Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Statue Update

Well, it appears that the Fake Statue of Liberty might have a home...well half of her! From the Post Tribune of Northwest Indiana:
She was touted on eBay recently as the largest replica of the Statue of Liberty ever produced.

And still no one wanted her.

Even before her 15 minutes of fame last fall for a convention in St. Louis, the 132-foot, 50,000-pound foam and plastic statue already had been scorned by environmentalists as "the ultimate waste product."

Since then she's been rejected twice, first, by Lake County as a memorial to soldiers and law enforcement.

Then, Hammond thought it wanted her to stand proudly on Boy Scout Island in Wolf Lake, but a study revealed that she wasn't strong enough to withstand the weather.

Now, the Lady Liberty knock-off -- the faux-leather Gucci bag of Ellis Island -- languishes in a Hammond warehouse.

But Miss Liberty, or at least part of her, may soon find a temporary home as part of one of the annual exhibits at the South Shore Convention and Visitors Authority.

Hammond and authority officials are in "the very early states of discussion" about using the statue's head or torso, and torch for a convention and visitors display.
Hey but if you read the article, if Chicago gets the 2016 Olympics, the FLL might be a tourist draw. Somewhat ironic that YTB's Beijing Olympic stunt failed miserably, and now another of their failures might ultimately be an Olympic draw! Oh the irony!

And for those that missed out on the bidding on eBay (or those that doubted it was "that" statue, please click here for the listing and all the full color photos!

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