Customer Service Hall of Shame
How companies were ranked --
Here's a quick look at the methodology and the full results of the MSN Money-Zogby International customer-service survey.
By MSN Money staff
MSN Money asked Zogby International to conduct an online national survey in which 7,724 randomly chosen respondents rated customer service at 140 companies from 14 industries. The response choices were "excellent", "good",
"fair," "poor," "not familiar" and "not sure."
The poll was conducted in late March. We chose the companies using several criteria, including those with the largest sales in such customer-facing industries as retail, hotels and restaurants. In addition, we went back to the comments we received from readers when conducting our first customer-service survey last year, to make sure we weren't overlooking companies that were notorious for bad service but not quite large enough to make this year's initial list.
Once Zogby reported its results to us, we eliminated the responses
"not familiar" and "not sure" from our tallies to focus attention on the responses from customers who were familiar with a company and expressed opinions. From there, we ranked the companies based on the percentage of respondents with opinions who rated a company's customer service as "poor."
The final cut for our rankings eliminated any companies that didn't have at least 1,200 respondents who were familiar with a company and expressed an opinion on it. That level of response corresponds to what Zogby considers a sample size with a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.
To get a sense of what went into survey respondents' answers, we also asked what aspect of a company's customer service was most important to them.
The clear winners: a knowledgeable staff and a readily available staff, which were the top answers for a combined 69% of respondents (see the full list below).
When thinking about a company's customer service, which one of the following features is most important to you?
Feature Rating
Knowledgeable staff 35%
Readily available staff 34%
Flexible policies for return/exchange of merchandise 13%
Friendly staff 12%
None -- product is all that matters 2%
Not sure 1%
Other 3%
Here are the results of our survey -- those companies that received at least 1,500 responses of "excellent," "good," "fair" or "poor," ranked by percentage of "poor" responses:
How the companies ranked
Excellent Good Fair Poor
6.62% 22.69% 24.10% 46.59%
5.36% 21.93% 30.78% 41.93%
Sprint Nextel
7.00% 26.24% 27.85% 38.91%
Abercrombie & Fitch
8.87% 28.37% 25.15% 37.61%
9.43% 28.16% 28.85% 33.56%
Capital One
9.48% 30.93% 27.99% 31.60%
Bank of America
13.17% 33.49% 21.97% 31.37%
Time Warner Cable
8.94% 29.51% 31.05% 30.50%
HSBC Finance
11.62% 32.27% 26.43% 29.68%
Cox Communications
11.41% 33.07% 26.72% 28.81%
13.79% 32.65% 25.05% 28.52%
11.81% 33.46% 26.30% 28.43%
4.72% 27.96% 39.15% 28.17%
Dish Network
14.79% 29.93% 28.26% 27.03%
8.75% 35.73% 28.72% 26.79%
16.33% 30.43% 27.24% 25.99%
13.07% 32.43% 28.72% 25.78%
13.04% 32.71% 28.49% 25.76%
17.54% 27.93% 28.85% 25.68%
Wells Fargo
17.53% 33.30% 24.44% 24.73%
10.04% 37.59% 27.70% 24.66%
Farmers Insurance
13.34% 34.65% 27.52% 24.49%
Washington Mutual
14.04% 37.24% 25.20% 23.52%
23.46% 31.94% 21.23% 23.37%
10.37% 37.15% 29.24% 23.25%
17.30% 34.94% 24.72% 23.03%
Liberty Mutual
18.15% 30.29% 29.13% 22.43%
JPMorgan Chase
15.47% 36.99% 25.36% 22.17%
11.63% 39.25% 27.11% 22.02%
US Airways
7.05% 36.29% 34.77% 21.89%
Super 8 Motels
3.95% 31.29% 43.29% 21.47%
20.90% 35.90% 22.12% 21.08%
23.55% 33.50% 21.96% 20.98%
Northwest Airlines
8.95% 37.27% 33.01% 20.77%
19.41% 37.16% 23.28% 20.15%
5.17% 33.20% 41.70% 19.94%
5.84% 34.43% 39.82% 19.91%
State Farm
25.91% 33.98% 20.29% 19.82%
12.55% 40.50% 27.63% 19.31%
Circuit City
9.53% 37.10% 34.46% 18.92%
21.47% 38.18% 21.69% 18.65%
United Airlines
5.77% 42.14% 33.62% 18.47%
The Hartford
15.05% 42.14% 24.39% 18.42%
Taco Bell
5.77% 36.45% 39.57% 18.21%
13.98% 39.08% 28.76% 18.18%
13.58% 35.40% 33.01% 18.02%
7.45% 38.20% 36.69% 17.67%
7.90% 36.07% 38.48% 17.55%
Toys R Us
6.48% 41.09% 36.10% 16.33%
19.60% 41.94% 22.41% 16.05%
TJ Maxx
8.03% 32.76% 43.69% 15.52%
Delta Air Lines
9.97% 43.30% 32.11% 14.62%
American Express
31.76% 37.90% 15.86% 14.48%
Best Buy
12.86% 42.82% 30.14% 14.19%
15.09% 41.96% 28.77% 14.19%
American Airlines
8.54% 47.39% 29.91% 14.16%
Continental Airlines
13.48% 42.48% 29.93% 14.11%
Foot Locker
6.38% 43.78% 36.92% 12.92%
Pizza Hut
7.68% 42.70% 36.89% 12.72%
8.67% 43.53% 35.15% 12.65%
9.85% 44.47% 33.28% 12.39%
13.27% 45.48% 28.88% 12.37%
18.80% 44.99% 24.49% 11.72%
JetBlue Airways
27.30% 42.77% 18.24% 11.69%
Home Depot
13.25% 47.02% 28.13% 11.61%
Days Inn
5.87% 41.58% 40.94% 11.60%
Quality Inn
5.58% 41.78% 41.06% 11.59%
13.63% 48.01% 26.87% 11.50%
19.76% 45.64% 23.26% 11.33%
13.14% 50.41% 25.18% 11.28%
Rite Aid
9.62% 46.57% 32.71% 11.11%
21.24% 42.21% 25.52% 11.03%
The Gap
8.97% 49.77% 30.91% 10.35%
8.76% 47.42% 33.71% 10.11%
13.72% 49.42% 26.75% 10.11%
21.70% 46.50% 21.72% 10.08%
Dunkin' Donuts
11.72% 46.68% 31.63% 9.96%
16.91% 47.19% 25.96% 9.93%
Victoria's Secret
21.09% 47.23% 22.29% 9.40%
15.52% 46.44% 28.75% 9.28%
British Airways
29.78% 44.21% 17.38% 8.63%
CVS Caremark
14.25% 50.49% 26.73% 8.52%
13.74% 50.14% 27.64% 8.48%
15.59% 49.92% 26.01% 8.48%
22.91% 47.06% 21.89% 8.14%
38.92% 38.78% 14.34% 7.96%
11.46% 50.13% 30.70% 7.71%
Olive Garden
23.64% 47.77% 21.02% 7.57%
20.12% 49.53% 23.04% 7.31%
15.45% 49.53% 27.76% 7.25%
15.53% 46.58% 30.64% 7.24%
20.51% 46.03% 26.23% 7.23%
Office Depot
11.47% 48.51% 33.23% 6.79%
11.74% 50.12% 31.41% 6.73%
17.58% 51.00% 24.88% 6.54%
Best Western
8.26% 51.39% 34.07% 6.29%
20.41% 51.54% 21.86% 6.20%
Costco Wholesale
28.73% 43.84% 21.42% 6.01%
14.22% 50.61% 29.17% 6.00%
Comfort Inn
9.28% 52.13% 32.91% 5.68%
19.25% 53.44% 21.70% 5.61%
20.21% 49.72% 24.52% 5.55%
36.07% 44.06% 14.37% 5.50%
Holiday Inn
10.64% 53.16% 31.06% 5.14%
Whole Foods Market
36.82% 43.32% 14.87% 4.99%
46.09% 35.19% 14.23% 4.49%
Hampton Inn
24.43% 51.72% 20.18% 3.67%
42.10% 42.89% 11.45% 3.55%
Trader Joe's
44.84% 39.95% 11.89% 3.32%
30.90% 53.12% 12.97% 3.01%
39.58% 44.96% 12.45% 3.00%
21.60% 57.53% 17.95% 2.92%
31.31% 55.27% 11.54% 1.88%
Published May 28, 2008
Report shows traditional travel agent making a comeback
ReplyDeleteAccording to Ypartnership's 2008 National Leisure Travel Monitor report, leisure travelers appear to be using travel agents more this year than they did in 2007. The report found that the reasons for contacting an agent include agents' ability to find best available hotel rates and airline fares, product knowledge and ability to provide assistance while a traveler is on the road. Travel Trade (5/27)
Wishful thinking.
ReplyDelete"In 2008, nearly two in 10 leisure travelers used a travel agent to obtain information and prices, or to make a reservation. Among those seeking information/reservations for airlines and hotels, the number of travelers who used a traditional agent is even higher - three in 10."
ReplyDelete3 in 10? BWAH HAAA HAAA HAAA!
You guys are such suckers! Get with the program!
Where are the other 70% NOT booking with you?
Directly with the hotels or airlines websites most likely.
ReplyDeleteyou fools---they are booking with YTB and Traverus! Come on, we (YTB) now have 140,000 websites selling travel. Where do you think they are going?
ReplyDeleteSo, am I to assume that the bulk of the help is located in the back office in accessible to the consumer who is left pretty much high and dry?
ReplyDeleteMaybe they are booking with Expedia, Orbitz or Travelocity? Why not jump over to FlyerTalk, offer YTBs services, and see how many of their website members you can rope in?
ReplyDeleteMy biz has steadily increased w/air, hotel and car bookings over the last 2 years. Many customers are coming back from the Internet for more choice and more service. I've never had a customer leave me because of YTB though. You guys are so amateurish.
ps. It's nice when you can quote your sources otherwise I'm thinking you made it up!
"you fools---they are booking with YTB and Traverus! Come on, we (YTB) now have 140,000 websites selling travel. Where do you think they are going?"
ReplyDeleteIf you guys are booking so much why is YTB stock pretty much worthless?
I am sure Traverus want to be lumped in with YTB. They hate your guts.
Contact your RTA? How is that going to work when you go to most of the RATS site and there is no contact information? Oldcrotchkeeper's is a perfect example. Nothing refers you to him, no name, no email address, nothing. The person that booked it is now on their own and has to figure it out themselves. Great plan!
ReplyDeleteThis brings up a great topic, that was being discussed today.
ReplyDeleteOne of my "other" relatives that still is in YTB, claims that YTB has insurance and backs their REPS 100%! So if someone wants to sue them that they are fully protected. So tell me what is real deal on this, because I know they are wrong.
So tell me what is real deal on this, because I know they are wrong.
ReplyDeleteOK Mr. Know It All, ff you know they are wrong, why are you asking what is the real deal?
Let's just do something for fun. Supposing I have booked a trip on a YTB site with Apple Vacations. I am on the way to the airport and I realize that I have left my transfer coupons behind.I am not sure what to do at this point as I did not bring the other stuff with me--it is all electronic.
ReplyDeleteBut I do have my laptop and can pick up a wireless signal in the airport. I remember I booked with a guy named Cadway, so I go to www.Cadwaytravel.com (good guess) and see that it is all about signing up. (Who would have known?)
I go to his BOOK YOUR TRAVEL BETTER THAN ORBITZ link and go to http://book.your-travel.biz. Hmm, this does not look like the site I booked on, but let me click on the HELP Button. Ah there it is, that site looks familiar. I don't know why it was not on the tip of my tongue, but it is www.ytbtravel.com/rickcad.
Well, now I need to find out what to do. I scour the site and cannot find Cadway's number or a way to email him. Wait, there is a HELP link. Let me click there.
OK now we are getting somewhere....now all the YTB people that have been following, can you please guide me step by step on how to find out what to do about these forgotten vouchers from Apple. Mind yo I have gone through 4 steps and the only thing I know is that my prepaid wireless minutes are dwindling.
Ready, set, go!!!!
If YTB is so fantastic, and everybody is booking on-line, then how come more than 80% of the people in YTB are making no money??
ReplyDeleteWelcome back Martha! I see you got a huge butt kicking over at Dougs blog!
ReplyDeleteWell with a real travel agent, you either call them (probably listed in the phone book)or call the 24 hour line and ask them directly what to do. Or you can do a google search for the agency website and use the IM feature or the email feature or even get the phone number to call the agent.
ReplyDeleteMore likely than not, they will generate some e-vouchers for you and off you go. Or if not convenient he will likely contact the ground op in your destination and explain the situation and handle it. No worries!
"Mind yo I have gone through 4 steps and the only thing I know is that my prepaid wireless minutes are dwindling."
ReplyDeleteOne solution would be to get your own TYB travel site and book it yourself. I did.
Oh my god, that was the classic YTB answer. Forgot your vouchers, well sorry to hear that, why dont you join us. How the hell does that make sense, and how is that going to help the traveller. I swear the answers are mind-numbing
ReplyDelete"One solution would be to get your own TYB travel site and book it yourself. I did."
ReplyDeleteGuess what idiot? The majority of people don't want to get their own YTB site. They don't want to be like you. They want someone to actually take care of them if they have a problem. You people are so dense it's disgusting.
First of all TYB does not sell travel. I suspect it was named YTB because of the simplicity and the expected ease in remembering the name, but apparently Coach needs to rethink that. No wonder you are not getting any business if you keep sending them to TYB.com for travel.
ReplyDeleteBut I will bite--OK so I booked it on my own and now I am in the airport. What now?
"They want someone to actually take care of them if they have a problem."
ReplyDeleteYou mean someone like Martha. Thanks, but no thanks.
I'm so confused. If you bought your trip from YTB and forgot your vouchers, even if you owned your own YTB site you still wouldn't know what the heck to do about it.
ReplyDeleteSo why would losing your vouchers encourage you to buy your own YTB site if you couldn't get any help. This makes no sense... Lisa is right.
Well maybe if you had your own site you might not need to do four steps to find it.
ReplyDeleteHey YTB---any answers on how to get the voucher problem resolved with Apple.
It's been an hour already and I expect they may begin boarding in a half hour or so.
You know what, I would take Martha anyday. Shes an agent who knows what shes doing and passionate about her job. As opposed to the MLM agents on this board who cannot answer a simple question posed by John. Meanwhile, the client is at the airport, pissed off that NOBODY can help them, and no where to go. Yeah thats a great way to keep clients coming back to your makeshift travel website, and even better way to get them to join a company that just strandeded them with no-help!
ReplyDeleteWell, my row has just been called and no one on the inside of YTB was able to get me an answer. So I power down the laptop and now hope that I have enough cash to handle a cab ride to the hotel when I get there.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the help. And if you are a friend or relative, you should be ashamed of yourself.
And here it is I have learned my lesson, if it is the same or competitive price..whose website will you buy from? Well I am not sure who will get the next round of business, but I can assure you who won't!
Dougs blog is nothing more than constant reacting to what is posted here. He spends his time defending his business model and trying to re-convince the YTB minions that its valid and viable. Jeez, the guy would not have anything to say if Scam.com, this blog, mlmwatchdog, the pryamid site and others didn't have YTB and how bad they are on the front page every single day.
ReplyDeleteHe must be so happy that he will never have a day where he doesn't have to defend YTB to people who think it's a scam.
And Karla you would think with making all those millions Doug does he would be too busy to post all day long defending what a crappy company YTB actually is. Or else he would be sitting on his yacht somewhere instead of wasting time with us TTA's.
ReplyDeleteHi all. How's it going? Any of you TTA's selling travel today? Here's the score for the most posts today not counting Anons.
ReplyDeleteJohn - 9
Kate - 3
Eddie - 3
TravelLisa - 2
Martha - 1
Karla - 1
OleScore - 1
OleScore didn't sell any travel today. But someone did book on my site. That was easy.
Anonymous said..."Welcome back Martha! I see you got a huge butt kicking over at Dougs blog!"
ReplyDeleteI did? Where? I suggest you go read my comments and see if he addressed any of them. Deflection is Doug's middle name. You also must keep in mind that Doug moderates his bog which means he can and does choose what he publishes and what he doesn't. If he kicked my ass, I don't have any bruises and one of his stilettos isn't stuck in my crack, but I will be waiting to see what he promises to comes up within a week. I just finished my response to his last post trying to discredit me, but he most likely won't post it today, if at all.
YTB and TRAVEL: A black eye to the industry.
Oldcrotchkeeper said: "OleScore didn't sell any travel today. But someone did book on my site. That was easy."
ReplyDeleteIt was me. I couldn't find a lower price on my trip to China, so I booked it through you. I have a question though. Do my Olympic tickets come with that? Feel free to post your contact information since it doesn't seem to be anywhere on your site.
Well Anon, today I sold 2 trips to China and did the Visas apps and fed exed those off, 2 trips to Chicago, 4 prepaid hotel bookings, 1 Hawaii package, 1 San Diego pkg, and reconciled and submitted the ARC report. I also played a little taxi driver. I'm going to finish 6 pax to Myr and then I'm going to call it a day.
ReplyDeleteThanks for asking! Business is good.
Me too, I had a great day all in all. I issued about 45 tickets (5 of which were business class with consolidators), trained a new client on their new product. Attended a webinar on some new Cliqbook products. Finalized and printed docs for my Group on NCL in July and possibly got a great lead on a new multi-million dollar corporate account by referral..so I'm happy.
ReplyDeleteVery good boys and girls! OleScore is proud of the two of you. You deserve smiley faces.
ReplyDeleteTravelLisa :>)
Eddie :>)
Now Johnny, how did you do today?
I would have been productive but I was hanging around forever trying to figure out how to take care of my voucher problem with YTB.
ReplyDeleteWell I booked my flight directly through a vendor for my family.
ReplyDeleteAnd I booked my Disney Vacation through AAA. I love my TA. I can do what YTB minions do on my own, no need to rent a website and pretend to be a TA.
I just wanted to say that I appreciate this website. I have been hounded by my friends to join YTB. I went online last night and found an excellent youtube video from this guy in Colorado.
ReplyDeleteOn his blog, he refers people to this blog.
It has been a real eye opener. I am glad I found this before throwing my money away. I want to be in the travel business, but I have to agree, I don't think that YTB is the way I want to go.
Thanks for the commentary.
ha ha ha ha!
ReplyDelete"I just wanted to say that I appreciate this website. I have been hounded by my friends to join YTB. I went online last night and found an excellent youtube video from this guy in Colorado."
ReplyDeleteGuess what?
The Red Sox won the World Series last fall!
Shazzam . . . I just found out!
The wonderful gentleman from Colorado . . . did you buy his book?
Good to see you back from rehab, Martha.
Hope it works this time.
YTB and TRAVEL: A Great Mix!
I just took a look at Doug's fascinating blog, and I don't understand why you think Martha got her ass kicked. We have yet to see any proof that she was ever really an agent. In fact, I requested the newspaper article that she claims was written about her, but have yet to receive it.
ReplyDeleteThere seem to be a lot of mystery celebs running around YTB, that no one outside YTB can confirm is really in YTB. Who's downline is the Attorney General in? What about Serena Williams? And what about the famous Dr Segilman? Where's the documentation on that guy? Didn't someone claim that Jesus was in YTB too, or had at least endorsed it?
Regarding the above- I do believe Martha is an agent. I was referring to Candi May.
ReplyDeleteKate Holmes said..."I just took a look at Doug's fascinating blog, and I don't understand why you think Martha got her ass kicked. We have yet to see any proof that she was ever really an agent."
ReplyDeleteYeah Kate, you took the words right out of my mouth. I too don't believe Martha is "really an agent". Your are on to something girl! I think she's just a has-been stewardess looking to be another Kate Holmes.
Kate Holmes said..."Regarding the above- I do believe Martha is an agent. I was referring to Candi May."
ReplyDeleteDiagnosis: Foot in mouth disease...again.
Look at that typical Olescorer, resorting to insultes. Deflect deflect. We know your not a TA, even though you claim to be one with that generic website you have.
ReplyDeleteSo Olescorer, I'm curious what you did to cause you to go to jail? I'm sure some people would really like to know. How many people did you "RIP" off?
Anonymous said..."Look at that typical Olescorer, resorting to insultes. Deflect deflect."
ReplyDeleteWell then, how about a little OleScore humor to smooth things out?
- Old world charm means room with no TV, radio and only 1 light.
- Tropical means rainy.
- Majestic setting means a long way from town, at end of dirt road.
- Options galore means nothing is included in the price.
- Secluded hideaway means directions to locate unclear.
- Some budget rooms means sorry, already occupied.
- Explore on your own means at your own expense.
- Minutes from... means by plane.
- Romantic means no phone in room.
- Knowledgeable trip hosts ... They've flown in an airplane before.
- No extra fees means no extras available.
- Bird Watchers Paradise means your car's paint will never be the same.
- Nominal fee means outrageous charge.
- Standard means sub-standard.
- Deluxe means barely standard.
- Superior accommodations means one complimentary chocolate, free shower cap.
- All the amenities means two chocolates, two shower caps.
- Just Like Home means no maid service.
- Plush means both top and bottom sheets, bed shakes.
- Gentle breezes means in hurricane alley.
- Light and airy means no air conditioning.
- Picturesque means theme park nearby.
- 24-hour bar means ice cubes at additional cost (when available).
And a counter...
ReplyDeleteYTB means....
- Call your vendor, because we can't help you
- Rip off countless seniors on your trip...good luck with that.
- Olympics.....great news...oh wait maybe not so great...I bet you will get a great ticket to some second rate ping pong game.
- YTB Fly for free...the next best thing since sliced bread...well maybe not. Your on your own
- We don't need any of you vendors...IATAN...nah we don't need them...so we try to sue and lose. We still don't need them
- Selling billions of dollars in travel...well maybe not.
- We have PHDs, we have Phil, we recruit con artists, we recruit scam artists, we recruit from "Yale to Jail". We have Candi...nonw of them are the "REAL" people you think they are. You know there are alot of people with the same names out there.
- Oh and we have a guy that has a fake sunburn who claims he never reads this blog, but comes here quite alot!
- And then there is OLE...oh OLE...you have more deflections than a Lorentz force in a magenetic field.
Oh I just won't go on, this is WAY to easy.
I just read Doug's blog too. If Martha got her butt kicked then I'm Muhammad Ali. I don't see either May or Doug providing any information to counter Martha's. Somewhere on there it says that Candi May asked John to visit Kentucky and she would show him her awards and past locations. Is that true John? It says that Candi is a director at YTB. Maybe they will fly John to Kentucky on the Lear jet.
ReplyDeleteOldeScorekeeper...here's what I did today:
ReplyDelete- Got up about 6am and sat with my wife on the balcony overlooking the Atlantic watching the sunrise and talking about our day over coffee (a daily routine).
- Then, I drove our kids to school stopping at the Post Office to mail my mom a Princess Cruises DVD I just received.
- Once I arrived back home, I spent some time researching optional concert venues to take my wife to see George Michael (one her favorites), called a downline Rep and 3-way called YTB Support to help them upgrade to an RTA, called my upline Director who just arrived in Dallas yesterday and provided my recommendations for a few restaurants given I'm a former resident.
- Drove to downtown Jacksonville to meet my wife at the Riverwalk for an early lunch to beat the crowd during which time we discussed at length upcoming travel plans to New Orleans for the Summer FAM we're taking in July.
- On the way back home, we stopped by Brumos to see our sales rep to preview a few new cars as the lease on my wife's is up in early June. During this time I also provide the Finance Manager his request for a SeaDream cruise brochure for his 15th wedding anniversary early next year.
- I then spent some time at a client's restaurant helping one my my employees install two 42" LG plasmas.
- On a break I called YTB Group Cruise dept with a few questions during which time I learned that we had an additional 3 cabins reserved (total now of 14) for a family reunion group cruise that my wife and I put together
- On the way home I received a call from my wife about a new RTA out of Costa Mesa, CA who we then 3-way called to welcome and introduce ourselves.
Not what TTAs would consider a good day in comparison of quantity, revenue, activity. But nevertheless, I had a great day too...part-time.
Actually, the TTA terms were pretty funny!
ReplyDeleteOLE--so you made four telephone calls and handed out two brochures.
ReplyDeleteI think unemployed people do more than that!
what your not buying your car from ytb cars?
ReplyDeleteOle lives in a fantasy world. That's what he dreamed when he was in prison. LOL! And who the heck would marry a scuzz ball like ole. I bet she has big, platinum hair teased 10 feet high and wears spiked shoes, pleasantly plumb and wears tight polyester.
ReplyDeleteIf TI starts getting Consumer calls, they will cut YTB off - this will be interesting.
ReplyDeleteHello everyone, I dont see what the big deal is about!!! Whatever God have for you is for you and there is nothing anyone can do about it. So there is nothing bad to say about YTB because many people are having success there, but For those who are not thats where I come in... I help those who desire to be a home agent but cant afford $500 with YTB have a chance to win with our Company. We earn 75% comission on personally book travel and we are Full International, in over 98 countries. We have a 22 year history as a Brick and Mortal Travel Company and we look to help travel companies not hurt them. May God Bless you and Visit: www.jamellfields.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteand contact me for more info
Jamell Fields