Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memorial Day

Remembering those who have served and continue to serve......

The land of the free, because of the brave!


  1. Thanks John, we need to remember those of us who have served but most important is those who are servinge. I wish all of you the best, on Memorial Day. Cook up that BBQ, and enjoy the day with your friends and family.

    “And Moses said unto the people, Remember this day, in which ye came out from Egypt, out of the house of bondage; for by strength of hand the Lord brought you out from this place.” Exodus 13:3

    Each year, Americans remember those brave-hearted souls who fought and gave their lives so that you and I would have the rights and privileges of living in a free country. Remembering is important. In fact, God instructs His people on many occasions in the Old Testament to remember from whence they came and to remember His providence. It is by the mighty hand of God that we are saved, we are protected, and we are free to live in the Land of the Brave. Never take that freedom for granted, my friend. It is a precious commodity for which the world hungers, and it is a powerful charge for you and I to protect.

    Do you know of someone in your life who has served in the armed forces of this country? Make it a point this week to express to them your gratitude for their service.

  3. Thanks for the above Rod. I have to agree, I had a friend tell me thanks and shake my hand two years. It was very touching, and I thought that he was kidding, and he repeated that he wasn't. Many of us take for granted what these people have done. As a vet of the Navy it does mean alot. And takes what 5 seconds out of your time to thank someone. All it takes is seeing someone with a Vet plate at the local store, walk up and say thank you. You will make someones day.

  4. My son, whos only 7 years old, asked me what Memorial day was. I explained to him that its a day to give thanks to those soldiers who fight for this country, or have fought, or who've died doing so. He looked at me and understood, then a few minutes later I heard him on the phone, I asked him who he called...he called my dad, who served in the Army, in Vietnam, and has numerous medals for doing so. That alone brought a tear to my eye, and apparently my dads too..
