Contrary to a lot of the comments on the blog the other day, I would like to emphatically state that there is another poster who will be posting on this blog from time to time. A reasonably intelligent person should have been able to see the difference in styles between a typical post of mine and hers. But then again, I am not so sure of the recent curriculum in Jail or State Penn--although someone feels that Harvard teaches MLM. Readers, I introduce Kate Holmes. Yes, she was learning the ins and outs of Blogger the other day, but I think she has it down now.
Over the past few days, there has been a lot of news to digest. I did not want to be accused of posting this to demean the importance and good news from YTB, so I waited a day. But in keeping with announcing news, I wanted to give you this little newsflash--this is the 21st Century.
Believe it or not, there are women in the business world who are very successful. There are women in the business world that make considerably more than some men. Even in YTB, Juliette St. John is now making more than Peter Jensen and Rick Ricketts I believe. Just imagine that!
So, I find the notion that I should have stepped up and "defended her honor" like some sort of white knight on a big steed, somewhat strange. The Renaissance has past us except for the few festivals doting the country during the summer. Kate is a big girl and believe me she can defend herself quite ably.
I did read the diatribe from Doug as well as his equally amusing follow-up post about Kate, and I just have to wonder why he felt such a strong compulsion to vehemently and violently react. Maybe the Kool Aid I sent him at Christmas went bad? I do not know Regina personally, but as she says in her blog, she is a number of things and I imagine quite able to defend herself. Maybe there is a sense of self satisfaction to defend her, I dunno. But it is not happening on this blog--people can speak for themselves here without being edited, deleted...or defended. You have a problem with me, take it up with me and I will fight my own battles. You have a problem with Kate, take it up with her and she will fight hers. There will be no blog posts about me coming to her aid and rescue and calling me "her hero" as I read on Regina's blog last night. And speaking of which, I would like to correct a mistake (I dare not say lie again) on there. Both she and Doug indicated that I repeatedly contacted her--that is false and I encourage them to put up or shut up. When I saw the post on ADI I commented on her blog that it was not true and that I was going to post about it. That was the limit to my words with Regina. Oh, and last night I did post another comment asking her to provide me the proof that I contacted her several times. So, until the proof is shown, we will just call that another....hmmm what's the word I am looking for......
And the final item in the news--and this is rather sad. But I just reviewed an advance copy of the Time 100 (Time magazine's annual list of the 100 most influential people) and Kim Sorensen was not on it. I figured since he was #33 in Travel Weekly, he might have a shot, but alas he did not make the grade.
PS: While searching for the graphic for this post, I discovered something. Hey Doug--read this!
Who would have thought it was a syndrome?
Maybe Doug has more class in his little finger than you will have in your life! Ever think about that?????
ReplyDelete"Maybe Doug has more class in his little finger than you will have in your life! Ever think about that?????"
ReplyDeleteGrow up and quit the name calling. You people act like you are still in high school. If you can't debate the topic shut the heck up.
Ever think about that?????
ReplyDeleteHonestly? Not too much, but thanks for asking.
I don't think having 'class' or not has anything to do with anything. And I don't think posting a rant on a blog makes anyone heroic.
ReplyDeleteWould any of you ladies like me to leap a building in a single bound? Save you from a burning house? Pick up the dead mouse your cat just gave you?
Better yet, be a real hero and give blood.
To each, their own.
John.."Kate is a big girl."
ReplyDeleteI don't see what her size and shape has to do with anything and from the sounds of things it appears your beginning to bail out. This will be fun!
ReplyDeleteAnd it sounds as though you've not graduated from kindergarten with the childish comments because as an adult you should full well know thats not what he meant. When you grow up come back and play. Until then if you have nothing constructive to say..be silent.
"John.."Kate is a big girl."
ReplyDeleteI don't see what her size and shape has to do with anything and from the sounds of things it appears your beginning to bail out. This will be fun!"
Seriously, are you 12 years old?
Give me a break mister I'm only 7.
ReplyDeleteIf you think has Doug has class, then it's spelled with a K. Go read the posts on his bog about me and a few other anti-MLM people. I disagree with him and he can be one nasty and "it's my way or no way" type of jerk. Yes, he is a jerk, an MLM weasel, and his bog is nothing more than self-promotion. I need to add that he's also a coward for posting anonymously on this blog and refuses to post most of the anti-YTB remarks. As for me, I don't have to be professional because after all, I'm just a TTA "goon and thug" that doesn't belong to YTB. Since I've been in travel for over 28 years, I still don't know nothin' about the travel biz compared to him (or so he thinks).
ReplyDeleteYTB and TRAVEL - What a shyster biz!
Martha, calm down. Doug is a self proclaimed 'TravelPro' after 2 years of referring people to his website. He needs no industry credentials other than a CLIA card.
ReplyDeleteI suggest you do as I and just ignore him because he rally has nothing to offer unless one is interested in recruiting. His blog hardly ever mentions the travel biz. It's just one big recruiting opportunity to snag some more suckers.
ytbnomore said...Martha, calm down.
ReplyDeleteI am calm. My intravenous bag is mainlining Valium, Prozac, and tequila as we speak. I just don't like the weasel and I have no respect for him.
I know, I know. He has that affect on many travel professionals. But once you realize that without YTB he would be the JuicePro or the CardPro or maybe the EnergyPro, his limited influence in this industry is heavily diluted. He sells websites, and I am sure you and could outsell him and his whole downline in anything travel. We both would love to see YTB go legit I know. There are some affiliated with them that would love that too. Maybe someday, but for now, take heart that you are the travel professional and he is a website salesman.
ReplyDeleteHave a good weekend.
martha said...
ReplyDelete"My intravenous bag is mainlining Valium, Prozac, and tequila as we speak."
Whew! I was right!