Well, the ship is set to sail on Saturday afternoon at 4pm. The last anyone heard from the RTA's husband was that he was taking care of it all--no worries. We also heard that YTB established an email address for people to contact them if they were scammed.
I just spoke with a reporter from the paper and apparently phones of the Andersons (both the RTA and the husband who was handling it all) have been disconnected and they are nowhere to be found.
Not looking too good for these seniors!
So YTB has set up an email address for people who feel they have been scammed? Not a phone number to HQ?
ReplyDeleteSo, they ARE expecting consumers to email them with problems? To me that says there may be more unhappy customers that we don't know about.
The link to the paper is down now, but there was a side box that said if you were affected to email the guy at YTB
ReplyDeleteThis is an unfortunate situation.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad it does not happen very often with over 140,000 RTAs.
A few facts to put your obviously biased view of YTB into perspective . . .
140,000 politicians - hundreds of crooks
140,000 priests - hundreds of child molesters
37,000 police officers in NYC - 119 bad apples in one year alone.
140,000 RTAs - two or three bad apples
Yes, there are bad people in the world.
Crimes are committed every day.
Even by traditional travel agents.
I remember a radio station in the metro area I live in had a promotional cruise a few years with two popular DJs.
Two hundred ninety people lost their money because a local traditional agency went bad.
No one got to go on the cruise.
People lost money.
All because a TTA went bad.
There are bad people in every occupation.
I have not noticed a reduction in law enforcement personnel due to lower crime statistics.
YTB and TRAVEL: A Great Mix!
How do you know it's only 2 or 3 bad RTAs?
ReplyDeleteAre you in charge of complaints at YTB?
The bad TTA's do not work on behalf of the same agency you know.
Many may be just as untrained as RTA's and once they get out of jail, they can BE RTA's if they want can't they?
as hell
Come Travel MLMs... keep up with us TTA's.
Thanks for the suggestion on the spacing.
ReplyDelete"As part of the plea deal, Young agreed to pay full restitution to his victims -- investors and customers -- for a total of more than $450,000."
The travel agent from Mooresville, NC.
Almost 10 times more than the unfortunate situation in TN.
Let's focus on the TN one, though.
Because it fits John's template.
It is connected to the dark side.
These rogue agents in TN were undoubtably under psychological control by Coach or Scott.
They were just great, law-abiding people who joined a malicious cult.
No way could have they done this on their own.
Forget about "the devil made me do it".
YTB made them do it.
Let's keep probing the deep, dark secrets of this publically-traded company.
TTAs using their detective skills.
YTB and TRAVEL: A Great Mix!
eddie said...
ReplyDeleteHow do you know it's only 2 or 3 bad RTAs?
Very simple Eddie. Do you know who John Frenaye is? This guy can sniff out a bad RTA no matter where they are. And he's damn good at it and so far has found 2 or 3 of them.
The bad TTA's do not work on behalf of the same agency you know.
And this, Eddie, is what you guy's are trying to hang your hat on..."Not my agency!" Hey, you're a TTA. They, the crooks, are your TTA brethren. If you are a Christian, you may belong to one of many denominations. But don't all Christians claim to be "brother's in Christ"? So, don't give us that.."bad TTA's do not work on behalf of the same agency" bit. You can't carry that water with a jug full of holes.
Many may be just as untrained as RTA's and once they get out of jail, they can BE RTA's if they want can't they?
Nah Eddie..they still come out of jail with their IATA in hand looking for another TTA gig as they realize there is no money in YTB..right? ;>)
Mix said, "The travel agent from Mooresville, NC.
Almost 10 times more than the unfortunate situation "
Any minute now Kate Holmes, aka TravelTemptress, will be posting.."we already proved that this agent..(was)..in an mlm." Trouble is, I've asked her for the "proof" but she will not respond. I contacted Bill O'Reilly about it and he told me Kate's hiding under her desk. Oh well.
*****BREAKING NEWS*******
ReplyDeleteYou are incorrect.
There are several references on this blog regarding the agents who was arrested being a member of TAN, which is a travel mlm. Since I have already posted it and it can already be found here, and the only person who seems to have somehow missed this info the first several times it was posted is you, I hardly feel the need to post it again. There are also several posts on Scam.com regarding these two mlmers who, like yourself, were pretending to be agents.
That's the jug I borrowed from you, Ole.
ReplyDeleteI'm a Buddhist. Have a good weekend.
So far there only 3 "bad" RTAs have been found - there's plenty out there who have not yet been caught. But more interestingly - with a small number getting caught, it quite possibly indicates that they are not selling travel, thus not ripping people off. No. They are busy selling websites and at some point - when that becomes oversaturated and can make no more money - it will come back to haunt them one and all.
ReplyDeleteMy host conducted a background check and a credit check BEFORE they would accept me into their program. Does YTB do that? NO. A
ReplyDeleteAs to the TTA's that are found bad show me the valid IATAN number of those agents and if they are ASTA members before you lump them in with us. They are either operating independently or under another MLM and calling themselves travel agents. Anyone can call themselves a travel agent nowdays without training or credentials.
As to the bad RTA's with the jail to Yale mentality and the fact that anyone with a credit card can join without a background check you are bound to get the con artists, scammers and what not in your ranks. IF I worked for YTB, I would be pissed off they let the crooks and con artists into the program. But, you people think its ok and people can change. Hate to break it to you RTA's con artists don't change.
YTB and TRAVEL: A Great Mix! and Olecrotchkeeper - So you asked and now you have it. Here is my profile in living color. How about you two ferrets? Are you going to continue to remain anonymous little wussies?
ReplyDeleteOLE-Show us the proof the bad TTA's are legit. Show us their IATA numbers! Show us who they work for. Until you can show proof shut the hell up!
ReplyDeleteKate Holmes said...
You are incorrect.
There are several references on this blog regarding the agents who was arrested being a member of TAN, which is a travel mlm. Since I have already posted it and it can already be found here, and the only person who seems to have somehow missed this info the first several times it was posted is you, I hardly feel the need to post it again. There are also several posts on Scam.com regarding these two mlmers who, like yourself, were pretending to be agents.
Weasel words Kate.
Hey, if it can "already be found here", why not just post it again?
Your previously said, "But if it REALLY means that much to you I will dig around and repost the links".
I took you up on your offer and you now say, "I hardly feel the need to post it again." Weasel words again.
You say there are "several references" on this blog. That's means nothing as it is not proof..proof that you said you would provide.
Anyway, I'll be a good OleScore and let you off the hook. You are obviously not going to follow through with any links.
martha said...
ReplyDeleteYTB and TRAVEL: A Great Mix! and Olecrotchkeeper - So you asked and now you have it. Here is my profile in living color.
Nice bio Martha. Great sense of humor too. I was touched by the fact you lost your husband at such a young age. Sounds like your doing wonderfuly. :>)
Show Us said...
ReplyDelete"OLE-Show us the proof the bad TTA's are legit."
How can a "bad" TTA be "legit" as you have stated? lol!
Sorry, Show, it's not up to me to prove the 2 TTA's were MLM agents. Kate said it was proven. So..show us Show Us.
Show us their IATA numbers! Show us who they work for. Until you can show proof shut the hell up!
Sorry, again it's up to YOU to prove they are NOT members of IATA. I never said they were. All I said is that they were B&M agents.
You might consider going back to posting as an anon to prevent any further LOL's when your moniker, Show Us, shows up again. ;>)
"Sorry, again it's up to YOU to prove they are NOT members of IATA. I never said they were. All I said is that they were B&M agents."
ReplyDeleteB&M means NOTHING ole. Anyone can open a store front and call themselves travel agents. Here today, gone tomorrow. That does not mean they were accredited or were professional agents. In fact, the one that called herself an agent was in trouble before. No consortia be it Carlson, Ensemble, Virtuoso or Vacation.com would put up with a rouge agent.
And, I know so called "attorneys" that have taken the money and run.
The problem is YTB does NOT do background checks on their RTA's and promotes the from "jail to Yale " recruiting. That type of mentality is bound to attract the con artists and those looking to make a buck and run.
Like I said before Sandy look at the numbers. They don't lie.
ReplyDeleteYTB - 134,000 and only 2 or 3 crooks in 8 years.
TTA's - 80,000 and too many crooks to count the last 8 years.
And, most B&M's are insured and bonded. Anyone can rent a store front month to month. This person used the term "travel agent," but was in no way a travel professional. I can call myself a doctor but that doesn't make me one.
ReplyDeleteOle, you are not only a turd as Martha calls you but a rabid, Kool Aid drinking jerk.
only 2 or 3 crooks because they are probably the only 2 or 3 people actually booking travel for YTB. The rest just sit on their butts and scam money from friends familys and misc suckers.
ReplyDeleteim sure there are more then 2 or 3, those were the just the only few to be publicized.
2 or 3 are known. And honestly there have been not that many more TTAs.
ReplyDeleteBut the thing to remember is that YTB is so new, and really their growth has been in the last year so you will see a huge increase in this as they continue to grow. It is a numbers game.
As to the people scammed out of joining the program--no one will talk. It is like date rape or buying a timeshare from a timeshare shyster....too embarassed that they let it happen to them. Chalk it up to being stupid and cut your losses
Well there is good news on the front. One of my relatives have now had enough. They are dropping out. Just another one of that has made nothing and has had enough. This relatives sponser is now mad at her and refusing to speak with her. Just like I told them when they joined.
ReplyDeleteOldcrotchkeeper said...."Nice bio Martha. Great sense of humor too. I was touched by the fact you lost your husband at such a young age. Sounds like your doing wonderfuly. :>)"
ReplyDeleteThanks, but sweet talking me won't do you a bit of good. I'm not lifting my skirt for you until you identify your anonymous self. OK, I will lift my skirt regardless as long as you buy me a ham sandwich and a Coke. I may be easy, but I'm not cheap.