Cruise to Cash has everything you could want in a travel MLM. Testimonials with College Professors. Celebrity endorsements by none other than Ken & Barbie. The ever important $10,000 per week earnings claim. In fact you can earn giant piles of cash with no travel training what so ever just by joining cruise to cash! And of course Cruise To Cash has Jesus, and lots of it! Cruise to Cash claims that their opportunity is the number 1 internet business opportunity. Just look at their website at http://www.no1homebasedbusiness.com/
Now maybe you’re not sure who to choose for your sponsor in Cruise to Cash. This guy claims that he talks to the owners of Cruise to Cash all the time, and is making more money than he knows what to do with.
So here we have yet another mlm scam that claims to be legitimate, honest ethical, God fearing, and the best homebased business opportunity on the planet. But if you look at their recruiting messages, their false earnings claims, their You Tube videos and more, it just screams scam! How is it even possible for someone to get sucked into something like this?
Wait-isn't this the exact same marketing message that YTB uses? Big piles of cash with no work or training? Endorsed by Jesus and other celebs? Legal? Ethical? Where have we heard this all before?
Gosh, i hope this can make Fireman happy. Maybe he will dump YTB in favor of this new and glorious endeavor.
ReplyDeleteThat video is funny as Heck. LMAO
ReplyDeleteSide note: Barbie sounds gullible/naive. LOL
Loved Ken's hyuk hyuks.
I bet if Mattel ever sees this, the person that posted that video will with they hadn't. Mattel is VERY protective of the "Barbie" line. Just look at what they did to Hasbro and the "Bratz" line recently. Mattel is almost as bad as Disney in protecting their product lines.
ReplyDeleteThe video just screams unprofessional. As funny as it was, really..is that going to help you? Entirely too many Jesus Juice drinkers falling for this BS. Even worse is the suppliers allowing it!
ReplyDeleteHehehehe, Jesus juice. Isn't that the same stuff that Michael Jackson was giving to those kids that used to sleep over at his house?
ReplyDeleteI agree Travel Lisa...exactly my point. I see humor but yes it is unprofessional. It probably gets a lot of great laughs and that's it.
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't make for a great spokesperson with the whole Cruise to Cash stuff in the background.
The agency provider of this is none other than David Pollock of Hemisphere Travel in Savannah, GA. Mr. Pollock recently dumped travel MLM Travelencia (now belly-up). This guy owns a real and physical travel agency that obviously goes from one MLM to the other. Of all of his ventures, each one in the MLM world have failed and left people without their trips or their money. Then he blames it on the MLM company. Cruise to Cash is aka Retire on Easy Street. Who knows if he is pocketing the money, I'm not saying he is. I don't know.
ReplyDeleteSo for all of those that whine about the legitimate travel professionals not recognizing the scamming brick and mortar agencies, I suggest to visit scam.com and read about Travelencia and Mr. Pollock. I have it well documented on there with his past, his lies, and extreme exaggerations of his business.
Happy now, Firemedic? I've never discriminated over any one travel MLM. They're all shady, sleazy, and bite the big one. Even the ones that use a TTA of questionable background. In doubt? Read scam.com.
I'm moving to Traverus. They are an actual 26 year-old brick and mortar agency!
ReplyDeleteFiremedic, I'm with you. I cannot believe Ms. LaKeisha can fix her lips to come onto this blog and bash another company. Has anyone seen the videos done by Tim Miller, top income earner of TraVerus???? And you think THOSE ARE professional????? WOW......they are ALL a YTB bashing moment. And I've heard her condone and praise those videos. Honey, you should just shut your mouth while you can.
ReplyDeleteShe comes on here and says she's not trying to be the TTAs friend, but comes and bashes yet another MLM. That's just downright nasty and shows NO WHERE the professionalism that she claims to have.
ReplyDeleteI'm sick of all the things she says trying to fit in. Tell me, Lakeisha, have you started any type of travel training program yet??
So LaQueefa bashes another MLM? Sort of reminds me Firemedic's bashing blog. How professional (borrowed from FM). BTW Firemedic, I'm still waiting for you to tell us what percentage of your income from YTB is from recruiting and pimping from your downline in comparison to your TRAVEL commission check(s). Kitty got your tongue?
ReplyDeleteThey should have an edit button here. I know how to spell and I know how to type. Too bad I don't spot my errors before I hit that post button.
ReplyDeleteYES, she's bashing another MLM....like she doesn't belong to an MLM. OR like HER MLM is so above any other MLM. Please!
ReplyDeleteWell Moron it was about 50/50. But I am with Traverus Now! Took down the Traverus Blog! I all in! They are a 26 y.o. brick and mortar travel agency. NMH, you sure have been fixated with me. Seems most of yours posts lately have been directed at me. LOL.
ReplyDeleteOn another note, I see it took yet another guest poster to post something about another company besides YTB (but still had to throw in YTB at the end). But John's fixation is YTB. But I really don't care. I have nothing bad to say about the founders of YTB but Traverus is definitely the way to go now!
ROFL Firemedic!!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe the staunchest defender of Coach and YTB would go over to the dark side. Either he is jerking us around to amuse himself or he is really off the deep end. Must be PTSD from saving all those lives he claims.
How is the heck can Traverus be the "dark side"? I thought YTB was. But it doesn't matter. Traverus has all their ducks in a row and they will last!
ReplyDeleteAnd to make a comment like "PTSD from saving lives" is pretty unclassy pal. That actually does happen and it's not funny to even use it as a joke.
Firemedic, I can't speak for John, but when I became aware of travel MLMs, TraVerus was the first one I went after. Then some bozo (Rod) copied and pasted my comments and put them on the YTB blog over at scam.com. Not too bright huh? Anyway, that opened my eyes to what a shitty company they were/are.
ReplyDeleteMe? Fixated on you? You're about as significant to me as shit on my shoe. I just "fixate" on you because you're one of the only morons that hasn't dumped YTB yet and continues to tell everyone how wonderful they are. Ah yes, I just checked and you removed your anti-TraVerus attack people blog. I guess YTB's Compliance department finally sent you a notice.
As for FM going to the dark side, he's not leaving YTB. Scum sticks together. And for the record, TraVerus' brass is full of liars, inexperienced morons, and the CA AG took issue with them over the lack of SOT registration and threatened to shut them down. It's all on the scam.com TraVerus thread and I have the documentation from the CA AG's office.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all I am NOT bashing Cruise To Cash. I know nothing of the company. You are so anxious to attack ME, you didn't see the comment. I am talkng about the VIDEO ITSELF. I have seen unprofessional YTB vids, TraVerus vids, and many other MLM vids.
I am not proclaiming to be 'better' than anyone. But as an individual I have the right to comment anyway I want. You and FM sound so angry.
Actually Travel I have started training A LONG TIME AGO, and I am in the process of doing brick/mortar stuff with others. BUT TraVerus is not the ONLY THING I DO.
Tell me something 'Travel' What 'TRAVEL' experience do you have??
For you to come on here as 'Travel' and not come with your real name shows me some sort of cowardly behavior. If you want to converse like an adult you can click on my name and email me with your concerns. Then you can call me. I dare you. Anyone can say anything behind a computer.
So sad to see that you are so upset with my post that you have to attack me. I am not trying to fit in and I will tell you the same as I tell FM...I have relationships with folks OUTSIDE this blog. Don't hate. Learn something. What you see about me is what you get. Talk to me in person you'll get exactly the same.
NMH and I have gone round and round for months in the past about TrVerus. I know where he stands, but guess what? We don't HATE each other, and have gained a mutual respect. I'm sorry you are so upset that it shows through and all your posts FM.
I don't have anything else to say to FM b/c HIS actions are childish at best.
And DUHHHH I am with MLM. I KNOW how they all feel. But I can have a discussion without getting all emotional like 'Travel' and FM are.
Stick to facts and not emotions and you'll get a lot further.
Have a great day!!!
Looking forward to that email 'Travel'!! Let me know if you want my number!!
ReplyDelete"For you to come on here as 'Travel' and not come with your real name shows me some sort of cowardly behavior. If you want to converse like an adult you can click on my name and email me with your concerns. Then you can call me. I dare you. Anyone can say anything behind a computer."
ReplyDeleteLakeisha, do you say that same thing to No Moron Here, or A Real Travel Pro, or Put It Out There Baby? Are they all cowards too? NMH actually told Doug on his blog why he uses a moniker and I mostly agree with him. And for the record (once again) I do not hate any of the above named people or ANY of the critics on this blog. I would sit down with any of them without being disrespectful.
And if you think you are not getting all emotional then you need to go back and read some of your posts.
Hey, we are on the same team now! Traverus is the way to go! YTB was good but Traverus will last!
FM is trying toooo hard to discredit me.
ReplyDeleteIt's pretty funny actually. It's too bad he doesn't have a clue.
You can try to bring me down FM but it won't work. Like I told someone else that just 'loves to hate me' I've been down that road and it's no fun being angry.
When you can have a regular conversation stating FACTS, and not whining all the time (how is stating facts getting emotional) then you can also email me and call too. My 'fellow networker' (your words, remember) Your a 'hoot'.
"pretty unclassy pal."
ReplyDeleteYea whatever. LOL!
Pretty unclassy for Coach's poster boy and staunch defender to the death and Traverus basher to join ranks with them. It's real claasy. Then again you are a classy guy.
To all the other TTAs on here I apologize this thread is not about me or whatever. I just made a comment and it was misconstrued as bashing (someone needs to get the 'ole dictionary).
ReplyDeleteI wish you all a nice weekend. I get to TRAVEL for 2 weeks.
To ME, I UNDERSTAND you can't stand travel MLM...I am an MLMer, but I am not one that just does what all the other MLMers say. Some can't take it (FM and 'Travel') If I see something not right I have no problems speaking on it, whether it's MY company or someone else.
I have no problems DISAGREEING with certain things that my company may/may not do...the cost of speaking my mind is getting backlash from people like FM/'Travel' and even some TTAs.
But that's life. Can't make everyone happy. Not here for 'kudos'...but I do RESPECT people and I RESPECT John and others regardless if I am in MLM or whatever. I am an individual and not a FOLLOWER.
If FM and whoever wants to take that as being 'holier than thou' that's your issue not mine.
Make it a great weekend. I realize that FM will try to continue to 'bait' but I'm done with this post. I've already wasted time responding to his nonsense.
Lakeisha-You can't have a regular conversation with firemedic cause he is both childish and immature. Just look at all his "whatever" comments. Sounds real mature doesn't it.
ReplyDeleteAs to us accepting Lakeisha firemedic get over it. At least she is civil and hasn't threatened to put TTA's out of business and brags about all the money she makes like you and your cohorts. And, at least MLM or not she is actually learning the travel business. Something most of YTB including fireant and the rest refuse to do and/or think they know everything.