Well, the image above is looking for criminals, and it seems we have found a doozie in Wood River!
Glenn and Starla Green were awarded the President's Award at the August 2008 YTB Convention in St. Louis. They are Level 2 Directors with YTB and Kim Sorensen, the apparent good judge of character that he is, awarded them the prestigous President's Award.
Fast forward to this week, YTB is promoting and encouraging attendance at the Millionaires Mindset Conference on February 21st in Dallas. If you want more details on this conference, you can visit their site, Millionaire Mindset Conference.
On the surface, this appears to be just another scheme organized by fellow Directors Dave and Marlis Funk to grab $10 a piece from unsuspecting RTAs. (Or maybe it is to pay for the fuel in their rolling YTBmobile.) I am not sure of the intent, but one thing is for sure with YTB. If you scratch the surface a little bit, you will always find the dirt.
Well, it seems that Glenn Green has plenty of it. Back in December of 2006, the Houston Press News did an expose on this Millionaire Mindset Conference. Glenn Green does not come into play until the bottom of page 4 when he threatens the reporter several times. One of the threats was to not investigate him. Well, as any good reporter would do, he investigated. And here's what he found:
Except the ten-year sentence for theft in 1990, according to Harris County Court records. Green was released after one year. According to an affidavit by a Texas Department of Public Safety officer, the theft worked like this: Green gave an accomplice an American Express card in Green's ex-wife's name. The accomplice charged multiple purchases of $49.99 at a Chevron station, when "in fact, no merchandise had been bought." The accomplice then gave the cash to Green. During April and May 1990, the charges exceeded $20,000.
At the time Green was popped for that crime, he was on probation for forgery for two earlier charges out of Brazos County, according to Texas Department of Criminal Justice spokeswoman Michelle Lyons. He was sentenced to ten years for those, which he served concurrently with the Harris County sentencing.
Also falling short of the Glenn Green Investigative Worthiness Standard was the ten years deferred adjudication in 1993 for fraudulent transfer of a motor vehicle. According to the investigating officer's notes, part of the case record in Harris County Court, Green bought and sold over a dozen cars, promising to pay off the leases, when he had no authorization from the lenders.
All but one of the 20 associated charges were dropped. He was also ordered to pay $31,233 in restitution
Harris County court records also show that the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo sued Green and his wife, Starla, in 2002. The suit was for nonpayment of $107,000 Glenn and Starla bid on a champion steer and a grand champion barrow pig named Cowboy in the 1999 Rodeo auction.
"I know that the money spent here goes for a great cause," Green is quoted as saying in the Rodeo's press release.
Then Starla chimes in about the 17-year-old Brownfield Future Farmer of America who spent four hours a day after school tending to Cowboy: "[He's] very deserving. We were prepared to do what it took."
Everything, that is, except actually pay what they bid. A Harris County judge ordered the Greens to pay the full amount, plus legal fees.
Rodeo Vice President Leroy Shafer says the Greens never paid the money -- the largest debt of any one entity in the show's history. He says it was the first time in the Rodeo's history that a grand champion was involved in a bad purchase, and the first bad purchase of two champions in one year. (The highest bidder's money goes to whoever shows the animal, any charities the bidder earmarked money for, and the Rodeo's scholarship fund. Shafer says the Rodeo was able to pay the $25,000 promised to Cowboy's exhibitor, as well as the approximately $1,000 Green had earmarked for the Houston Women's Shelter.)
Green now works for a multilevel-marketing travel package company called Your Travel Biz.
Wow, Coach and Kim really take that Yale to Jail thing seriously. Penn State to State Penn. First there was Chris Paraldi, then Phil Piccolo and now this. This man has it all. I mean what more could YTB want in a Director. Someone whom they promote and encourage others to emulate. I wonder if all of the non-profit associations YTB is supposedly managing are aware that one of their directors stiffed a non-profit for over $100,000? Maybe in the interest of being transparent, they will add this to their "Facts" About YTB website!
Just to recap, here is the rap sheet on Glenn Green:
- Theft
- Forgery
- Fraudulent Transfer of Motor Vehicles
- Breach of Contract with a Non-Profit where he failed to pay then $107,000
I think it's great that YTB has hooked up with the career mlm criminals instead of just the petty crooks. I am sure this guy will have some invaluable info for Coach and the crew about how to get out of doing a lot of time. And he probably knows some good attorneys too. Bravo YTB!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure that now that Mr. Green is involved with ytb, headed up by the great Rev. Coach, he has had a "come to Jesus" meeting with the old fart, and regrets any past misdeeds, and would surely never, ever again be involved in any criminal activity.
ReplyDeleteYeah, right. I had a hard time writing that with a straight face!
I just read the Houston Press article in it's entirety. Unbelievable. Do the suppliers read this blog? If they do they need to read that article. It's mind boggling to me that they continue to do business with YTB.
ReplyDeleteDo we really think that YTB is the ONLY organization with persons who have a criminal background?? I mean, really. How many suppliers/vendors/organizations choose NOT to do business with a company because there are persons with a criminal background in it?
ReplyDeleteI just think that's a little unfair. It's not my intent to condone anything that anyone has done criminally OR to justify YTB. But let's be fair. There are probably former criminals working for Princess Cruises, Pleasant Holidays, FunJet Vacations, Disney Cruises and a whole lot of other suppliers/vendors. Is THAT mind-boggling?
Travel--you are most likely correct. However, I would venture to say that most employers do background checks and do not hire those that have such "extensive experience" with the penal system as Glenn Green does.
ReplyDeleteAnd taking it a step further, most companies would not encourage their employees or contractors to attend a "seminar" that was exposed to be a sham, and is surrounded by shady individuals.
But as we know, YTB is not like "most" companies. Apparently they have so little regard for their own brand self image that they feel it is fine.
To me it is a huge red flag.
My mind wouldn't be boggled unless one of those vendors touted their ex-criminal employee as a company savior!
ReplyDeleteI think that's the point - EX-CRIMINAL. If a person has paid their debt to society, when do they get credit for that?? Geezz....any of us could get in a jam one day and be jailed. If it were you and you served your time as demanded, would you want to be accepted back into society?
ReplyDeleteOR NOT????
ReplyDeleteI just thought about that - maybe you wouldn't. Maybe you wouldn't mind if people continued to call you a CRIMINAL instead of recognizing your service to society. You wouldn't mind that a company can associate with you and that company be ridiculed for 'PARADING THE CRIMINALS' and 'TOUTING THEM AS THE COMPANY SAVIOR'.
Sorry to have misjudged you all as humans who care.
Once can be a fluke, but to be involved in criminal activities multiple times..........well, just think about it. Is that the type of person that YOU would want as a role model for your company?
ReplyDeleteWell according to the newspaper article he hasn't paid any of the restitution he owes.
ReplyDeleteHey there are varying degrees of convictions, DUI, killing someone in an accident, all are likely to be forgiven.
But when you make your living scamming people...since 1993---
fraudulently selling cars
credit card fraud
a sentence in jail
and of course taking a bull for $100K and never paying the charity.
That's a pretty impressive resume for 15 years.
People convicted of certain crimes - such as fraud - should not be put in a position where money changes hands. That's just the way it is.
ReplyDeleteDo you think Disney knowingly hires convicted child molesters to work in their parks? But, they have served their time...forgive and forget. You are being a bit of a Pollyanna.
My point is I know there are people who have been involved in criminal activities for years and on multiple occasions. Does that mean that even they cannot turn their lives around? No. It means that people have to be regarded on an individual basis. You can't just think that everyone who's ever done anything wrong cannot change.
ReplyDeleteAnd because he hasn't paid restitution has something to do with available resources. I owe bills right now. Doesn't mean I don't WANT to pay them - I would love to. But the resources are not totally available to me at this time.
I'm finished with this subject. I've made my points and I see you all will always refute what's right, obvious and just makes sense JUST TO MALIGN YTB. Sad.
Travel--pardon me but I do forget the players here in the comments, but if you are in YTB, why on earth are you behind in your bills?
ReplyDeleteYTB is recessionproof. Coach is making 10,000 millionaires as we speak.
And if you are not in YTB...by all means, sign up!
You do know that they have a Bill of Rights that protects your pay and it is guaranteed and registered with the Attorneys General in all 50 US States right?
"I've made my points and I see you all will always refute what's right, obvious and just makes sense JUST TO MALIGN YTB. Sad."
ReplyDeleteWhat you are saying is NOT right, nor obvious and it does NOT make sense to defend YTB on this subject. I suggest you attend this conference and get a millionaires mindset (if not the actual millions) and try and catch up on your debts with the new resources made available to you by scamming someone else. You are not only sad, but pathetic and gullible. Perfect for YTB.
John said...
ReplyDeleteTravel--pardon me but I do forget the players here in the comments, but if you are in YTB, why on earth are you behind in your bills?
I am NOT in YTB. I just believe in being fair to all humankind.
I am not perfect for YTB. I'm a traditional travel agent just like the rest of you. But I do know that I have a child who has had some criminal activity in his past. He has paid his debt to society, been released and working in a very nice job. In fact, he's the CEO of a software company.
ReplyDeleteIf there was no one to judge him individually and to give him a second chance, he would not be a responsible family man today. That's it.
And WHY I'm behind is no one's business but mine. But I've been ill for the past couple of years. That will definitely impact someone who owns their own business. But I do have my son who's been helping.
ReplyDeleteGood day.
Travel-I am sorry for your son. But, these guys knowingly and repetitively keep doing it. Then there is the polygamy, bigamy, incest and scamming of millions and millions of dollars from people who don't have it.
ReplyDeleteAs to your comment about suppliers and criminals. Sure, they may have people with a record but not the extent that YTB does or the continuation of the scamming.
You really don't have to feel sorry for him. It was a learning experience for him. But people who don't know him don't know that. If it were left up to the media, which it made, people would STILL think he's a criminal and that couldn't be farther from the truth. If people read the articles written back then, they would still shun him and that's not right. Instead, I say, get to KNOW the person.
ReplyDeleteOR if you don't want to get to KNOW the person or it's not feasible to get to KNOW the person, refrain from speaking things you don't know about.
ReplyDeleteI don't want to get into any arguments, but obviously this is a touchy subject for me and one close to my heart.
Travels son served his time and learned his lesson. If only it were always that way. It is not and thinking it is so is naive and foolhardy. YTb has a habit of setting the fox among the chickens. To defend them for this practice does boggle my mind.
ReplyDeleteI once had the misfortune to place some investments with a broker who ended up in the slammer for securities fraud. It wasn't my money he played with, and he served his time too. Travel - do you think he would be a safe bet to invest with again?
That's just my point Eddie. I would dare not presume that he wasn't a safe bet to invest with again. I don't know him. If I knew him and knew that he continually does things of this nature and has not learned anything from them, I would say no.
ReplyDeleteBut since I have no clue what he's gone through since that time, it makes me foolhardy to think he CANNOT change? What an indictment that would be on the human race.
And I know it is not always that way - but do we really know which times are and which aren't?? Not unless you KNOW the person.
ReplyDeleteNo one is perfect, and everyone deserves a second chance. But this guy is a career criminal, repeating the same crimes and scams over and over and over again. Wake up already!
ReplyDeleteOh I know him alright and he would love to handle your investments! He doesn't want mine cause he knows I know him.
ReplyDeleteMr Green has been habitually scamming people for 15 years. One time after another. I don't personally know him but I'm not stupid. He's not getting any of my money or trust. You sound like you'd have no problem giving him fiduciary responsibilities, or take an IOU for some bull. Go for it Travel. I have been contacted by some Nigerian wanting to buy tickets from me. I don't 'know' them but I said no anyway.
You are letting the experience with your son color your perceptions of shysters. I'm sorry for you.
OK, that's great. For the record, I'm not stupid and I'm not sleep. I do realize there are people out here who are only out to hurt others. That being said, I'm just as cautious as anyone else.
ReplyDeleteIt's been a great dialogue though! :)
Look many people have done things in their past that they regret. Some have paid their debts to society. But the individual above apparently KEPT DOING IT for 15 years. He is not the only one with a con-man past high up in YTB. THATS THE POINT. That should be a huge red flag to anyone.
ReplyDeleteTravel your judgement is colored by your experiences. Maybe you are not the best person to be posting on this topic. BTW-Did you get counseling after all of this? May not be a bad idea.
ReplyDeleteWhy do I need counseling?? I wasn't the one who was jailed.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't say my judgement or perceptions are colored or jaded, let's just say I can see it from a different perspective.
Again, don't make it seem like I'm a crazy old lady who's off her rocker because her son was incarcerated. I said I do know there are many career criminals out there who have never learned appropriate behavior.
But to say that a particular company has them ALL or should not be used in business is incorrect.
Trust me, I'm not crazy. I've heard a lot about YTB and question much of their actions and motives.
OK, I dug this article up and posted the relevant portions on Yahoo.finance. I found it when I saw the Millionaire Mindset thing (from Advantage Conferences - worse than YTB). It's not the same Millionaire Mindset that was the original subject of the article. That was not $10 but $10,000. But, Glenn Green's past is not his past. He's a serial scammer. What does he have to teach people? How to scam.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure what Glenn has to teach, but do we see that he's only ONE of NINE people/couples who are hosting/teaching this conference??
ReplyDeleteWhat of them is a Master Cruise Counselor and has an excellent reputation in the travel industry. One of the couples is a fantastic Corporate couple with a great reputation in Texas. And others....it's NOT just Glenn Green.
I didn't say anything about the conference, although I think it's a big recruiting ploy. I don't know anything about the other presenters. I'm just (to steal a screen name) Putting It Out There Baby. Thanks PIOTB !
ReplyDeleteWell I'm sure you're right that its a recruiting event. That's what they do.