One part of her comments discussed the enthusiasm of the YTB crowd at a recent show. Well, I say that most people that pay to go to shows (and we ALL do) go with an upbeat attitude and are excited and enthusiastic. After the show, we are ready to conquer the world. Some of that sticks, and some of it dissipates. But I looked at the agenda to the conference YTB held in St. Louis in August, and in looking at the classes, it appears that only 17% of them are devoted to the sale of travel. The document is 4 pages long and very small print, so I have only looked at one page but of the 34 classes offered on that single page, here is the breakdown:
- 23 (67.6%) were devoted to YTB and building the business opportunity, self esteem, downlines, etc.
- 2 (5.9%) were a combination of travel and YTB
- 3 (8.8%) were in Spanish and I don't speak it
- 6 (17.6%) were about travel
The Flight Plan has all the details. You judge for yourself! Download it and read it and see.
EDIT NOTE: Per a comment, I stand corrected. Vicki Freed was not in attendance at the St. Louis show in August and the agenda of the show that Vicki did attend was more focused on travel sales than the annual convention in August. I have edited this post accordingly.
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