Thursday, November 6, 2008

Oh Where Are They Now??

Over the past year we’ve heard a lot from people in travel MLMs about how much money they make, and all the cool stuff they get to do because they are in the MLM. Just the other day this little gem popped up in my email.

“I am quite happy with my $10,000+ monthly
commissions I get, mostly from cruises. Not to mention I have some pretty
big regular corporate accounts. I really enjoyed the free 7 night cruise my
Husband and I recently went on, and wow, my whole family had a blast in
Disney World. The discounts I got on our hotels were incredible and you cant
beat free car rental! MLM are not scams, you just have to be good at what
you do and work hard at it. The same as what you would do at a 'job' working
for someone else! The whole world is run by a pyrmid affect. read the Bible,
its in there too!”

Sounds impressive doesn’t it? But if you’re bullshit meter isn’t going off, it really should be. The fact that they took the time to throw God into the mix is usually a dead give-away.

All of these earnings claims made by the MLM crowd are so completely over the top that you really have to wonder how it is that someone gets sucked into one of these scams. And, you also have to wonder just how far down in the toilet someone’s self esteem is that they would need to make something like this up.

Remember Metre Wisham and her claim of a Cocaine White Bentley purchased with all the mad cash she was earning with YTB?  
“...I'm going to the top, and perhaps that is why I am purchasing a brand new Bently Cocaine White Convertable to go on my 5 acres of property in Wine Country to go along with my already G500 and SL600 because my husband and I both are building an empire with YTB”
Whatever happened to “Proud To Be YTB” guy? He claimed he was making tons of cash! Look at this.  

“Every week, i'm getting checks in the mail. Some are travel commissions. Some are 50% matches from those in my downline. Some are from people in my downline signing up other people. some are the 4% residual. then at the end of every month I also receive a $2000 check on top of everything else”

And what ever happened to Bouwou who claimed to be a part of the millions in bonuses that YTB was handing out? He even claimed to have a client who spent $100,000 per month in travel with him. No, that’s not a typo. That’s really what he claimed.

Here’s the interesting thing. If you look at the majority of the earnings claims made by people who visit this blog, they all claim to be making $10,000 per month on average. ( Except for Proud, who claimed at one point to be making $36,000 per month). But yet all of these people who claimed to be rolling in money from their travel MLM, have disappeared. Their websites are gone. Their blogs have been removed or haven’t been updated in months. And you never see their names listed on the YTB bonus list. So why is it that so many people feel the need to claim to be making money that they aren’t? Anyone can look at the YTB earnings statement and see that only 11 people in YTB made over a million dollars last year. So, do you think all these people who claimed to be rolling in cash with their travel MLM are living on a beach together somewhere? Or do you think they just quit drinking the kool-aid?



  1. Those 11 people that are making the millions are professional MLM'rs. When they bleed one dry they move on to the next best thing and take their minions with them. God help them if they actually had to work for a living. They are experts at recruiting NOT travel.

  2. Exactly, why is it that nobody else see's that. They are so blinded by the BS and kool aid they honestly think Tomer is in this for them. Give me a break! Wake up.

    How many have we seen (as Kate said above) state their kaka on here time and time again, and then disappear into never never land. Was it because they were told to stop posting, maybe...or was it they woke up and moved on..probably.

  3. I know that Denyse made 100,000.00 with YTB last year! How do I know this? Because she said so. But does Denyse get put up on the stage and be lauded by YTB for her success at selling some cruises? No. No prizes for that. She really needs to recruit more and sell less travel to be a winner with YTB.

  4. I feel bad for you Kate. You and the posse say "those MLM" companies but what you are really obsessed about is YTB. John can barely post write anything without putting in some sort of jab about YTB when he writes for MSNBC or TRO.

    And then you have the comment about "so many" people making the income claims yet only referenced a couple out of thousands and thousands of reps. I can just about guarantee that I can find a couple of people in ANY industry that are making dumb claims like this and living above their means.

    Obsessed people (the posse) are usually ones that bank on an extreme example to paint a picture that canvases a whole industry or people.

  5. Are you saying that Denyse is an extreme example? Do you agree that YTB would 'value' her more if she put recruiting over selling? I have heard that YTB gives bonus' for selling travel - what are they?

  6. Firemedic your kidding right. A few people? MAJORITY of the Reps/RTA's over at YTB paint a very broad picture of making millions and saving thousands if you work with them/own a website. SEC reports state otherwise. If its only a few who seem to be fibbing on that little tidbit, maybe you should call the YTB police to stop the BS claims. I do not see any regular travel agents claiming to be making millions on blogger, craiglist, you tube. And its not just YTB, its all of them, but YTB people for some reason seem to have the biggest mouths.

  7. "Firemedic your kidding right. A few people? MAJORITY of the Reps/RTA's over at YTB paint a very broad picture of making millions and saving thousands if you work with them/own a website."

    Okay, Lisa. "Majority" would mean nearly 60,000 or so. Prove your case.

  8. Fire if you think I'm going to sit here and list the countless websites stating bullshit information for you, your insane and blind.
    Google YTB and let me know what you find.

  9. Seems like Lisa just took an Ainsworth chicken exit. I Googled YTB and I don't find your claim of the "majority". Plus, your comment about googling YTB is a non-surprising deflection from your original claim.

  10. P.I.O.T.B. here. Did it ever occur to you that Lisa, unlike yourself, is actually very busy selling travel and can't sit here as you do 24/7?? LMAO

    Perhaps you can explain YTB's own income statement then from 2007 (and the figures will be much worse for 2008-including the numbers of active reps which have fallen faster than leaves off an elm tree in Winter) Oh Great Maha FM:

    Most of YTB Growth comes from Free Reps and not Agents. Huge Turn over as you see 80% of the Companies organization did not get a Single Check in 12 months.

    Overal Active Reps is close to 15% that are not Directors and not making any real income at all. All the other directors positions that make up %5 of the company making any real commissions. These are the people in the success from Home magazine and the top income earners but as you see the Vast Majority Make nothing.

    You have less than a 1% chance of becoming a director in YTB. Because of the 6 up compensation plan and the $500 Start up plus the $150 training Fee. $650 to turn around and get 6 other people to do the same to and get $50 a piece. You don't get a $1000 bonus for your first six. Your upline does you don't get that till your next 6. and The Numbers Show that most of your TEAM will NEVER reach it and you set them up in a compensation plan and company where they will most likely fail than succeed. These are numbers from own site

  11. Firemedic you whine like a baby when we say anything negative or derogatory to you and then you constantly say derogatory stuff to us like we are obsessed. And, when Lisa who happens to have work with CORPORATE clients and is very busy doesn't respond back to you asap you make a derogatory comment about her. What is it with you? Sounds like you are the one obsessed. And, let's not forget your trashing of Traverus over on your blog. As to YTB claims READ the damn SEC filings. You can read right? Or do you need to borrow hooked on phonics?

  12. Ok, hows this little lie from the website itself. Hmmm not updated in a while or just trying to lure in the masses?

    In the Certification Seminar You Will Learn How To
    1. Earn substantial income from travel sales (substantial is stretching it a bit no?)
    2. Apply for and receive your CLIA travel credential (Aren’t their quotas that need to be obtained before simply RECEIVING your card?)
    3. Properly use your RTA credential and get more advanced credentials like your personalized IATAN card (really I thought IATAN was pulled from YTB..hmmm)

    or how about (flaunting a bit no?)

    or how about the
    If you can't beat them,
    Join Them

    Here are some of the companies that after doing their own Due Diligence have JOINED FORCES with YTB after their own attorneys and legal departments thoroughly checked YTB out:
    (Ummm wouldnt that be YTB joined with them and not the other way around..without all of them you wouldnt have a website)

    or heres another.

    and one more and now i have to go back to work "In YTB, we teach you how to build out a distribution of online travel affiliates. Many of our affiliates have a total team business of millions of dollars. If you live in Orlando, you realize the amount of travelers coming to town every year. Imagine if you could capture some of that business."

  13. Oh and Firemedic, I honestly don't give a shit what you call me. As I said, put your big boy panties on and do a little investigating yourself. I do have a JOB that I work at in-between posting here. I do not have time to police all the websites that YTB is supposedly policing. And since I'm on that is the response from the YTB police when I did send them something from a CL poster who violated TOS, spouting much mis-information that the posters called her on it and was rude and obnoxious to posters who advised her she was spamming the forum.

    “Thank you for your concern. YTB has contacted this agent to make sure they no longer participate in these types of blogs. Please understand that this agent believes in our company and we appreciate their effort to set the record straight. We understand that everyone has an opinion and we ask our agents to take the high road and not participate in these sites of blogs or comments. YTB is blessed with amazing agents and together we will take over the travel industry. Have a wonderful week.
    Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns. “
    Thank you,
    Compliance Specialist

    Yeah that helps alot, a simple slap on the wrist for the REP/RTA or whatever she was, but again nothing done! Oh and let me know when YTB takes over the industry..until then!

  14. P.I.O.T.B. "Big Boy Panties"!!! ROTFL!! Go get 'em sweetie!! The truth of YTB is definately stranger than fiction!

  15. "Oh and Firemedic, I honestly don't give a shit what you call me. As I said, put your big boy panties on and do a little investigating yourself. I do have a JOB that I work at in-between posting here. I do not have time to police all the websites that YTB is supposedly policing. "

    It's the typical response from the posse and especially PIOTB. Long drawn out responses with the same old rantings and cursing. Attack the person instead of the issue. LOL.

    Lisa, I did not call you anything. All I said is if you are going to make the case of the "majority" then prove your case. Everyone knows what makes a majority. But instead, typically, the posse attacks anyone who disagrees with you instead of the issue. It's so predictable.

  16. "Firemedic you whine like a baby when we say anything negative or derogatory to you and then you constantly say derogatory stuff to us like we are obsessed. And, when Lisa who happens to have work with CORPORATE clients and is very busy doesn't respond back to you asap you make a derogatory comment about her."

    I am curious AT what was the "derogatory" comment I made about Lisa?

  17. "You have less than a 1% chance of becoming a director in YTB."

    Yeah, I have seen you making this statement PIOTB. Very ignorant statement since becoming a director has absolutely nothing to do with odds or chances. Anything that is performance based is disqualified from being odd/chance based.

  18. "Seems like Lisa just took an Ainsworth chicken exit"

    I do not deflect, nor did I take any exit whatsoever. Countless sites have been posted on here, countless BS claims, those are ignored. What about the list above..they ignored too? I do have a JOB, one in which I love, and do not have to recruit my family to join to make money..nor do I have to lie to friends and family about the money being made. Maybe you want to tell those sites I listed above that the SEC reports show the exact opposite to their BS. Oh and let headquarters know that IATAN has been pulled as well...guess they forgot to remove that little gem.

    Now I do have to say bye-bye for bit, as I have 200 people to book flights for a meeting and then do the rooming list for the hotel.

  19. P.I.O.T.B. here. You called Lisa a "chicken", you AH, because she did not immediately respond to you! Just because you have no job and no life does not mean that others don't! You not only have readng and comprehension skills, but are in total denial about YTB and even what you post on here and on your worthless blog!

    I have posted hundreds and hundreds of TRUE facts, articles, research, figures- you name it from hundreds of sources about YTB on the Scam forum and several here since I just began posting on this blog. I, unlike yourself, have never lied once either! You however, are a liar and a hypocrite and you have responded rudely and called the TA's and posters many names on here and made all kinds of personal slurs about them on a constant basis! The rest of us can actually read pal.

    And you are so off base in what it takes to beccome a Driector with YTB. They do not get there by selling any damn travel. They get there by recruiting and bringing in huge downlines with them from past MLMs to YTB. Their skills lie in only marketing and signing up the gullible! Obviously, you have done no research on this at all. If you had, you would see that THEY ALL have been in past MLMs where they did the exact same thing! Remember Holton pooh for example? And Ricky has been in many MLMs in the past as have all the others!

    You cannot even defend for one second YTB's own SEC filings and Income Statements can you? That is because the truth, is just that- the truth! There is no arguement for the turh is there?..... only your continued b.s and denial! Cripes, you whine more than a little girl who didn't get her way at the toy store!

  20. Correction to my above post: You have reading and comprehension issues, phony FM!!

  21. "All I said is if you are going to make the case of the "majority" then prove your case."

    Just like when you told me on another thread that my info was wrong. I asked you to prove your sources, and you won't.

    So, if we have to prove our cases, then you have to prove yours too. Please send me the docs that prove my recent post was wrong. Otherwise, I claim they are correct.

  22. "P.I.O.T.B. here. You called Lisa a "chicken", you AH, because she did not immediately respond to you! Just because you have no job and no life does not mean that others don't! You not only have readng and comprehension skills, but are in total denial about YTB and even what you post on here and on your worthless blog!"

    I called her a "chicken"? And you say I have reading comprehension problems,lol! Let me repost it for you PIOTB.

    ""Seems like Lisa just took an Ainsworth chicken exit"

    How is saying someone "took an exit" calling them a chicken? Do you even know what a "chicken exit is"? It's the exit that someone can take right before they get on a roller coaster because they don't want to face the ride (issue), so they take the exit. I wasn't calling her a "chicken". And even if it was, when did "chicken" become "derogatory". And you tell me to "put on the big boy panties". So predicatable, as I said. Plus, I never said she had to get back to me right away, I just said prove the case. She won't, she can't. Instead, attack the person asking the question instead of answering the question. Much like Joe The Plumber. Discredit the guy because he asked a question when the real issue was Obama's response.

  23. Umm, so am I to surmise that there are no awards or rewards for RTAs at YTB for selling travel?

  24. "So, if we have to prove our cases, then you have to prove yours too. Please send me the docs that prove my recent post was wrong. Otherwise, I claim they are correct."

    Steve, I was just letting you know that what you posted is outdated and therefore inaccurate. If you choose to keep banking on that information to make your point then that's up to you. Just like I said on the other thread, I am sure you can get a hold of the info from one of John's moles. I personally don't care if you want to keep ranting about the old information. Heck, call the CA AG office as I am sure they have a copy.

  25. She won't, she can't

    Did you even read the above sites I posted, I guess they don't count. When I have a few hours to kill surfing the net for the YTB police I will let you know. Let me know where to submit my invoice for the work when I'm done.

  26. "I, unlike yourself, have never lied once either! You however, are a liar and a hypocrite and you have responded rudely and called the TA's and posters many names on here and made all kinds of personal slurs about them on a constant basis! The rest of us can actually read pal."

    You are hilarious PIOTB! I have called posters many names? lol. Are you sure you weren't just typing that as you were looking in the mirror? Ever heard of that saying "There's just something about that guy I can't stand about myself!"?

  27. "Did you even read the above sites I posted, I guess they don't count. When I have a few hours to kill surfing the net for the YTB police I will let you know. Let me know where to submit my invoice for the work when I'm done."

    I look forward to your nearly 60,000 sites.

  28. Oh Firemedic... If you read through this blog for the last 12 months, I'll bet you that you can find at least 12 posts from people in YTB all claiming to make $10,000 per month. I did a little research before I wrote the post. You can find them on mailpound as well.

    And speaking of bullshit, I noticed that our friend Traveling Mom is back at it again. I guess she and YTB must have kissed and made up. This morning she is claiming that Steven Speilburg and Tiger Woods are in YTB.

    What ever happened to that realtor lady who swore the attorney general was in YTB? Funny-we haven't heard from her again either.

  29. "Oh Firemedic... If you read through this blog for the last 12 months, I'll bet you that you can find at least 12 posts from people in YTB all claiming to make $10,000 per month. I did a little research before I wrote the post. You can find them on mailpound as well."

    Oh, Kate, I am not saying it hasn't happened but it's frivilous in that I find the same for just about any industry. You will always have someone claiming more than they actually are. Heck, I live in an area where people spend money they don't have to buy things they don't really want so they can impress people they really don't like.

    As far as Traveling Mom goes........sigh. I am sure she dig her own grave.

  30. Firemedic

    I'll send you all the websites I can find when I have time over the weekend. My hourly rate to be your police is $200/hour. Will the invoice be made out to you, or the YTB main office

  31. You just go ahead an make that invoice out to YTB. Remember, we are looking for the "majority" of Reps/RTA's. Here is your direct quote in case you forgot.

    "Firemedic your kidding right. A few people? MAJORITY of the Reps/RTA's over at YTB paint a very broad picture of making millions and saving thousands if you work with them/own a website."

    You have your work cut out for you.

  32. Ok.

    Get me approval from the head office that they will in fact pay this invoice for doing all this work for them. When you have that in writing, I'll get right on it. :) Have a nice night.

  33. Hey, where's Ainsworth in all this? Oh yeah, he's over on TW posting as "Burned" and talking about how he's leaving the country in two months!


  34. Wrong again Anonymous. Ains is on vacation.

  35. "Get me approval from the head office that they will in fact pay this invoice for doing all this work for them. When you have that in writing, I'll get right on it. :) Have a nice night."

    LOL. That's funny. Ainsworth sorta did the same thing when he said set up the meeting with Coach. After it was set up he backpeddled and said he would AFTER someone paid for his ticket. So now you say you will prove your exaggerated claim, only if you get paid for it. Right;)

  36. Nope. That's Ainsworth for sure.


  37. P.I.O.T.B. here. FM Blithered: "You are hilarious PIOTB! I have called posters many names? lol. Are you sure you weren't just typing that as you were looking in the mirror? Ever heard of that saying "There's just something about that guy I can't stand about myself!"? I have never heard that saying, but there is something about YOU that I can't stand. In fact, many things. You are a liar, a phony, and a hypocrite for starters. I have always said that I am a very nice guy to everyone, except to dumbasses; then I am a real bastard. See if you can figure out which category you fall into. LMAO

  38. "You are a liar, a phony, and a hypocrite for starters. I have always said that I am a very nice guy to everyone, except to dumbasses; then I am a real bastard. See if you can figure out which category you fall into. LMAO"

    Oh, and you forgot to mention you are a "professional travel agent". Just keep representing. It's appreciated.

  39. When did I ever state anywhere that I am a TA??? LOL Not too savvy are you??? I see you are misinformed as usual! And yes, unlike you, I am representing, the truth, the facts, the figures and the research about YTB.

  40. Fire

    If you think I'm going to spend my entire weekend researching your companies pitfalls for free, your insane. This is what your YTB police should be doing. Compare me to Ains all you want, I do not find that insulting. He's a respected TA, one with training, knowledge and a brain. Much more then I can say for the likes working for your outfit.
    You moan on your site about Traverus and how their agents are sleazy, clean your own house before berating someone else's. Its the same old song and dance when others show you proof of the nonsense, its never enough proof.

    I'm done with this conversation, and if you think taunting me like a child will get your way, think again.

  41. "Ainsworth sorta did the same thing when he said set up the meeting with Coach. After it was set up he backpeddled"

    No backpeddling firemedic he set up a time and date you couldn't deliver.

  42. "If you think I'm going to spend my entire weekend researching your companies pitfalls for free, your insane. "

    You were the one stating "majority" and when you were called on it you now have come up with your own conditions when you were asked to prove it Lisa. I, and just about everyone else reading this blog, it was just another over-exaggerated claim made by the posse. You could have said something like "feels like the majority" or "seems like the majority" but that's not what you said. There is no way you can substantiate that claim. It's not big deal Lisa if you can just change your wording. But, just like the rest of the posse you choose to attack me or someone else instead of proving your case. It's the classic deflection tactic. Just like Joe The Plumber was attacked for asking the question. The issue was with what Obama said. But since they didn't like that the question was asked they tried to discredit him. All you have to do is "put your big girl panties on" and admit you were exaggerating. Deflecting and wanting to get paid to prove your claim is just that, deflecting, or as I like to say, taking the chicken exit. If you choose to continue to deflect, people still know what's really going on.

  43. I didn't attack anyone. I believe I was the one called chicken shit. I'm not the one acting like a child here. These sites and comments are found all over the internet, posted her, on scam, on mailpound, craiglist, etc etc. Are their 60,000 of them..maybe..I dont know. As for your deflecting comments, I do not deflect firemedic..I'll leave that to you. Because as of yet I've not seen you make one comment about the SITES I DID POST. What about them...or are they meaningless. Is the wording from the YTB POLICE THEMSELVES proper..? Whatever. I'm done arguing.

  44. "I didn't attack anyone. I believe I was the one called chicken shit."

    Who called you that? I didn't see anyone calling you that and if you are saying I called you that then that is a perfect example of exaggeration. And if you are saying I said that then,once again, prove your case.

    "Are their 60,000 of them..maybe..I dont know."

    So yesterday you spouted the word "MAJORITY" and today you don't know? Maybe? I thought you were so sure? If you are going to be calling out people on over-exaggerated claims and ask for proof don't you think you should be willing to do the same? Or are you exempt?

    As far as the sites you talked about, no I didn't comment on them because that was not the issue, that was your deflection to get off the issue you couldn't substantiate.

  45. P.I.O.T.B. here. Listen up FM. I have read this blog for almost a year. Since you came to it, you have been dishonest, never provided any real proof of your asinine claims, and you have been nothing but disrespectful to all of the professionals in the Travel Industry on this thread who know a thousand times more than you do about the Travel Industry, have dedicated their lives to it, are very experienced, successful and educated. Something you will never have or be. You are just a small, gullible wannabe who has joined and supports a scamming Pyramid/MLM rip off scheme and that is all that you are. That is YOUR bottom line.

    You believe that you are some kind of manipulator of others on here. You set up ridiculous, inane scenarios and challenges to posters on here, such as your total b.s. about meeting with the Old Fart in person and now with wanting posters to spend all their time on the net searching for wild claims by YTBers on their blogs.And, there have been other such little games from you. Then, when posters post several examples supporting their stance, you try to belittle and discount them. That crap is not going to work any longer and it sure as hell is not going to fly with me. Everyone here, has backed up what they state with proof and with the truth. The fact that you do not accept it, is meaningless, valueless and is your problem. Not theirs.

    I have searched with a search engine that searches the top 25 blogs on the net for YTB for a very long time now. I myself and other posters on Scam have posted hundreds and hundreds of example of the lies and b.s. claims made by your fellow YTBers for months and months now. (from videos to blogs, to forums-you name it) If that is not good enough for you, that is just too damn bad for you.

    Then, when posters do not meet your moronic challenges, you whine, carry on about them for weeks on end and bring them up in every thread you post on much as you have just done and continue to do. You have no real defense or arguements to support YTB in the topic being discussed in each thread actually. Mostly you just come up the "it's not true" claim but you can never support why the subject is not true. Instaed, you attack and insult the posters on here. Your little lame responses and tauntings of other posters on here and especially of the female TA's (real manly of you) is pretty pathetic, but it seems to be all you have, weak and pathetic as that is.

    I stand by my statements that you are a complete phony, a liar and a hypocrite. That has been shown and proven on here over and over again. You little worn out tactics are not working for you very well any longer, just as your continued deflecting of the subject of the threads and starting the insults and weak attempts to manipulate others on this blog. Basically, I am calling you out and your little game is over on here pal.

    If you want to stick to the subject of the threads at hand and knock off all of the above, then great! That is what the blog is for. All this other nonsense and derisive nonsense is done for you as far as I am concerned. The burden of proof when you do not agree with something on here is on YOU. It's not for you to put words in posters mouths on here and twist everything around back on them. And you don't handle any of that very well now do you?

  46. I really feel like I've warped back to grade school some days on here. I'm waiting for the "nah nah na nah nah" really I am. Firemedic, I'm really done responding to your ranting and demands, and twisting of everyone's words. Sorry if you do not like whats posted on this blog, you are more then welcome to have the door hit you on the ass on the way out. In case you haven't noticed..people for months have been posting many inaccurate statements from blogs, forums, videos etc. None of them mean anything. Why you consider the links I posted above as deflection and pointless I do not know. I am not YTB's mother, I'm simply stating MY OPINION, and if my wording is not liked by you..TFB. I am not here to help you fix your broken house, I am here defending my profession of which I've spent many years loving what I do to watch it be tarnished by people who don't know jack shit about the industry.

    Enough with the damn games, talk about the topics above or go post on your own blog and deflect by berating Traverus if thats what makes you feel better.

  47. PIOTB - If there is anyone on the blogs that like to slander and put down people it is you. But I actually don't have a problem with it since it reflects on the professionalism you claim you have. You should take some lessons from Steve Mencik about how to conduct yourself. He knows how to debate an issue without attacking the personhood of someone unlike you. People see your long drawn-out posts and rantings on here and on scam. I could personally care less what you say about me. Unfortunately for you my self-esteem nor my paycheck is reflected in what you think of me.

    It's amazing to me the audacity you have to come on here and claim that I and others are "taunting" and such when that is the MO of your postings each and every day. I believe your rantings speak way more about you than they do about the people you are insulting. It's like a thief complaining about people that steal.

    I don't feel I need to say a whole lot about you since your blogging speaks for itself.

    "Your little lame responses and tauntings of other posters on here and especially of the female TA's (real manly of you) is pretty pathetic, but it seems to be all you have, weak and pathetic as that is."

    I have never once addressed anyone on this blog based on gender and this is a complete and total fabrication by you. Quite frankly it's sexist on your part. I have always addressed what was being said based on what was said. It had NOTHING to do with gender. And if I was a female TTA here I would be a little ticked at you for insinuating they were somehow unable to defend themselves against an opposing view from someone who happens to be, just because they are female. Very sexist in my opinion. It's also amazing that you feel you need to come to the rescue of someone on here and attack me since they can't prove what they claimed.

    "All this other nonsense and derisive nonsense is done for you as far as I am concerned."

    Really? You are going to cut-out all of the derisive nonsense? I look forward to you doing that but I won't hold my breath.

    "Everyone here, has backed up what they state with proof and with the truth."

    Were you not reading the rest of this blog? I am still waiting for the proof for Lisa's claim. I even gave her the benefit of the doubt and asked her to prove only 60,000 when the actual "majority" of the REPs are well over that.

    PIOTB - You have such a hatred of YTB that you can't even see straight. You come on here thrashing me like you are some kind of authority. I could care less what you think of me since you don't know me. It's a freaking blog! It's an opinion but you take it to a totally different level in that you attack the person instead of the idea. But you just keep posting because I feel you help our cause WAY more than you hurt it. You whine about respect for the TTA's but you certainly don't show it in return and anyone that reads your ranting can see that.

  48. Lisa - If you are going to spout off stuff like you did on this then just be willing to back it up. If you had made that comment in court you would have been objected to and it would have been sustained. I don't have anything personally against you and I respect you for you profession. We obviously have differing views but that doesn't make either one of us any less of a person than the other. I don't have a problem sticking to the topic but when comments are made like you made then I don't see the problem with calling you on it. I know you would do the same.

    I am still waiting to find out who called you chicken s..t?

  49. I'm not playing anymore. I'm not going to blather on and on about this post, what I said, what was said, whos a chicken shit, who took the chicken shit way out, my wording, your wording etc etc.

    As for the court thing, I wasn't aware this was a courtroom, or that I was on trial. I'll try to remember that for next time your honor.

  50. I STILL want to know what the bonus' and rewards for selling travel are? Not recruiting, selling travel. Gail says oh yeah we get bonus's but no one seems to know what they are. Is that because none of you are actually selling travel?

  51. "I'm not playing anymore. I'm not going to blather on and on about this post, what I said, what was said, whos a chicken shit, who took the chicken shit way out, my wording, your wording etc etc."

    That's because you can't Lisa. I have been known to be a bit too proud sometimes too. You made up a bunch of stuff and you got called on it. The same that you yourself would do if it were the other way around. It's okay though.

  52. Somebody answer eddie's question, please...

  53. Ann it was answered in today's thread.

  54. Ahhhh little FM...again whinning like a little girl with her hand caught in the cookie jar. You have exposed yourself for what you are on here pal. A liar, a hypocrite and a phony. The only people I have ever slammed on a consistant basis are the kool aid drinking YTBers. I have no problem with that either. Of you do, oh well. I couldn't possibly care less. And I am not on any other blogs except here and Scam which is not a blog, it is a forum. You have been called to the carpet. Now, here's your kleenex. You have been tagged and you are it. lol

    I am not the blind one here either. I don't lie and cheat and steal from others like YTBers and YTB itself does. The only correct statement that you have uttered in regards to me thus far, is that I do hate YTB. I don't believe that was any secrect either! LMAO

    Get off your broken record about the conduct of the vast majority of the YTB members. You were given several examples. I and others have posted hundreds of them on Scam. No one here owes you a damn thing little man. Get off your butt and do your own Google search. And quit the whinning about it. Sheesh

    For the record I have never shown any disrepect to any TA ever. I made one small harsh, not really bad comment to a poster on Scam yesterday who did not identify herself as a TA,(nor could I tell that from her post either) and when Lisa pointed out that she was, I apologised, not once but twice and she responded back today and everything is fine. I have never once disrepected anyone associated with the legit Travel Industry in any way on any place also. I have no repect for you however, or any of the YTBers. So once again, you are caught in more lies. Have you ever posted anything that does not contain at least one lie yet?

    P.S. You are sounding rather desperate and rattled. Try to compose yourself. lol

  55. PIOTB - Are you for real? Have you ever read any of your own posts? Have you talked to someone about your hatred lately? You really need some help. Anyone who reads your ranting can see it. I read your rantings and shake my head in amazement in that you have gotten so entrenched in your hatred that you can't even see straight. It's quite sad.

    Your rantings are so out there it's hard to respond. I actually feel sorry for you. I hope that your nastiness towards YTB helps keep it off the people in your actual daily life.

    Just keep posting on behalf of the "professionals" PIOTB. Again, I don't think you realize how much you hurt your cause more than you help, but we'll take it.

    "P.S. You are sounding rather desperate and rattled. Try to compose yourself. lol"

    Whose desparate and rattled? Again, I think you should consider counseling. Seriously.

  56. Fire.

    PIOTB is not a travel agent, I believe he's already stated that a couple times. Just so you know.

  57. I didn't see that he is not a travel agent. But if you want him to speak on behalf of the TA's here then that's okay with us.

  58. We already know that FM's reading and comprehension skills are sorely lacking and that he assumes many false things about posters on here, so I am not surpised at all! lol I support, respect and admire all the LEGIT TA's and every other LEGIT entity in the LEGIT Travel Industry. I do not need your approval to do this also, so whether you approve or not, I don't give a rat's. I also am going to continue to present the truth, the facts, the figures and research of YTB as I have for months now. If that does meet with your approval or you think that I need your approval,....well, see my above comment.

  59. P.I.O.T.B. here. I wanted to add that I don't "speak" for the TA's on here; they do an excellent job of that for themselves, pal. At least I am not pretending to be a fireman, a paramedic, an EMT or a whatever. lol

  60. As I said before PIOTB, just keep posting on behalf of the TA's on here. We don't have a problem with it!

  61. Interesting that with your overly inflated ego, you keep using the "we" as if you speak for all of YTB and every pro YTB poster on here. I have never done that, but you seem to put yourself in that position a lot. ROTFL!

    I speak for no one but myself. Try to grasp that concept with your limited ability to read and comprehend the posts on here. I SUPPORT the legit TA's and the Travel Industry. And again I do not need your permission or support to keep posting the truth, the facts, the figures and the research about YTB.

    Really lame, weak response from you as usual. Snore. Somebody wake me up when the phony FM posts something noteworthy.

  62. Okay then PIOTB. Keep "supporting" the posse here. Either way, it's all good!

    Anyone that reads your posts on here and on scam can pretty quickly see what you are about. We are just hoping that spewing your hatred here keeps it off the people you are actually around. And to say that someone else has an "over inflated ego". Dude, you seriously need some counseling.

  63. Here is a challenge for you PIOTB. Debate an issue for just one day without insulting the person you have an opposing view with. See if yo have it in you.

  64. P.I.O.T.B. here. I have already done that many, mnay times on Scam and posted the truth of YTB on here. YOU, on the other hand, have no defense whatsoever for the truth about YTB except to lie, whine and deflect and attack posters, because there is NO debate where the truth is presented. The fact that you don't care for the truth to be posted about YTB is your problem and you have no defense or valid argument against that.

    I imagine you think that "debating" means for you to argue, lie, change the subject, deflect and attack posters on here personally because frankly, that is all you have ever done. ROTFL! I have never seen you do anything else on here nor make even one valid, truthful statement when it comes to YTB.

    Again who the hell is this "we" you keep talking about??? LMAO!!! You really are a piece of work! And you don't know a damn thing about "the others around me" that you keep bringing up and mentioning, nor do you know a dman thing about my personal life. I am not going to be baited by your childish taunts, like you have made with others on here. YOU need to stick to the facts and quit diverting off subject. It's pretty obvious that YOU are the one with no proof and no arguement here pal. But you go ahead and keep proving exactly what I have stated about you. I am enjoying the hell out of your phony facade crumbling away into dust. lol
