Do you all remember Proud To Be YTB? She was a director in Florida and claimed she was making $30,000 a month in travel commissions. Then she changed the story to that she SELLS $30,000 a month in travel. And then when she was challenged on that, she disappeared.
Way back when this started, in a column on MSNBC, I challenged the naysayers to put their money where their mouths were. That was back in mid-2007 and no one has stepped up to the plate. Not a single person in almost 18 months. What is happening? Are they still trying to find ONE person that makes decent money selling travel in MLM?
So, I will throw it out there again, if anyone wants to shut up the TTAs on this issue, all you need to do is to photocopy a monthly TRAVEL commission check from YTB and redact the personal information and I will post it here for the world to see. Take off your name and address, and YTB's bank account number and let us see the period it reflects and that it is indeed for travel commissions. Anyone up for the challenge? Can anyone put their money where their mouth is?
Nice try. You know it is illegal to make earning claims so you know no one will ever do it. Like this proves your point or something. There are a few making a LOT of money selling travel in YTB and many makeing a good amount and a LOT of people making a little.
ReplyDeleteBut we are a travel company you better believe it
Anon...not looking for a claim. Looking for proof. I will even go so far as to say that this check does not reflect anyone else's potential.
ReplyDeleteYTBers always say that. Making a claim and presenting a fact by way of documentation are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS
ReplyDeleteLet me break it down Barney style to YTBErs:
CLAIM: I made $350k in travel sales and you can make that much too! Just sign up and start making thousands immediately!! Its easy!
FACT PRESENTED: I made $350k in travel sales and here is the docs to prove it. There is NO guarantee that you will make that in travel. I am showng what I did and in no way reflects that you will do the same.
See...speaking for yourself with proof to back it up is not an income claim. DUHHH!!
Wouldn't this be a perfect challenge for Travel Pro Doug B.? He says he is a travel professional and a travel agent. It's on his blog. It says in bold print:
ReplyDeleteDoug & Ronda Bauknight
AKA: TravelPro
Travel Agent / Networker
Learn How To Become A Travel Agent
Travel Like the Pros
After all of his claims and informing all of us TRADITIONALISTS, it's time for him to put up or shut up. I will be interested in his spin since he will never shut up. You know he is reading this so now is his chance to prove what he has been saying for years. As long as we are at it, how about you too FM, Denyse, Gail? I imagine you will enact the YTB code of I DON'T HAVE TO PROVE ANYTHING! I will go first. I made 48,222 in 2007 and I have benefits. No I am not rich but I am honest and I work.
It's already been stated on this blog, somewhere (and I'm too lazy to go and find it) that when sending out checks, ytb doesn't differentiate between what is for recruiting and for selling travel. That's why I would find any claim from any ytber that the amount they are claiming to be travel commission to be suspect, at least until Wood River starts seperating the two.
ReplyDeleteBut I think the Anonymous poster above is right. They'll all start with the "we don't have to prove anything to you" speech again. They love to tell us to prove things, but when the shoe is on the other foot, well, you know what happens then.
The problem is the people you are asking for proof from are not the people who have the proof. The people who have the proof are not readers on this blog. So, if you don't get the proof, well it's because the RTAs who could prove they are doing very well don't know you or this blog exist.
ReplyDeleteAu contraire, SWR...... many of the YTBers who post here, including Doug, Humble Opinion, FM, Josh and Denyse brag and claim to be making great amounts of money with YTB all the time, or doing just fine or making a good income etc. Even recently, one YTBer claimed to have made a bonus while eating her Thanksgiving dinner. LMAO The same exact challenge has been put forth on the Scam forum many times and has never been answered either.
ReplyDeleteTrue SWR....just the other day I saw Gail claiming that she earned over $375,000 in 2007.
ReplyDeleteIt's interesting that another thing that everyone in their cult has in common is lying about how much they make. What's even more interesting is that they continue to stay in and defend YTB despite the fact that they have to lie about how much they make to feel good about it.
ReplyDeleteThere have been countless people who have graced this blog who have all claimed to be earning $10,000 per week with YTB. But if you look at the earnings statement we know it's not true. So why lie? It's not like we don't have access to the numbers and can't verify their stories. It just doesn't make any sense to me at all.
It's already been stated on this blog, somewhere (and I'm too lazy to go and find it) that when sending out checks, ytb doesn't differentiate between what is for recruiting and for selling travel. That's why I would find any claim from any ytber that the amount they are claiming to be travel commission to be suspect, at least until Wood River starts seperating the two.
ReplyDeleteHERE WE GO AGAIN- Talking about things as though you really know what you're talking about. Wishful thinking.
Our commissions are seperated...ALL of them are logged individually...
And legally we are not allowed to use our paychecks to incentivize anyone. That would not be right...
I wish I were able to though- you'ld all flip over it....
I am so amazed at you John...I met you once- never revealed that I was with YTB but I listened to you yammer on about YTB - although you did mention a few others once- YTB was your main focus...
Then you pitch your Travels with Fred... lol-that was too funny- especially when
I got to my laptop and saw what it was- not even a close comparison to YTB - but you're trying...
FRED!! lol!!!
The highest form of flattery is imitation- and you did try...
That's why when YTB goes down you'll be applying. YTBers crack me UP!'
ReplyDeleteAnd what a coward! If you are soooo confident about YTB why not say who you were when you met John? Or better yet reveal yourself here?
John has been doing his business longer than YTB has been around.
If you have met me, please tell me where and when. I know you are lying, because TWF is not "promoted", it is not advertised. So nice try. And I do have a LOT more than YTB---the ability to sell RCCL for one.
ReplyDeleteI never claimed to be making millions, I claimed that I make around $1500-$2000 monthly and I never said it was all from travel. If it makes any of you happy I will go grab my latest travel comission list and post it.
ReplyDeleteThese figures are an estimate of your next commission payment as of 12/1/2008, and may change at any time due to booking cancellations, etc.
Personal Booking Information
Booking ID Traveler Name Type Level Paid Commissionable Amount Commission Amount Booking Date
CRUISE 60% Paid $131.20 $78.72 09/11/2008
TOUR 60% $563.80 $338.28
AIR 60% $5.00 $3.00
HOTEL 60% $8.68 $5.20
CRUISE 60% $908.04 $544.82
HOTEL 60% $150.40 $90.24
CRUISE 60% $380.80 $228.48
Subtotal $1288.74
That is my listing for my next check which will come out on the 20th or so of December. There are about 2 or 3 more that will probably end up on this check. I am expecting it to be about 1600 (this is just travel)
My residual on the REP side is about 250 monthly. Also on the REP side with one more power team sale this month I will get another bonus.
I am not including my 10% overrides as those will be going away but these levels will increase to 70%
Here is my listing:
ReplyDeleteThese figures are an estimate of your next commission payment as of 12/1/2008, and may change at any time due to booking cancellations, etc.
Personal Booking Information
Booking ID Traveler Name Type Level Paid Commissionable Amount Commission Amount Booking Date
CRUISE 60% Paid $131.20 $78.72 09/11/2008
TOUR 60% $5630.80 $3380.28
AIR 60% $50.00 $30.00
HOTEL 60% $80.68 $50.20
CRUISE 60% $9080.04 $5440.82
HOTEL 60% $1500.40 $900.24
CRUISE 60% $3800.80 $2280.48
Subtotal $12880.74
See, I am making $144K just on travel alone
CRUISE 60% Paid $131.20 $78.72
ReplyDeleteTOUR 60% $5630.80 $3380.28
AIR 60% $50.00 $30.00
HOTEL 60% $80.68 $50.20
CRUISE 60% $9080.04 $5440.82
HOTEL 60% $1500.40 $900.24
CRUISE 60% $3800.80 $2280.48
Subtotal $12880.74
If the above is correct, and my calculator and fingers are working, the gross commissions are $20,273.92. If you were with my host, that commission check the end of December would be $19,973.92. Are you making more than $7093.18 on the Rep side to make up for that difference?
Isn't it interesting that Anonymous above has the same figures for "Cruise" that Josh has? Hmmmm, seems questionable to me. Why would they have the EXACT SAME THING that Josh has.
ReplyDeleteAnd besides, their math is totally wrong. When you add the numbers up correctly, you come up with an answer that is $798.72 LESS than they are reporting above. Try it and see. 3380.28+30.00+50.20+5440.82+900.24+2280.48=12082.02. Even if you add in the questioned additional 78.72, you still don't get 12880.74. Also, if you notice, only half of the commission amounts "paid" above are correct. On the TOUR line, 60% of 5630.80 is 3378.48, not 3380.28. On the first HOTEL line, 60% of 80.68 is 48.41, not 50.20. And on the first CRUISE line, 60% of 9080.04 is 5448.02, not 5440.82.
Nice try Anonymous, but you're definetly NOT making $144k on travel. Now, why don't you fess up and tell the truth!
I never noticed, Ains, that the second list just added zeroes to the first, until you pointed that out...
ReplyDeleteNever looked either but when I saw $144K I just ignored it as another false claim. Now more likely it was someone poking fun at the guy who posted the "official" figures
ReplyDeleteNah, John. I think it truly was a ytber that posted it, that isn't making any money selling travel, or recruiting for that matter. Probably thought no one would look close enough. This is typical of the crap they try.
ReplyDeleteI think the anon was actually just making fun of me (that is why I didn't respond to it) and simply added a zero to each one but didn't see the first cruise that was posted.
ReplyDelete"I think the anon was actually just making fun of me (that is why I didn't respond to it) and simply added a zero to each one but didn't see the first cruise that was posted."
ReplyDeleteNo Josh don't buy it.