While this page seems pretty factual, it is certainly exaggerated, but exaggeration is not to be unexpected.
The two most notable exaggerations are in the travel sales figures. They claim in 2006 to have sold $226M but that number has never been verified and it was further clouded by YTB in the reporting to Travel Weekly by saying that $93.7M was by "third parties" and that $175.2 was from hosting of outside agents. When questioned about the number, Kim Sorensen admitted they did not have any actual numbers and the result was "gleaned" from a variety of sources--passengers reported from one vendor, dollars reported from another, and estimates of how much travel they thought RTAs sold on their own outside of the YTB websites. In 2007 they re-defined "third parties" as RTAs, so no one really knows. In 2007, they report $414M in sales, but they were a little bit more forthcoming to Travel Weekly this year and in reality it is only $211M sold by "third parties" (RTAs), so the average annual sales per RTA drops from $3160 to $1610. $1610 is pretty consistent with prior years and would reflect a self sold vacation. $1610 also represents approximately $96 in ANNUAL INCOME--which again is very consistent with prior years!
The other area of exaggeration is the number of attendees at their various events. While the numbers may indeed be accurate, they do not disclose that the number includes, friends, husbands, wives, children, cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents that happened to tag along for the ride. As a matter of fact, if you look at the photos of their most recent convention you will see a great number of children present and yes, they were counted as attendees.
That's just terrible...are they honest about ANYTHING??
ReplyDeleteThis is why 10 years from now YTB will be history. They don't think about the long term effects of posting garbage like this. This "say anything to recruit" mentality will be their downfall.
ReplyDeleteJohn..you forgot the homeless people they asked to come in off the street in St. Louis. And don;t forget that they offered free admission to the convention to all military, and clergy.
ReplyDeleteI woudl love to know how many people actually paid the money to attend and of those how many were actually working the biz and not family or frioends
"As a matter of fact, if you look at the photos of their most recent convention you will see a great number of children present and yes, they were counted as attendees."
ReplyDeleteMy child was with me and WAS NOT ever counted in the numbers. And there were no "homeless" invited off the streets that I saw and I was there every day.
"My child was with me and WAS NOT ever counted in the numbers."
ReplyDeleteHow can either of you know for certain who was or wasn't counted? (although I would tend to believe they counted everyone who filled a seat or turned an entrance turnstyle)
The count was provided by the facility to YTB and this is the public number they were using, so the turnstile count is the count used.
ReplyDeleteBecause I had my child in a stroller Joe and it doesn't fit through the turnstile. They had to move the gate for us. As a matter of matter my spouse and I never went through the turnstile because of it.
ReplyDeleteMany turn the empty turnstyle to keep an accurate count to conform to fire and safety codes; they do it all the time for me as I am on crutches and walk thru the side gate with my children; I've seen them spin the empty turnstyle to update the counts.
ReplyDeleteYTB in new SEC filing today to sale 10 acres located at their Wood River Headquarters. The writing is on the wall. Hurry and sell everything and buy something from another company that you also own and ride off into the sunset.
ReplyDeleteActually this filing was done late afternoon the day before Thanksgiving and I had a late night entry on it here.
ReplyDeleteYes the writing is becoming more and more clear as the days go by. What is interesting is the speed of which this transaction took place. They entered into the agreement on the 18th and it settled on the 24th.
Now it is anyone's guess what the value of an acre of land is worth in Wood River
"Many turn the empty turnstyle to keep an accurate count to conform to fire and safety codes; they do it all the time for me as I am on crutches and walk thru the side gate with my children; I've seen them spin the empty turnstyle to update the counts."
ReplyDeleteOh, so you just have to be right even though you wasn't there. I was there, you weren't. I did not see them turn the turnstile. But since you and everyone else on here already know everything there is to know then who am I to argue.
"Now it is anyone's guess what the value of an acre of land is worth in Wood River"
ReplyDeleteProbably quite a bit since the land that YTB owns borders on a major interstate.
The closest Interstate is 10 miles from YTB. Convenient for sure, borders..not a chance
ReplyDeleteSee for yourself:
"Oh, so you just have to be right even though you wasn't there. I was there, you weren't. I did not see them turn the turnstile."
ReplyDeleteI am very familiar with theme park and stadium fire and safety rules, and an accurate headcount of everyone in the facility is a requirement - in stroller or not.
I highly doubt that they didn't count every person in a stroller or wheelchair or that somehow bypassed the turnstyles - that would be illegal.
Hey Anon, thats funny, you said that you didn't see them turn the turnstyle....did you anticipate this blog and made sure to check so you could say that? LOL
ReplyDeleteAnd you weren't the ONLY one there with child, and more than likely many were there withOUT strollers...so how do you know how they counted? Even if you WERE there.
Anyway,they probably counted everyone even the fake Ray Charles.
....adding that you are pretty observant to notice they didn't turn it. (right) I've been to many events and with all the commotion, the lines, getting the kids through, just everything around us, I pay NO mind on whether a metal thingy was turned or not.
ReplyDelete"The closest Interstate is 10 miles from YTB. Convenient for sure, borders..not a chance"
ReplyDeleteHey John, take that map you looked up and look at it again. See that highway that says "255"? YTB owns that land that borders that highway, all the way back to the home office. And 255 comes off of I55. You would know this if you have actually been there instead of getting all your information off the internet.
BTW: Google Maps placed the icon in the wrong spot too. It should actually be on the large lot just to the S.E. of that icon. Something else you would be able to point out if you knew what you are talking about.
ReplyDeleteLet's not forget all the YTB workers and employees from Corporate that had to be at the convention, the speakers, performers (heck that is almost the same lol), anyone from Beryl Martin, the crew to set up the Foam Atrocity, etc. They were all counted as well. Surprisingly, they did not have to count any media and press people who never showed up, even though YTB bragged publically about having huge media coverage nation wide, and supposedly had a special section set up just for that. Lmao
ReplyDeleteI am not there to correct Google maps. But if you had half an education you would know that "255" is not an INTERSTATE in Wood River. And if you look, it does not intersect I-55 at all. And it is pretty close to 10 miles from the Interstate.
ReplyDeleteNow is YTB located on a highway. Yes it is.
I know where YTB is located. It is the old K-Mart and you can see it with Google. But it seems that they may have sold all the land they own except for the building and parking lot.
FYI, seems that the K-Mart Property included a 118K SF building PLUS 13 Acres of land when YTB purchased it. Now they are selling 10 of those 13 acres.
ReplyDeleteNot much room for future expansion.
And for an "internet" company, why on earth do you need 118,000 SF...maybe to sublet.
Dreams of grandeur
ReplyDeleteYou really are ignorant when it comes to what you think you know John. 255 comes off of I255. I have been there and it's a really busy highway, so much that I thought it was still interstate but that was my mistake. The K-Mart property came with 13 acres but they YTB also bought all the land that surrounded it all the way to the highway. Seems like it is closer to 60 acres or more. How do you know that they sold 13 acres of the original k-mart property? You don't. I am guessing they sold the highway frontage. How many sf total office space would you guess that Expedia or Orbitz has total even though they are internet companies. When you have that many employees you need that much space. They have LOTS of room for future expansion.
ReplyDeleteI meant 10 acres.
ReplyDelete"When you have that many employees you need that much space. They have LOTS of room for future expansion."
ReplyDeleteYou have NO idea what you are talking about.
Taken from the comment section on the local paper:
"I'd like to know just where these 300 so called employees work at? I've never seen even a fraction of that many cars on the lot of the "Big K Palace", ever. I'm going to guess that number, like every other one out of "Coach's" mouth, is greatly inflated too. I'd be surprised if there were more than 30 people employeed there myself. Although I'd also bet there are a bunch of "Coach's" relatives on the pay roll that have never even seen the inside of that "office"... Getting pretty windy to be building a house (or pyramid) of cards, ain't it?"
Anon - YOU don't know what you are talking about. Many of the customer svc. reps are currently working at home. Whoever made that statement is FOS. But you can surely trust the comment section of the local paper! Just like you can trust what John posts!
ReplyDeleteOh yeah like 270 people are all working at home???? LMAO!!! The person who wrote that comment in the paper LIVES there!!! Guess he doesn't know anything either!
ReplyDeleteAnd we should all believe everything some brainwashed, lieing YTBer says!!!
ReplyDeleteWould the real Anonymous please stand up?
ReplyDeleteSoooo if you think any kind of publication is a lie (local paper) how about the rest of the sources to include SEC filings??? I do NOT feel sorry for these YTBers..they ARE INCAPABLE of thinking for themselves or at least think logically or at LEAST keep eyes and ears open.
ReplyDeleteSooo YTB Anon, if there are CSRs working from home why need the big building then???
IF they go down, I am curious to see how they respond. They probably will still believe that Coach was honest with them and that YTB is indeed not gone forever. IF they go down...sheesh.
Yeah, you go ahead a believe some number you saw in the comment section. I have been there and there are a whole lot more working there than 30. Heck, go visit the home office yourself and see! It's open to the public. You will have your answer then for sure and then you can come back here an comment (twist it). Bet you won't though since you rely on the comment section of the local paper for your info. Post the link where you read that and prove that the commenter has any credibility more than just living there.
ReplyDelete"The person who wrote that comment in the paper LIVES there!!!"
ReplyDeleteAnd how do you know that?
How do you know they don't?? LMAO
ReplyDeleteAnd, here is another big fat lie told by Coach. Espectra Aviation the company that supposedly was going to buy the jet and backed out at the 11th hour. No such company. Check the LLC listings in Delaware. No such company. Check the Aviation company listings. No such company. Check the FAA. No such company.
ReplyDeleteNO SUCH COMPANY EXISTS ON THE PLANET. Yet, it was in the SEC report on the jet sale. Can you say FRAUD!!! Check it yourself if you don't believe me.
Looks like Coachie pooh made up a fake company to drive up the sale of the jet. That is illegal. That is FRAUD and he should be in jail.
Regarding the customer service people working at home that's funny. Because when a client has a problem they are told to call the vendor. LMAO!
ReplyDelete"Regarding the customer service people working at home that's funny. Because when a client has a problem they are told to call the vendor. LMAO!"
ReplyDeleteThe customer service people don't only work for the website customers. They also work for the RTA's.
"And, here is another big fat lie told by Coach. Espectra Aviation the company that supposedly was going to buy the jet and backed out at the 11th hour. No such company. Check the LLC listings in Delaware. No such company. Check the Aviation company listings. No such company. Check the FAA. No such company. "
ReplyDeleteAnd since you can't find it on the net.....then it doesn't exist!
Do you fully understand what an aviation directory is? Or memberships to various directories, aviation organizations and a membership to the global WAD (world aviation directory which is the definitive source)? do you know the meaning of having a an FAA membership and all of it's resources available to the members? This not just some internet seach done with Google. Do you understand an LLC and Corporate searches done through the regulatory agencies which govern them and also done by each State's office? Do you not understand that there are paid membership directories for these as well as direct sources? Try to find any aviation company or LLC or Corporation for Espectra.....that is if you have the memberships, knowledge and sources to do so. You will not find Espectra!
ReplyDeleteIntersting too that the deal with "Espectra" suddenly fell through when a legit entity made another offer on the jet!
ReplyDeleteI am betting that Espectra is a figment of Coach's imagination. Coach should quit sniffing that gas additive he tried to peddle. LOL!
ReplyDeleteYou all must be making so much money that you have so much time to sit and yak about YTB on these posts....LOL reaaaaaaaaly LOL!!
ReplyDeleteMy friend sent me this blog link and I just could not help myself..I am still wiping the tears from laughing so hard----
The same 4 people posting this junk in their "circle of censory-deprivation"..lol!!!
I had to look - guaranteed I won't be back- but I just had to Laugh-
This was my chuckle for the night....lol!!!
More than a chuckle...lol!!!
Riiight..and since I can't find my kids names on the internet or the salon I own on the internet - it must not exist either...lol...lol.....
ReplyDeleteThis is soooooooo funny -
by the way - I can't be found on the internet either - so I must not exist!!!
Thanks for sending me this link....Thes people are enormously funny. Comedy at its best - like the 3 stooges but theres 4!!!
ReplyDeleteMaybe that is why they blog the whole day through...they get paid for "sit down comedy"...lol Any person with 1/2 a brain see's through this nonsense!!
This is so funny....
censory deprivation...that was good- lol!
ReplyDelete"by the way - I can't be found on the internet either - so I must not exist!!!"
ReplyDeleteAgain, showing your ingnorance.
This is more than a google search honey. This is looking at public records on incorporations and aviation companies. Nothing to do with an internet search you idiot. Public record search on companies AND with the FAA. Aviation companies are required to be listed with the FAA. No company in the FAA database is named Espectra. No company dba as Espectra. No LLC company listed as Espectra. They claimed they were an LLC in Delaware. Something is fishy here.
YTB sure hires the creme de la creme in intelligence....
Yes..You do smell like fish honey...You ought to do something about that. There are products for that - and you CAN use google to find them.
ReplyDeleteNo one believes you. You smell like fish.
Hahahahahahahahaha!! AAAAhahahahahaha!
No one believes you. You smell like fish.
ReplyDeleteHahahahahahahahaha!! AAAAhahahahahaha!
Real mature.
Sorry, to disappoint you fishhead but the CA AG believes me....
No- that is not true...The CA AG was motivated by a petition circulated by TTA's. FACT. So because of "popular" opinion - he had to file a claim- Allegations...Claim - doesn't make it true. The judge will decide.
ReplyDeleteLighten Up...
Laughter doeth like good medicine...
PROOF...John Tried to do this in Rhode Island and Rhode Island Changed the Law!! Boo Hoo John Frenaye...
The state Department of Business Regulation (Rhode Island) confirmed that it is looking at the YTB business model, according its executive counsel. Counselor Berstein sent an email to John Frenaye, originator of the Anti - MLM petition, "MLM Travel Agents Cheapen Industry," The email confirmed that the Department was reviewing YTB to assure it was in compliance with Rhode Island state law. Rhode Island does require travel agents to be licensed.
Frenaye had asked Rhode Island attorney general's office Rhode Island’s rules and regulations on MLMs, card mills and travel agents. Frenaye has gotten over 2,600 travel agent and supplier signatures, on his petition against MLM Travel Companies. In an interview with Travel Trade, Frenaye, owner of Travels With Fred in Annapolis, MD, said state attorneys general may be a source of redress for travel agents and the industry faced with the proliferation of multilevel marketing schemes and card mills.
The same was sent to the California AG.
Sorry to disappoint you. You are quoting a trade magazine. And if you knew anything, the petition was most certainly NOT directed at any law enforcement agencies but to our own industry associations and the travel suppliers.
ReplyDeleteBut you go on and think that. I don't mind!
What - we are supposed to believe YOU over a Trade Magazine? Which this was an article NOT taken from a Trade Magazine but a News Article- Ahhh, but YOU are more trustworthy than a Newspaper Article or a Trade Magazine...right? LOL
ReplyDeleteThe Jokes KEEP on Rolling!
Just wait and see...
Atay tuned for more comedy relief from Frenaye and Friends...
"No- that is not true...The CA AG was motivated by a petition circulated by TTA's. FACT."
ReplyDeleteAnon is math (calendar?) challenged. The CA AG filed suit in Sept08 after an 18 month investigation. The TTA petition was in Oct07.
Do the math.