Friday, December 16, 2005


It is the number of RTAs that YTB has as of Friday, December 16, 2008. From 138,814 on June 30th to 99,896 on December 19th .

Here let me put it this way. There were 172 days between the two dates. There was a net loss of 38,918 RTAs. That is 226 RTAs every day--7 days a week.

Let me put it another way, there were 4128 hours between the two dates. That is 9.4 lost RTAs per hour!

Let me put it another way, there were 247,680 minutes between the two dates. That means there was one RTA lost every 6 minutes.

Let me put it another way. That results in a net loss to the cumulative downline of $450 per hour!

Good thing the business is recessionproof!
