Tuesday, October 30, 2007

More Exaggerations and Misinformation

Here is a link to a MLM company's "agent" where he/she is documenting the money saved on the FAM and discounted trips. As a legitimate agent, I can see no reason to document this and put it on the web for all to see. Last time I checked, Walmart does not post their cost from distributors for the public to compare. Perhaps the reason this was posted was to entice someone to "travel like an insider" and to gain all these discounts and FAM trips that the MLM companies claim they never tout? You be the judge.

But a few comments on the presentation itself.

  • The MSY trip (that is New Orleans for the MLM crowd) has incredibly exaggerated pricing on the retail end. This was in AUGUST. This was Post-K. I doubt there was a room selling in town that was more than $150 a night. Certainly not $279 per night. This is New ORLEANS not New YORK! The FAM was done by the CVB. Do you think they are offering space and values like that during their busy times? Come on! And a small note, the WORLD renowned coffee place on Decatur Street is called Cafe Du Monde.....not Cafe du Mundo! And again, this is New Orleans and not New York. The Beignets are $3 and the Cafe au lait is $2 for a total of $5 per person--not the $18.
  • On the PVR trip (Puerto Vallarta for the MLM crowd), the claims are once again exaggerated. First, hotels do NOT pay 60% commission. The "agent" probably earned 10% commission on the $118.98 rate of which 40% went to the parent MLM company. The agent "discount" a whopping $7.13. Again, But what a bargain. I cannot search history, but if I look at rates for THIS November for a single night, I am getting (as a consumer right from their reservation office) $147 a night. Figuring in inflation, it does not seem to be so much of a deal. And if I snoop to one of my preferred vendors that has a contract with the hotel, I am finding the same room for $129 a night. Mind you this is pricing to the consumer and NOT an agent rate. So, are you REALLY saving THAT much?
  • LAS (Las Vegas for the MLM crowd), is a total exaggeration. Most of the packages to Vegas will include a lot of the amenities that are shown to be additional. And I would hope that the retail guest would not get the "guided tour" and the "travel agent education class". And again, if this "agent" knew anything about the destination, they would certainly know that a breakfast for two almost ANYWHERE is going to cost more than $10!
Here is the link to the PDF file:

And I know there will be some comments made to this post about not being able to control the "agents" and if it was approved by the MLM company it woudl have a secret code at the top. But you know what? The consumer does not know that. The consumer goes on what they see. And what they see here is, quite honestly, a crock.

I know you cannot control everyone, but my suggestion to the MLMs out there is to maybe be a little more concerned with vetting out your members. It honestly takes more than $445 and $50 a month to be a travel agent!


  1. What are you? Jealous?? You seem to have an issue with "PRIDE". From what I just read of yours, YOUR information is hearsay - it would be thrown out in a court of law! What do YOU have to back up what you say? The MLM person who put out that FAM trip info has RECEIPTS to back up everything stated...DO YOU??? I happen to know this person - a person of great character and integrity. And your Wal-Mart comparison makes absolutely no sense (they're 2 completely different business concepts)... You're a FOOL!

  2. Welcome to the blog Common Sense...
    No jealousy here for sure. Just a simple blog to point out the issues.

    I have no court cases pending so throwing it out of court is a moot point now isn't it?

    I also have the receipt of a cruise I took with my family on the Freedom of the Seas. And since it was a VACATION , I did not write it off. Just because you possess a receipt, does not mean it is allowed or legal for a deduction--who is the "FOOL" now?

    As to you knowing this person to be a person of great character and integrity, good for you. But I might reconsider my definition. This whole PDF created is completely misleading and according to YTB policy UNAPPROVED! Where is the YTB approval number?

    And just so you understand, I was not saying Malmart and a RTA-Rep business were similar. I was saying that no business goes and posts the discounts and benefits they offer their employees for the world to see.
